# Copyright (c) 2013 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Volume driver for VMware vCenter managed datastores. The volumes created by this driver are backed by VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk) files stored in datastores. For ease of managing the VMDKs, the driver creates a virtual machine for each of the volumes. This virtual machine is never powered on and is often referred as the shadow VM. """ import math import re from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import units from oslo_utils import uuidutils from oslo_utils import versionutils from oslo_vmware import api from oslo_vmware import exceptions from oslo_vmware import image_transfer from oslo_vmware import pbm from oslo_vmware import vim_util import six from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder.image import image_utils from cinder import interface from cinder.volume import configuration from cinder.volume import driver from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import datastore as hub from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import exceptions as vmdk_exceptions from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import volumeops from cinder.volume import volume_types LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) THIN_VMDK_TYPE = 'thin' THICK_VMDK_TYPE = 'thick' EAGER_ZEROED_THICK_VMDK_TYPE = 'eagerZeroedThick' CREATE_PARAM_ADAPTER_TYPE = 'adapter_type' CREATE_PARAM_DISK_LESS = 'disk_less' CREATE_PARAM_BACKING_NAME = 'name' CREATE_PARAM_DISK_SIZE = 'disk_size' CREATE_PARAM_TEMP_BACKING = 'temp_backing' TMP_IMAGES_DATASTORE_FOLDER_PATH = "cinder_temp/" EXTRA_CONFIG_VOLUME_ID_KEY = "cinder.volume.id" EXTENSION_KEY = 'org.openstack.storage' EXTENSION_TYPE = 'volume' vmdk_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('vmware_host_ip', help='IP address for connecting to VMware vCenter server.'), cfg.PortOpt('vmware_host_port', default=443, help='Port number for connecting to VMware vCenter server.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_host_username', help='Username for authenticating with VMware vCenter ' 'server.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_host_password', help='Password for authenticating with VMware vCenter ' 'server.', secret=True), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_wsdl_location', help='Optional VIM service WSDL Location ' 'e.g http:///vimService.wsdl. Optional over-ride ' 'to default location for bug work-arounds.'), cfg.IntOpt('vmware_api_retry_count', default=10, help='Number of times VMware vCenter server API must be ' 'retried upon connection related issues.'), cfg.FloatOpt('vmware_task_poll_interval', default=2.0, help='The interval (in seconds) for polling remote tasks ' 'invoked on VMware vCenter server.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_volume_folder', default='Volumes', help='Name of the vCenter inventory folder that will ' 'contain Cinder volumes. This folder will be created ' 'under "OpenStack/", where project_folder ' 'is of format "Project ()".'), cfg.IntOpt('vmware_image_transfer_timeout_secs', default=7200, help='Timeout in seconds for VMDK volume transfer between ' 'Cinder and Glance.'), cfg.IntOpt('vmware_max_objects_retrieval', default=100, help='Max number of objects to be retrieved per batch. ' 'Query results will be obtained in batches from the ' 'server and not in one shot. Server may still limit the ' 'count to something less than the configured value.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_host_version', help='Optional string specifying the VMware vCenter server ' 'version. ' 'The driver attempts to retrieve the version from VMware ' 'vCenter server. Set this configuration only if you want ' 'to override the vCenter server version.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_tmp_dir', default='/tmp', help='Directory where virtual disks are stored during volume ' 'backup and restore.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_ca_file', help='CA bundle file to use in verifying the vCenter server ' 'certificate.'), cfg.BoolOpt('vmware_insecure', default=False, help='If true, the vCenter server certificate is not ' 'verified. If false, then the default CA truststore is ' 'used for verification. This option is ignored if ' '"vmware_ca_file" is set.'), cfg.MultiStrOpt('vmware_cluster_name', help='Name of a vCenter compute cluster where volumes ' 'should be created.'), cfg.MultiStrOpt('vmware_storage_profile', help='Names of storage profiles to be monitored.'), cfg.IntOpt('vmware_connection_pool_size', default=10, help='Maximum number of connections in http connection pool.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_adapter_type', choices=[volumeops.VirtualDiskAdapterType.LSI_LOGIC, volumeops.VirtualDiskAdapterType.BUS_LOGIC, volumeops.VirtualDiskAdapterType.LSI_LOGIC_SAS, volumeops.VirtualDiskAdapterType.PARA_VIRTUAL, volumeops.VirtualDiskAdapterType.IDE], default=volumeops.VirtualDiskAdapterType.LSI_LOGIC, help='Default adapter type to be used for attaching volumes.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_snapshot_format', choices=['template', 'COW'], default='template', help='Volume snapshot format in vCenter server.'), cfg.BoolOpt('vmware_lazy_create', default=True, help='If true, the backend volume in vCenter server is created' ' lazily when the volume is created without any source. ' 'The backend volume is created when the volume is ' 'attached, uploaded to image service or during backup.'), cfg.StrOpt('vmware_datastore_regex', help='Regular expression pattern to match the name of ' 'datastores where backend volumes are created.') ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(vmdk_opts, group=configuration.SHARED_CONF_GROUP) def _get_volume_type_extra_spec(type_id, spec_key, possible_values=None, default_value=None): """Get extra spec value. If the spec value is not present in the input possible_values, then default_value will be returned. If the type_id is None, then default_value is returned. The caller must not consider scope and the implementation adds/removes scope. The scope used here is 'vmware' e.g. key 'vmware:vmdk_type' and so the caller must pass vmdk_type as an input ignoring the scope. :param type_id: Volume type ID :param spec_key: Extra spec key :param possible_values: Permitted values for the extra spec if known :param default_value: Default value for the extra spec incase of an invalid value or if the entry does not exist :return: extra spec value """ if not type_id: return default_value spec_key = ('vmware:%s') % spec_key spec_value = volume_types.get_volume_type_extra_specs(type_id, spec_key) if not spec_value: LOG.debug("Returning default spec value: %s.", default_value) return default_value if possible_values is None: return spec_value if spec_value in possible_values: LOG.debug("Returning spec value %s", spec_value) return spec_value LOG.debug("Invalid spec value: %s specified.", spec_value) class ImageDiskType(object): """Supported disk types in images.""" PREALLOCATED = "preallocated" SPARSE = "sparse" STREAM_OPTIMIZED = "streamOptimized" THIN = "thin" @staticmethod def is_valid(extra_spec_disk_type): """Check if the given disk type in extra_spec is valid. :param extra_spec_disk_type: disk type to check :return: True if valid """ return extra_spec_disk_type in [ImageDiskType.PREALLOCATED, ImageDiskType.SPARSE, ImageDiskType.STREAM_OPTIMIZED, ImageDiskType.THIN] @staticmethod def validate(extra_spec_disk_type): """Validate the given disk type in extra_spec. This method throws ImageUnacceptable if the disk type is not a supported one. :param extra_spec_disk_type: disk type :raises: ImageUnacceptable """ if not ImageDiskType.is_valid(extra_spec_disk_type): raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(_("Invalid disk type: %s.") % extra_spec_disk_type) @interface.volumedriver class VMwareVcVmdkDriver(driver.VolumeDriver): """Manage volumes on VMware vCenter server.""" # 1.0 - initial version of driver # 1.1.0 - selection of datastore based on number of host mounts # 1.2.0 - storage profile volume types based placement of volumes # 1.3.0 - support for volume backup/restore # 1.4.0 - support for volume retype # 1.5.0 - restrict volume placement to specific vCenter clusters # 1.6.0 - support for manage existing # 1.7.0 - new config option 'vmware_connection_pool_size' # 1.7.1 - enforce vCenter server version 5.5 # 2.0.0 - performance enhancements # - new config option 'vmware_adapter_type' # - new extra-spec option 'vmware:adapter_type' # 3.0.0 - vCenter storage profile ID caching # support for cloning attached volume # optimize volume creation from image for vCenter datastore based # glance backend # add 'managed by OpenStack Cinder' info to volumes in the backend # support for vSphere template as volume snapshot format # support for snapshot of attached volumes # add storage profile ID to connection info # support for revert-to-snapshot # improve scalability of querying volumes in backend (bug 1600754) # 3.1.0 - support adapter type change using retype # 3.2.0 - config option to disable lazy creation of backend volume # 3.3.0 - config option to specify datastore name regex # 3.4.0 - added NFS41 as a supported datastore type # 3.4.1 - volume capacity stats implemented VERSION = '3.4.1' # ThirdPartySystems wiki page CI_WIKI_NAME = "VMware_CI" # Minimum supported vCenter version. MIN_SUPPORTED_VC_VERSION = '5.5' NEXT_MIN_SUPPORTED_VC_VERSION = '5.5' # PBM is enabled only for vCenter versions 5.5 and above PBM_ENABLED_VC_VERSION = '5.5' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VMwareVcVmdkDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration.append_config_values(vmdk_opts) self._session = None self._stats = None self._volumeops = None self._storage_policy_enabled = False self._ds_sel = None self._clusters = None self._dc_cache = {} self._ds_regex = None @staticmethod def get_driver_options(): return vmdk_opts @property def volumeops(self): return self._volumeops @property def ds_sel(self): return self._ds_sel def _validate_params(self): # Throw error if required parameters are not set. required_params = ['vmware_host_ip', 'vmware_host_username', 'vmware_host_password'] for param in required_params: if not getattr(self.configuration, param, None): reason = _("%s not set.") % param raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=reason) def check_for_setup_error(self): pass def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """Obtain status of the volume service. :param refresh: Whether to get refreshed information """ if not self._stats or refresh: self._stats = self._get_volume_stats() return self._stats def _get_volume_stats(self): backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') if not backend_name: backend_name = self.