REST API Version History ======================== This documents the changes made to the REST API with every microversion change. The description for each version should be a verbose one which has enough information to be suitable for use in user documentation. 3.0 (Maximum in Mitaka) ----------------------- The 3.0 Cinder API includes all v2 core APIs existing prior to the introduction of microversions. The /v3 URL is used to call 3.0 APIs. This is the initial version of the Cinder API which supports microversions. A user can specify a header in the API request:: OpenStack-API-Version: volume where ```` is any valid api version for this API. If no version is specified then the API will behave as if version 3.0 was requested. The only API change in version 3.0 is versions, i.e. GET http://localhost:8786/, which now returns information about 3.0 and later versions and their respective /v3 endpoints. All other 3.0 APIs are functionally identical to version 2.0. 3.1 --- Added the parameters ``protected`` and ``visibility`` to _volume_upload_image requests. 3.2 --- Change in return value of 'GET API request' for fetching cinder volume list on the basis of 'bootable' status of volume as filter. Before V3.2, 'GET API request' to fetch volume list returns non-bootable volumes if bootable filter value is any of the false or False. For any other value provided to this filter, it always returns bootable volume list. But in V3.2, this behavior is updated. In V3.2, bootable volume list will be returned for any of the 'T/True/1/true' bootable filter values only. Non-bootable volume list will be returned for any of 'F/False/0/false' bootable filter values. But for any other values passed for bootable filter, it will return "Invalid input received: bootable={filter value}' error. 3.3 --- Added /messages API. 3.4 --- Added the filter parameters ``glance_metadata`` to list/detail volumes requests. 3.5 --- Added pagination support to /messages API 3.6 --- Allowed to set empty description and empty name for consistency group in consisgroup-update operation. 3.7 --- Added ``cluster_name`` field to service list/detail. Added /clusters endpoint to list/show/update clusters. Show endpoint requires the cluster name and optionally the binary as a URL parameter (default is "cinder-volume"). Returns: .. code-block:: json { "cluster": { "created_at": "", "disabled_reason": null, "last_heartbeat": "", "name": "cluster_name", "num_down_hosts": 4, "num_hosts": 2, "state": "up", "status": "enabled", "updated_at": "" } } Update endpoint allows enabling and disabling a cluster in a similar way to service's update endpoint, but in the body we must specify the name and optionally the binary ("cinder-volume" is the default) and the disabled reason. Returns: .. code-block:: json { "cluster": { "name": "cluster_name", "state": "up", "status": "enabled", "disabled_reason": null } } Index and detail accept filtering by `name`, `binary`, `disabled`, `num_hosts` , `num_down_hosts`, and up/down status (`is_up`) as URL parameters. Index endpoint returns: .. code-block:: json { "clusters": [ { "name": "cluster_name", "state": "up", "status": "enabled" } ] } Detail endpoint returns: .. code-block:: json { "clusters": [ { "created_at": "", "disabled_reason": null, "last_heartbeat": "", "name": "cluster_name", "num_down_hosts": 4, "num_hosts": 2, "state": "up", "status": "enabled", "updated_at": "" } ] } 3.8 --- Adds the following resources that were previously in extensions: - os-volume-manage => /v3//manageable_volumes - os-snapshot-manage => /v3//manageable_snapshots 3.9 --- Added backup update interface to change name and description. Returns: .. code-block:: json { "backup": { "id": "backup_id", "name": "backup_name", "links": "backup_link" } } 3.10 ---- Added the filter parameters ``group_id`` to list/detail volumes requests. 3.11 ---- Added group types and group specs APIs. 3.12 ---- Added volumes/summary API. 3.13 ---- Added create/delete/update/list/show APIs for generic volume groups. 3.14 ---- Added group snapshots and create group from src APIs. 3.15 (Maximum in Newton) ------------------------ Added injecting the response's `Etag` header to avoid the lost update problem with volume metadata. 3.16 ---- os-migrate_volume now accepts ``cluster`` parameter when we want to migrate a volume to a cluster. If we pass the ``host`` parameter for a volume that is in a cluster, the request will be sent to the cluster as if we had requested that specific cluster. Only ``host`` or ``cluster`` can be provided. Creating a managed volume also supports the cluster parameter. 3.17 ---- os-snapshot-manage and os-volume-manage now support ``cluster`` parameter on listings (summary and detailed). Both location parameters, ``cluster`` and ``host`` are exclusive and only one should be provided. 3.18 ---- Added backup project attribute. 3.19 ---- Added reset status actions 'reset_status' to group snapshot. 3.20 ---- Added reset status actions 'reset_status' to generic volume group. 3.21 ---- Show provider_id in detailed view of a volume for admin. 3.22 ---- Added support to filter snapshot list based on metadata of snapshot. 3.23 ---- Allow passing force parameter to volume delete. 