# Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_versionedobjects import fields from cinder import db from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder import objects from cinder.objects import base from cinder.objects import fields as c_fields from cinder import utils @base.CinderObjectRegistry.register class Cluster(base.CinderPersistentObject, base.CinderObject, base.CinderComparableObject): """Cluster Versioned Object. Method get_by_id supports as additional named arguments: - get_services: If we want to load all services from this cluster. - services_summary: If we want to load num_nodes and num_down_nodes fields. - is_up: Boolean value to filter based on the cluster's up status. - read_deleted: Filtering based on delete status. Default value "no". - Any other cluster field will be used as a filter. """ # Version 1.0: Initial version # Version 1.1: Add replication fields VERSION = '1.1' OPTIONAL_FIELDS = ('num_hosts', 'num_down_hosts', 'services') # NOTE(geguileo): We don't want to expose race_preventer field at the OVO # layer since it is only meant for the DB layer internal mechanism to # prevent races. fields = { 'id': fields.IntegerField(), 'name': fields.StringField(nullable=False), 'binary': fields.StringField(nullable=False), 'disabled': fields.BooleanField(default=False, nullable=True), 'disabled_reason': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'num_hosts': fields.IntegerField(default=0, read_only=True), 'num_down_hosts': fields.IntegerField(default=0, read_only=True), 'last_heartbeat': fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True, read_only=True), 'services': fields.ObjectField('ServiceList', nullable=True, read_only=True), # Replication properties 'replication_status': c_fields.ReplicationStatusField(nullable=True), 'frozen': fields.BooleanField(default=False), 'active_backend_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True), } def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version): """Make a cluster representation compatible with a target version.""" # Convert all related objects super(Cluster, self).obj_make_compatible(primitive, target_version) # Before v1.1 we didn't have relication fields so we have to remove # them. if target_version == '1.0': for obj_field in ('replication_status', 'frozen', 'active_backend_id'): primitive.pop(obj_field, None) @classmethod def _get_expected_attrs(cls, context, *args, **kwargs): """Return expected attributes when getting a cluster. Expected attributes depend on whether we are retrieving all related services as well as if we are getting the services summary. """ expected_attrs = [] if kwargs.get('get_services'): expected_attrs.append('services') if kwargs.get('services_summary'): expected_attrs.extend(('num_hosts', 'num_down_hosts')) return expected_attrs @staticmethod def _from_db_object(context, cluster, db_cluster, expected_attrs=None): """Fill cluster OVO fields from cluster ORM instance.""" expected_attrs = expected_attrs or tuple() for name, field in cluster.fields.items(): # The only field that cannot be assigned using setattr is services, # because it is an ObjectField. So we don't assign the value if # it's a non expected optional field or if it's services field. if ((name in Cluster.OPTIONAL_FIELDS and name not in expected_attrs) or name == 'services'): continue value = getattr(db_cluster, name) setattr(cluster, name, value) cluster._context = context if 'services' in expected_attrs: cluster.services = base.obj_make_list( context, objects.ServiceList(context), objects.Service, db_cluster.services) cluster.obj_reset_changes() return cluster def obj_load_attr(self, attrname): """Lazy load services attribute.""" # NOTE(geguileo): We only allow lazy loading services to raise # awareness of the high cost of lazy loading num_hosts and # num_down_hosts, so if we are going to need this information we should # be certain we really need it and it should loaded when retrieving the # data from the DB the first time we read the OVO. if attrname != 'services': raise exception.ObjectActionError( action='obj_load_attr', reason=_('attribute %s not lazy-loadable') % attrname) if not self._context: raise exception.OrphanedObjectError(method='obj_load_attr', objtype=self.obj_name()) self.services = objects.ServiceList.get_all( self._context, {'cluster_name': self.name}) self.obj_reset_changes(fields=('services',)) def create(self): if self.obj_attr_is_set('id'): raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create', reason=_('already created')) updates = self.cinder_obj_get_changes() if updates: for field in self.OPTIONAL_FIELDS: if field in updates: raise exception.ObjectActionError( action='create', reason=_('%s assigned') % field) db_cluster = db.cluster_create(self._context, updates) self._from_db_object(self._context, self, db_cluster) def save(self): updates = self.cinder_obj_get_changes() if updates: for field in self.OPTIONAL_FIELDS: if field in updates: raise exception.ObjectActionError( action='save', reason=_('%s changed') % field) db.cluster_update(self._context, self.id, updates) self.obj_reset_changes() def destroy(self): with self.obj_as_admin(): updated_values = db.cluster_destroy(self._context, self.id) for field, value in updated_values.items(): setattr(self, field, value) self.obj_reset_changes(updated_values.keys()) @property def is_up(self): return (self.last_heartbeat and self.last_heartbeat >= utils.service_expired_time(True)) @base.CinderObjectRegistry.register class ClusterList(base.ObjectListBase, base.CinderObject): # Version 1.0: Initial version VERSION = '1.0' fields = {'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Cluster')} @classmethod def get_all(cls, context, is_up=None, get_services=False, services_summary=False, read_deleted='no', **filters): """Get all clusters that match the criteria. :param is_up: Boolean value to filter based on the cluster's up status. :param get_services: If we want to load all services from this cluster. :param services_summary: If we want to load num_nodes and num_down_nodes fields. :param read_deleted: Filtering based on delete status. Default value is "no". :param filters: Field based filters in the form of key/value. """ expected_attrs = Cluster._get_expected_attrs( context, get_services=get_services, services_summary=services_summary) clusters = db.cluster_get_all(context, is_up=is_up, get_services=get_services, services_summary=services_summary, read_deleted=read_deleted, **filters) return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context), Cluster, clusters, expected_attrs=expected_attrs)