__class__.__name__ data = {'volume_backend_name': backend_name, 'vendor_name': 'VMware', 'driver_version': self.VERSION, 'storage_protocol': 'vmdk', 'reserved_percentage': self.configuration.reserved_percentage, 'shared_targets': False} ds_summaries = self._get_datastore_summaries() available_hosts = self._get_hosts(self._clusters) global_capacity = 0 global_free = 0 while True: for ds in ds_summaries.objects: ds_props = self._get_object_properties(ds) summary = ds_props['summary'] if self._is_datastore_accessible(summary, ds_props['host'], available_hosts): global_capacity += summary.capacity global_free += summary.freeSpace if getattr(ds_summaries, 'token', None): ds_summaries = self.volumeops.continue_retrieval(ds_summaries) else: break data['total_capacity_gb'] = round(global_capacity / units.Gi) data['free_capacity_gb'] = round(global_free / units.Gi) return data def _get_datastore_summaries(self): client_factory = self.session.vim.client.factory object_specs = [] if (self._storage_policy_enabled and self.configuration.vmware_storage_profile): # Get all available storage profiles on the vCenter and extract the # IDs of those that we want to observe profiles_ids = [] for profile in pbm.get_all_profiles(self.session): if profile.name in self.configuration.vmware_storage_profile: profiles_ids.append(profile.profileId) # Get all matching Datastores for each profile datastores = {} for profile_id in profiles_ids: for pbm_hub in pbm.filter_hubs_by_profile(self.session, None, profile_id): if pbm_hub.hubType != "Datastore": # We are not interested in Datastore Clusters for now continue if pbm_hub.hubId not in datastores: # Reconstruct a managed object reference to datastore datastores[pbm_hub.hubId] = vim_util.get_moref( pbm_hub.hubId, "Datastore") # Build property collector object specs out of them for datastore_ref in six.itervalues(datastores): object_specs.append( vim_util.build_object_spec(client_factory, datastore_ref, [])) else: # Build a catch-all object spec that would reach all datastores object_specs.append( vim_util.build_object_spec( client_factory, self.session.vim.service_content.rootFolder, [vim_util.build_recursive_traversal_spec(client_factory)])) prop_spec = vim_util.build_property_spec(client_factory, 'Datastore', ['summary', 'host']) filter_spec = vim_util.build_property_filter_spec(client_factory, prop_spec, object_specs) options = client_factory.create('ns0:RetrieveOptions') options.maxObjects = self.configuration.vmware_max_objects_retrieval result = self.session.vim.RetrievePropertiesEx( self.session.vim.service_content.propertyCollector, specSet=[filter_spec], options=options) return result def _get_object_properties(self, obj_content): props = {} if hasattr(obj_content, 'propSet'): prop_set = obj_content.propSet if prop_set: props = {prop.name: prop.val for prop in prop_set} return props def _is_datastore_accessible(self, ds_summary, ds_host_mounts, available_hosts): # available_hosts empty => vmware_cluster_name not specified => don't # filter by hosts cluster_access_to_ds = not available_hosts for host_mount in ds_host_mounts.DatastoreHostMount: for avlbl_host in available_hosts: if avlbl_host.value == host_mount.key.value: cluster_access_to_ds = True return (ds_summary.accessible and not self.volumeops._in_maintenance(ds_summary) and cluster_access_to_ds) def _verify_volume_creation(self, volume): """Verify that the volume can be created. Verify the vmdk type and storage profile if the volume is associated with a volume type. :param volume: Volume object """ # validate disk type self._get_disk_type(volume) # validate storage profile profile_name = self._get_storage_profile(volume) if profile_name: self.ds_sel.get_profile_id(profile_name) # validate adapter type self._get_adapter_type(volume) LOG.debug("Verified disk type, adapter type and storage profile " "of volume: %s.", volume.name) def create_volume(self, volume): """Creates a volume. We do not create any backing. We do it only the first time it is being attached to a virtual machine. :param volume: Volume object """ if self.configuration.vmware_lazy_create: self._verify_volume_creation(volume) else: self._create_backing(volume) def _delete_volume(self, volume): """Delete the volume backing if it is present. :param volume: Volume object """ backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume['name'], volume['id']) if not backing: LOG.info("Backing not available, no operation " "to be performed.") return self.volumeops.delete_backing(backing) def delete_volume(self, volume): """Deletes volume backing. :param volume: Volume object """ self._delete_volume(volume) def _get_extra_spec_adapter_type(self, type_id): adapter_type = _get_volume_type_extra_spec( type_id, 'adapter_type', default_value=self.configuration.vmware_adapter_type) volumeops.VirtualDiskAdapterType.validate(adapter_type) return adapter_type def _get_adapter_type(self, volume): return self._get_extra_spec_adapter_type(volume['volume_type_id']) def _get_extra_spec_storage_profile(self, type_id): """Get storage profile name in the given volume type's extra spec. If there is no storage profile in the extra spec, default is None. """ return _get_volume_type_extra_spec(type_id, 'storage_profile') def _get_storage_profile(self, volume): """Get storage profile associated with the given volume's volume_type. :param volume: Volume whose storage profile should be queried :return: String value of storage profile if volume type is associated and contains storage_profile extra_spec option; None otherwise """ return self._get_extra_spec_storage_profile(volume['volume_type_id']) @staticmethod def _get_extra_spec_disk_type(type_id): """Get disk type from the given volume type's extra spec. If there is no disk type option, default is THIN_VMDK_TYPE. """ disk_type = _get_volume_type_extra_spec(type_id, 'vmdk_type', default_value=THIN_VMDK_TYPE) volumeops.VirtualDiskType.validate(disk_type) return disk_type @staticmethod def _get_disk_type(volume): """Get disk type from the given volume's volume type. :param volume: Volume object :return: Disk type """ return VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_extra_spec_disk_type( volume['volume_type_id']) def _get_storage_profile_id(self, volume): storage_profile = self._get_storage_profile(volume) profile_id = None if self._storage_policy_enabled and storage_profile: profile = pbm.get_profile_id_by_name(self.session, storage_profile) if profile: profile_id = profile.uniqueId return profile_id def _get_extra_config(self, volume): return {EXTRA_CONFIG_VOLUME_ID_KEY: volume['id'], volumeops.BACKING_UUID_KEY: volume['id']} def _create_backing(self, volume, host=None, create_params=None): """Create volume backing under the given host. If host is unspecified, any suitable host is selected. :param volume: Volume object :param host: Reference of the host :param create_params: Dictionary specifying optional parameters for backing VM creation :return: Reference to the created backing """ create_params = create_params or {} (host_ref, resource_pool, folder, summary) = self._select_ds_for_volume(volume, host) # check if a storage profile needs to be associated with the backing VM profile_id = self._get_storage_profile_id(volume) # Use volume name as the default backing name. backing_name = create_params.get(CREATE_PARAM_BACKING_NAME, volume['name']) extra_config = self._get_extra_config(volume) # We shoudln't set backing UUID to volume UUID for temporary backing. if create_params.get(CREATE_PARAM_TEMP_BACKING): del extra_config[volumeops.BACKING_UUID_KEY] # default is a backing with single disk disk_less = create_params.get(CREATE_PARAM_DISK_LESS, False) if disk_less: # create a disk-less backing-- disk can be added later; for e.g., # by copying an image return self.volumeops.create_backing_disk_less( backing_name, folder, resource_pool, host_ref, summary.name, profileId=profile_id, extra_config=extra_config) # create a backing with single disk disk_type = VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume) size_kb = volume['size'] * units.Mi adapter_type = create_params.get(CREATE_PARAM_ADAPTER_TYPE, self._get_adapter_type(volume)) backing = self.volumeops.create_backing(backing_name, size_kb, disk_type, folder, resource_pool, host_ref, summary.name, profileId=profile_id, adapter_type=adapter_type, extra_config=extra_config) self.volumeops.update_backing_disk_uuid(backing, volume['id']) return backing def _get_hosts(self, clusters): hosts = [] if clusters: for cluster in clusters: cluster_hosts = self.volumeops.get_cluster_hosts(cluster) hosts.extend(cluster_hosts) return hosts def _select_datastore(self, req, host=None): """Selects