# Copyright 2020 toyou Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ acs5000 san for common driver It will be called by iSCSI driver """ import json import math import random from eventlet import greenthread from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import units import paramiko from cinder import coordination from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder import ssh_utils from cinder import utils as cinder_utils from cinder.volume import driver from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san from cinder.volume import volume_utils VOLUME_PREFIX = 'cinder-' LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) acs5000c_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt( 'acs5000_volpool_name', default=['pool01'], help='Comma separated list of storage system storage ' 'pools for volumes.'), cfg.IntOpt( 'acs5000_copy_interval', default=5, min=3, max=100, help='When volume copy task is going on,refresh volume ' 'status interval'), cfg.BoolOpt( 'acs5000_multiattach', default=False, help='Enable to allow volumes attaching to multiple ' 'hosts with no limit.'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(acs5000c_opts) class Command(object): def __init__(self, run_ssh): self._ssh = run_ssh def _run_ssh(self, ssh_cmd): try: return self._ssh(ssh_cmd) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: msg = (_('CLI Exception output:\n command: %(cmd)s\n ' 'stdout: %(out)s\n stderr: %(err)s.') % {'cmd': ssh_cmd, 'out': e.stdout, 'err': e.stderr}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) def run_ssh_info(self, ssh_cmd, key=False): """Run an SSH command and return parsed output.""" ssh_cmd.insert(0, 'cinder') out, err = self._run_ssh(ssh_cmd) if len(err): msg = (_('Execute command %(cmd)s failed, ' 'out: %(out)s, err: %(err)s.') % {'cmd': ' '.join(ssh_cmd), 'out': str(out), 'err': str(err)}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) try: info = json.loads(out) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: msg = (_('Parse response error from CLI command %(cmd)s, ' 'out: %(out)s, err: %(err)s') % {'cmd': ' '.join(ssh_cmd), 'out': str(out), 'err': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) if not isinstance(info, dict): msg = (_('Unexpected format from CLI command %(cmd)s, ' 'result: %(info)s.') % {'cmd': ' '.join(ssh_cmd), 'info': str(info)}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) require = ('key', 'msg', 'arr') require_valid = True for r in require: if r not in info.keys(): require_valid = False break if not require_valid: msg = (_('Unexpected response from CLI command %(cmd)s, ' 'require \'key\' \'msg\' \'arr\'. out: %(info)s.') % {'cmd': ' '.join(ssh_cmd), 'info': str(info)}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) elif int(info['key']) != 0: msg = (_('Unexpected error output from CLI command %(cmd)s, ' 'key: %(key)s, msg: %(msg)s.') % {'cmd': ' '.join(ssh_cmd), 'msg': info['msg'], 'key': info['key']}) LOG.error(msg) if not key: raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) if key: info['key'] = int(info['key']) return info else: return info['arr'] def get_system(self): ssh_cmd = ['get_system'] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd) def ls_iscsi(self): ssh_cmd = ['ls_iscsi'] ports = self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd) up_ports = [] for port in ports: if 'link' in port and port['link'] != 'Down': up_ports.append(up_ports) return up_ports def ls_fc(self): ssh_cmd = ['ls_fc'] ports = self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd) up_ports = [] for port in ports: if 'link' in port and port['link'] == 'Up': up_ports.append(port) return up_ports def get_pool(self, pool): ssh_cmd = ['get_pool', '--pool', pool] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd) def get_volume(self, volume): ssh_cmd = ['get_volume'] if not volume: return [] elif isinstance(volume, str): ssh_cmd.append('--volume') ssh_cmd.append(volume) elif isinstance(volume, list): for vol in volume: ssh_cmd.append('--volume') ssh_cmd.append(vol) result = self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd) if not result: return [] else: return result def ls_controller(self): ssh_cmd = ['ls_controller'] ctrs = self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd) nodes = {} for node_data in ctrs: nodes[node_data['id']] = { 'id': int(node_data['id']), 'name': node_data['name'], 'status': node_data['status'] } return nodes def create_volume(self, name, size, pool_name, type='0'): ssh_cmd = ['create_volume', '--size', size, '--volume', name, '--pool', pool_name, '--type', type] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def