# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Cinder base exception handling. Includes decorator for re-raising Cinder-type exceptions. SHOULD include dedicated exception logging. """ from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_versionedobjects import exception as obj_exc import six import webob.exc from webob.util import status_generic_reasons from webob.util import status_reasons from cinder.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConvertedException(webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException): def __init__(self, code=500, title="", explanation=""): self.code = code # There is a strict rule about constructing status line for HTTP: # '...Status-Line, consisting of the protocol version followed by a # numeric status code and its associated textual phrase, with each # element separated by SP characters' # (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html) # 'code' and 'title' can not be empty because they correspond # to numeric status code and its associated text if title: self.title = title else: try: self.title = status_reasons[self.code] except KeyError: generic_code = self.code // 100 self.title = status_generic_reasons[generic_code] self.explanation = explanation super(ConvertedException, self).__init__() class Error(Exception): pass class CinderException(Exception): """Base Cinder Exception To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor. """ message = _("An unknown exception occurred.") code = 500 headers = {} safe = False def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs['message'] = message if 'code' not in self.kwargs: try: self.kwargs['code'] = self.code except AttributeError: pass for k, v in self.kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, Exception): # NOTE(tommylikehu): If this is a cinder exception it will # return the msg object, so we won't be preventing # translations. self.kwargs[k] = six.text_type(v) if self._should_format(): try: message = self.message % kwargs except Exception: # NOTE(melwitt): This is done in a separate method so it can be # monkey-patched during testing to make it a hard failure. self._log_exception() message = self.message elif isinstance(message, Exception): # NOTE(tommylikehu): If this is a cinder exception it will # return the msg object, so we won't be preventing # translations. message = six.text_type(message) # NOTE(luisg): We put the actual message in 'msg' so that we can access # it, because if we try to access the message via 'message' it will be # overshadowed by the class' message attribute self.msg = message super(CinderException, self).__init__(message) # Oslo.messaging use the argument 'message' to rebuild exception # directly at the rpc client side, therefore we should not use it # in our keyword arguments, otherwise, the rebuild process will fail # with duplicate keyword exception. self.kwargs.pop('message', None) def _log_exception(self): # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message # log the issue and the kwargs LOG.exception('Exception in string format operation:') for name, value in self.kwargs.items(): LOG.error("%(name)s: %(value)s", {'name': name, 'value': value}) def _should_format(self): return self.kwargs['message'] is None or '%(message)' in self.message # NOTE(tommylikehu): self.msg is already an unicode compatible object # as the __init__ method ensures of it, and we should not be modifying # it in any way with str(), unicode(), or six.text_type() as we would # be preventing translations from happening. def __unicode__(self): return self.msg class VolumeBackendAPIException(CinderException): message = _("Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume " "backend API: %(data)s") class VolumeDriverException(CinderException): message = _("Volume driver reported an error: %(message)s") class BackupDriverException(CinderException): message = _("Backup driver reported an error: %(reason)s") class BackupRestoreCancel(CinderException): message = _("Canceled backup %(back_id)s restore on volume %(vol_id)s") class GlanceConnectionFailed(CinderException): message = _("Connection to glance failed: %(reason)s") class ProgrammingError(CinderException): message = _('Programming error in Cinder: %(reason)s') class NotAuthorized(CinderException): message = _("Not authorized.") code = 403 class AdminRequired(NotAuthorized): message = _("User does not have admin privileges") class PolicyNotAuthorized(NotAuthorized): message = _("Policy doesn't allow %(action)s to be performed.") class ImageNotAuthorized(CinderException): message = _("Not authorized for image %(image_id)s.") class DriverNotInitialized(CinderException): message = _("Volume driver not ready.") class