datastore satisfying the given requirements. :return: (host, resource_pool, summary) """ hosts = None if host: hosts = [host] elif self._clusters: hosts = self._get_hosts(self._clusters) if not hosts: LOG.error("There are no valid hosts available in " "configured cluster(s): %s.", self._clusters) raise vmdk_exceptions.NoValidHostException() best_candidate = self.ds_sel.select_datastore(req, hosts=hosts) if not best_candidate: LOG.error("There is no valid datastore satisfying " "requirements: %s.", req) raise vmdk_exceptions.NoValidDatastoreException() return best_candidate def _get_dc(self, resource_pool): dc = self._dc_cache.get(resource_pool.value) if not dc: dc = self.volumeops.get_dc(resource_pool) self._dc_cache[resource_pool.value] = dc return dc def _select_ds_for_volume(self, volume, host=None, create_params=None): """Select datastore that can accommodate the given volume's backing. Returns the selected datastore summary along with a compute host and its resource pool and folder where the volume can be created :return: (host, resource_pool, folder, summary) """ # Form requirements for datastore selection. create_params = create_params or {} size = create_params.get(CREATE_PARAM_DISK_SIZE, volume['size']) req = {} req[hub.DatastoreSelector.SIZE_BYTES] = size * units.Gi req[hub.DatastoreSelector.PROFILE_NAME] = self._get_storage_profile( volume) (host_ref, resource_pool, summary) = self._select_datastore(req, host) dc = self._get_dc(resource_pool) folder = self._get_volume_group_folder(dc, volume['project_id']) return (host_ref, resource_pool, folder, summary) def _get_connection_info(self, volume, backing, connector): connection_info = {'driver_volume_type': 'vmdk'} connection_info['data'] = { 'volume': backing.value, 'volume_id': volume.id, 'name': volume.name, 'profile_id': self._get_storage_profile_id(volume) } # vmdk connector in os-brick needs additional connection info. if 'platform' in connector and 'os_type' in connector: connection_info['data']['vmdk_size'] = volume['size'] * units.Gi vmdk_path = self.volumeops.get_vmdk_path(backing) connection_info['data']['vmdk_path'] = vmdk_path datastore = self.volumeops.get_datastore(backing) connection_info['data']['datastore'] = datastore.value datacenter = self.volumeops.get_dc(backing) connection_info['data']['datacenter'] = datacenter.value config = self.configuration vmdk_connector_config = { 'vmware_host_ip': config.vmware_host_ip, 'vmware_host_port': config.vmware_host_port, 'vmware_host_username': config.vmware_host_username, 'vmware_host_password': config.vmware_host_password, 'vmware_api_retry_count': config.vmware_api_retry_count, 'vmware_task_poll_interval': config.vmware_task_poll_interval, 'vmware_ca_file': config.vmware_ca_file, 'vmware_insecure': config.vmware_insecure, 'vmware_tmp_dir': config.vmware_tmp_dir, 'vmware_image_transfer_timeout_secs': config.vmware_image_transfer_timeout_secs, } connection_info['data']['config'] = vmdk_connector_config LOG.debug("Returning connection_info (volume: '%(volume)s', volume_id:" " '%(volume_id)s'), profile_id: '%(profile_id)s' for " "connector: %(connector)s.", {'volume': connection_info['data']['volume'], 'volume_id': volume.id, 'profile_id': connection_info['data']['profile_id'], 'connector': connector}) return connection_info def _initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): """Get information of volume's backing. If the volume does not have a backing yet. It will be created. :param volume: Volume object :param connector: Connector information :return: Return connection information """ backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume.name, volume.id) if 'instance' in connector: # The instance exists instance = vim_util.get_moref(connector['instance'], 'VirtualMachine') LOG.debug("The instance: %s for which initialize connection " "is called, exists.", instance) # Get host managing the instance host = self.volumeops.get_host(instance) if not backing: # Create a backing in case it does not exist under the # host managing the instance. LOG.info("There is no backing for the volume: %s. " "Need to create one.", volume.name) backing = self._create_backing(volume, host) else: # Relocate volume is necessary self._relocate_backing(volume, backing, host) else: # The instance does not exist LOG.debug("The instance for which initialize connection " "is called, does not exist.") if not backing: # Create a backing in case it does not exist. It is a bad use # case to boot from an empty volume. LOG.warning("Trying to boot from an empty volume: %s.", volume.name) # Create backing backing = self._create_backing(volume) return self._get_connection_info(volume, backing, connector) def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): """Allow connection to connector and return connection info. The implementation returns the following information: .. code-block:: default { 'driver_volume_type': 'vmdk', 'data': {'volume': $VOLUME_MOREF_VALUE, 'volume_id': $VOLUME_ID } } :param volume: Volume object :param connector: Connector information :return: Return connection information """ return self._initialize_connection(volume, connector) def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, force=False, **kwargs): pass def create_export(self, context, volume, connector): pass def ensure_export(self, context, volume): pass def remove_export(self, context, volume): pass def _get_snapshot_group_folder(self, volume, backing): dc = self.volumeops.get_dc(backing) return self._get_volume_group_folder( dc, volume.project_id, snapshot=True) def _create_snapshot_template_format(self, snapshot, backing): volume = snapshot.volume folder = self._get_snapshot_group_folder(volume, backing) datastore = self.volumeops.get_datastore(backing) if self._in_use(volume): tmp_backing = self._create_temp_backing_from_attached_vmdk( volume, None, None, folder, datastore, tmp_name=snapshot.name) else: tmp_backing = self.volumeops.clone_backing( snapshot.name, backing, None, volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE, datastore, folder=folder) try: self.volumeops.mark_backing_as_template(tmp_backing) except exceptions.VimException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Error marking temporary backing as template.") self._delete_temp_backing(tmp_backing) return {'provider_location': self.volumeops.get_inventory_path(tmp_backing)} def _create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Creates a snapshot. If the volume does not have a backing then simply pass, else create a snapshot. Snapshot of only available volume is supported. :param snapshot: Snapshot object """ volume = snapshot['volume'] snapshot_format = self.configuration.vmware_snapshot_format if self._in_use(volume) and snapshot_format == 'COW': msg = _("Snapshot of volume not supported in " "state: %s.") % volume['status'] LOG.error(msg) raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg) backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(snapshot['volume_name'], volume['id']) if not backing: LOG.info("There is no backing, so will not create " "snapshot: %s.", snapshot['name']) return model_update = None if snapshot_format == 'COW': self.volumeops.create_snapshot(backing, snapshot['name'], snapshot['display_description']) else: model_update = self._create_snapshot_template_format( snapshot, backing) LOG.info("Successfully created snapshot: %s.", snapshot['name']) return model_update def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Creates a snapshot. :param snapshot: Snapshot object """ return self._create_snapshot(snapshot) def _get_template_by_inv_path(self, inv_path): template = self.volumeops.get_entity_by_inventory_path(inv_path) if template is None: LOG.error("Template not found at path: %s.", inv_path) raise vmdk_exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException(path=inv_path) else: return template def _delete_snapshot_template_format(self, snapshot): template = self._get_template_by_inv_path(snapshot.provider_location) self.volumeops.delete_backing(template) def _delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Delete snapshot. If the volume does not have a backing or the snapshot does not exist then simply pass, else delete the snapshot. The volume must not be attached for deletion of snapshot in COW format. :param snapshot: Snapshot object """ inv_path = snapshot.provider_location is_template = inv_path is not None backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(snapshot.volume_name, snapshot.volume.id) if not backing: LOG.debug("Backing does not exist for volume.", resource=snapshot.volume) elif (not is_template and not self.volumeops.get_snapshot(backing, snapshot.name)): LOG.debug("Snapshot does not exist in backend.", resource=snapshot) elif self._in_use(snapshot.volume) and not is_template: msg = _("Delete snapshot of volume not supported in " "state: %s.") % snapshot.volume.status LOG.error(msg) raise exception.InvalidSnapshot(reason=msg) else: if is_template: self._delete_snapshot_template_format(snapshot) else: self.volumeops.delete_snapshot(backing, snapshot.name) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Delete snapshot. :param snapshot: Snapshot object """ self._delete_snapshot(snapshot) def _get_ds_name_folder_path(self, backing): """Get datastore name and folder path of the given backing. :param backing: Reference to the backing entity :return: datastore name and folder path of the backing """ vmdk_ds_file_path = self.volumeops.get_path_name(backing) (datastore_name, folder_path, _) = volumeops.split_datastore_path(vmdk_ds_file_path) return (datastore_name, folder_path) @staticmethod def _validate_disk_format(disk_format): """Verify vmdk as disk format. :param disk_format: Disk format of the