delete_volume(self, volume): ssh_cmd = ['delete_volume', '--volume', volume] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd) def extend_volume(self, volume, size): ssh_cmd = ['extend_volume', '--volume', volume, '--size', str(size)] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def create_clone(self, volume_name, clone_name): ssh_cmd = ['create_clone', '--volume', volume_name, '--clone', clone_name] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def start_clone(self, volume_name, snapshot=''): ssh_cmd = ['start_clone', '--volume', volume_name, '--snapshot', snapshot] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def delete_clone(self, volume_name, snapshot=''): ssh_cmd = ['delete_clone', '--volume', volume_name, '--snapshot', snapshot] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def create_lun_map(self, volume_name, protocol, host): """Map volume to host.""" LOG.debug('enter: create_lun_map volume %s.', volume_name) ssh_cmd = ['create_lun_map', '--volume', volume_name, '--protocol', protocol] if isinstance(host, list): for ht in host: ssh_cmd.append('--host') ssh_cmd.append(ht) else: ssh_cmd.append('--host') ssh_cmd.append(str(host)) return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def delete_lun_map(self, volume_name, protocol, host): ssh_cmd = ['delete_lun_map', '--volume', volume_name, '--protocol', protocol] if isinstance(host, list): for ht in host: ssh_cmd.append('--host') ssh_cmd.append(ht) else: ssh_cmd.append('--host') ssh_cmd.append(str(host)) return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def create_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name): ssh_cmd = ['create_snapshot', '--volume', volume_name, '--snapshot', snapshot_name] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def delete_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name): ssh_cmd = ['delete_snapshot', '--volume', volume_name, '--snapshot', snapshot_name] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def rollback_snapshot(self, snapshot_name, volume_name=''): ssh_cmd = ['rollback_snapshot', '--snapshot', snapshot_name, '--volume', volume_name] return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) def set_volume_property(self, name, setting): ssh_cmd = ['set_volume', '--volume', name] for key, value in setting.items(): ssh_cmd.extend(['--' + key, value]) return self.run_ssh_info(ssh_cmd, key=True) class Acs5000CommonDriver(san.SanDriver, driver.MigrateVD, driver.CloneableImageVD): """TOYOU ACS5000 storage abstract common class. .. code-block:: none Version history: 1.0.0 - Initial driver """ VENDOR = 'TOYOU' VERSION = '1.0.0' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Acs5000CommonDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration.append_config_values(acs5000c_opts) self._backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') self.pools = self.configuration.acs5000_volpool_name self._cmd = Command(self._run_ssh) self.protocol = None self._state = {'controller': {}, 'enabled_protocols': set(), 'system_name': None, 'system_id': None, 'code_level': None, 'version': None} @staticmethod def get_driver_options(): additional_opts = driver.BaseVD._get_oslo_driver_opts( 'san_ip', 'san_ssh_port', 'san_login', 'san_password', 'ssh_conn_timeout', 'ssh_min_pool_conn', 'ssh_max_pool_conn') return acs5000c_opts + additional_opts @volume_utils.trace_method def do_setup(self, ctxt): """Check that we have all configuration details from the storage.""" self._validate_pools_exist() self._state.update(self._cmd.get_system()) self._state['controller'] = self._cmd.ls_controller() if self.protocol == 'FC': ports = self._cmd.ls_fc() else: ports = self._cmd.ls_iscsi() if len(ports) > 0: self._state['enabled_protocols'].add(self.protocol) def _validate_pools_exist(self): LOG.debug('_validate_pools_exist. ' 'pools: %s', ' '.join(self.pools)) for pool in self.pools: pool_data = self._cmd.get_pool(pool) if not pool_data: msg = _('Failed getting details for pool %s.') % pool raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) return True @staticmethod def _convert_name(name): if len(name) >= 12: suffix = name[-12:] elif len(name) > 0: suffix = str(name).zfill(12) else: suffix = str(random.randint(0, 999999)).zfill(12) return VOLUME_PREFIX + suffix @staticmethod def _check_multi_attached(volume, connector): # In the case of multi-attach, these VMs belong to the same host. # The mapping action only happens once. # If the only mapping relationship is cancelled, # volume on other VMs cannot be read or written. if not connector or 'uuid' not in connector: return 0 attached_count = 0 uuid = connector['uuid'] for ref in volume.volume_attachment: ref_connector = {} if 'connector' in ref and ref.connector: # ref.connector may be None ref_connector = ref.connector if 'uuid' in ref_connector and uuid == ref_connector['uuid']: attached_count += 1 return attached_count @volume_utils.trace_method def check_for_setup_error(self): """Ensure that the params are set properly.""" if self._state['system_name'] is None: exception_msg = _('Unable to determine system name.') raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exception_msg) if self._state['system_id'] is None: exception_msg = _('Unable to determine system id.') raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exception_msg) if len(self._state['controller']) != 2: msg = _('do_setup: The dual controller status is incorrect.') LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg) if self.protocol not in self._state['enabled_protocols']: raise exception.InvalidInput( reason=(_('The storage device does not support %(prot)s. ' 'Please configure the device to support %(prot)s ' 'or switch to a driver using a different ' 'protocol.') % {'prot': self.protocol})) required = ['san_ip', 'san_ssh_port', 'san_login', 'acs5000_volpool_name'] for param in required: if not self.configuration.safe_get(param): raise exception.InvalidInput( reason=_('%s is not set.') % param) if not self.configuration.san_password: raise exception.InvalidInput( reason='Password is required for authentication') return def _run_ssh(self, cmd_list, check_exit_code=True): cinder_utils.check_ssh_injection(cmd_list) command = ' '.join(cmd_list) if not self.sshpool: try: self.sshpool = self._set_up_sshpool(self.configuration.san_ip) except paramiko.SSHException as e: raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=e) ssh_execute = self._ssh_execute( self.sshpool, command, check_exit_code) return ssh_execute def _set_up_sshpool(self, ip): port = self.configuration.get('san_ssh_port', 22) login = self.configuration.get('san_login') password = self.configuration.get('san_password') timeout = self.configuration.get('ssh_conn_timeout', 30) min_size = self.configuration.get('ssh_min_pool_conn', 1) max_size = self.configuration.get('ssh_max_pool_conn', 5) sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool(ip, port, timeout, login, password=password, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) return sshpool def _ssh_execute( self, sshpool, command, check_exit_code=True): # noinspection PyBroadException try: with sshpool.item() as ssh: try: return processutils.ssh_execute( ssh, command, check_exit_code=check_exit_code) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Error has occurred: %s', e) raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError( exit_code=e.exit_code, stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, cmd=e.cmd) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error('Error running SSH command: %s', command) def create_volume(self, volume): LOG.debug('create_volume, volume %s.', volume['id']) volume_name = self._convert_name(volume.name) pool_name = volume_utils.extract_host(volume['host'], 'pool') ret = self._cmd.create_volume( volume_name, str(volume['size']), pool_name) if ret['key'] == 310: msg = _('Volume: %s with same name ' 'already exists on the system.') % volume_name raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) elif ret['key'] == 102: allow_size = 0 for p in self._stats['pools']: if p['pool_name'] == pool_name: allow_size = p['free_capacity_gb'] break raise exception.VolumeSizeExceedsLimit(size=int(volume['size']), limit=allow_size) elif ret['key'] == 307: raise exception.VolumeLimitExceeded(allowed=96, name=volume_name) elif ret['key'] == 308: raise exception.VolumeLimitExceeded(allowed=4096, name=volume_name) elif ret['key'] != 0: msg = (_('Failed to create_volume %(vol)s on pool %(pool)s, ' 'code=%(ret)s, error=%(msg)s.') % {'vol': volume_name, 'pool': pool_name, 'ret': ret['key'], 'msg': ret['msg']}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return None def delete_volume(self, volume): volume_name = self._convert_name(volume.name) self._cmd.delete_volume(volume_name) def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): volume_name = self._convert_name(snapshot.volume_name) snapshot_name = self._convert_name(snapshot.name) ret = self._cmd.create_snapshot(volume_name, snapshot_name) if ret['key'] == 303: raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume_name) elif ret['key'] == 503: raise exception.SnapshotLimitExceeded(allowed=4096) elif ret['key'] == 504: raise exception.SnapshotLimitExceeded(allowed=64) elif ret['key'] != 0: msg = (_('Failed to create_snapshot %(snap)s on volume %(vol)s ' 'code=%(ret)s, error=%(msg)s.') % {'vol': volume_name, 