Invalid(CinderException): message = _("Unacceptable parameters.") code = 400 class InvalidSnapshot(Invalid): message = _("Invalid snapshot: %(reason)s") class InvalidVolumeAttachMode(Invalid): message = _("Invalid attaching mode '%(mode)s' for " "volume %(volume_id)s.") class VolumeAttached(Invalid): message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s is still attached, detach volume first.") class InvalidResults(Invalid): message = _("The results are invalid.") class InvalidInput(Invalid): message = _("Invalid input received: %(reason)s") class InvalidAvailabilityZone(Invalid): message = _("Availability zone '%(az)s' is invalid.") class InvalidTypeAvailabilityZones(Invalid): message = _("Volume type's availability zones are invalid %(az)s.") class InvalidVolumeType(Invalid): message = _("Invalid volume type: %(reason)s") class InvalidGroupType(Invalid): message = _("Invalid group type: %(reason)s") class InvalidVolume(Invalid): message = _("Invalid volume: %(reason)s") class InvalidContentType(Invalid): message = _("Invalid content type %(content_type)s.") class InvalidHost(Invalid): message = _("Invalid host: %(reason)s") # Cannot be templated as the error syntax varies. # msg needs to be constructed when raised. class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid): message = "%(err)s" class InvalidAuthKey(Invalid): message = _("Invalid auth key: %(reason)s") class InvalidConfigurationValue(Invalid): message = _('Value "%(value)s" is not valid for ' 'configuration option "%(option)s"') class ServiceUnavailable(Invalid): message = _("Service is unavailable at this time.") class UnavailableDuringUpgrade(Invalid): message = _('Cannot perform %(action)s during system upgrade.') class ImageUnacceptable(Invalid): message = _("Image %(image_id)s is unacceptable: %(reason)s") class ImageTooBig(Invalid): message = _("Image %(image_id)s size exceeded available " "disk space: %(reason)s") class DeviceUnavailable(Invalid): message = _("The device in the path %(path)s is unavailable: %(reason)s") class SnapshotUnavailable(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("The snapshot is unavailable: %(data)s") class InvalidUUID(Invalid): message = _("Expected a UUID but received %(uuid)s.") class InvalidAPIVersionString(Invalid): message = _("API Version String %(version)s is of invalid format. Must " "be of format MajorNum.MinorNum.") class VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod(Invalid): message = _("API version %(version)s is not supported on this method.") class InvalidGlobalAPIVersion(Invalid): message = _("Version %(req_ver)s is not supported by the API. Minimum " "is %(min_ver)s and maximum is %(max_ver)s.") class MissingRequired(Invalid): message = _("Missing required element '%(element)s' in request body.") class ValidationError(Invalid): message = "%(detail)s" class APIException(CinderException): message = _("Error while requesting %(service)s API.") def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): if 'service' not in kwargs: kwargs['service'] = 'unknown' super(APIException, self).__init__(message, **kwargs) class APITimeout(APIException): message = _("Timeout while requesting %(service)s API.") class RPCTimeout(CinderException): message = _("Timeout while requesting capabilities from backend " "%(service)s.") code = 502 class Duplicate(CinderException): pass class NotFound(CinderException): message = _("Resource could not be found.") code = 404 safe = True class VolumeNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s could not be found.") class MessageNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Message %(message_id)s could not be found.") class VolumeAttachmentNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume attachment could not be found with " "filter: %(filter)s.") class VolumeMetadataNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s has no metadata with " "key %(metadata_key)s.") class VolumeAdminMetadataNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s has no administration metadata with " "key %(metadata_key)s.") class InvalidVolumeMetadata(Invalid): message = _("Invalid metadata: %(reason)s") class InvalidVolumeMetadataSize(Invalid): message = _("Invalid metadata size: %(reason)s") class SnapshotMetadataNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Snapshot %(snapshot_id)s has no metadata with " "key %(metadata_key)s.") class VolumeTypeNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume type %(volume_type_id)s could not be found.") class VolumeTypeNotFoundByName(VolumeTypeNotFound): message = _("Volume type with name %(volume_type_name)s " "could not be found.") class VolumeTypeAccessNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume type access not found for %(volume_type_id)s / " "%(project_id)s combination.") class VolumeTypeExtraSpecsNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume Type %(volume_type_id)s has no extra specs with " "key %(extra_specs_key)s.") class VolumeTypeInUse(CinderException): message = _("Volume Type %(volume_type_id)s deletion is not allowed with " "volumes present with the type.") class GroupTypeNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Group type %(group_type_id)s could not be found.") class GroupTypeNotFoundByName(GroupTypeNotFound): message = _("Group type with name %(group_type_name)s " "could not be found.") class GroupTypeAccessNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Group type access not found for %(group_type_id)s / " "%(project_id)s combination.") class GroupTypeSpecsNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Group Type %(group_type_id)s has no specs with " "key %(group_specs_key)s.") class GroupTypeInUse(CinderException): message = _("Group Type %(group_type_id)s deletion is not allowed with " "groups present with the type.") class SnapshotNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Snapshot %(snapshot_id)s could not be found.") class ServerNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Instance %(uuid)s could not be found.") class VolumeSnapshotNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No snapshots found for volume %(volume_id)s.") class VolumeIsBusy(CinderException): message = _("deleting volume %(volume_name)s that has snapshot") class SnapshotIsBusy(CinderException): message = _("deleting snapshot %(snapshot_name)s that has " "dependent volumes") class ISCSITargetNotFoundForVolume(NotFound): message = _("No target id found for volume %(volume_id)s.") class InvalidImageRef(Invalid): message = _("Invalid image href %(image_href)s.") class InvalidSignatureImage(Invalid): message = _("Signature metadata is incomplete for image: " "%(image_id)s.") class ImageSignatureVerificationException(CinderException): message = _("Failed to verify image signature, reason: %(reason)s.") class ImageNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Image %(image_id)s could not be found.") class ServiceNotFound(NotFound): def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): if not message: if kwargs.get('host', None): self.message = _("Service %(service_id)s could not be " "found on host %(host)s.") else: self.message = _("Service %(service_id)s could not be found.") super(ServiceNotFound, self).__init__(message, **kwargs) class ServiceTooOld(Invalid): message = _("Service is too old to fulfil this request.") class WorkerNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Worker with %s could not be found.") def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): keys_list = ('{0}=%({0})s'.format(key) for key in kwargs) placeholder = ', '.join(keys_list) self.message = self.message % placeholder super(WorkerNotFound, self).__init__(message, **kwargs) class WorkerExists(Duplicate): message = _("Worker for %(type)s %(id)s already exists.") class CleanableInUse(Invalid): message = _('%(type)s with id %(id)s is already being cleaned up or ' 'another host has taken over it.') class ClusterNotFound(NotFound): message = _('Cluster %(id)s could not be found.') class ClusterHasHosts(Invalid): message = _("Cluster %(id)s still has hosts.") class ClusterExists(Duplicate): message = _("Cluster %(name)s already exists.") class HostNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Host %(host)s could not be found.") class SchedulerHostFilterNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Scheduler Host Filter %(filter_name)s could not be found.") class SchedulerHostWeigherNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Scheduler Host Weigher %(weigher_name)s could not be found.") class InvalidReservationExpiration(Invalid): message = _("Invalid reservation expiration %(expire)s.") class InvalidQuotaValue(Invalid): message = _("Change would make usage less than 0 for the following " "resources: %(unders)s") class InvalidNestedQuotaSetup(CinderException): message = _("Project quotas are not properly setup for nested quotas: " "%(reason)s.") class QuotaNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Quota could not be found") class QuotaResourceUnknown(QuotaNotFound): message = _("Unknown quota resources %(unknown)s.") class ProjectQuotaNotFound(QuotaNotFound): message = _("Quota for project %(project_id)s could not be found.") class QuotaClassNotFound(QuotaNotFound): message = _("Quota class %(class_name)s could not be found.") class QuotaUsageNotFound(QuotaNotFound): message = _("Quota usage for project %(project_id)s