3.24 ---- New API endpoint /workers/cleanup allows triggering cleanup for cinder-volume services. Meant for cleaning ongoing operations from failed nodes. The cleanup will be performed by other services belonging to the same cluster, so at least one of them must be up to be able to do the cleanup. Cleanup cannot be triggered during a cloud upgrade. If no arguments are provided cleanup will try to issue a clean message for all nodes that are down, but we can restrict which nodes we want to be cleaned using parameters ``service_id``, ``cluster_name``, ``host``, ``binary``, and ``disabled``. Cleaning specific resources is also possible using ``resource_type`` and ``resource_id`` parameters. We can even force cleanup on nodes that are up with ``is_up``, but that's not recommended and should only used if you know what you are doing. For example if you know a specific cinder-volume is down even though it's still not being reported as down when listing the services and you know the cluster has at least another service to do the cleanup. API will return a dictionary with 2 lists, one with services that have been issued a cleanup request (``cleaning`` key) and the other with services that cannot be cleaned right now because there is no alternative service to do the cleanup in that cluster (``unavailable`` key). Data returned for each service element in these two lists consist of the ``id``, ``host``, ``binary``, and ``cluster_name``. These are not the services that will be performing the cleanup, but the services that will be cleaned up or couldn't be cleaned up. 3.25 ---- Add ``volumes`` field to group list/detail and group show. 3.26 ---- - New ``failover`` action equivalent to ``failover_host``, but accepting ``cluster`` parameter as well as the ``host`` cluster that ``failover_host`` accepts. - ``freeze`` and ``thaw`` actions accept ``cluster`` parameter. - Cluster listing accepts ``replication_status``, ``frozen`` and ``active_backend_id`` as filters, and returns additional fields for each cluster: ``replication_status``, ``frozen``, ``active_backend_id``. 3.27 (Maximum in Ocata) ----------------------- Added new attachment APIs. See the `API reference `__ for details. 3.28 ---- Add filters support to get_pools 3.29 ---- Add filter, sorter and pagination support in group snapshot. 3.30 ---- Support sort snapshots with "name". 3.31 ---- Add support for configure resource query filters. 3.32 ---- Added ``set-log`` and ``get-log`` service actions. 3.33 ---- Add ``resource_filters`` API to retrieve configured resource filters. 3.34 ---- Add like filter support in ``volume``, ``backup``, ``snapshot``, ``message``, ``attachment``, ``group`` and ``group-snapshot`` list APIs. 3.35 ---- Add ``volume-type`` filter to Get-Pools API. 3.36 ---- Add metadata to volumes/summary response body. 3.37 ---- Support sort backup by "name". 3.38 ---- Added enable_replication/disable_replication/failover_replication/ list_replication_targets for replication groups (Tiramisu). 3.39 ---- Add ``project_id`` admin filters support to limits. 3.40 ---- Add volume revert to its latest snapshot support. 3.41 ---- Add ``user_id`` field to snapshot list/detail and snapshot show. 3.42 ---- Add ability to extend 'in-use' volume. User should be aware of the whole environment before using this feature because it's dependent on several external factors below: 1. nova-compute version - needs to be the latest for Pike. 2. only the libvirt compute driver supports this currently. 3. only iscsi and fibre channel volume types are supported on the nova side currently. Administrator can disable this ability by updating the ``volume:extend_attached_volume`` policy rule. Extend of a reserved Volume is NOT allowed. 3.43 (Maximum in Pike) ---------------------- Support backup CRUD with metadata. 3.44 ---- Support attachment completion. See the `API reference `__ for details. 3.45 ---- Add ``count`` field to volume, backup and snapshot list and detail APIs. 3.46 ---- Support create volume by Nova specific image (0 size image). 3.47 ---- Support create volume from backup. 3.48 ---- Add ``shared_targets`` and ``service_uuid`` fields to volume. 3.49 ---- Support report backend storage state in service list. 3.50 (Maximum in Queens) ------------------------ Services supporting this microversion are capable of volume multiattach. This version does not need to be requested when creating the volume, but can be used as a way to query if the capability exists in the Cinder service. 3.51 ---- Add support for cross AZ backups. 3.52 ---- ``RESKEY:availability_zones`` is a reserved spec key for AZ volume type, and filter volume type by ``extra_specs`` is supported now. 3.53 ---- Schema validation support has been added using jsonschema for V2/V3 volume APIs. - Create volume API Before 3.53, create volume API used to accept any invalid parameters in the request body like the ones below were passed by python-cinderclient. 1. user_id 2. project_id 3. status 4. attach_status But in 3.53, this behavior is updated. If user passes any invalid parameters to the API which are not documented in api-ref, then it will raise badRequest error. - Update volume API Before 3.53, even if user doesn't pass any valid parameters in the request body, the volume was updated. But in 3.53, user will need to pass at least one valid parameter in the request body otherwise it will return 400 error. 3.54 ---- Add ``mode`` argument to attachment-create. 3.55 (Maximum in Rocky) ----------------------- Support ability to transfer snapshots along with their parent volume. 3.56 ---- Add ``user_id`` attribute to response body of list backup with detail and show backup detail APIs. 3.57 ---- Expanded volume transfer record details by adding ``source_project_id``, ``destination_project_id`` and ``accepted`` fields to ``transfer`` table and related api (create/show/list detail transfer APIs) responses. 3.58 ---- Add ``project_id`` attribute to response body of list groups with detail, list group snapshots with detail, show group detail and show group snapshot detail APIs. 3.59 (Maximum in Stein and Train) --------------------------------- Support volume transfer pagination. 3.60 (Maximum in Ussuri) ------------------------ Users may apply time comparison filters to the volume summary list and volume detail list requests by using the ``created_at`` or ``updated_at`` fields. Time must be expressed in ISO 8601 format. 3.61 ---- Add ``cluster_name`` attribute to response body of volume details for admin in Active/Active HA mode. 3.62 (Maximum in Victoria) -------------------------- Add support for set, get, and unset a default volume type for a specific project. Setting this default overrides the configured default_volume_type value.