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# Copyright (C) 2020 leafcloud b.v.
# Copyright (C) 2020 FUJITSU LIMITED
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Implementation of a backup service that uses S3 as the backend
**Related Flags**
:backup_s3_endpoint_url: The url where the S3 server is listening.
(default: None)
:backup_s3_store_bucket: The S3 bucket to be used to store
the Cinder backup data. (default: volumebackups)
:backup_s3_store_access_key: The S3 query token access key. (default: None)
:backup_s3_store_secret_key: The S3 query token secret key. (default: None)
:backup_s3_sse_customer_key: The SSECustomerKey.
backup_s3_sse_customer_algorithm must be set at
the same time to enable SSE. (default: None)
:backup_s3_sse_customer_algorithm: The SSECustomerAlgorithm.
backup_s3_sse_customer_key must be set at
the same time to enable SSE. (default: None)
:backup_s3_object_size: The size in bytes of S3 backup objects.
(default: 52428800)
:backup_s3_block_size: The size in bytes that changes are tracked
for incremental backups. backup_s3_object_size
has to be multiple of backup_s3_block_size.
(default: 32768).
:backup_s3_md5_validation: Enable or Disable md5 validation in the s3 backend.
(default: True)
:backup_s3_http_proxy: Address or host for the http proxy server.
(default: '')
:backup_s3_https_proxy: Address or host for the https proxy server.
(default: '')
:backup_s3_timeout: The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown.
(default: 60)
:backup_s3_max_pool_connections: The maximum number of connections
to keep in a connection pool. (default: 10)
:backup_s3_retry_max_attempts: An integer representing the maximum number of
retry attempts that will be made on
a single request. (default: 4)
:backup_s3_retry_mode: A string representing the type of retry mode.
e.g: legacy, standard, adaptive. (default: legacy)
:backup_s3_verify_ssl: Enable or Disable ssl verify.
(default: True)
:backup_s3_ca_cert_file: A filename of the CA cert bundle to use.
(default: None)
:backup_s3_enable_progress_timer: Enable or Disable the timer to send the
periodic progress notifications to
Ceilometer when backing up the volume to the
S3 backend storage. (default: True)
:backup_compression_algorithm: Compression algorithm to use for volume
backups. Supported options are:
None (to disable), zlib, bz2
and zstd. (default: zlib)
import base64
import functools
import io
import itertools as it
import socket
import boto3
from botocore.config import Config
from botocore import exceptions as boto_exc
from botocore.vendored.requests.packages.urllib3 import exceptions as \
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils.secretutils import md5
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from cinder.backup import chunkeddriver
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder import interface
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
s3backup_service_opts = [
help=_('The url where the S3 server is listening.')),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_store_access_key', secret=True,
help=_('The S3 query token access key.')),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_store_secret_key', secret=True,
help=_('The S3 query token secret key.')),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_store_bucket', default='volumebackups',
help=_('The S3 bucket to be used '
'to store the Cinder backup data.')),
cfg.IntOpt('backup_s3_object_size', default=52428800,
help='The size in bytes of S3 backup objects'),
cfg.IntOpt('backup_s3_block_size', default=32768,
help='The size in bytes that changes are tracked '
'for incremental backups. backup_s3_object_size '
'has to be multiple of backup_s3_block_size.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('backup_s3_enable_progress_timer', default=True,
help='Enable or Disable the timer to send the periodic '
'progress notifications to Ceilometer when backing '
'up the volume to the S3 backend storage. The '
'default value is True to enable the timer.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_http_proxy', default='',
help='Address or host for the http proxy server.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_https_proxy', default='',
help='Address or host for the https proxy server.'),
cfg.FloatOpt('backup_s3_timeout', default=60,
help='The time in seconds till '
'a timeout exception is thrown.'),
cfg.IntOpt('backup_s3_max_pool_connections', default=10,
help='The maximum number of connections '
'to keep in a connection pool.'),
cfg.IntOpt('backup_s3_retry_max_attempts', default=4,
help='An integer representing the maximum number of '
'retry attempts that will be made on a single request.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_retry_mode', default='legacy',
help='A string representing the type of retry mode. '
'e.g: legacy, standard, adaptive'),
cfg.BoolOpt('backup_s3_verify_ssl', default=True,
help='Enable or Disable ssl verify.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_ca_cert_file', default=None,
help='path/to/cert/bundle.pem '
'- A filename of the CA cert bundle to use.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('backup_s3_md5_validation', default=True,
help='Enable or Disable md5 validation in the s3 backend.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_sse_customer_key', default=None, secret=True,
help='The SSECustomerKey. backup_s3_sse_customer_algorithm '
'must be set at the same time to enable SSE.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_s3_sse_customer_algorithm', default=None,
help='The SSECustomerAlgorithm. backup_s3_sse_customer_key '
'must be set at the same time to enable SSE.')