could not be found.") class ReservationNotFound(QuotaNotFound): message = _("Quota reservation %(uuid)s could not be found.") class OverQuota(CinderException): message = _("Quota exceeded for resources: %(overs)s") class FileNotFound(NotFound): message = _("File %(file_path)s could not be found.") class VolumeTypeExists(Duplicate): message = _("Volume Type %(id)s already exists.") class VolumeTypeAccessExists(Duplicate): message = _("Volume type access for %(volume_type_id)s / " "%(project_id)s combination already exists.") class VolumeTypeEncryptionExists(Invalid): message = _("Volume type encryption for type %(type_id)s already exists.") class VolumeTypeEncryptionNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume type encryption for type %(type_id)s does not exist.") class GroupTypeExists(Duplicate): message = _("Group Type %(id)s already exists.") class GroupTypeAccessExists(Duplicate): message = _("Group type access for %(group_type_id)s / " "%(project_id)s combination already exists.") class GroupVolumeTypeMappingExists(Duplicate): message = _("Group volume type mapping for %(group_id)s / " "%(volume_type_id)s combination already exists.") class GroupTypeEncryptionExists(Invalid): message = _("Group type encryption for type %(type_id)s already exists.") class GroupTypeEncryptionNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Group type encryption for type %(type_id)s does not exist.") class MalformedRequestBody(CinderException): message = _("Malformed message body: %(reason)s") class ConfigNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Could not find config at %(path)s") class ParameterNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Could not find parameter %(param)s") class NoValidBackend(CinderException): message = _("No valid backend was found. %(reason)s") class NoMoreTargets(CinderException): """No more available targets.""" pass class QuotaError(CinderException): message = _("Quota exceeded: code=%(code)s") code = 413 headers = {'Retry-After': '0'} safe = True class VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(QuotaError): message = _("Requested volume or snapshot exceeds allowed %(name)s " "quota. Requested %(requested)sG, quota is %(quota)sG and " "%(consumed)sG has been consumed.") def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('name', 'gigabytes') super(VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota, self).__init__( message, **kwargs) class VolumeSizeExceedsLimit(QuotaError): message = _("Requested volume size %(size)dG is larger than " "maximum allowed limit %(limit)dG.") class VolumeBackupSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(QuotaError): message = _("Requested backup exceeds allowed Backup gigabytes " "quota. Requested %(requested)sG, quota is %(quota)sG and " "%(consumed)sG has been consumed.") class VolumeLimitExceeded(QuotaError): message = _("Maximum number of volumes allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded for " "quota '%(name)s'.") def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('name', 'volumes') super(VolumeLimitExceeded, self).__init__(message, **kwargs) class SnapshotLimitExceeded(QuotaError): message = _("Maximum number of snapshots allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded") class UnexpectedOverQuota(QuotaError): message = _("Unexpected over quota on %(name)s.") class BackupLimitExceeded(QuotaError): message = _("Maximum number of backups allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded") class ImageLimitExceeded(QuotaError): message = _("Image quota exceeded") class DuplicateSfVolumeNames(Duplicate): message = _("Detected more than one volume with name %(vol_name)s") class VolumeTypeCreateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Cannot create volume_type with " "name %(name)s and specs %(extra_specs)s") class VolumeTypeUpdateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Cannot update volume_type %(id)s") class GroupTypeCreateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Cannot create group_type with " "name %(name)s and specs %(group_specs)s") class GroupTypeUpdateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Cannot update group_type %(id)s") class GroupLimitExceeded(QuotaError): message = _("Maximum number of groups allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded") class UnknownCmd(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Unknown or unsupported command %(cmd)s") class MalformedResponse(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Malformed response to command %(cmd)s: %(reason)s") class FailedCmdWithDump(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Operation failed with status=%(status)s. Full