
1301 lines
53 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corporation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import copy
import distutils.version as dist_version # pylint: disable=E0611
import eventlet
import math
import os
import six
import string
from oslo_log import log as logging
from cinder import coordination
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder.objects import fields
import as storage
from import cryptish
from import ds8k_restclient as restclient
from import proxy
from import strings
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'auto', 'AMDLinuxRHEL', 'AMDLinuxSuse',
'AppleOSX', 'Fujitsu', 'Hp', 'HpTru64',
'HpVms', 'LinuxDT', 'LinuxRF', 'LinuxRHEL',
'LinuxSuse', 'Novell', 'SGI', 'SVC',
'SanFsAIX', 'SanFsLinux', 'Sun', 'VMWare',
'Win2000', 'Win2003', 'Win2008', 'Win2012',
'iLinux', 'nSeries', 'pLinux', 'pSeries',
'pSeriesPowerswap', 'zLinux', 'iSeries'
def filter_alnum(s):
return ''.join(x if x in string.ascii_letters +
string.digits else '_' for x in s) if s else ''
class DS8KCommonHelper(object):
"""Manage the primary backend, it is common class too."""
OPTIONAL_PARAMS = ['ds8k_host_type', 'lss_range_for_cg']
# if use new REST API, please update the version below
def __init__(self, conf, HTTPConnectorObject=None):
self.conf = conf
self._connector_obj = HTTPConnectorObject
self._storage_pools = None
self._disable_thin_provision = False
self._connection_type = self._get_value('connection_type')
self._existing_lss = None
self.backend = {}
def _gb2b(gb):
return gb * (2 ** 30)
def _get_value(self, key):
if getattr(self.conf, 'safe_get', 'get') == 'get':
value = self.conf.get(key)
value = self.conf.safe_get(key)
if not value and key not in self.OPTIONAL_PARAMS:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=(_('Param [%s] should be provided.') % key))
return value
def get_thin_provision(self):
return self._disable_thin_provision
def get_storage_pools(self):
return self._storage_pools
def get_connection_type(self):
return self._connection_type
def get_pool(self, lss):
node = int(lss, 16) % 2
pids = [
pid for pid, p in self._storage_pools.items() if p['node'] == node]
return pids[0] if pids else None
def setup(self):
self.backend['pools_str'] = self._get_value('san_clustername')
self._storage_pools = self.get_pools()
self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg'] = self._get_lss_ids_for_cg()
def update_client(self):
def _get_certificate(self, host):
cert_file = strings.CERTIFICATES_PATH + host + '.pem'
LOG.debug("certificate file for DS8K %(host)s: %(cert)s",
{'host': host, 'cert': cert_file})
# Use the certificate if it exists, otherwise use the System CA Bundle
if os.path.exists(cert_file):
return cert_file
LOG.debug("certificate file not found.")
return True
def _create_client(self):
san_ip = self._get_value('san_ip')
clear_pass = cryptish.decrypt(self._get_value('san_password'))
except TypeError:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_('Param [san_password] is invalid.'))
verify = self._get_certificate(san_ip)
self._client = restclient.RESTScheduler(
except restclient.TimeoutException:
raise restclient.APIException(
data=(_("Can't connect to %(host)s") % {'host': san_ip}))
self.backend['rest_version'] = self._get_version()['bundle_version']"Connection to DS8K storage system %(host)s has been "
"established successfully, the version of REST is %(rest)s.",
{'host': self._get_value('san_ip'),
'rest': self.backend['rest_version']})
def _get_storage_information(self):
storage_info = self.get_systems()
self.backend['storage_unit'] = storage_info['id']
self.backend['storage_wwnn'] = storage_info['wwnn']
self.backend['storage_version'] = storage_info['release']
def _get_lss_ids_for_cg(self):
lss_range = self._get_value('lss_range_for_cg')
lss_ids_for_cg = set()
if not lss_range or not lss_range.strip():
return lss_ids_for_cg
if '-' in lss_range:
lss_ids = list()
lss_range = lss_range.strip()
if lss_range.startswith('-') or lss_range.endswith('-'):
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_('Param [lss_range_for_cg]\'s format is invalid, '
'please don\'t put the \'-\' at the beginning or '
'the end.'))