'snap': snapshot_name, 'ret': ret['key'], 'msg': ret['msg']}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): volume_name = self._convert_name(snapshot.volume_name) snapshot_name = self._convert_name(snapshot.name) ret = self._cmd.delete_snapshot(volume_name, snapshot_name) if ret['key'] == 505: raise exception.SnapshotNotFound(snapshot_id=snapshot['id']) elif ret['key'] != 0: msg = (_('Failed to delete_snapshot %(snap)s on volume %(vol)s ' 'code=%(ret)s, error=%(msg)s.') % {'vol': volume_name, 'snap': snapshot_name, 'ret': ret['key'], 'msg': ret['msg']}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): snapshot_name = self._convert_name(snapshot.name) volume_name = self._convert_name(volume.name) source_volume = self._convert_name(snapshot.volume_name) pool = volume_utils.extract_host(volume['host'], 'pool') self._cmd.create_volume(volume_name, str(volume['size']), pool, '10') self._local_clone_copy(source_volume, volume_name, 'create_volume_from_snapshot', snapshot_name) def snapshot_revert_use_temp_snapshot(self): return False @volume_utils.trace def revert_to_snapshot(self, context, volume, snapshot): volume_name = self._convert_name(volume.name) snapshot_name = self._convert_name(snapshot.name) ret = self._cmd.rollback_snapshot(snapshot_name, volume_name) if ret['key'] == 303: raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume_name) elif ret['key'] == 505: raise exception.SnapshotNotFound(snapshot_id=snapshot_name) elif ret['key'] == 506: msg = (_('Snapshot %s is not the latest one.') % snapshot_name) raise exception.InvalidSnapshot(reason=msg) elif ret['key'] != 0: msg = (_('Failed to revert volume %(vol)s to snapshot %(snap)s, ' 'code=%(ret)s, error=%(msg)s.') % {'vol': volume_name, 'snap': snapshot_name, 'ret': ret['key'], 'msg': ret['msg']}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) def create_cloned_volume(self, tgt_volume, src_volume): clone_name = self._convert_name(tgt_volume.name) volume_name = self._convert_name(src_volume.name) tgt_pool = volume_utils.extract_host(tgt_volume['host'], 'pool') try: self._cmd.create_volume(clone_name, str( tgt_volume['size']), tgt_pool, '10') self._local_clone_copy( volume_name, clone_name, 'create_cloned_volume') except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException: self._cmd.delete_volume(clone_name) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data='create_cloned_volume failed.') def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): volume_name = self._convert_name(volume.name) ret = self._cmd.extend_volume(volume_name, int(new_size)) if ret['key'] == 303: raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume_name) elif ret['key'] == 321: msg = _('Volume capacity shall not be ' 'less than the current size %sG.') % volume['size'] raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) elif ret['key'] == 102: pool_name = volume_utils.extract_host(volume['host'], 'pool') allow_size = 0 for p in self._stats['pools']: if p['pool_name'] == pool_name: allow_size = p['free_capacity_gb'] break raise exception.VolumeSizeExceedsLimit(size=int(new_size), limit=allow_size) elif ret['key'] != 0: msg = (_('Failed to extend_volume %(vol)s to size %(size)s, ' 'code=%(ret)s, error=%(msg)s.') % {'vol': volume_name, 'size': new_size, 'ret': ret['key'], 'msg': ret['msg']}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) def update_migrated_volume(self, ctxt, volume, new_volume, original_volume_status): """Only for host copy.""" existing_name = self._convert_name(new_volume.name) wanted_name = self._convert_name(volume.name) LOG.debug('enter: update_migrated_volume: rename of %(new)s ' 'to original name %(wanted)s.', {'new': existing_name, 'wanted': wanted_name}) is_existed = self._cmd.get_volume(wanted_name) if len(is_existed) == 1: LOG.warning('volume name %(wanted)s is existed, The two volumes ' '%(wanted)s and %(new)s may be on the same system.', {'new': existing_name, 'wanted': wanted_name}) return {'_name_id': new_volume['_name_id'] or new_volume['id']} else: self._cmd.set_volume_property(existing_name, {'new_name': wanted_name}) return {'_name_id': None} def migrate_volume(self, ctxt, volume, host): LOG.debug('enter: migrate_volume id %(id)s, host %(host)s', {'id': volume['id'], 'host': host['host']}) pool = volume_utils.extract_host(volume['host'], 'pool') if 'system_id' not in host['capabilities']: LOG.error('Target host has no system_id') return (False, None) if host['capabilities']['system_id'] != self._state['system_id']: LOG.info('The target host does not belong to the same ' 'storage system as the current volume') return (False, None) if host['capabilities']['pool_name'] == pool: LOG.info('The target host belongs to the same storage system ' 'and pool as the current volume.') return (True, None) LOG.info('The target host belongs to the same storage system ' 'as the current but to a different pool. ' 'The same storage system will clone volume into the new pool') volume_name = self._convert_name(volume.name) tmp_name = VOLUME_PREFIX + 'tmp' tmp_name += str(random.randint(0, 999999)).zfill(8) self._cmd.create_volume(tmp_name, str(volume['size']), host['capabilities']['pool_name'], '10') self._local_clone_copy( volume_name, tmp_name, 'migrate_volume') self._cmd.delete_volume(volume_name) self._cmd.set_volume_property(tmp_name, {'type': '"RAID Volume"', 'new_name': volume_name}) return (True, None) def _manage_get_volume(self, ref, pool_name=None): if 'source-name' in ref: manage_source = ref['source-name'] volumes = self._cmd.get_volume(manage_source) else: reason = _('Reference must contain source-name element ' 'and only support source-name.') raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(existing_ref=ref, reason=reason) if not volumes: reason = (_('No volume by ref %s.') % manage_source) raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(existing_ref=ref, reason=reason) volume = volumes[0] if pool_name and pool_name != volume['poolname']: reason = (_('Volume %(volume)s does not belong to pool name ' '%(pool)s.') % {'volume': manage_source, 'pool': pool_name}) raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(existing_ref=ref, reason=reason) return volume @volume_utils.trace_method def manage_existing(self, volume, ref): """Manages an existing volume.""" volume_name = ref.get('source-name') if not volume_name: reason = _('Reference must contain source-name element ' 'and only support source-name.') raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(existing_ref=ref, reason=reason) new_name = self._convert_name(volume.name) self._cmd.set_volume_property(volume_name, {'type': '2', 'new_name': new_name}) @volume_utils.trace_method def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, ref): """Return size of an existing volume for manage_existing.""" pool_name = volume_utils.extract_host(volume['host'], 'pool') vol_backend = self._manage_get_volume(ref, pool_name) size = int(vol_backend.get('size_mb', 0)) size_gb = int(math.ceil(size / 1024)) if (size_gb * 1024) > size: LOG.warning('Volume %(vol)s capacity is %(mb)s MB, ' 'extend to %(gb)s GB.', {'vol': ref['source-name'], 'mb': size, 'gb': size_gb}) self._cmd.extend_volume(ref['source-name'], size_gb) return size_gb def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """Get volume stats. If we haven't gotten stats yet or 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first. """ if not self._stats or refresh: self._update_volume_stats() return self._stats def _update_volume_stats(self): """Retrieve stats info from volume group.""" LOG.debug('Updating volume stats, ' 'pools: \'%(host)s#%(pool)s\'.', {'host': self.host, 'pool': ','.join(self.pools)}) data = {} data['vendor_name'] = self.VENDOR data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION data['storage_protocol'] = self.protocol backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') data['volume_backend_name'] = (backend_name or self._state['system_name']) data['pools'] = [self._build_pool_stats(pool) for pool in self.pools] self._stats = data def _build_pool_stats(self, pool): """Build pool status""" pool_stats = {} try: pool_data = self._cmd.get_pool(pool) if pool_data: total_capacity_gb = float( pool_data['capacity']) / units.Gi free_capacity_gb = float( pool_data['free_capacity']) / units.Gi allocated_capacity_gb = float( pool_data['used_capacity']) / units.Gi total_volumes = None if 'total_volumes' in pool_data.keys(): total_volumes = int(pool_data['total_volumes']) thin_provisioning = False if 'thin' in pool_data and pool_data['thin'] == 'Enabled': thin_provisioning = True pool_stats = { 'pool_name': pool_data['name'], 'total_capacity_gb': total_capacity_gb, 'free_capacity_gb': free_capacity_gb, 'allocated_capacity_gb': allocated_capacity_gb, 'compression_support': True, 'reserved_percentage': self.configuration.reserved_percentage, 'QoS_support': False, 'consistencygroup_support': False, 'multiattach': self.configuration.acs5000_multiattach, 'thin_provisioning_support': thin_provisioning, 'total_volumes': total_volumes, 'system_id': self._state['system_id']} else: msg = _('Backend storage pool "%s" not found.') % pool LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException: msg = _('Failed getting details for pool %s.') % pool raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return pool_stats