dump: %(data)s") class InvalidConnectorException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Connector doesn't have required information: %(missing)s") class GlanceMetadataExists(Invalid): message = _("Glance metadata cannot be updated, key %(key)s" " exists for volume id %(volume_id)s") class GlanceMetadataNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Glance metadata for volume/snapshot %(id)s cannot be found.") class ImageDownloadFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to download image %(image_href)s, reason: %(reason)s") class ExportFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to export for volume: %(reason)s") class RemoveExportException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Failed to remove export for volume %(volume)s: %(reason)s") class MetadataCreateFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to create metadata for volume: %(reason)s") class MetadataUpdateFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to update metadata for volume: %(reason)s") class MetadataCopyFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to copy metadata to volume: %(reason)s") class InvalidMetadataType(Invalid): message = _("The type of metadata: %(metadata_type)s for volume/snapshot " "%(id)s is invalid.") class ImageCopyFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to copy image to volume: %(reason)s") class BackupInvalidCephArgs(BackupDriverException): message = _("Invalid Ceph args provided for backup rbd operation") class BackupOperationError(Invalid): message = _("An error has occurred during backup operation") class BackupMetadataUnsupportedVersion(BackupDriverException): message = _("Unsupported backup metadata version requested") class BackupMetadataNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Backup %(backup_id)s has no metadata with " "key %(metadata_key)s.") class BackupVerifyUnsupportedDriver(BackupDriverException): message = _("Unsupported backup verify driver") class VolumeMetadataBackupExists(BackupDriverException): message = _("Metadata backup already exists for this volume") class BackupRBDOperationFailed(BackupDriverException): message = _("Backup RBD operation failed") class EncryptedBackupOperationFailed(BackupDriverException): message = _("Backup operation of an encrypted volume failed.") class BackupNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Backup %(backup_id)s could not be found.") class BackupFailedToGetVolumeBackend(NotFound): message = _("Failed to identify volume backend.") class InvalidBackup(Invalid): message = _("Invalid backup: %(reason)s") class SwiftConnectionFailed(BackupDriverException): message = _("Connection to swift failed: %(reason)s") class TransferNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Transfer %(transfer_id)s could not be found.") class VolumeMigrationFailed(CinderException): message = _("Volume migration failed: %(reason)s") class SSHInjectionThreat(CinderException): message = _("SSH command injection detected: %(command)s") class QoSSpecsExists(Duplicate): message = _("QoS Specs %(specs_id)s already exists.") class QoSSpecsCreateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to create qos_specs: " "%(name)s with specs %(qos_specs)s.") class QoSSpecsUpdateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to update qos_specs: " "%(specs_id)s with specs %(qos_specs)s.") class QoSSpecsNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No such QoS spec %(specs_id)s.") class QoSSpecsAssociateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to associate qos_specs: " "%(specs_id)s with type %(type_id)s.") class QoSSpecsDisassociateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to disassociate qos_specs: " "%(specs_id)s with type %(type_id)s.") class QoSSpecsKeyNotFound(NotFound): message = _("QoS spec %(specs_id)s has no spec with " "key %(specs_key)s.") class InvalidQoSSpecs(Invalid): message = _("Invalid qos specs: %(reason)s") class QoSSpecsInUse(CinderException): message = _("QoS Specs %(specs_id)s is still associated with entities.") class KeyManagerError(CinderException): message = _("key manager error: %(reason)s") class ManageExistingInvalidReference(CinderException): message = _("Manage existing volume failed due to invalid backend " "reference %(existing_ref)s: %(reason)s") class ManageExistingAlreadyManaged(CinderException): message = _("Unable to manage existing volume. " "Volume %(volume_ref)s already managed.") class InvalidReplicationTarget(Invalid): message = _("Invalid Replication Target: %(reason)s") class UnableToFailOver(CinderException): message = _("Unable to failover to replication target: %(reason)s).") class