lss_range = lss_range.replace('-', ' - ').split()
for index, lss in enumerate(lss_range):
if lss is '-':
begin = int(lss_range[index - 1], 16)
end = int(lss_range[index + 1], 16)
lss_ids_for_cg |= set(
('%02x' % i).upper() for i in
range(begin, end + 1))
except ValueError as e:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_('Param [lss_range_for_cg] is invalid, it '
'only supports space and \'-\' as '
'separator. '
'Exception = %s.') % six.text_type(e))
lss_ids_for_cg |= set(lss_ids)
lss_ids_for_cg = set(lss_range.split())
for lss_id in lss_ids_for_cg:
if int(lss_id, 16) > 0xFF:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_('Param [lss_range_for_cg] is invalid, it '
'should be within 00-FF'))
except ValueError as e:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_('Param [lss_range_for_cg] is invalid, it '
'only supports space and \'-\' as separator. '
'Exception = %s.') % six.text_type(e))
return lss_ids_for_cg
def _check_host_type(self):
ds8k_host_type = self._get_value('ds8k_host_type')
if (ds8k_host_type and
(ds8k_host_type not in VALID_HOST_TYPES)):
msg = (_("Param [ds8k_host_type] must be one of: %(values)s.")
% {'values': VALID_HOST_TYPES[1:-1]})
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
self.backend['host_type_override'] = (
None if ds8k_host_type == 'auto' else ds8k_host_type)
def _verify_rest_version(self):
if self.backend['storage_version'] == self.INVALID_STORAGE_VERSION:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=(_("%s does not support bulk deletion of volumes, "
"if you want to use this version of driver, "
"please upgrade the CCL.")
if ('5.7' in self.backend['rest_version'] and
dist_version.LooseVersion(self.backend['rest_version']) <
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=(_("REST version %(invalid)s is lower than "
"%(valid)s, please upgrade it in DS8K.")
% {'invalid': self.backend['rest_version'],
'valid': self.VALID_REST_VERSION_5_7_MIN}))
def verify_rest_version_for_pprc_cg(self):
if '8.1' in self.backend['rest_version']:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=_("REST for DS8K 8.1 does not support PPRC "
"consistency group, please upgrade the CCL."))
valid_rest_version = None
if ('5.7' in self.backend['rest_version'] and
dist_version.LooseVersion(self.backend['rest_version']) <
valid_rest_version = self.REST_VERSION_5_7_MIN_PPRC_CG
elif ('5.8' in self.backend['rest_version'] and
dist_version.LooseVersion(self.backend['rest_version']) <
valid_rest_version = self.REST_VERSION_5_8_MIN_PPRC_CG
if valid_rest_version:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=(_("REST version %(invalid)s is lower than "
"%(valid)s, please upgrade it in DS8K.")
% {'invalid': self.backend['rest_version'],
'valid': valid_rest_version}))
def verify_pools(self, storage_pools):
if self._connection_type == storage.XIV_CONNECTION_TYPE_FC:
ptype = 'fb'
elif self._connection_type == storage.XIV_CONNECTION_TYPE_FC_ECKD:
ptype = 'ckd'
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_('Param [connection_type] is invalid.'))
for pid, pool in storage_pools.items():
if pool['stgtype'] != ptype:
LOG.error('The stgtype of pool %(pool)s is %(ptype)s.',
{'pool': pid, 'ptype': pool['stgtype']})
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err='Param [san_clustername] is invalid.')
def get_pools(self, specific_pools=None):
if specific_pools:
pools_str = specific_pools.replace(' ', '').upper().split(',')
pools_str = self.backend['pools_str'].replace(
' ', '').upper().split(',')
pools = []
storage_pools = collections.OrderedDict()
for pid in pools_str:
except restclient.APIException as e:
LOG.warning("Failed to get pool %(id)s information, "
"Exception: %(ex)s.", {'id': pid,
'ex': six.text_type(e)})
if len(pools):
unsorted_pools = self._format_pools(pools)
storage_pools = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(
unsorted_pools, key=lambda i: i[1]['capavail'], reverse=True))
return storage_pools
def update_storage_pools(self, storage_pools):
self._storage_pools = storage_pools
def _format_pools(self, pools):
return ((p['id'], {
'name': p['name'],
'node': int(p['node']),
'stgtype': p['stgtype'],
'cap': int(p['cap']),
'capavail': int(p['capavail'])
}) for p in pools)
def verify_lss_ids(self, specified_lss_ids):
if not specified_lss_ids:
return None
lss_ids = specified_lss_ids.upper().replace(' ', '').split(',')
