# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import binascii import itertools from barbicanclient import client as barbican_client from castellan import options as castellan_options from keystoneauth1 import loading as ks_loading from keystoneauth1 import session as ks_session from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from cinder import context from cinder import coordination from cinder import objects from cinder.volume import volume_migration LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF MAX_KEY_MIGRATION_ERRORS = 3 class KeyMigrator(object): def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf self.admin_context = context.get_admin_context() self.fixed_key_id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' self.fixed_key_bytes = None self.fixed_key_length = None def handle_key_migration(self, volumes, backups): castellan_options.set_defaults(self.conf) try: self.conf.import_opt(name='fixed_key', module_str='cinder.keymgr.conf_key_mgr', group='key_manager') except cfg.DuplicateOptError: pass fixed_key = self.conf.key_manager.fixed_key backend = self.conf.key_manager.backend or '' backend = backend.split('.')[-1] if backend == 'ConfKeyManager': LOG.info("Not migrating encryption keys because the " "ConfKeyManager is still in use.") elif not fixed_key: LOG.info("Not migrating encryption keys because the " "ConfKeyManager's fixed_key is not in use.") elif backend != 'barbican' and backend != 'BarbicanKeyManager': # Note: There are two ways of specifying the Barbican backend. # The long-hand method contains the "BarbicanKeyManager" class # name, and the short-hand method is just "barbican" with no # module path prefix. LOG.warning("Not migrating encryption keys because migration to " "the '%s' key_manager backend is not supported.", backend) self._log_migration_status() elif not volumes and not backups: LOG.info("Not migrating encryption keys because there are no " "volumes or backups associated with this host.") self._log_migration_status() else: self.fixed_key_bytes = bytes(binascii.unhexlify(fixed_key)) self.fixed_key_length = len(self.fixed_key_bytes) * 8 self._migrate_keys(volumes, backups) self._log_migration_status() def _migrate_keys(self, volumes, backups): LOG.info("Starting migration of ConfKeyManager keys.") # Establish a Barbican client session that will be used for the entire # key migration process. Use cinder's own service credentials. try: ks_loading.register_auth_conf_options(self.conf, 'keystone_authtoken') auth = ks_loading.load_auth_from_conf_options(self.conf, 'keystone_authtoken') sess = ks_session.Session(auth=auth) self.barbican = barbican_client.Client(session=sess) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Aborting encryption key migration due to " "error creating Barbican client: %s", e) return errors = 0 for item in itertools.chain(volumes, backups): try: self._migrate_encryption_key(item) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Error migrating encryption key: %s", e) # NOTE(abishop): There really shouldn't be any soft errors, so # if an error occurs migrating one key then chances are they # will all fail. This avoids filling the log with the same # error in situations where there are many keys to migrate. errors += 1 if errors > MAX_KEY_MIGRATION_ERRORS: LOG.error("Aborting encryption key migration " "(too many errors).") break @coordination.synchronized('{item.id}-{f_name}') def _migrate_encryption_key(self, item): if item.encryption_key_id == self.fixed_key_id: self._update_encryption_key_id(item) def _get_barbican_key_id(self, user_id): # Create a Barbican secret using the same fixed_key algorithm. secret = self.barbican.secrets.create(algorithm='AES', bit_length=self.fixed_key_length, secret_type='symmetric', mode=None, payload=self.fixed_key_bytes) secret_ref = secret.store() # Create a Barbican ACL so the user can access the secret. acl = self.barbican.acls.create(entity_ref=secret_ref, users=[user_id]) acl.submit() _, _, encryption_key_id = secret_ref.rpartition('/') return encryption_key_id def _update_encryption_key_id(self, item): LOG.info("Migrating %(item_type)s %(item_id)s encryption key " "to Barbican", {'item_type': type(item).__name__, 'item_id': item.id}) encryption_key_id = self._get_barbican_key_id(item.user_id) item.encryption_key_id = encryption_key_id item.save() allowTypes = (volume_migration.VolumeMigration, objects.volume.Volume) if isinstance(item, allowTypes): snapshots = objects.snapshot.SnapshotList.get_all_for_volume( self.admin_context, item.id) for snapshot in snapshots: snapshot.encryption_key_id = encryption_key_id snapshot.save() def _log_migration_status(self): volumes_to_migrate = len(objects.volume.VolumeList.get_all( context=self.admin_context, filters={'encryption_key_id': self.fixed_key_id})) if volumes_to_migrate == 0: LOG.info("No volumes are using the ConfKeyManager's " "encryption_key_id.") else: LOG.warning("There are still %d volume(s) using the " "ConfKeyManager's all-zeros encryption key ID.", volumes_to_migrate) backups_to_migrate = len(objects.backup.BackupList.get_all( context=self.admin_context, filters={'encryption_key_id': self.fixed_key_id})) if backups_to_migrate == 0: # Old backups may exist that were created prior to when the # encryption_key_id is stored in the backup table. It's not # easy to tell whether the backup was of an encrypted volume, # in which case an all-zeros encryption key ID might be present # in the backup's metadata. LOG.info("No backups are known to be using the ConfKeyManager's " "encryption_key_id.") else: LOG.warning("There are still %d backups(s) using the " "ConfKeyManager's all-zeros encryption key ID.", backups_to_migrate) def migrate_fixed_key(volumes=None, backups=None, conf=CONF): volumes = volumes or [] backups = backups or [] KeyMigrator(conf).handle_key_migration(volumes, backups)