ReplicationError(CinderException): message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s replication " "error: %(reason)s") class ReplicationGroupError(CinderException): message = _("Group %(group_id)s replication " "error: %(reason)s.") class ReplicationNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume replication for %(volume_id)s " "could not be found.") class ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch(CinderException): message = _("Manage existing volume failed due to volume type mismatch: " "%(reason)s") class ExtendVolumeError(CinderException): message = _("Error extending volume: %(reason)s") class EvaluatorParseException(Exception): message = _("Error during evaluator parsing: %(reason)s") class LockCreationFailed(CinderException): message = _('Unable to create lock. Coordination backend not started.') class LockingFailed(CinderException): message = _('Lock acquisition failed.') UnsupportedObjectError = obj_exc.UnsupportedObjectError OrphanedObjectError = obj_exc.OrphanedObjectError IncompatibleObjectVersion = obj_exc.IncompatibleObjectVersion ReadOnlyFieldError = obj_exc.ReadOnlyFieldError ObjectActionError = obj_exc.ObjectActionError ObjectFieldInvalid = obj_exc.ObjectFieldInvalid class CappedVersionUnknown(CinderException): message = _("Unrecoverable Error: Versioned Objects in DB are capped to " "unknown version %(version)s. Most likely your environment " "contains only new services and you're trying to start an " "older one. Use `cinder-manage service list` to check that " "and upgrade this service.") class VolumeGroupNotFound(CinderException): message = _('Unable to find Volume Group: %(vg_name)s') class VolumeGroupCreationFailed(CinderException): message = _('Failed to create Volume Group: %(vg_name)s') class VolumeNotDeactivated(CinderException): message = _('Volume %(name)s was not deactivated in time.') class VolumeDeviceNotFound(CinderException): message = _('Volume device not found at %(device)s.') # Driver specific exceptions # Dell class DellDriverRetryableException(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("Retryable Dell Exception encountered") class DellDriverUnknownSpec(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Dell driver failure: %(reason)s") # Pure Storage class PureDriverException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Pure Storage Cinder driver failure: %(reason)s") class PureRetryableException(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("Retryable Pure Storage Exception encountered") # RBD class RBDDriverException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("RBD Cinder driver failure: %(reason)s") # SolidFire class SolidFireAPIException(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("Bad response from SolidFire API") class SolidFireDriverException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("SolidFire Cinder Driver exception") class SolidFireAPIDataException(SolidFireAPIException): message = _("Error in SolidFire API response: data=%(data)s") class SolidFireAccountNotFound(SolidFireDriverException): message = _("Unable to locate account %(account_name)s on " "Solidfire device") class SolidFireRetryableException(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("Retryable SolidFire Exception encountered") # HP 3Par class Invalid3PARDomain(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Invalid 3PAR Domain: %(err)s") # RemoteFS drivers class RemoteFSException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Unknown RemoteFS exception") class RemoteFSConcurrentRequest(RemoteFSException): message = _("A concurrent, possibly contradictory, request " "has been made.") class RemoteFSNoSharesMounted(RemoteFSException): message = _("No mounted shares found") class RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound(RemoteFSException): message = _("There is no share which can host %(volume_size)sG") class RemoteFSInvalidBackingFile(VolumeDriverException): message = _("File %(path)s has invalid backing file %(backing_file)s.") # NFS driver class NfsException(RemoteFSException): message = _("Unknown NFS exception") class NfsNoSharesMounted(RemoteFSNoSharesMounted): message = _("No mounted NFS shares found") class NfsNoSuitableShareFound(RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound): message = _("There is no share which can host %(volume_size)sG") # Smbfs driver class SmbfsException(RemoteFSException): message = _("Unknown SMBFS exception.") class SmbfsNoSharesMounted(RemoteFSNoSharesMounted): message = _("No mounted SMBFS shares found.") class SmbfsNoSuitableShareFound(RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound): message = _("There is no share which can host %(volume_size)sG.") # Virtuozzo Storage