# verify LSS IDs.
for lss_id in lss_ids:
if int(lss_id, 16) > 255:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('LSS %s should be within 00-FF.') % lss_id)
# verify address group
self._existing_lss = self.get_all_lss()
ckd_addrgrps = set(int(lss['id'], 16) // 16 for lss in
self._existing_lss if lss['type'] == 'ckd')
fb_addrgrps = set((int(lss, 16) // 16) for lss in lss_ids)
intersection = ckd_addrgrps & fb_addrgrps
if intersection:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=_('LSSes in the address group %s are reserved '
'for CKD volumes') % list(intersection))
# verify whether LSSs specified have been reserved for
# consistency group or not.
if self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg']:
for lss_id in lss_ids:
if lss_id in self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg']:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('LSS %s has been reserved for CG.') % lss_id)
return lss_ids
def find_pool_lss_pair(self, pool, find_new_pid, excluded_lss):
if pool:
node = int(pool[1:], 16) % 2
lss = self._find_lss(node, excluded_lss)
if lss:
return (pool, lss)
if not find_new_pid:
raise restclient.LssIDExhaustError(
message=_('All LSS/LCU IDs for configured pools '
'on storage are exhausted.'))
# find new pool id and lss for lun
return self.find_biggest_pool_and_lss(excluded_lss)
def find_biggest_pool_and_lss(self, excluded_lss, specified_pool_lss=None):
if specified_pool_lss:
# pool and lss should be verified every time user create volume or
# snapshot, because they can be changed in extra-sepcs at any time.
specified_pool_ids, specified_lss_ids = specified_pool_lss
storage_pools = self.get_pools(specified_pool_ids)
storage_lss = self.verify_lss_ids(specified_lss_ids)
storage_pools, storage_lss = self._storage_pools, None
# pools are ordered by capacity
for pool_id, pool in storage_pools.items():
lss = self._find_lss(pool['node'], excluded_lss, storage_lss)
if lss:
return pool_id, lss
raise restclient.LssIDExhaustError(
message=_("All LSS/LCU IDs for configured pools are exhausted."))
def _find_lss(self, node, excluded_lss, specified_lss_ids=None):
if specified_lss_ids:
existing_lss = self._existing_lss
existing_lss = self.get_all_lss()"Existing LSS IDs are: %s.",
','.join([lss['id'] for lss in existing_lss]))
saved_existing_lss = copy.copy(existing_lss)
# exclude LSSs that are full.
existing_lss = [lss for lss in existing_lss
if lss['id'] not in excluded_lss]
if not existing_lss:"All LSSs are full.")
return None
# user specify LSSs in extra-specs.
if specified_lss_ids:
specified_lss_ids = [lss for lss in specified_lss_ids
if lss not in excluded_lss]
if specified_lss_ids:
existing_lss = [lss for lss in existing_lss
if lss['id'] in specified_lss_ids]
nonexistent_lss_ids = (set(specified_lss_ids) -
set(lss['id'] for lss in existing_lss))
lss = None
for lss_id in nonexistent_lss_ids:
if int(lss_id, 16) % 2 == node:
lss = lss_id
if not lss:
lss = self._find_from_existing_lss(
node, existing_lss, True)
else:"All appropriate LSSs specified are full.")
return None
# exclude LSSs that reserved for CG.
if self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg']:
existing_lss_cg, nonexistent_lss_cg = (
existing_lss = [lss for lss in existing_lss
if lss['id'] not in existing_lss_cg]
existing_lss_cg = set()
nonexistent_lss_cg = set()
lss = self._find_from_existing_lss(node, existing_lss)
if not lss:
lss = self._find_from_nonexistent_lss(node, saved_existing_lss,
return lss
def _classify_lss_for_cg(self, existing_lss):
existing_lss_ids = set(lss['id'] for lss in existing_lss)
existing_lss_cg = existing_lss_ids & self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg']
nonexistent_lss_cg = self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg'] - existing_lss_cg
return existing_lss_cg, nonexistent_lss_cg
def _find_from_existing_lss(self, node, existing_lss, ignore_pprc=False):
if not ignore_pprc:
# exclude LSSs that are used by PPRC paths.
lss_in_pprc = self.get_lss_in_pprc_paths()
if lss_in_pprc:
existing_lss = [lss for lss in existing_lss
if lss['id'] not in lss_in_pprc]