def _local_clone_copy(self, volume, clone, action=None, snapshot=''): LOG.debug('enter: copy volume %(vol)s to %(clone)s by %(action)s.', {'vol': volume, 'clone': clone, 'action': action}) if self._wait_volume_copy(volume, clone, action, 'wait'): LOG.info('start copy task.') ret = self._cmd.create_clone(volume, clone) if ret['key'] != 0: self._cmd.delete_volume(clone) if ret['key'] == 306: raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data='The source volume must not be larger ' 'than the target volume in a clone relation. ') elif ret['key'] == 0: ret = self._cmd.start_clone(volume, snapshot) if ret['key'] == 505: raise exception.SnapshotNotFound(snapshot_id=snapshot) else: LOG.error('%(action)s failed.', {'action': action}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data='clone failed!') if self._wait_volume_copy(volume, clone, action, 'copy'): self._cmd.delete_clone(volume, snapshot) LOG.info('%s successfully.', action) else: LOG.error('%(action)s failed.', {'action': action}) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data='clone failed!') LOG.debug('leave: copy volume %(vol)s to %(clone)s by %(action)s. ', {'vol': volume, 'clone': clone, 'action': action}) @coordination.synchronized('acs5000-copy-{volume}-task') def _wait_volume_copy(self, volume, clone, function=None, action=None): LOG.debug('_wait_volume_copy, volume %s.', volume) if volume is None or clone is None: LOG.error('volume parameter error.') return False ret = False while_exit = False rescan = 0 interval = self.configuration.acs5000_copy_interval wait_status = ( 'Initiating', 'Rebuilding', 'Erasing', 'Delayed rebuilding') # All status # {"Offline", "Online", "Initiating", # ###"Rebuilding", "Migrating", "Parity chking", # ###"Cloning", "Rolling back", "Parity chking", # ###"Replicating", "Erasing", "Moving", "Replacing", # "Reclaiming", "Delayed rebuilding", "Relocation", "N/A"}; # All health # {"Optimal", "Degraded", "Deleted", "Missing", "Failed", # "Partially optimal", "N/A"} while True: rescan += 1 volume_info = self._cmd.get_volume([volume, clone]) if len(volume_info) == 2: for vol in volume_info: if vol['type'] == 'BACKUP': if vol['health'] == 'Optimal' and ( vol['status'] in wait_status): LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times, clone %(clone)s ' 'need wait,status is %(status)s, ' 'health is %(health)s, ' 'process is %(process)s%%. ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'clone': vol['name'], 'status': vol['status'], 'health': vol['health'], 'process': vol['r']}) elif vol['status'] == 'Cloning': LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times,volume %(volume)s ' 'copy process %(process)s%%. ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'volume': vol['name'], 'process': vol['r']}) elif vol['status'] == 'Queued': LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times, ' 'volume %(volume)s is in the queue. ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'volume': vol['name']}) elif (vol['type'] == 'RAID Volume' and vol['status'] == 'Online'): ret = True while_exit = True LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times,volume %(volume)s ' 'copy task completed,status is Online. ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'volume': vol['name']}) elif (vol['health'] == 'Optimal' and (vol['status'] in wait_status)): LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times,volume %(volume)s ' 'need wait, ' 'status is %(status)s,health is %(health)s, ' 'process is %(process)s%%. ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'volume': vol['name'], 'status': vol['status'], 'health': vol['health'], 'process': vol['r']}) else: LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times,volume %(volume)s ' 'is not normal, ' 'status %(status)s,health is %(health)s. ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'volume': vol['name'], 'status': vol['status'], 'health': vol['health']}) while_exit = True break elif len(volume_info) == 1: while_exit = True if volume_info[0]['name'] == volume: LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times,clone %(clone)s ' 'does not exist! ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'clone': clone}) else: LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times,volume %(volume)s ' 'does not exist! ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'volume': volume}) else: while_exit = True LOG.info('%(function)s %(action)s task: ' 'rescan %(scan)s times,volume %(volume)s ' 'clone %(clone)s does not exist! ', {'function': function, 'action': action, 'scan': rescan, 'volume': volume, 'clone': clone}) if while_exit: break greenthread.sleep(interval) return ret