# Copyright (c) 2015 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import errno import json import os import re from os_brick.remotefs import remotefs from oslo_concurrency import processutils as putils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import imageutils from oslo_utils import units from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder.image import image_utils from cinder import interface from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import configuration from cinder.volume.drivers import remotefs as remotefs_drv from cinder.volume import volume_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) vzstorage_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('vzstorage_shares_config', default='/etc/cinder/vzstorage_shares', help='File with the list of available vzstorage shares.'), cfg.BoolOpt('vzstorage_sparsed_volumes', default=True, help=('Create volumes as sparsed files which take no space ' 'rather than regular files when using raw format, ' 'in which case volume creation takes lot of time.')), cfg.FloatOpt('vzstorage_used_ratio', default=0.95, help=('Percent of ACTUAL usage of the underlying volume ' 'before no new volumes can be allocated to the volume ' 'destination.')), cfg.StrOpt('vzstorage_mount_point_base', default='$state_path/mnt', help=('Base dir containing mount points for ' 'vzstorage shares.')), cfg.ListOpt('vzstorage_mount_options', help=('Mount options passed to the vzstorage client. ' 'See section of the pstorage-mount man page ' 'for details.')), cfg.StrOpt('vzstorage_default_volume_format', default='raw', help=('Default format that will be used when creating volumes ' 'if no volume format is specified.')), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(vzstorage_opts, group=configuration.SHARED_CONF_GROUP) PLOOP_BASE_DELTA_NAME = 'root.hds' DISK_FORMAT_RAW = 'raw' DISK_FORMAT_QCOW2 = 'qcow2' DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP = 'ploop' class VzStorageException(exception.RemoteFSException): message = _("Unknown Virtuozzo Storage exception") class VzStorageNoSharesMounted(exception.RemoteFSNoSharesMounted): message = _("No mounted Virtuozzo Storage shares found") class VzStorageNoSuitableShareFound(exception.RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound): message = _("There is no share which can host %(volume_size)sG") class PloopDevice(object): """Setup a ploop device for ploop image This class is for mounting ploop devices using with statement: with PloopDevice('/vzt/private/my-ct/harddisk.hdd') as dev_path: # do something :param path: A path to ploop harddisk dir :param snapshot_id: Snapshot id to mount :param execute: execute helper """ def __init__(self, path, snapshot_id=None, read_only=True, execute=putils.execute): self.path = path self.snapshot_id = snapshot_id self.read_only = read_only self.execute = execute def __enter__(self): self.dd_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'DiskDescriptor.xml') cmd = ['ploop', 'mount', self.dd_path] if self.snapshot_id: cmd.append('-u') cmd.append(self.snapshot_id) if self.read_only: cmd.append('-r') out, err = self.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True) m = re.search(r'dev=(\S+)', out) if not m: raise Exception('Invalid output from ploop mount: %s' % out) self.ploop_dev = m.group(1) return self.ploop_dev def _umount(self): self.execute('ploop', 'umount', self.dd_path, run_as_root=True) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._umount() @interface.volumedriver class VZStorageDriver(remotefs_drv.RemoteFSSnapDriver): """Cinder driver for Virtuozzo Storage. Creates volumes as files on the mounted vzstorage cluster. .. code-block:: none Version history: 1.0 - Initial driver. 1.1 - Supports vz:volume_format in vendor properties. """ VERSION = '1.1' CI_WIKI_NAME = "Virtuozzo_Storage_CI" # TODO(jsbryant) Remove driver in the 'U' release if CI is not fixed. SUPPORTED = False SHARE_FORMAT_REGEX = r'(?:(\S+):\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(?::(\S+))?' def __init__(self, execute=putils.execute, *args, **kwargs): self.driver_volume_type = 'vzstorage' self.driver_prefix = 'vzstorage' self.volume_backend_name = 'Virtuozzo_Storage' self._remotefsclient = None super(VZStorageDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration.append_config_values(vzstorage_opts) self._execute_as_root = False root_helper = utils.get_root_helper() # base bound to instance is used in RemoteFsConnector. self.base = self.configuration.vzstorage_mount_point_base opts = self.configuration.vzstorage_mount_options self._remotefsclient = remotefs.VZStorageRemoteFSClient( 'vzstorage', root_helper, execute=execute, vzstorage_mount_point_base=self.base, vzstorage_mount_options=opts) @staticmethod def get_driver_options(): return vzstorage_opts def _update_volume_stats(self): super(VZStorageDriver, self)._update_volume_stats() self._stats['vendor_name'] = 'Virtuozzo' def _init_vendor_properties(self): namespace = 'vz' properties = {} self._set_property( properties, "%s:volume_format" % namespace, "Volume format", _("Specifies volume format."), "string", enum=["qcow2", "ploop", "raw"], default=self.configuration.vzstorage_default_volume_format) return properties, namespace def _qemu_img_info(self, path, volume_name): qemu_img_cache = path + ".qemu_img_info" is_cache_outdated = True if os.path.isdir(path): # Ploop disks stored along with metadata xml as directories # qemu-img should explore base data file inside path = os.path.join(path, PLOOP_BASE_DELTA_NAME) if os.path.isfile(qemu_img_cache): info_tm = os.stat(qemu_img_cache).st_mtime snap_tm = os.stat(path).st_mtime if info_tm >= snap_tm: is_cache_outdated = False if is_cache_outdated: LOG.debug("Cached qemu-img info %s not present or outdated," " refresh", qemu_img_cache) ret = super(VZStorageDriver, self)._qemu_img_info_base( path, volume_name, self.configuration.vzstorage_mount_point_base) # We need only backing_file and file_format d = {'file_format': ret.file_format, 'backing_file': ret.backing_file} with open(qemu_img_cache, "w") as f: json.dump(d, f) else: ret = imageutils.QemuImgInfo() with open(qemu_img_cache, "r") as f: cached_data = json.load(f) ret.file_format = cached_data['file_format'] ret.backing_file = cached_data['backing_file'] return ret @remotefs_drv.locked_volume_id_operation def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): """Allow connection to connector and return connection info. :param volume: volume reference :param connector: connector reference """ # Find active image active_file = self.get_active_image_from_info(volume) data = {'export': volume.provider_location, 'format': self.get_volume_format(volume), 'name': active_file, } return { 'driver_volume_type': self.driver_volume_type, 'data': data, 'mount_point_base': self._get_mount_point_base(), } def do_setup(self, context): """Any initialization the volume driver does while starting.""" super(VZStorageDriver, self).do_setup(context) config = self.configuration.vzstorage_shares_config if not os.path.exists(config): msg = (_("VzStorage config file at %(config)s doesn't exist.") % {'config': config}) LOG.error(msg) raise VzStorageException(msg) if not os.path.isabs(self.base): msg = _("Invalid mount point base: %s.") % self.base LOG.error(msg) raise VzStorageException(msg) used_ratio = self.configuration.vzstorage_used_ratio if not ((used_ratio > 0) and (used_ratio <= 1)): msg = _("VzStorage config 'vzstorage_used_ratio' invalid. " "Must be > 0 and <= 1.0: %s.") % used_ratio LOG.error(msg) raise VzStorageException(msg) self.shares = {} # Check if mount.fuse.pstorage is installed on this system; # note that we don't need to be root to see if the package # is installed. package = 'mount.fuse.pstorage' try: self._execute(package, check_exit_code=False, run_as_root=False) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT: msg = _('%s is not installed.') % package raise VzStorageException(msg) else: raise self.configuration.nas_secure_file_operations = 'true' self.configuration.nas_secure_file_permissions = 'true' def _ensure_share_mounted(self, share): m = re.search(self.SHARE_FORMAT_REGEX, share) if not m: msg = (_("Invalid Virtuozzo Storage share specification: %r. " "Must be: [MDS1[,MDS2],...:/][:PASSWORD].") % share) raise VzStorageException(msg) cluster_name = m.group(2) if share in self.shares: mnt_flags = json.loads(self.shares[share]) else: mnt_flags = [] if '-l' not in mnt_flags: # If logging path is not specified in shares config # set up logging to non-default path, so that it will # be possible to mount the same cluster to another mount # point by hand with default options. mnt_flags.extend([ '-l', '/var/log/vstorage/%s/cinder.log.gz' % cluster_name]) self._remotefsclient.mount(share, mnt_flags) def _find_share(self, volume): """Choose VzStorage share among available ones for given volume size. For instances with more than one share that meets the criteria, the first suitable share will be selected. :param volume: the volume to be created. """ if not self._mounted_shares: raise VzStorageNoSharesMounted() for share in self._mounted_shares: if self._is_share_eligible(share, volume.size): break