image """ if disk_format and disk_format.lower() != 'vmdk': msg = _("Cannot create image of disk format: %s. Only vmdk " "disk format is accepted.") % disk_format LOG.error(msg) raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(msg) def _copy_image(self, context, dc_ref, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, ds_name, upload_file_path): """Copy image (flat extent or sparse vmdk) to datastore.""" timeout = self.configuration.vmware_image_transfer_timeout_secs host_ip = self.configuration.vmware_host_ip port = self.configuration.vmware_host_port ca_file = self.configuration.vmware_ca_file insecure = self.configuration.vmware_insecure cookies = self.session.vim.client.options.transport.cookiejar dc_name = self.volumeops.get_entity_name(dc_ref) LOG.debug("Copying image: %(image_id)s to %(path)s.", {'image_id': image_id, 'path': upload_file_path}) # ca_file is used for verifying vCenter certificate if it is set. # If ca_file is unset and insecure is False, the default CA truststore # is used for verification. We should pass cacerts=True in this # case. If ca_file is unset and insecure is True, there is no # certificate verification, and we should pass cacerts=False. cacerts = ca_file if ca_file else not insecure tmp_images = image_utils.TemporaryImages.for_image_service( image_service) tmp_image = tmp_images.get(context, image_id) if tmp_image: LOG.debug("Using temporary image.") with open(tmp_image, 'rb') as read_handle: image_transfer.download_file(read_handle, host_ip, port, dc_name, ds_name, cookies, upload_file_path, image_size_in_bytes, cacerts, timeout) else: image_transfer.download_flat_image(context, timeout, image_service, image_id, image_size=image_size_in_bytes, host=host_ip, port=port, data_center_name=dc_name, datastore_name=ds_name, cookies=cookies, file_path=upload_file_path, cacerts=cacerts) LOG.debug("Image: %(image_id)s copied to %(path)s.", {'image_id': image_id, 'path': upload_file_path}) def _delete_temp_disk(self, descriptor_ds_file_path, dc_ref): """Deletes a temporary virtual disk.""" LOG.debug("Deleting temporary disk: %s.", descriptor_ds_file_path) try: self.volumeops.delete_vmdk_file( descriptor_ds_file_path, dc_ref) except exceptions.VimException: LOG.warning("Error occurred while deleting temporary disk: %s.", descriptor_ds_file_path, exc_info=True) def _copy_temp_virtual_disk(self, src_dc_ref, src_path, dest_dc_ref, dest_path): """Clones a temporary virtual disk and deletes it finally.""" try: self.volumeops.copy_vmdk_file( src_dc_ref, src_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), dest_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), dest_dc_ref) except exceptions.VimException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Error occurred while copying %(src)s to " "%(dst)s.", {'src': src_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), 'dst': dest_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path()}) finally: # Delete temporary disk. self._delete_temp_disk(src_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), src_dc_ref) def _get_temp_image_folder(self, image_size_in_bytes): """Get datastore folder for downloading temporary images.""" # Form requirements for datastore selection. req = {} req[hub.DatastoreSelector.SIZE_BYTES] = image_size_in_bytes # vSAN/VVOL datastores don't support virtual disk with # flat extent; skip such datastores. req[hub.DatastoreSelector.HARD_AFFINITY_DS_TYPE] = ( hub.DatastoreType.get_all_types() - {hub.DatastoreType.VSAN, hub.DatastoreType.VVOL}) # Select datastore satisfying the requirements. (host_ref, _resource_pool, summary) = self._select_datastore(req) ds_name = summary.name dc_ref = self.volumeops.get_dc(host_ref) # Create temporary datastore folder. folder_path = TMP_IMAGES_DATASTORE_FOLDER_PATH self.volumeops.create_datastore_folder(ds_name, folder_path, dc_ref) return (dc_ref, ds_name, folder_path) def _get_vsphere_url(self, context, image_service, image_id): (direct_url, _locations) = image_service.get_location(context, image_id) if direct_url and direct_url.startswith('vsphere://'): return direct_url def _create_virtual_disk_from_sparse_image( self, context, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, dc_ref, ds_name, folder_path, disk_name): """Creates a flat extent virtual disk from sparse vmdk image.""" # Upload the image to a temporary virtual disk. src_disk_name = uuidutils.generate_uuid() src_path = volumeops.MonolithicSparseVirtualDiskPath(ds_name, folder_path, src_disk_name) LOG.debug("Creating temporary virtual disk: %(path)s from sparse vmdk " "image: %(image_id)s.", {'path': src_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), 'image_id': image_id}) vsphere_url = self._get_vsphere_url(context, image_service, image_id) if vsphere_url: self.volumeops.copy_datastore_file( vsphere_url, dc_ref, src_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path()) else: self._copy_image(context, dc_ref, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, ds_name, src_path.get_descriptor_file_path()) # Copy sparse disk to create a flat extent virtual disk. dest_path = volumeops.FlatExtentVirtualDiskPath(ds_name, folder_path, disk_name) self._copy_temp_virtual_disk(dc_ref, src_path, dc_ref, dest_path) LOG.debug("Created virtual disk: %s from sparse vmdk image.", dest_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path()) return dest_path def _create_virtual_disk_from_preallocated_image( self, context, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, dest_dc_ref, dest_ds_name, dest_folder_path, dest_disk_name, adapter_type): """Creates virtual disk from an image which is a flat extent.""" # Upload the image and use it as a flat extent to create a virtual # disk. First, find the datastore folder to download the image. (dc_ref, ds_name, folder_path) = self._get_temp_image_folder(image_size_in_bytes) # pylint: disable=E1101 if ds_name == dest_ds_name and dc_ref.value == dest_dc_ref.value: # Temporary image folder and destination path are on the same # datastore. We can directly download the image to the destination # folder to save one virtual disk copy. path = volumeops.FlatExtentVirtualDiskPath(dest_ds_name, dest_folder_path, dest_disk_name) dest_path = path else: # Use the image to create a temporary virtual disk which is then # copied to the destination folder. disk_name = uuidutils.generate_uuid() path = volumeops.FlatExtentVirtualDiskPath(ds_name, folder_path, disk_name) dest_path = volumeops.FlatExtentVirtualDiskPath(dest_ds_name, dest_folder_path, dest_disk_name) LOG.debug("Creating virtual disk: %(path)s from (flat extent) image: " "%(image_id)s.", {'path': path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), 'image_id': image_id}) # We first create a descriptor with desired settings. self.volumeops.create_flat_extent_virtual_disk_descriptor( dc_ref, path, image_size_in_bytes // units.Ki, adapter_type, EAGER_ZEROED_THICK_VMDK_TYPE) # Upload the image and use it as the flat extent. try: vsphere_url = self._get_vsphere_url(context, image_service, image_id) if vsphere_url: self.volumeops.copy_datastore_file( vsphere_url, dc_ref, path.get_flat_extent_ds_file_path()) else: self._copy_image(context, dc_ref, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, ds_name, path.get_flat_extent_file_path()) except Exception: # Delete the descriptor. with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Error occurred while copying image: " "%(image_id)s to %(path)s.", {'path': path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), 'image_id': image_id}) LOG.debug("Deleting descriptor: %s.", path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path()) try: self.volumeops.delete_file( path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), dc_ref) except exceptions.VimException: LOG.warning("Error occurred while deleting " "descriptor: %s.", path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), exc_info=True) if dest_path != path: # Copy temporary disk to given destination. self._copy_temp_virtual_disk(dc_ref, path, dest_dc_ref, dest_path) LOG.debug("Created virtual disk: %s from flat extent image.", dest_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path()) return dest_path def _check_disk_conversion(self, image_disk_type, extra_spec_disk_type): """Check if disk type conversion is needed.""" if image_disk_type == ImageDiskType.SPARSE: # We cannot reliably determine the destination disk type of a # virtual disk copied from a sparse image. return True # Virtual disk created from flat extent is always of type # eagerZeroedThick. return not (volumeops.VirtualDiskType.get_virtual_disk_type( extra_spec_disk_type) == volumeops.VirtualDiskType.EAGER_ZEROED_THICK) def _delete_temp_backing(self, backing): """Deletes temporary backing.""" LOG.debug("Deleting backing: %s.", backing) try: self.volumeops.delete_backing(backing) except exceptions.VimException: LOG.warning("Error occurred while deleting backing: %s.", backing, exc_info=True) def _create_volume_from_non_stream_optimized_image( self, context, volume, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, adapter_type, image_disk_type): """Creates backing VM from non-streamOptimized image. First, we create a disk-less backing. Then we create a virtual disk using the image which is then attached to the backing VM. Finally, the backing VM is cloned if disk type conversion is required. """ # We should use the disk type in volume type for backing's virtual # disk. disk_type = VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume) # First, create a disk-less backing. create_params = {CREATE_PARAM_DISK_LESS: True} disk_conversion = self._check_disk_conversion(image_disk_type, disk_type) if disk_conversion: # The initial backing is a temporary