# exclude wrong type of LSSs and those that are not in expected node.
existing_lss = [lss for lss in existing_lss if lss['type'] == 'fb'
and int(lss['group']) == node]
lss_id = None
if existing_lss:
# look for the emptiest lss from existing lss
lss = sorted(existing_lss, key=lambda k: int(k['configvols']))[0]
if int(lss['configvols']) < LSS_VOL_SLOTS:
lss_id = lss['id']'_find_from_existing_lss: choose %(lss)s. '
'now it has %(num)s volumes.',
{'lss': lss_id, 'num': lss['configvols']})
return lss_id
def _find_from_nonexistent_lss(self, node, existing_lss, lss_cg=None):
ckd_addrgrps = set(int(lss['id'], 16) // 16 for lss in existing_lss if
lss['type'] == 'ckd' and int(lss['group']) == node)
full_lss = set(int(lss['id'], 16) for lss in existing_lss if
lss['type'] == 'fb' and int(lss['group']) == node)
cg_lss = set(int(lss, 16) for lss in lss_cg) if lss_cg else set()
# look for an available lss from nonexistent lss
lss_id = None
for lss in range(node, LSS_SLOTS, 2):
addrgrp = lss // 16
if (addrgrp not in ckd_addrgrps and
lss not in full_lss and
lss not in cg_lss):
lss_id = ("%02x" % lss).upper()
break'_find_from_unexisting_lss: choose %s.', lss_id)
return lss_id
def create_lun(self, lun):
volData = {
'cap': self._gb2b(lun.size),
'captype': 'bytes',
'stgtype': 'fb',
'tp': 'ese' if lun.type_thin else 'none'
lun.data_type = lun.data_type if lun.data_type else 'FB 512'
if lun.type_os400:
volData['os400'] = lun.type_os400
volData['name'] = lun.ds_name
volData['pool'], volData['lss'] = lun.pool_lss_pair['source']
lun.ds_id = self._create_lun(volData)
return lun
def delete_lun(self, luns):
lun_ids = []
luns = [luns] if not isinstance(luns, list) else luns
for lun in luns:
if lun.ds_id is None:
# create_lun must have failed and not returned the id
LOG.error("delete_lun: volume id is None.")
if not self.lun_exists(lun.ds_id):
LOG.error("delete_lun: volume %s not found.", lun.ds_id)
# Max 32 volumes could be deleted by specifying ids parameter
while lun_ids:
if len(lun_ids) > 32:
lun_ids_str = ','.join(lun_ids[0:32])
del lun_ids[0:32]
lun_ids_str = ','.join(lun_ids)
lun_ids = []"Deleting volumes: %s.", lun_ids_str)
def get_lss_in_pprc_paths(self):
# TODO(Jiamin): when the REST API that get the licenses installed
# in DS8K is ready, this function should be improved.
paths = self.get_pprc_paths()
except restclient.APIException:
paths = []
LOG.exception("Can not get the LSS")
lss_ids = set(p['source_lss_id'] for p in paths)'LSS in PPRC paths are: %s.', ','.join(lss_ids))
return lss_ids
def wait_flashcopy_finished(self, src_luns, tgt_luns):
valid_fc_states = ('valid', 'validation_required')
for tgt_lun in tgt_luns:
tgt_lun.status = 'checking'
while True:
for src_lun, tgt_lun in zip(src_luns, tgt_luns):
if tgt_lun.status == 'checking':
fcs = self.get_flashcopy(tgt_lun.ds_id)
if not fcs:
tgt_lun.status = 'available'
elif fcs[0]['state'] not in valid_fc_states:
LOG.error('Flashcopy %(src)s:%(tgt)s ended '
'up in bad state %(state)s.',
{'src': src_lun.ds_id,
'tgt': tgt_lun.ds_id,
'state': fcs[0]['state']})
tgt_lun.status = 'error'
except restclient.APIException:
LOG.error('Can not get flashcopy relationship '
{'src': src_lun.ds_id,
'tgt': tgt_lun.ds_id})
tgt_lun.status = 'error'
if not [lun for lun in tgt_luns if lun.status == 'checking']:
# cleanup error flashcopy relationship.
for src_lun, tgt_lun in zip(src_luns, tgt_luns):
if tgt_lun.status == 'error':
self.delete_flashcopy(src_lun.ds_id, tgt_lun.ds_id)
def wait_pprc_copy_finished(self, vol_ids, state, delete=True):"Wait for PPRC pair to enter into state %s", state)
vol_ids = sorted(vol_ids)
min_vol_id = min(vol_ids)
max_vol_id = max(vol_ids)
invalid_states = ('target_suspended',
if state == 'full_duplex':
invalid_states += ('suspended',)
elif state == 'suspended':
invalid_states += ('valid',)
finished = False
while True:
pairs = self.get_pprc_pairs(min_vol_id, max_vol_id)
pairs = [
p for p in pairs if p['source_volume']['name'] in vol_ids]
finished_pairs = [p for p in pairs if p['state'] == state]
if len(finished_pairs) == len(pairs):
finished = True
unfinished_pairs = [p for p in pairs if p['state'] != state]
for p in unfinished_pairs:
if p['state'] in invalid_states:
raise restclient.APIException(
data=(_('Metro Mirror pair %(id)s enters into '
'state %(state)s. ')
% {'id': p['id'], 'state': p['state']}))
if not finished and delete:
pair_ids = {'ids': ','.join([p['id'] for p in pairs])}
def _get_host(self, connector):
# DS8K doesn't support hostname which is longer than 32 chars.
hname = ('OShost:%s' % filter_alnum(connector['host']))[:32]
os_type = connector.get('os_type')
platform = connector.get('platform')
if self.backend['host_type_override']:
htype = self.backend['host_type_override']
elif os_type == 'OS400':
htype = 'iSeries'
elif os_type == 'AIX':
htype = 'pSeries'
elif platform in ('s390', 's390x') and os_type == 'linux2':
htype = 'zLinux'
htype = 'LinuxRHEL'
return collections.namedtuple('Host', ('name', 'type'))(hname, htype)
def check_vol_mapped_to_host(self, connector, vol_id):
map_info = {
'host_ports': [],
'mappings': [],
'lun_ids': []
host_wwpn_set = set(wwpn.upper() for wwpn in connector['wwpns'])
host_ports = self._get_host_ports(host_wwpn_set)
defined_hosts = set(
hp['host_id'] for hp in host_ports if hp['host_id'])
if not defined_hosts:
return False, None, map_info
elif len(defined_hosts) > 1:
raise restclient.APIException(_('More than one host found.'))
host_id = defined_hosts.pop()
mappings = self._get_mappings(host_id)
lun_ids = [
m['lunid'] for m in mappings if m['volume']['id'] == vol_id]
map_info['host_ports'] = host_ports
map_info['mappings'] = mappings
map_info['lun_ids'] = lun_ids
if not lun_ids:
return False, host_id, map_info
return True, host_id, map_info
def initialize_connection(self, vol_id, connector, **kwargs):
host = self._get_host(connector)
# Find defined host and undefined host ports
host_wwpn_set = set(wwpn.upper() for wwpn in connector['wwpns'])
host_ports = self._get_host_ports(host_wwpn_set)
LOG.debug("host_ports: %s", host_ports)
defined_hosts = set(
hp['host_id'] for hp in host_ports if hp['host_id'])
unknown_ports = host_wwpn_set - set(
hp['wwpn'] for hp in host_ports)
unconfigured_ports = set(
hp['wwpn'] for hp in host_ports if not hp['host_id'])
LOG.debug("initialize_connection: defined_hosts: %(defined)s, "
"unknown_ports: %(unknown)s, unconfigured_ports: "
"%(unconfigured)s.", {"defined": defined_hosts,
"unknown": unknown_ports,
"unconfigured": unconfigured_ports})
# Create host if it is not defined
if not defined_hosts:
host_id = self._create_host(host)['id']
elif len(defined_hosts) == 1:
host_id = defined_hosts.pop()
raise restclient.APIException(