else: raise VzStorageNoSuitableShareFound( volume_size=volume.size) LOG.debug('Selected %s as target VzStorage share.', share) return share def _is_share_eligible(self, vz_share, volume_size_in_gib): """Verifies VzStorage share is eligible to host volume with given size. :param vz_share: vzstorage share :param volume_size_in_gib: int size in GB """ used_ratio = self.configuration.vzstorage_used_ratio volume_size = volume_size_in_gib * units.Gi total_size, available, allocated = self._get_capacity_info(vz_share) if (allocated + volume_size) // total_size > used_ratio: LOG.debug('_is_share_eligible: %s is above ' 'vzstorage_used_ratio.', vz_share) return False return True def choose_volume_format(self, volume): volume_format = None volume_type = volume.volume_type # Retrieve volume format from volume metadata if 'volume_format' in volume.metadata: volume_format = volume.metadata['volume_format'] # If volume format wasn't found in metadata, use # volume type extra specs if not volume_format and volume_type: extra_specs = volume_type.extra_specs or {} if 'vz:volume_format' in extra_specs: volume_format = extra_specs['vz:volume_format'] # If volume format is still undefined, return default # volume format from backend configuration return (volume_format or self.configuration.vzstorage_default_volume_format) def get_volume_format(self, volume): active_file = self.get_active_image_from_info(volume) active_file_path = os.path.join(self._local_volume_dir(volume), active_file) img_info = self._qemu_img_info(active_file_path, volume.name) return image_utils.from_qemu_img_disk_format(img_info.file_format) def _create_ploop(self, volume_path, volume_size): os.mkdir(volume_path) try: self._execute('ploop', 'init', '-s', '%sG' % volume_size, os.path.join(volume_path, PLOOP_BASE_DELTA_NAME), run_as_root=True) except putils.ProcessExecutionError: os.rmdir(volume_path) raise def _do_create_volume(self, volume): """Create a volume on given vzstorage share. :param volume: volume reference """ volume_format = self.choose_volume_format(volume) volume_path = self.local_path(volume) volume_size = volume.size LOG.debug("Creating new volume at %s.", volume_path) if os.path.exists(volume_path): msg = _('File already exists at %s.') % volume_path LOG.error(msg) raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg) if volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: self._create_ploop(volume_path, volume_size) elif volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_QCOW2: self._create_qcow2_file(volume_path, volume_size) elif self.configuration.vzstorage_sparsed_volumes: self._create_sparsed_file(volume_path, volume_size) else: self._create_regular_file(volume_path, volume_size) info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(volume) snap_info = {'active': os.path.basename(volume_path)} self._write_info_file(info_path, snap_info) # Query qemu-img info to cache the output self._qemu_img_info(volume_path, volume.name) def _delete(self, path): self._execute('rm', '-rf', path, run_as_root=True) @remotefs_drv.locked_volume_id_operation def extend_volume(self, volume, size_gb): LOG.info('Extending volume %s.', volume.id) volume_format = self.get_volume_format(volume) self._extend_volume(volume, size_gb, volume_format) def _extend_volume(self, volume, size_gb, volume_format): self._check_extend_volume_support(volume, size_gb) LOG.info('Resizing file to %sG...', size_gb) active_path = os.path.join( self._get_mount_point_for_share(volume.provider_location), self.get_active_image_from_info(volume)) self._do_extend_volume(active_path, size_gb, volume_format) def _do_extend_volume(self, volume_path, size_gb, volume_format): if volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: self._execute('ploop', 'resize', '-s', '%dG' % size_gb, os.path.join(volume_path, 'DiskDescriptor.xml'), run_as_root=True) else: image_utils.resize_image(volume_path, size_gb) if not self._is_file_size_equal(volume_path, size_gb): raise exception.ExtendVolumeError( reason='Resizing image file failed.') def _check_extend_volume_support(self, volume, size_gb): extend_by = int(size_gb) - volume.size if not self._is_share_eligible(volume.provider_location, extend_by): raise exception.ExtendVolumeError(reason='Insufficient space to ' 'extend volume %s to %sG.' % (volume.id, size_gb)) def _is_file_size_equal(self, path, size): """Checks if file size at path is equal to size.""" data = image_utils.qemu_img_info(path) virt_size = data.virtual_size / units.Gi return virt_size == size def _recreate_ploop_desc(self, image_dir, image_file): self._delete(os.path.join(image_dir, 