one and used as the source # for clone operation. disk_name = uuidutils.generate_uuid() create_params[CREATE_PARAM_BACKING_NAME] = disk_name create_params[CREATE_PARAM_TEMP_BACKING] = True else: disk_name = volume['name'] LOG.debug("Creating disk-less backing for volume: %(id)s with params: " "%(param)s.", {'id': volume['id'], 'param': create_params}) backing = self._create_backing(volume, create_params=create_params) try: # Find the backing's datacenter, host, datastore and folder. (ds_name, folder_path) = self._get_ds_name_folder_path(backing) host = self.volumeops.get_host(backing) dc_ref = self.volumeops.get_dc(host) vmdk_path = None attached = False # Create flat extent virtual disk from the image. if image_disk_type == ImageDiskType.SPARSE: # Monolithic sparse image has embedded descriptor. vmdk_path = self._create_virtual_disk_from_sparse_image( context, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, dc_ref, ds_name, folder_path, disk_name) else: # The image is just a flat extent. vmdk_path = self._create_virtual_disk_from_preallocated_image( context, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, dc_ref, ds_name, folder_path, disk_name, adapter_type) # Attach the virtual disk to the backing. LOG.debug("Attaching virtual disk: %(path)s to backing: " "%(backing)s.", {'path': vmdk_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), 'backing': backing}) profile_id = self._get_storage_profile_id(volume) self.volumeops.attach_disk_to_backing( backing, image_size_in_bytes // units.Ki, disk_type, adapter_type, profile_id, vmdk_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path()) attached = True if disk_conversion: # Clone the temporary backing for disk type conversion. (host, rp, folder, summary) = self._select_ds_for_volume( volume) datastore = summary.datastore LOG.debug("Cloning temporary backing: %s for disk type " "conversion.", backing) extra_config = self._get_extra_config(volume) clone = self.volumeops.clone_backing(volume['name'], backing, None, volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE, datastore, disk_type=disk_type, host=host, resource_pool=rp, extra_config=extra_config, folder=folder) self._delete_temp_backing(backing) backing = clone self.volumeops.update_backing_disk_uuid(backing, volume['id']) except Exception: # Delete backing and virtual disk created from image. with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Error occurred while creating " "volume: %(id)s" " from image: %(image_id)s.", {'id': volume['id'], 'image_id': image_id}) self._delete_temp_backing(backing) # Delete virtual disk if exists and unattached. if vmdk_path is not None and not attached: self._delete_temp_disk( vmdk_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), dc_ref) def _fetch_stream_optimized_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id, image_size, adapter_type): """Creates volume from image using HttpNfc VM import. Uses Nfc API to download the VMDK file from Glance. Nfc creates the backing VM that wraps the VMDK in the vCenter inventory. This method assumes glance image is VMDK disk format and its vmware_disktype is 'streamOptimized'. """ try: # find host in which to create the volume (_host, rp, folder, summary) = self._select_ds_for_volume(volume) except exceptions.VimException as excep: err_msg = (_("Exception in _select_ds_for_volume: " "%s."), excep) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg) size_gb = volume['size'] LOG.debug("Selected datastore %(ds)s for new volume of size " "%(size)s GB.", {'ds': summary.name, 'size': size_gb}) # prepare create spec for backing vm profile_id = self._get_storage_profile_id(volume) disk_type = VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume) # The size of stream optimized glance image is often suspect, # so better let vCenter figure out the disk capacity during import. dummy_disk_size = 0 extra_config = self._get_extra_config(volume) vm_create_spec = self.volumeops.get_create_spec( volume['name'], dummy_disk_size, disk_type, summary.name, profile_id=profile_id, adapter_type=adapter_type, extra_config=extra_config) # convert vm_create_spec to vm_import_spec cf = self.session.vim.client.factory vm_import_spec = cf.create('ns0:VirtualMachineImportSpec') vm_import_spec.configSpec = vm_create_spec try: # fetching image from glance will also create the backing timeout = self.configuration.vmware_image_transfer_timeout_secs host_ip = self.configuration.vmware_host_ip port = self.configuration.vmware_host_port LOG.debug("Fetching glance image: %(id)s to server: %(host)s.", {'id': image_id, 'host': host_ip}) backing = image_transfer.download_stream_optimized_image( context, timeout, image_service, image_id, session=self.session, host=host_ip, port=port, resource_pool=rp, vm_folder=folder, vm_import_spec=vm_import_spec, image_size=image_size) self.volumeops.update_backing_disk_uuid(backing, volume['id']) except (exceptions.VimException, exceptions.VMwareDriverException): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Error occurred while copying image: %(id)s " "to volume: %(vol)s.", {'id': image_id, 'vol': volume['name']}) backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume['name'], volume['id']) if backing: # delete the backing self.volumeops.delete_backing(backing) LOG.info("Done copying image: %(id)s to volume: %(vol)s.", {'id': image_id, 'vol': volume['name']}) def _extend_backing(self, backing, new_size_in_gb, disk_type): """Extend volume backing's virtual disk. :param backing: volume backing :param new_size_in_gb: new size of virtual disk """ root_vmdk_path = self.volumeops.get_vmdk_path(backing) datacenter = self.volumeops.get_dc(backing) eager_zero = disk_type == EAGER_ZEROED_THICK_VMDK_TYPE self.volumeops.extend_virtual_disk(new_size_in_gb, root_vmdk_path, datacenter, eager_zero) def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id): """Creates volume from image. This method only supports Glance image of VMDK disk format. Uses flat vmdk file copy for "sparse" and "preallocated" disk types Uses HttpNfc import API for "streamOptimized" disk types. This API creates a backing VM that wraps the VMDK in the vCenter inventory. :param context: context :param volume: Volume object :param image_service: Glance image service :param image_id: Glance image id """ LOG.debug("Copy glance image: %s to create new volume.", image_id) # Verify glance image is vmdk disk format metadata = image_service.show(context, image_id) VMwareVcVmdkDriver._validate_disk_format(metadata['disk_format']) # Validate container format; only 'bare' and 'ova' are supported. container_format = metadata.get('container_format') if (container_format and container_format not in ['bare', 'ova']): msg = _("Container format: %s is unsupported, only 'bare' and " "'ova' are supported.") % container_format LOG.error(msg) raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(image_id=image_id, reason=msg) # Get the disk type, adapter type and size of vmdk image image_disk_type = ImageDiskType.PREALLOCATED image_adapter_type = self._get_adapter_type(volume) image_size_in_bytes = metadata['size'] properties = metadata['properties'] if properties: if 'vmware_disktype' in properties: image_disk_type = properties['vmware_disktype'] if 'vmware_adaptertype' in properties: image_adapter_type = properties['vmware_adaptertype'] try: # validate disk and adapter types in image meta-data volumeops.VirtualDiskAdapterType.validate(image_adapter_type) ImageDiskType.validate(image_disk_type) if image_disk_type == ImageDiskType.STREAM_OPTIMIZED: self._fetch_stream_optimized_image(context, volume, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, image_adapter_type) else: self._create_volume_from_non_stream_optimized_image( context, volume, image_service, image_id, image_size_in_bytes, image_adapter_type, image_disk_type) except (exceptions.VimException, exceptions.VMwareDriverException): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Error occurred while copying image: %(id)s " "to volume: %(vol)s.", {'id': image_id, 'vol': volume['name']}) LOG.debug("Volume: %(id)s created from image: %(image_id)s.", {'id': volume['id'], 'image_id': image_id}) # If the user-specified volume size is greater than backing's # current disk size, we should extend the disk. volume_size = volume['size'] * units.Gi backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume['name'], volume['id']) disk_size = self.volumeops.get_disk_size(backing) if volume_size > disk_size: LOG.debug("Extending volume: %(name)s since the user specified " "volume size (bytes): %(vol_size)d is greater than " "backing's current disk size (bytes): %(disk_size)d.", {'name': volume['name'], 'vol_size': volume_size, 'disk_size': disk_size}) self._extend_backing(backing, volume['size'], VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume)) # TODO(vbala): handle volume_size < disk_size case. def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta): """Creates glance image from volume. Upload of only available volume is supported. The uploaded glance image has a vmdk disk type of "streamOptimized" that can only be downloaded using the HttpNfc API. Steps followed are: 1. Get the name of the vmdk file which the volume points to right now. Can be a chain of snapshots, so we need to know the last in the chain. 2. Use Nfc APIs to upload the contents of the vmdk file to glance. """ # if volume is attached raise exception if self._in_use(volume): msg = _("Upload to glance of attached volume is not supported.") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg) # validate disk format is vmdk LOG.debug("Copy Volume: %s to new image.", volume['name']) VMwareVcVmdkDriver._validate_disk_format(image_meta['disk_format']) # get backing vm of volume and its vmdk path backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume['name'], volume['id']) if not backing: LOG.info("Backing not found, creating for volume: %s", volume['name']) backing = self._create_backing(volume) vmdk_file_path = self.volumeops.get_vmdk_path(backing) # Upload image from vmdk timeout = self.configuration.vmware_image_transfer_timeout_secs host_ip = self.configuration.vmware_host_ip port = self.configuration.vmware_host_port image_transfer.upload_image(context, timeout, image_service, image_meta['id'], volume['project_id'], session=self.session, host=host_ip, port=port, vm=backing, vmdk_file_path=vmdk_file_path, vmdk_size=volume['size'] * units.Gi, image_name=image_meta['name'], image_version=1) LOG.info("Done copying volume %(vol)s to a new image %(img)s", {'vol': volume['name'], 'img': image_meta['name']}) def _in_use(self, volume): """Check if the given volume is in use.""" return (volume['volume_attachment'] and len(volume['volume_attachment']) > 0) def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host): """Convert the volume to be of the new type. The retype is performed only if the volume is not in use. Retype is NOP if the backing doesn't exist. If disk type conversion is needed, the volume is cloned. If disk type conversion is needed and the volume contains snapshots, the backing is relocated instead of cloning. The backing is also relocated if the current datastore is not compliant with the new storage profile (if any). Finally, the storage profile of the backing VM is updated. :param ctxt: Context :param volume: A dictionary describing the volume to retype :param new_type: A dictionary describing the volume type to convert to :param diff: A dictionary with the difference between the two types :param host: A dictionary describing the host to migrate to, where host['host'] is its name, and host['capabilities'] is a dictionary of its reported capabilities (unused) :returns: True if the retype occurred; False otherwise. """ # Can't attempt retype if the volume is in use. if self._in_use(volume): LOG.warning("Volume: %s is in use, can't retype.", volume['name']) return False # If the backing doesn't exist, retype is NOP. backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume['name'], volume['id']) if backing is None: LOG.debug("Backing for volume: %s doesn't exist; retype is NOP.", volume['name']) return True # Check whether we need disk type conversion. disk_type = VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume) new_disk_type = VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_extra_spec_disk_type( new_type['id']) need_disk_type_conversion = disk_type != new_disk_type # Check whether we need to relocate the backing. If the backing # contains snapshots, relocate is the only way to achieve disk type # conversion. need_relocate = (need_disk_type_conversion and self.volumeops.snapshot_exists(backing)) datastore = self.volumeops.get_datastore(backing) # Check whether we need to change the storage profile. need_profile_change = False is_compliant = True new_profile = None if self._storage_policy_enabled: profile = self._get_storage_profile(volume) new_profile = self._get_extra_spec_storage_profile(new_type['id']) need_profile_change = profile != new_profile # The current datastore may be compliant with the new profile. is_compliant = self.ds_sel.is_datastore_compliant(datastore, new_profile) # No need to relocate or clone if there is no disk type conversion and # the current datastore is compliant with the new profile or storage # policy is disabled. if not need_disk_type_conversion and is_compliant: LOG.debug("Backing: %(backing)s for volume: %(name)s doesn't need " "disk type conversion.", {'backing': backing, 'name': volume['name']}) if self._storage_policy_enabled: LOG.debug("Backing: %(backing)s for volume: %(name)s is " "compliant with the new profile: %(new_profile)s.", {'backing': backing, 'name': volume['name'], 'new_profile': new_profile}) else: # Set requirements for datastore selection. req = {} req[hub.DatastoreSelector.SIZE_BYTES] = (volume['size'] * units.Gi) if need_relocate: LOG.debug("Backing: %s should be relocated.", backing) req[hub.DatastoreSelector.HARD_ANTI_AFFINITY_DS] = ( [datastore.value]) if new_profile: req[hub.DatastoreSelector.PROFILE_NAME] = new_profile # Select datastore satisfying the requirements. try: best_candidate = self._select_datastore(req) except vmdk_exceptions.NoValidDatastoreException: # No candidate datastores; can't retype. LOG.warning("There are no datastores matching new " "requirements; can't retype volume: %s.", volume['name']) return False (host, rp, summary) = best_candidate dc = self._get_dc(rp) folder = self._get_volume_group_folder(dc, volume['project_id']) new_datastore = summary.datastore if datastore.value != new_datastore.value: # Datastore changed; relocate the backing. LOG.debug("Backing: %s needs to be relocated for retype.", backing) self.volumeops.relocate_backing( backing, new_datastore, rp, host, new_disk_type) self.volumeops.move_backing_to_folder(backing, folder) elif need_disk_type_conversion: # Same datastore, but clone is needed for disk type conversion. LOG.debug("Backing: %s needs to be cloned for retype.", backing) new_backing = None renamed = False tmp_name = uuidutils.generate_uuid() try: self.volumeops.rename_backing(backing, tmp_name) renamed = True new_backing = self.volumeops.clone_backing( volume['name'], backing, None, volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE, datastore, disk_type=new_disk_type, host=host, resource_pool=rp, folder=folder) self._delete_temp_backing(backing) backing = new_backing self.volumeops.update_backing_uuid(backing, volume['id']) self.volumeops.update_backing_disk_uuid(backing, volume['id']) except exceptions.VimException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Error occurred while cloning backing: " "%s during retype.", backing) if renamed and not new_backing: LOG.debug("Undo rename of backing: %(backing)s; " "changing name from %(new_name)s to " "%(old_name)s.", {'backing': backing, 'new_name': tmp_name, 'old_name': volume['name']}) try: self.volumeops.rename_backing(backing, volume['name']) except exceptions.VimException: LOG.warning("Changing backing: " "%(backing)s name from " "%(new_name)s to %(old_name)s " "failed.", {'backing': backing, 'new_name': tmp_name, 'old_name': volume['name']}) adapter_type = self._get_adapter_type(volume) new_adapter_type = self._get_extra_spec_adapter_type(new_type['id']) if new_adapter_type != adapter_type: LOG.debug("Changing volume: %(name)s adapter type from " "%(adapter_type)s to %(new_adapter_type)s.", {'name': volume['name'], 'adapter_type': adapter_type, 'new_adapter_type': new_adapter_type}) disk_device = self.volumeops._get_disk_device(backing) self.volumeops.detach_disk_from_backing(backing, disk_device) self.volumeops.attach_disk_to_backing( backing, disk_device.capacityInKB, new_disk_type, new_adapter_type, None, disk_device.backing.fileName) # Update the backing's storage profile if needed. if need_profile_change: LOG.debug("Backing: %(backing)s needs a profile change to:" " %(profile)s.", {'backing': backing, 'profile': new_profile}) profile_id = None if new_profile is not None: profile_id = self.ds_sel.get_profile_id(new_profile) self.volumeops.change_backing_profile(backing, profile_id) # Retype is done. LOG.debug("Volume: %s retype is done.", volume['name']) return True def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): """Extend volume to new size. Extends the volume backing's virtual disk to new size. First, try to extend in place on the same datastore. If that fails due to insufficient disk space, then try to relocate the volume to a different datastore that can accommodate the backing with new size and retry extend. :param volume: dictionary describing the existing 'available' volume :param new_size: new size in GB to extend this volume to """ vol_name = volume['name'] backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(vol_name, volume['id']) if not backing: LOG.info("There is no backing for volume: %s; no need to " "extend the virtual disk.", vol_name) return # try extending vmdk in place try: self._extend_backing(backing, new_size, VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume)) LOG.info("Successfully extended volume: %(vol)s to size: " "%(size)s GB.", {'vol': vol_name, 'size': new_size}) return except exceptions.NoDiskSpaceException: LOG.warning("Unable to extend volume: %(vol)s to size: " "%(size)s on current datastore due to insufficient" " space.", {'vol': vol_name, 'size': new_size}) # Insufficient disk space; relocate the volume to a different datastore # and retry extend. LOG.info("Relocating volume: %s to a different datastore due to " "insufficient disk space on current datastore.", vol_name) try: create_params = {CREATE_PARAM_DISK_SIZE: new_size} (host, rp, folder, summary) = self._select_ds_for_volume( volume, create_params=create_params) self.volumeops.relocate_backing(backing, summary.datastore, rp, host) self.volumeops.move_backing_to_folder(backing, folder) self._extend_backing(backing, new_size, VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume)) except exceptions.VMwareDriverException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Failed to extend volume: %(vol)s to size: " "%(size)s GB.", {'vol': vol_name, 'size': new_size}) LOG.info("Successfully extended volume: %(vol)s to size: " "%(size)s GB.", {'vol': vol_name, 'size': new_size}) def _get_disk_device(self, vmdk_path, vm_inv_path): # Get the VM that corresponds to the given inventory path. vm = self.volumeops.get_entity_by_inventory_path(vm_inv_path) if vm: # Get the disk device that corresponds to the