CONF.import_opt('backup_compression_algorithm', 'cinder.backup.chunkeddriver')
class S3ConnectionFailure(exception.BackupDriverException):
message = _("S3 connection failure: %(reason)s")
class S3ClientError(exception.BackupDriverException):
message = _("S3 client error: %(reason)s")
def _wrap_exception(func):
def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except boto_exc.ClientError as err:
raise S3ClientError(reason=err)
except Exception as err:
raise S3ConnectionFailure(reason=err)
return func_wrapper
class S3BackupDriver(chunkeddriver.ChunkedBackupDriver):
"""Provides backup, restore and delete of backup objects within S3."""
def __init__(self, context):
chunk_size_bytes = CONF.backup_s3_object_size
sha_block_size_bytes = CONF.backup_s3_block_size
backup_bucket = CONF.backup_s3_store_bucket
enable_progress_timer = CONF.backup_s3_enable_progress_timer
config_args = dict(
'max_attempts': CONF.backup_s3_retry_max_attempts,
'mode': CONF.backup_s3_retry_mode})
if CONF.backup_s3_http_proxy:
config_args['proxies'] = {'http': CONF.backup_s3_http_proxy}
if CONF.backup_s3_https_proxy:
config_args.setdefault('proxies', {}).update(
{'https': CONF.backup_s3_https_proxy})
conn_args = {
'aws_access_key_id': CONF.backup_s3_store_access_key,
'aws_secret_access_key': CONF.backup_s3_store_secret_key,
'endpoint_url': CONF.backup_s3_endpoint_url,
'config': Config(**config_args)}
if CONF.backup_s3_verify_ssl:
conn_args['verify'] = CONF.backup_s3_ca_cert_file
conn_args['verify'] = False
self.conn = boto3.client('s3', **conn_args)
def get_driver_options():
backup_opts = [CONF._opts['backup_compression_algorithm']['opt']]
return s3backup_service_opts + backup_opts
def put_container(self, bucket):
"""Create the bucket if not exists."""
except boto_exc.ClientError as e:
# NOTE: If it was a 404 error, then the bucket does not exist.
error_code = e.response['Error']['Code']
if error_code != '404':
def get_container_entries(self, bucket, prefix):
"""Get bucket entry names."""
paginator = self.conn.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')
page_iterator = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket,
result = [obj_dict.get('Key') for obj_dict in it.chain.from_iterable(
page.get('Contents') for page in page_iterator)]
return result
def get_object_writer(self, bucket, object_name, extra_metadata=None):
"""Return a writer object.
Returns a writer object that stores a chunk of volume data in a
S3 object store.
return S3ObjectWriter(bucket, object_name, self.conn)
def get_object_reader(self, bucket, object_name, extra_metadata=None):
"""Return reader object.
Returns a reader object that retrieves a chunk of backed-up volume data
from a S3 object store.
return S3ObjectReader(bucket, object_name, self.conn)
def delete_object(self, bucket, object_name):
"""Deletes a backup object from a S3 object store."""
def _generate_object_name_prefix(self, backup):
"""Generates a S3 backup object name prefix.
prefix = volume_volid/timestamp/az_saz_backup_bakid
volid is volume id.
timestamp is time in UTC with format of YearMonthDateHourMinuteSecond.
saz is storage_availability_zone.
bakid is backup id for volid.
az = 'az_%s' %
backup_name = '%s_backup_%s' % (az,
volume = 'volume_%s' % (backup.volume_id)
timestamp = timeutils.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
prefix = volume + '/' + timestamp + '/' + backup_name
LOG.debug('generate_object_name_prefix: %s', prefix)
return prefix
def update_container_name(self, backup, container):
"""Use the bucket name as provided - don't update."""
def get_extra_metadata(self, backup, volume):
"""S3 driver does not use any extra metadata."""
def check_for_setup_error(self):
required_options = ('backup_s3_endpoint_url',
for opt in required_options:
val = getattr(CONF, opt, None)
if not val:
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(option=opt,
if ((not CONF.backup_s3_sse_customer_algorithm)
!= (not CONF.backup_s3_sse_customer_key)):
LOG.warning("Both the backup_s3_sse_customer_algorithm and "
"backup_s3_sse_customer_key options must be set "
"to enable SSE. SSE is disabled.")
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Cannot list s3 buckets during backup "
"driver initialization.")
class S3ObjectWriter(object):
def __init__(self, bucket, object_name, conn):
self.bucket = bucket
self.object_name = object_name
self.conn = conn = bytearray()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def write(self, data): += data
def close(self):
reader = io.BytesIO(
contentmd5 = base64.b64encode(
md5(, usedforsecurity=False).digest()).decode('utf-8')
put_args = {'Bucket': self.bucket,
'Body': reader,
'Key': self.object_name,
'ContentLength': len(}
if CONF.backup_s3_md5_validation:
put_args['ContentMD5'] = contentmd5
if (CONF.backup_s3_sse_customer_algorithm
and CONF.backup_s3_sse_customer_key):
return contentmd5
class S3ObjectReader(object):
def __init__(self, bucket, object_name, conn):
self.bucket = bucket
self.object_name = object_name
self.conn = conn
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def read(self):
get_args = {'Bucket': self.bucket,
'Key': self.object_name}
if (CONF.backup_s3_sse_customer_algorithm
and CONF.backup_s3_sse_customer_key):
# NOTE: these retries account for errors that occur when streaming
# down the data from s3 (i.e. socket errors and read timeouts that
# occur after recieving an OK response from s3). Other retryable
# exceptions such as throttling errors and 5xx errors are already
# retried by botocore.
last_exception = None
for i in range(CONF.backup_s3_retry_max_attempts):
resp = self.conn.get_object(**get_args)
return resp.get('Body').read()
except (socket.timeout, socket.error,
boto_exc.IncompleteReadError) as e:
last_exception = e
raise S3ClientError(reason=last_exception)