'DiskDescriptor.xml')) self._execute('ploop', 'restore-descriptor', image_dir, image_file) def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id): """Fetch the image from image_service and write it to the volume.""" volume_format = self.get_volume_format(volume) qemu_volume_format = image_utils.fixup_disk_format(volume_format) image_path = self.local_path(volume) if volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: image_path = os.path.join(image_path, PLOOP_BASE_DELTA_NAME) image_utils.fetch_to_volume_format( context, image_service, image_id, image_path, qemu_volume_format, self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize) if volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: self._recreate_ploop_desc(self.local_path(volume), image_path) self._do_extend_volume(self.local_path(volume), volume.size, volume_format) # Query qemu-img info to cache the output self._qemu_img_info(self.local_path(volume), volume.name) def _copy_volume_from_snapshot(self, snapshot, volume, volume_size): """Copy data from snapshot to destination volume. This is done with a qemu-img convert to raw/qcow2 from the snapshot qcow2. """ info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(snapshot.volume) snap_info = self._read_info_file(info_path) vol_dir = self._local_volume_dir(snapshot.volume) out_format = self.choose_volume_format(volume) qemu_out_format = image_utils.fixup_disk_format(out_format) volume_format = self.get_volume_format(snapshot.volume) volume_path = self.local_path(volume) if volume_format in (DISK_FORMAT_QCOW2, DISK_FORMAT_RAW): forward_file = snap_info[snapshot.id] forward_path = os.path.join(vol_dir, forward_file) # Find the file which backs this file, which represents the point # when this snapshot was created. img_info = self._qemu_img_info(forward_path, snapshot.volume.name) path_to_snap_img = os.path.join(vol_dir, img_info.backing_file) LOG.debug("_copy_volume_from_snapshot: will copy " "from snapshot at %s.", path_to_snap_img) image_utils.convert_image(path_to_snap_img, volume_path, qemu_out_format) elif volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: with PloopDevice(self.local_path(snapshot.volume), snapshot.id, execute=self._execute) as dev: base_file = os.path.join(volume_path, 'root.hds') image_utils.convert_image(dev, base_file, qemu_out_format) else: msg = _("Unsupported volume format %s") % volume_format raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg) self._extend_volume(volume, volume_size, out_format) # Query qemu-img info to cache the output img_info = self._qemu_img_info(volume_path, volume.name) @remotefs_drv.locked_volume_id_operation def delete_volume(self, volume): """Deletes a logical volume.""" if not volume.provider_location: msg = (_('Volume %s does not have provider_location ' 'specified, skipping.') % volume.name) LOG.error(msg) return self._ensure_share_mounted(volume.provider_location) volume_dir = self._local_volume_dir(volume) mounted_path = os.path.join(volume_dir, self.get_active_image_from_info(volume)) if os.path.exists(mounted_path): self._delete(mounted_path) self._delete(mounted_path + ".qemu_img_info") else: LOG.info("Skipping deletion of volume %s " "as it does not exist.", mounted_path) info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(volume) self._delete(info_path) def _get_desc_path(self, volume): return os.path.join(self.local_path(volume), 'DiskDescriptor.xml') def _create_snapshot_ploop(self, snapshot): status = snapshot.volume.status if status != 'available': msg = (_('Volume status must be available for ' 'snapshot %(id)s. (is %(status)s)') % {'id': snapshot.id, 'status': status}) raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg) info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(snapshot.volume) snap_info = self._read_info_file(info_path) self._execute('ploop', 'snapshot', '-u', '{%s}' % snapshot.id, self._get_desc_path(snapshot.volume), run_as_root=True) snap_file = os.path.join('volume-%s' % snapshot.volume.id, snapshot.id) snap_info[snapshot.id] = snap_file self._write_info_file(info_path, snap_info) def _delete_snapshot_ploop(self, snapshot): status = snapshot.volume.status if status != 'available': msg = (_('Volume status must be available for ' 'snapshot %(id)s. (is %(status)s)') % {'id': snapshot.id, 'status': status}) raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg) info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(snapshot.volume) snap_info = self._read_info_file(info_path) self._execute('ploop', 