Driver class VzStorageException(RemoteFSException): message = _("Unknown Virtuozzo Storage exception") class VzStorageNoSharesMounted(RemoteFSNoSharesMounted): message = _("No mounted Virtuozzo Storage shares found") class VzStorageNoSuitableShareFound(RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound): message = _("There is no share which can host %(volume_size)sG") # Fibre Channel Zone Manager class ZoneManagerException(CinderException): message = _("Fibre Channel connection control failure: %(reason)s") class FCZoneDriverException(CinderException): message = _("Fibre Channel Zone operation failed: %(reason)s") class FCSanLookupServiceException(CinderException): message = _("Fibre Channel SAN Lookup failure: %(reason)s") class ZoneManagerNotInitialized(CinderException): message = _("Fibre Channel Zone Manager not initialized") class BrocadeZoningCliException(CinderException): message = _("Brocade Fibre Channel Zoning CLI error: %(reason)s") class BrocadeZoningHttpException(CinderException): message = _("Brocade Fibre Channel Zoning HTTP error: %(reason)s") class BrocadeZoningRestException(CinderException): message = _("Brocade Fibre Channel Zoning REST error: %(reason)s") class CiscoZoningCliException(CinderException): message = _("Cisco Fibre Channel Zoning CLI error: %(reason)s") class NetAppDriverException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("NetApp Cinder Driver exception.") class EMCVnxCLICmdError(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("EMC VNX Cinder Driver CLI exception: %(cmd)s " "(Return Code: %(rc)s) (Output: %(out)s).") class EMCSPUnavailableException(EMCVnxCLICmdError): message = _("EMC VNX Cinder Driver SPUnavailableException: %(cmd)s " "(Return Code: %(rc)s) (Output: %(out)s).") # ConsistencyGroup class ConsistencyGroupNotFound(NotFound): message = _("ConsistencyGroup %(consistencygroup_id)s could not be found.") class InvalidConsistencyGroup(Invalid): message = _("Invalid ConsistencyGroup: %(reason)s") # Group class GroupNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Group %(group_id)s could not be found.") class InvalidGroup(Invalid): message = _("Invalid Group: %(reason)s") class InvalidGroupStatus(Invalid): message = _("Invalid Group Status: %(reason)s") # CgSnapshot class CgSnapshotNotFound(NotFound): message = _("CgSnapshot %(cgsnapshot_id)s could not be found.") class InvalidCgSnapshot(Invalid): message = _("Invalid CgSnapshot: %(reason)s") # GroupSnapshot class GroupSnapshotNotFound(NotFound): message = _("GroupSnapshot %(group_snapshot_id)s could not be found.") class InvalidGroupSnapshot(Invalid): message = _("Invalid GroupSnapshot: %(reason)s") class InvalidGroupSnapshotStatus(Invalid): message = _("Invalid GroupSnapshot Status: %(reason)s") # Datera driver class DateraAPIException(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("Bad response from Datera API") # Target drivers class ISCSITargetCreateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to create iscsi target for volume %(volume_id)s.") class ISCSITargetRemoveFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to remove iscsi target for volume %(volume_id)s.") class ISCSITargetAttachFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to attach iSCSI target for volume %(volume_id)s.") class ISCSITargetDetachFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to detach iSCSI target for volume %(volume_id)s.") class TargetUpdateFailed(CinderException): message = _("Failed to update target for volume %(volume_id)s.") class ISCSITargetHelperCommandFailed(CinderException): message = "%(error_message)s" class BadHTTPResponseStatus(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Bad HTTP response status %(status)s") class BadResetResourceStatus(CinderException): message = _("Bad reset resource status : %(reason)s") # ZADARA STORAGE VPSA driver exception class ZadaraServerCreateFailure(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Unable to create server object for initiator %(name)s") class ZadaraServerNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Unable to find server object for initiator %(name)s") class ZadaraVPSANoActiveController(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Unable to find any active VPSA controller") class ZadaraAttachmentsNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Failed to retrieve attachments for volume %(name)s") class ZadaraInvalidAttachmentInfo(Invalid): message = _("Invalid attachment info for volume %(name)s: %(reason)s") class ZadaraVolumeNotFound(VolumeDriverException): message = "%(reason)s" # ZFSSA NFS driver exception. class WebDAVClientError(VolumeDriverException): message = _("The WebDAV request failed. Reason: %(msg)s, " "Return code/reason: %(code)s, Source Volume: %(src)s, " "Destination Volume: %(dst)s, Method: %(method)s.") # XtremIO Drivers class XtremIOAlreadyMappedError(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Volume to Initiator Group mapping already exists") class XtremIOArrayBusy(VolumeDriverException): message = _("System is busy, retry operation.") class XtremIOSnapshotsLimitExceeded(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Exceeded the limit of snapshots per volume") # StorPool driver class StorPoolConfigurationInvalid(CinderException): message = _("Invalid parameter %(param)s in the %(section)s section " "of the /etc/storpool.conf file: %(error)s") # DOTHILL drivers class DotHillInvalidBackend(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Backend doesn't exist (%(backend)s)") class DotHillConnectionError(VolumeDriverException): message = "%(message)s" class DotHillAuthenticationError(VolumeDriverException): message = "%(message)s" class DotHillNotEnoughSpace(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Not enough space on backend (%(backend)s)") class DotHillRequestError(VolumeDriverException): message = "%(message)s" class DotHillNotTargetPortal(VolumeDriverException): message = _("No active iSCSI portals with supplied iSCSI IPs") class DotHillDriverNotSupported(VolumeDriverException): message = _("The Dot Hill driver is no longer supported.") # Sheepdog class SheepdogError(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("An error has occurred in SheepdogDriver. " "(Reason: %(reason)s)") class SheepdogCmdError(SheepdogError): message = _("(Command: %(cmd)s) " "(Return Code: %(exit_code)s) " "(Stdout: %(stdout)s) " "(Stderr: %(stderr)s)") class MetadataAbsent(CinderException): message = _("There is no metadata in DB object.") class NotSupportedOperation(Invalid): message = _("Operation not supported: %(operation)s.") code = 405 # NexentaStor driver exception class NexentaException(VolumeDriverException): message = "%(reason)s" # Google Cloud Storage(GCS) backup driver class GCSConnectionFailure(BackupDriverException): message = _("Google Cloud Storage connection failure: %(reason)s") class GCSApiFailure(BackupDriverException): message = _("Google Cloud Storage api failure: %(reason)s") class GCSOAuth2Failure(BackupDriverException): message = _("Google Cloud Storage oauth2 failure: %(reason)s") # Kaminario K2 class KaminarioCinderDriverException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("KaminarioCinderDriver failure: %(reason)s") class KaminarioRetryableException(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Kaminario retryable exception: %(reason)s") # Synology driver class SynoAPIHTTPError(VolumeDriverException): message = _("HTTP exit code: [%(code)s]") class SynoAuthError(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Synology driver authentication failed: %(reason)s.") class SynoLUNNotExist(VolumeDriverException): message = _("LUN not found by UUID: %(uuid)s.") class AttachmentSpecsNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Attachment %(attachment_id)s has no " "key %(specs_key)s.") class InvalidAttachment(Invalid): message = _("Invalid attachment: %(reason)s") # Veritas driver class UnableToExecuteHyperScaleCmd(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Failed HyperScale command for '%(command)s'") class UnableToProcessHyperScaleCmdOutput(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Failed processing command output '%(cmd_out)s'" " for HyperScale command") class ErrorInFetchingConfiguration(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Error in fetching configuration for '%(persona)s'") class ErrorInSendingMsg(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Error in sending message '%(cmd_error)s'") class ErrorInHyperScaleVersion(VolumeDriverException): message = _("Error in getting HyperScale version '%(cmd_error)s'") # GPFS driver class GPFSDriverUnsupportedOperation(VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("GPFS driver unsupported operation: %(msg)s") class InvalidName(Invalid): message = _("An invalid 'name' value was provided. %(reason)s") class ServiceUserTokenNoAuth(CinderException): message = _("The [service_user] send_service_user_token option was " "requested, but no service auth could be loaded. Please check " "the [service_user] configuration section.") class UnsupportedNVMETProtocol(Invalid): message = _("An invalid 'target_protocol' " "value was provided: %(protocol)s") # NVMET driver class NVMETTargetAddError(CinderException): message = "Failed to add subsystem: %(subsystem)s" class NVMETTargetDeleteError(CinderException): message = "Failed to delete subsystem: %(subsystem)s"