message='More than one host defined for requested ports.')'Volume will be attached to host %s.', host_id)
# Create missing host ports
if unknown_ports or unconfigured_ports:
list(unknown_ports | unconfigured_ports))
# Map the volume to host
lun_id = self._map_volume_to_host(host_id, vol_id)
target_ports = [p['wwpn'] for p in self._get_ioports()]
return {
'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
'data': {
'target_discovered': False,
'target_lun': int(lun_id, 16),
'target_wwn': target_ports,
'initiator_target_map': {initiator: target_ports for
initiator in connector['wwpns']}
def terminate_connection(self, vol_id, host_id, connector, map_info):
host = self._get_host(connector)
host_ports = map_info['host_ports']
lun_ids = map_info['lun_ids']
mappings = map_info['mappings']
delete_ports = set(
hp['wwpn'] for hp in host_ports if not hp['host_id'])
LOG.debug("terminate_connection: host_ports: %(host)s, "
"defined_hosts: %(defined)s, delete_ports: %(delete)s.",
{"host": host_ports,
"defined": host_id,
"delete": delete_ports})
for lun_id in lun_ids:
self._delete_mappings(host_id, lun_id)
if not lun_ids:
LOG.warning("Volume %(vol)s is already not mapped to "
"host %(host)s.",
{'vol': vol_id, 'host':})
# if this host only has volumes that have been detached,
# remove the host and its ports
ret_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
'data': {}
if len(mappings) == len(lun_ids):
for port in delete_ports:
target_ports = [p['wwpn'] for p in self._get_ioports()]
target_map = {initiator: target_ports
for initiator in connector['wwpns']}
ret_info['data']['initiator_target_map'] = target_map
return ret_info
def create_group(self, group):
return {'status': fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE}
def delete_group(self, group, src_luns):
volumes_model_update = []
model_update = {'status': fields.GroupStatus.DELETED}
if src_luns:
except restclient.APIException as e:
model_update['status'] = fields.GroupStatus.ERROR_DELETING
"Failed to delete the volumes in group %(group)s, "
"Exception = %(ex)s",
{'group':, 'ex': e})
for src_lun in src_luns:
'id': src_lun.os_id,
'status': model_update['status']
return model_update, volumes_model_update
def delete_group_snapshot(self, group_snapshot, tgt_luns):
snapshots_model_update = []
model_update = {'status': fields.GroupSnapshotStatus.DELETED}
if tgt_luns:
except restclient.APIException as e:
model_update['status'] = (
LOG.error("Failed to delete snapshots in group snapshot "
"%(gsnapshot)s, Exception = %(ex)s",
{'gsnapshot':, 'ex': e})
for tgt_lun in tgt_luns:
'id': tgt_lun.os_id,
'status': model_update['status']
return model_update, snapshots_model_update
def _delete_lun(self, lun_ids_str):
self._client.send('DELETE', '/volumes',
params={'ids': lun_ids_str})
def delete_lun_by_id(self, lun_id):
self._client.send('DELETE', '/volumes/%s' % lun_id)
def _get_version(self):
return self._client.fetchone('GET', '')
def _create_lun(self, volData):
return self._client.fetchid('POST', '/volumes', volData)
def _get_pool(self, pool_id):
return self._client.fetchone('GET', '/pools/%s' % pool_id,
fields=['id', 'name', 'node', 'stgtype',
'cap', 'capavail'])
def start_flashcopy(self, vol_pairs, freeze=False):
options = [
if freeze:
self._client.send('POST', '/cs/flashcopies', {
"volume_pairs": vol_pairs,
"options": options
def get_pprc_paths(self, specific_lss=None):
if specific_lss:
