--- features: - | Added new configuration options to allow more specific control over some periodic processes. See the 'Upgrade' section for details. upgrade: - | The ``periodic_interval`` configuration option was being used in too many places, and as a result, it had become difficult to tune specific periodic tasks without affecting other functionality. The following configuration options should now be used in place of ``periodic_interval``: * ``backup_driver_init_check_interval`` * ``backup_driver_status_check_interval`` * ``scheduler_driver_init_wait_time`` * ``backend_stats_polling_interval`` See the help text for these options for more information. The default value of each option is 60, which has been the default value of ``periodic_interval``. * If you *have not* modified ``periodic_interval``, you should see no differences from current behavior. * If you *have* modified ``periodic_interval``, please review the new options to determine which one(s) should be adjusted. Also, you should consider setting ``periodic_interval`` back to its default value of 60. A warning has been added to the ``cinder-status upgrade check`` CLI to detect whether the ``periodic_interval`` option has been modified from its default value to remind you which of the above situations currently applies to you. The ``periodic_interval`` configuration option still exists but its use is now restricted to providing a default periodicity for objects created from the ``cinder.service.Service`` class.