# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """RequestContext: context for requests that persist through all of cinder.""" import copy from typing import Any, Dict, Optional # noqa: H301 from keystoneauth1.access import service_catalog as ksa_service_catalog from keystoneauth1 import plugin from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_context import context from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import timeutils from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder.objects import base as objects_base from cinder import policy context_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('cinder_internal_tenant_project_id', help='ID of the project which will be used as the Cinder ' 'internal tenant.'), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_internal_tenant_user_id', help='ID of the user to be used in volume operations as the ' 'Cinder internal tenant.'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(context_opts) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _ContextAuthPlugin(plugin.BaseAuthPlugin): """A keystoneauth auth plugin that uses the values from the Context. Ideally we would use the plugin provided by auth_token middleware however this plugin isn't serialized yet so we construct one from the serialized auth data. """ def __init__(self, auth_token, sc): super(_ContextAuthPlugin, self).__init__() self.auth_token = auth_token self.service_catalog = ksa_service_catalog.ServiceCatalogV2(sc) def get_token(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.auth_token def get_endpoint(self, session, service_type=None, interface=None, region_name=None, service_name=None, **kwargs): return self.service_catalog.url_for(service_type=service_type, service_name=service_name, interface=interface, region_name=region_name) @enginefacade.transaction_context_provider class RequestContext(context.RequestContext): """Security context and request information. Represents the user taking a given action within the system. """ def __init__(self, user_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, is_admin: Optional[bool] = None, read_deleted: Optional[str] = "no", project_name: Optional[str] = None, remote_address: Optional[str] = None, timestamp=None, quota_class=None, service_catalog: Optional[dict] = None, user_auth_plugin=None, message_resource_id = None, message_resource_type = None, message_action = None, **kwargs): """Initialize RequestContext. :param read_deleted: 'no' indicates deleted records are hidden, 'yes' indicates deleted records are visible, 'only' indicates that *only* deleted records are visible. :param overwrite: Set to False to ensure that the greenthread local copy of the index is not overwritten. """ # NOTE(smcginnis): To keep it compatible for code using positional # args, explicityly set user_id and project_id in kwargs. kwargs.setdefault('user_id', user_id) kwargs.setdefault('project_id', project_id) super(RequestContext, self).__init__(is_admin=is_admin, **kwargs) self.project_name = project_name self.read_deleted = read_deleted self.remote_address = remote_address if not timestamp: timestamp = timeutils.utcnow() elif isinstance(timestamp, str): timestamp = timeutils.parse_isotime(timestamp) self.timestamp = timestamp self.quota_class = quota_class self.message_resource_id = message_resource_id self.message_resource_type = message_resource_type self.message_action = message_action if service_catalog: # Only include required parts of service_catalog self.service_catalog = [s for s in service_catalog if s.get('type') in ('identity', 'compute', 'object-store', 'image', 'key-manager')] else: # if list is empty or none self.service_catalog = [] # We need to have RequestContext attributes defined # when policy.check_is_admin invokes request logging # to make it loggable. self.is_admin: Optional[bool] if self.is_admin is None: self.is_admin = policy.check_is_admin(self) elif self.is_admin and 'admin' not in self.roles: self.roles.append('admin') self.user_auth_plugin = user_auth_plugin def get_auth_plugin(self): if self.user_auth_plugin: return self.user_auth_plugin else: return _ContextAuthPlugin(self.auth_token, self.service_catalog) def _get_read_deleted(self) -> str: return self._read_deleted def _set_read_deleted(self, read_deleted: str) -> None: if read_deleted not in ('no', 'yes', 'only'): raise ValueError(_("read_deleted can only be one of 'no', " "'yes' or 'only', not %r") % read_deleted) self._read_deleted = read_deleted def _del_read_deleted(self) -> None: del self._read_deleted read_deleted = property(_get_read_deleted, _set_read_deleted, _del_read_deleted) def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: result = super(RequestContext, self).to_dict() result['user_id'] = self.user_id result['project_id'] = self.project_id result['project_name'] = self.project_name result['domain_id'] = self.domain_id result['read_deleted'] = self.read_deleted result['remote_address'] = self.remote_address result['timestamp'] = self.timestamp.isoformat() result['quota_class'] = self.quota_class result['service_catalog'] = self.service_catalog result['request_id'] = self.request_id result['message_resource_id'] = self.message_resource_id result['message_resource_type'] = self.message_resource_type result['message_action'] = self.message_action return result @classmethod def from_dict(cls, values: dict) -> 'RequestContext': return cls(user_id=values.get('user_id'), project_id=values.get('project_id'), project_name=values.get('project_name'), domain_id=values.get('domain_id'), read_deleted=values.get('read_deleted'), remote_address=values.get('remote_address'), timestamp=values.get('timestamp'), quota_class=values.get('quota_class'), service_catalog=values.get('service_catalog'), request_id=values.get('request_id'), global_request_id=values.get('global_request_id'), is_admin=values.get('is_admin'), roles=values.get('roles'), auth_token=values.get('auth_token'), user_domain_id=values.get('user_domain_id'), project_domain_id=values.get('project_domain_id'), message_resource_id = values.get('message_resource_id'), message_resource_type = values.get('message_resource_type'), message_action = values.get('message_action') ) def authorize(self, action: str, target: Optional[dict] = None, target_obj: Optional[dict] = None, fatal: bool = True): """Verify that the given action is valid on the target in this context. :param action: string representing the action to be checked. :param target: dictionary representing the object of the action for object creation this should be a dictionary representing the location of the object e.g. ``{'project_id': context.project_id}``. If None, then this default target will be considered: {'project_id': self.project_id, 'user_id': self.user_id} :param target_obj: dictionary representing the object which will be used to update target. :param fatal: if False, will return False when an exception.PolicyNotAuthorized occurs. :raises cinder.exception.NotAuthorized: if verification fails and fatal is True. :return: returns a non-False value (not necessarily "True") if authorized and False if not authorized and fatal is False. """ if target is None: target = {'project_id': self.project_id, 'user_id': self.user_id} if isinstance(target_obj, objects_base.CinderObject): # Turn object into dict so target.update can work target.update( target_obj.obj_to_primitive()['versioned_object.data'] or {}) # Ensure 'project_id' and 'user_id' attributes are captured. # Some objects (e.g. attachments) have a project_id attribute # that isn't present in the dict. The try/except wrappers avoid # lazy-load issues when the attribute doesn't exist. try: target['project_id'] = target_obj.project_id except Exception: pass try: target['user_id'] = target_obj.user_id except Exception: pass else: target.update(target_obj or {}) return policy.authorize(self, action, target, do_raise=fatal, exc=exception.PolicyNotAuthorized) def to_policy_values(self) -> dict: policy = super(RequestContext, self).to_policy_values() policy['is_admin'] = self.is_admin return policy def elevated(self, read_deleted: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = False) -> 'RequestContext': """Return a version of this context with admin flag set.""" context = self.deepcopy() context.is_admin = True if 'admin' not in context.roles: context.roles.append('admin') if read_deleted is not None: context.read_deleted = read_deleted return context def deepcopy(self) -> 'RequestContext': return copy.deepcopy(self) def get_admin_context(read_deleted: Optional[str] = "no") -> RequestContext: return RequestContext(user_id=None, project_id=None, is_admin=True, read_deleted=read_deleted, overwrite=False) def get_internal_tenant_context() -> Optional[RequestContext]: """Build and return the Cinder internal tenant context object This request context will only work for internal Cinder operations. It will not be able to make requests to remote services. To do so it will need to use the keystone client to get an auth_token. """ project_id = CONF.cinder_internal_tenant_project_id user_id = CONF.cinder_internal_tenant_user_id if project_id and user_id: return RequestContext(user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id, is_admin=True, overwrite=False) else: LOG.warning('Unable to get internal tenant context: Missing ' 'required config parameters.') return None