'snapshot-delete', '-u', '{%s}' % snapshot.id, self._get_desc_path(snapshot.volume), run_as_root=True) snap_info.pop(snapshot.id, None) self._write_info_file(info_path, snap_info) def _create_snapshot(self, snapshot): volume_format = self.get_volume_format(snapshot.volume) if volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: self._create_snapshot_ploop(snapshot) else: super(VZStorageDriver, self)._create_snapshot(snapshot) def _do_create_snapshot(self, snapshot, backing_filename, new_snap_path): super(VZStorageDriver, self)._do_create_snapshot(snapshot, backing_filename, new_snap_path) # Cache qemu-img info for created snapshot self._qemu_img_info(new_snap_path, snapshot.volume.name) def _delete_snapshot_qcow2(self, snapshot): info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(snapshot.volume) snap_info = self._read_info_file(info_path, empty_if_missing=True) if snapshot.id not in snap_info: LOG.warning("Snapshot %s doesn't exist in snap_info", snapshot.id) return snap_file = os.path.join(self._local_volume_dir(snapshot.volume), snap_info[snapshot.id]) active_file = os.path.join(self._local_volume_dir(snapshot.volume), snap_info['active']) higher_file = self._get_higher_image_path(snapshot) if higher_file: higher_file = os.path.join(self._local_volume_dir(snapshot.volume), higher_file) elif active_file != snap_file: msg = (_("Expected higher file exists for snapshot %s") % snapshot.id) raise VzStorageException(msg) img_info = self._qemu_img_info(snap_file, snapshot.volume.name) base_file = os.path.join(self._local_volume_dir(snapshot.volume), img_info.backing_file) super(VZStorageDriver, self)._delete_snapshot(snapshot) def _qemu_info_cache(fn): return fn + ".qemu_img_info" def _update_backing_file(info_src, info_dst): with open(info_src, 'r') as fs, open(info_dst, 'r') as fd: src = json.load(fs) dst = json.load(fd) dst['backing_file'] = src['backing_file'] with open(info_dst, 'w') as fdw: json.dump(dst, fdw) if snap_file != active_file: # mv snap_file.info higher_file.info _update_backing_file( _qemu_info_cache(snap_file), _qemu_info_cache(higher_file)) self._delete(_qemu_info_cache(snap_file)) elif snapshot.volume.status == 'in-use': # mv base_file.info snap_file.info _update_backing_file( _qemu_info_cache(base_file), _qemu_info_cache(snap_file)) self._delete(_qemu_info_cache(base_file)) else: # rm snap_file.info self._delete(_qemu_info_cache(snap_file)) def _delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): volume_format = self.get_volume_format(snapshot.volume) if volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: self._delete_snapshot_ploop(snapshot) else: self._delete_snapshot_qcow2(snapshot) def _copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta): """Copy the volume to the specified image.""" volume_format = self.get_volume_format(volume) if volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: with PloopDevice(self.local_path(volume), execute=self._execute) as dev: volume_utils.upload_volume(context, image_service, image_meta, dev, volume) else: super(VZStorageDriver, self)._copy_volume_to_image(context, volume, image_service, image_meta) def _create_cloned_volume_ploop(self, volume, src_vref): LOG.info('Cloning volume %(src)s to volume %(dst)s', {'src': src_vref.id, 'dst': volume.id}) if src_vref.status != 'available': msg = _("Volume status must be 'available'.") raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg) volume_name = CONF.volume_name_template % volume.id # Create fake snapshot object snap_attrs = ['volume_name', 'size', 'volume_size', 'name', 'volume_id', 'id', 'volume'] Snapshot = collections.namedtuple('Snapshot', snap_attrs) temp_snapshot = Snapshot(id=src_vref.id, volume_name=volume_name, size=src_vref.size, volume_size=src_vref.size, name='clone-snap-%s' % src_vref.id, volume_id=src_vref.id, volume=src_vref) self._create_snapshot_ploop(temp_snapshot) try: volume.provider_location = src_vref.provider_location info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(volume) snap_info = {'active': 'volume-%s' % volume.id} self._write_info_file(info_path, snap_info) self._copy_volume_from_snapshot(temp_snapshot, volume, volume.size) finally: self.delete_snapshot(temp_snapshot) return {'provider_location': src_vref.provider_location} def _create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref, context): """Creates a clone of the specified volume.""" volume_format = self.get_volume_format(src_vref) if volume_format == DISK_FORMAT_PLOOP: return self._create_cloned_volume_ploop(volume, src_vref) else: return super(VZStorageDriver, self)._create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)