given vmdk path. disk_device = self.volumeops.get_disk_device(vm, vmdk_path) if disk_device: return (vm, disk_device) def _get_existing(self, existing_ref): src_name = existing_ref.get('source-name') if not src_name: raise exception.InvalidInput( reason=_("source-name cannot be empty.")) # source-name format: vmdk_path@vm_inventory_path parts = src_name.split('@') if len(parts) != 2: raise exception.InvalidInput( reason=_("source-name format should be: " "'vmdk_path@vm_inventory_path'.")) (vmdk_path, vm_inv_path) = parts existing = self._get_disk_device(vmdk_path, vm_inv_path) if not existing: reason = _("%s does not exist.") % src_name raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason) return existing def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref): """Return size of the volume to be managed by manage_existing. When calculating the size, round up to the next GB. :param volume: Cinder volume to manage :param existing_ref: Driver-specific information used to identify a volume """ (_vm, disk) = self._get_existing(existing_ref) return int(math.ceil(disk.capacityInKB * units.Ki / float(units.Gi))) def _manage_existing_int(self, volume, vm, disk): LOG.debug("Creating volume from disk: %(disk)s attached to %(vm)s.", {'disk': disk, 'vm': vm}) # Create a backing for the volume. create_params = {CREATE_PARAM_DISK_LESS: True} backing = self._create_backing(volume, create_params=create_params) # Detach the disk to be managed from the source VM. self.volumeops.detach_disk_from_backing(vm, disk) # Move the disk to the datastore folder of volume backing. src_dc = self.volumeops.get_dc(vm) dest_dc = self.volumeops.get_dc(backing) (ds_name, folder_path) = self._get_ds_name_folder_path(backing) dest_path = volumeops.VirtualDiskPath( ds_name, folder_path, volume['name']) self.volumeops.move_vmdk_file(src_dc, disk.backing.fileName, dest_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path(), dest_dc_ref=dest_dc) # Attach the disk to be managed to volume backing. profile_id = self._get_storage_profile_id(volume) self.volumeops.attach_disk_to_backing( backing, disk.capacityInKB, VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume), self._get_adapter_type(volume), profile_id, dest_path.get_descriptor_ds_file_path()) self.volumeops.update_backing_disk_uuid(backing, volume['id']) return backing def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref): """Brings an existing virtual disk under Cinder management. Detaches the virtual disk identified by existing_ref and attaches it to a volume backing. :param volume: Cinder volume to manage :param existing_ref: Driver-specific information used to identify a volume """ (vm, disk) = self._get_existing(existing_ref) self._manage_existing_int(volume, vm, disk) def unmanage(self, volume): backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume['name'], volume['id']) if backing: extra_config = self._get_extra_config(volume) for key in extra_config: extra_config[key] = '' self.volumeops.update_backing_extra_config(backing, extra_config) @property def session(self): return self._session def _create_session(self): ip = self.configuration.vmware_host_ip port = self.configuration.vmware_host_port username = self.configuration.vmware_host_username password = self.configuration.vmware_host_password api_retry_count = self.configuration.vmware_api_retry_count task_poll_interval = self.configuration.vmware_task_poll_interval wsdl_loc = self.configuration.safe_get('vmware_wsdl_location') ca_file = self.configuration.vmware_ca_file insecure = self.configuration.vmware_insecure pool_size = self.configuration.vmware_connection_pool_size session = api.VMwareAPISession(ip, username, password, api_retry_count, task_poll_interval, wsdl_loc=wsdl_loc, port=port, cacert=ca_file, insecure=insecure, pool_size=pool_size, op_id_prefix='c-vol') return session def _get_vc_version(self): """Connect to vCenter server and fetch version. Can be over-ridden by setting 'vmware_host_version' config. :returns: vCenter version as a LooseVersion object """ version_str = self.configuration.vmware_host_version if version_str: LOG.info("Using overridden vmware_host_version from config: %s", version_str) else: version_str = vim_util.get_vc_version(self.session) LOG.info("Fetched vCenter server version: %s", version_str) return version_str def _validate_vcenter_version(self, vc_version): if not versionutils.is_compatible( self.MIN_SUPPORTED_VC_VERSION, vc_version, same_major=False): msg = _('Running Cinder with a VMware vCenter version less than ' '%s is not allowed.') % self.MIN_SUPPORTED_VC_VERSION LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.VMwareDriverException(message=msg) elif not versionutils.is_compatible(self.NEXT_MIN_SUPPORTED_VC_VERSION, vc_version, same_major=False): LOG.warning('Running Cinder with a VMware vCenter version ' 'less than %(ver)s is deprecated. The minimum ' 'required version of vCenter server will be raised' ' to %(ver)s in a future release.', {'ver': self.NEXT_MIN_SUPPORTED_VC_VERSION}) def _register_extension(self): ext = vim_util.find_extension(self.session.vim, EXTENSION_KEY) if ext: LOG.debug('Extension %s already exists.', EXTENSION_KEY) else: try: vim_util.register_extension(self.session.vim, EXTENSION_KEY, EXTENSION_TYPE, label='OpenStack Cinder') LOG.info('Registered extension %s.', EXTENSION_KEY) except exceptions.VimFaultException as e: if 'InvalidArgument' in e.fault_list: LOG.debug('Extension %s is already registered.', EXTENSION_KEY) else: raise def do_setup(self, context): """Any initialization the volume driver does while starting.""" self._validate_params() regex_pattern = self.configuration.vmware_datastore_regex if regex_pattern: try: self._ds_regex = re.compile(regex_pattern) except re.error: raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_( "Invalid regular expression: %s.") % regex_pattern) self._session = self._create_session() # Validate vCenter version. self._vc_version = self._get_vc_version() self._validate_vcenter_version(self._vc_version) # Enable pbm only if vCenter version is 5.5+. if (self._vc_version and versionutils.is_compatible(self.PBM_ENABLED_VC_VERSION, self._vc_version, same_major=False)): pbm_wsdl_loc = pbm.get_pbm_wsdl_location(self._vc_version) if not pbm_wsdl_loc: LOG.error("Not able to configure PBM for vCenter server: %s", self._vc_version) raise exceptions.VMwareDriverException() self._storage_policy_enabled = True self._session.pbm_wsdl_loc_set(pbm_wsdl_loc) self._register_extension() max_objects = self.configuration.vmware_max_objects_retrieval self._volumeops = volumeops.VMwareVolumeOps( self.session, max_objects, EXTENSION_KEY, EXTENSION_TYPE) self._ds_sel = hub.DatastoreSelector( self.volumeops, self.session, max_objects, ds_regex=self._ds_regex) # Get clusters to be used for backing VM creation. cluster_names = self.configuration.vmware_cluster_name if cluster_names: self._clusters = self.volumeops.get_cluster_refs( cluster_names).values() LOG.info("Using compute cluster(s): %s.", cluster_names) self.volumeops.build_backing_ref_cache() LOG.info("Successfully setup driver: %(driver)s for server: " "%(ip)s.", {'driver': self.__class__.__name__, 'ip': self.configuration.vmware_host_ip}) def _get_volume_group_folder(self, datacenter, project_id, snapshot=False): """Get inventory folder for organizing volume backings and snapshots. The inventory folder for organizing volume backings has the following hierarchy: /OpenStack/Project ()/ where volume_folder is the vmdk driver config option "vmware_volume_folder". A sub-folder named 'Snapshots' under volume_folder is used for organizing snapshots in template format. :param datacenter: Reference to the datacenter :param project_id: OpenStack project ID :param snapshot: Return folder for snapshot if True :return: Reference to the inventory folder """ volume_folder_name = self.configuration.vmware_volume_folder project_folder_name = "Project (%s)" % project_id folder_names = ['OpenStack', project_folder_name, volume_folder_name] if snapshot: folder_names.append('Snapshots') return self.volumeops.create_vm_inventory_folder(datacenter, folder_names) def _relocate_backing(self, volume, backing, host): """Relocate volume backing to a datastore accessible to the given host. The backing is not relocated if the current datastore is already accessible to the host and compliant with the backing's storage profile. :param volume: Volume to be relocated :param backing: Reference to the backing :param host: Reference to the host """ # Check if the current datastore is visible to the host managing # the instance and compliant with the storage profile. datastore = self.volumeops.get_datastore(backing) backing_profile = None if self._storage_policy_enabled: backing_profile = self._get_storage_profile(volume) if (self.volumeops.is_datastore_accessible(datastore, host) and self.ds_sel.is_datastore_compliant(datastore, backing_profile)): LOG.debug("Datastore: %(datastore)s of backing: %(backing)s is " "already accessible to instance's host: %(host)s.", {'backing': backing, 'datastore': datastore, 'host': host}) if backing_profile: LOG.debug("Backing: %(backing)s is compliant with " "storage profile: %(profile)s.", {'backing': backing, 'profile': backing_profile}) return # We need to relocate the backing to an accessible and profile # compliant datastore. req = {} req[hub.DatastoreSelector.SIZE_BYTES] = (volume['size'] * units.Gi) req[hub.DatastoreSelector.PROFILE_NAME] = backing_profile # Select datastore satisfying the requirements. (host, resource_pool, summary) = self._select_datastore(req, host) dc = self._get_dc(resource_pool) folder = self._get_volume_group_folder(dc, volume['project_id']) self.volumeops.relocate_backing(backing, summary.datastore, resource_pool, host) self.volumeops.move_backing_to_folder(backing, folder) @staticmethod def _get_clone_type(volume): """Get clone type from volume type. :param volume: Volume object :return: Clone type from the extra spec if present, else return default 'full' clone type """ clone_type = _get_volume_type_extra_spec( volume['volume_type_id'], 'clone_type', default_value=volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE) if (clone_type != volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE and clone_type != volumeops.LINKED_CLONE_TYPE): msg = (_("Clone type '%(clone_type)s' is invalid; valid values" " are: '%(full_clone)s' and '%(linked_clone)s'.") % {'clone_type': clone_type, 'full_clone': volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE, 'linked_clone': volumeops.LINKED_CLONE_TYPE}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.Invalid(message=msg) return clone_type def _clone_backing(self, volume, backing, snapshot, clone_type, src_vsize): """Clone the backing. :param volume: New Volume object :param backing: Reference to the backing entity :param snapshot: Reference to the snapshot entity :param clone_type: type of the clone :param src_vsize: the size of the source volume """ if (clone_type == volumeops.LINKED_CLONE_TYPE and volume.size > src_vsize): # Volume extend will fail if the volume is a linked clone of # another volume. Use full clone if extend is needed after cloning. clone_type = volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE LOG.debug("Linked cloning not possible for creating volume " "since volume needs to be extended after cloning.", resource=volume) datastore = None host = None rp = None folder = None if clone_type != volumeops.LINKED_CLONE_TYPE: # Pick a datastore where to create the full clone under any host (host, rp, folder, summary) = self._select_ds_for_volume(volume) datastore = summary.datastore extra_config = self._get_extra_config(volume) clone = self.volumeops.clone_backing(volume['name'], backing, snapshot, clone_type, datastore, host=host, resource_pool=rp, extra_config=extra_config, folder=folder) # vCenter 6.0+ does not allow changing the UUID of delta disk created # during linked cloning; skip setting UUID for vCenter 6.0+. if (clone_type == volumeops.LINKED_CLONE_TYPE and versionutils.is_compatible( '6.0', self._vc_version, same_major=False)): LOG.debug("Not setting vmdk UUID for volume: %s.", volume['id']) else: self.volumeops.update_backing_disk_uuid(clone, volume['id']) # If the volume size specified by the user is greater than # the size of the source volume, the newly created volume will # allocate the capacity to the size of the source volume in the backend # VMDK datastore, though the volume information indicates it has a # capacity of the volume size. If the volume size is greater, # we need to extend/resize the capacity of the vmdk virtual disk from # the size of the source volume to the volume size. if volume['size'] > src_vsize: self._extend_backing(clone, volume['size'], VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume)) LOG.info("Successfully created clone: %s.", clone) def _create_volume_from_template(self, volume, path): LOG.debug("Creating backing for volume: %(volume_id)s from template " "at path: %(path)s.", {'volume_id': volume.id, 'path': path}) template = self._get_template_by_inv_path(path) # Create temporary backing by cloning the template. tmp_name = uuidutils.generate_uuid() (host, rp, folder, summary) = self._select_ds_for_volume(volume) datastore = summary.datastore disk_type = VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume) tmp_backing = self.volumeops.clone_backing(tmp_name, template, None, volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE, datastore, disk_type=disk_type, host=host, resource_pool=rp, folder=folder) self._create_volume_from_temp_backing(volume, tmp_backing) def _create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Creates a volume from a snapshot. If the snapshot does not exist or source volume's backing does not exist, then pass. :param volume: New Volume object :param snapshot: Reference to snapshot entity """ backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(snapshot['volume_name'], snapshot['volume']['id']) if not backing: LOG.info("There is no backing for the snapshotted volume: " "%(snap)s. Not creating any backing for the " "volume: %(vol)s.", {'snap': snapshot['name'], 'vol': volume['name']}) return inv_path = snapshot.get('provider_location') if inv_path: self._create_volume_from_template(volume, inv_path) else: snapshot_moref = self.volumeops.get_snapshot(backing, snapshot['name']) if not snapshot_moref: LOG.info("There is no snapshot point for the snapshotted " "volume: %(snap)s. Not creating any backing for " "the volume: %(vol)s.", {'snap': snapshot['name'], 'vol': volume['name']}) return clone_type = VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_clone_type(volume) self._clone_backing(volume, backing, snapshot_moref, clone_type, snapshot['volume_size']) def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Creates a volume from a snapshot. :param volume: New Volume object :param snapshot: Reference to snapshot entity """ self._create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot) def _get_volume_device_uuid(self, instance, volume_id): prop = 'config.extraConfig["volume-%s"]' % volume_id opt_val = self.session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property', self.session.vim, instance, prop) if opt_val is not None: return opt_val.value def _create_temp_backing_from_attached_vmdk( self, src_vref, host, rp, folder, datastore, tmp_name=None): instance = self.volumeops.get_backing_by_uuid( src_vref['volume_attachment'][0]['instance_uuid']) vol_dev_uuid = self._get_volume_device_uuid(instance, src_vref['id']) LOG.debug("Cloning volume device: %(dev)s attached to instance: " "%(instance)s.", {'dev': vol_dev_uuid, 'instance': instance}) tmp_name = tmp_name or uuidutils.generate_uuid() return self.volumeops.clone_backing( tmp_name, instance, None, volumeops.FULL_CLONE_TYPE, datastore, host=host, resource_pool=rp, folder=folder, disks_to_clone=[vol_dev_uuid]) def _extend_if_needed(self, volume, backing): volume_size = volume.size * units.Gi disk_size = self.volumeops.get_disk_size(backing) if volume_size > disk_size: self._extend_backing(backing, volume.size, VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_disk_type(volume)) def _create_volume_from_temp_backing(self, volume, tmp_backing): try: disk_device = self.volumeops._get_disk_device(tmp_backing) backing = self._manage_existing_int( volume, tmp_backing, disk_device) self._extend_if_needed(volume, backing) finally: self._delete_temp_backing(tmp_backing) def _clone_attached_volume(self, src_vref, volume): # Clone the vmdk attached to the instance to create a temporary # backing. (host, rp, folder, summary) = self._select_ds_for_volume(volume) datastore = summary.datastore tmp_backing = self._create_temp_backing_from_attached_vmdk( src_vref, host, rp, folder, datastore) self._create_volume_from_temp_backing(volume, tmp_backing) def _create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Creates volume clone. If source volume's backing does not exist, then pass. Linked clone of attached volume is not supported. :param volume: New Volume object :param src_vref: Source Volume object """ backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(src_vref['name'], src_vref['id']) if not backing: LOG.info("There is no backing for the source volume: %(src)s. " "Not creating any backing for volume: %(vol)s.", {'src': src_vref['name'], 'vol': volume['name']}) return clone_type = VMwareVcVmdkDriver._get_clone_type(volume) snapshot = None if clone_type == volumeops.LINKED_CLONE_TYPE: if src_vref['status'] != 'available': msg = _("Linked clone of source volume not supported " "in state: %s.") % src_vref['status'] LOG.error(msg) raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg) # To create a linked clone, we create a temporary snapshot of the # source volume, and then create the clone off the temporary # snapshot. snap_name = 'temp-snapshot-%s' % volume['id'] snapshot = self.volumeops.create_snapshot(backing, snap_name, None) if self._in_use(src_vref): self._clone_attached_volume(src_vref, volume) else: try: self._clone_backing(volume, backing, snapshot, clone_type, src_vref['size']) finally: if snapshot: # Delete temporary snapshot. try: self.volumeops.delete_snapshot(backing, snap_name) except exceptions.VimException: LOG.debug("Unable to delete temporary snapshot: %s of " "volume backing.", snap_name, resource=volume, exc_info=True) def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Creates volume clone. :param volume: New Volume object :param src_vref: Source Volume object """ self._create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref) def accept_transfer(self, context, volume, new_user, new_project): """Accept the transfer of a volume for a new user/project.""" backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume.name, volume.id) if backing: dc = self.volumeops.get_dc(backing) new_folder = self._get_volume_group_folder(dc, new_project) self.volumeops.move_backing_to_folder(backing, new_folder) def revert_to_snapshot(self, context, volume, snapshot): inv_path = snapshot.provider_location is_template = inv_path is not None if is_template: LOG.error("Revert to template based snapshot is not supported.") raise exception.InvalidSnapshot("Cannot revert to template " "based snapshot") backing = self.volumeops.get_backing(volume.name, volume.id) if not backing: LOG.debug("Backing does not exist for volume.", resource=volume) else: self.volumeops.revert_to_snapshot(backing, snapshot.name)