lss_range = {
'source_lss_id_from': specific_lss,
'source_lss_id_to': specific_lss
# get all of PPRC paths between source DS8K and target DS8K.
lss_range = {
'source_lss_id_from': '00',
'source_lss_id_to': 'FF'
return self._client.fetchall('GET', '/cs/pprcs/paths',
def get_flashcopy(self, vol_id):
return self._client.fetchall('GET', '/volumes/%s/flashcopy' % vol_id)
def delete_flashcopy(self, src_lun_id, tgt_lun_id):
# no exception if failed
'DELETE', '/cs/flashcopies/%s:%s' % (src_lun_id, tgt_lun_id))
def _get_host_ports(self, host_wwpn_set):
return self._client.fetchall(
'GET', '/host_ports',
'wwpns': ",".join(host_wwpn_set),
'state': 'logged in,logged out'
fields=['host_id', 'wwpn'])
def _create_host(self, host):
return self._client.fetchone(
'POST', '/hosts', {'name':, 'hosttype': host.type})
def _assign_host_port(self, host_id, ports):
self._client.send('POST', '/host_ports/assign', {
'host_id': host_id, 'host_port_wwpns': ports})
def _map_volume_to_host(self, host_id, vol_id):
return self._client.fetchid(
'POST', '/hosts%5Bid=' + host_id + '%5D/mappings',
{'volumes': [vol_id]})
def _get_mappings(self, host_id):
return self._client.fetchall(
'GET', '/hosts%5Bid=' + host_id + '%5D/mappings')
def _delete_mappings(self, host_id, lun_id):
'DELETE', '/hosts%5Bid=' + host_id + '%5D/mappings/' + lun_id)
def _delete_host_ports(self, port):
self._client.send('DELETE', '/host_ports/%s' % port)
def _delete_host(self, host_id):
# delete the host will delete all of the ports belong to it
self._client.send('DELETE', '/hosts%5Bid=' + host_id + '%5D')
def _get_ioports(self):
return self._client.fetchall('GET', '/ioports', fields=['wwpn'])
def unfreeze_lss(self, lss_ids):
'POST', '/cs/flashcopies/unfreeze', {"lss_ids": lss_ids})
def get_all_lss(self, fields=None):
fields = (fields if fields else
['id', 'type', 'group', 'configvols'])
return self._client.fetchall('GET', '/lss', fields=fields)
def lun_exists(self, lun_id):
return self._client.statusok('GET', '/volumes/%s' % lun_id)
def get_lun_pool(self, lun_id):
return self._client.fetchone(
'GET', '/volumes/%s' % lun_id, fields=['pool'])['pool']
def change_lun(self, lun_id, param):
self._client.send('PUT', '/volumes/%s' % lun_id, param)
def get_physical_links(self, target_id):
return self._client.fetchall(
'GET', '/cs/pprcs/physical_links',
'target_system_wwnn': target_id,
'source_lss_id': 00,
'target_lss_id': 00
def get_systems(self):
return self._client.fetchone(
'GET', '/systems', fields=['id', 'wwnn', 'release'])
def get_lun_number_in_lss(self, lss_id):
return int(self._client.fetchone(
'GET', '/lss/%s' % lss_id,
def create_pprc_path(self, pathData):
self._client.send('POST', '/cs/pprcs/paths', pathData)
def get_pprc_path(self, path_id):
return self._client.fetchone(
'GET', '/cs/pprcs/paths/%s' % path_id,
def delete_pprc_path(self, path_id):
self._client.send('DELETE', '/cs/pprcs/paths/%s' % path_id)
def create_pprc_pair(self, pair_data):
self._client.send('POST', '/cs/pprcs', pair_data)
def delete_pprc_pair_by_pair_id(self, pids):
self._client.statusok('DELETE', '/cs/pprcs', params=pids)
def do_failback(self, pair_data):
self._client.send('POST', '/cs/pprcs/resume', pair_data)
def get_pprc_pairs(self, min_vol_id, max_vol_id):
return self._client.fetchall(
'GET', '/cs/pprcs',
'volume_id_from': min_vol_id,
'volume_id_to': max_vol_id
def delete_pprc_pair(self, vol_id):
# check pprc pairs exist or not.
if not self.get_pprc_pairs(vol_id, vol_id):
return None
# don't use pprc pair ID to delete it, because it may have
# communication issues.
pair_data = {
'volume_full_ids': [{
'volume_id': vol_id,
'system_id': self.backend['storage_unit']
'options': ['unconditional', 'issue_source']
self._client.send('POST', '/cs/pprcs/delete', pair_data)
def pause_pprc_pairs(self, pprc_pair_ids):
pair_data = {'pprc_ids': pprc_pair_ids}
self._client.send('POST', '/cs/pprcs/pause', pair_data)
def resume_pprc_pairs(self, pprc_pair_ids):
pair_data = {
'pprc_ids': pprc_pair_ids,
'type': 'metro_mirror',
'options': ['permit_space_efficient_target',
self._client.send('POST', '/cs/pprcs/resume', pair_data)
class DS8KReplicationSourceHelper(DS8KCommonHelper):
"""Manage source storage for replication."""
def find_pool_and_lss(self, excluded_lss=None):
for pool_id, pool in self._storage_pools.items():
lss = self._find_lss_for_type_replication(pool['node'],
if lss:
return pool_id, lss
raise restclient.LssIDExhaustError(
message=_("All LSS/LCU IDs for configured pools are exhausted."))
def _find_lss_for_type_replication(self, node, excluded_lss):
# prefer to choose non-existing one first.
existing_lss = self.get_all_lss()"existing LSS IDs are %s",
','.join([lss['id'] for lss in existing_lss]))
existing_lss_cg, nonexistent_lss_cg = (
lss_id = self._find_from_nonexistent_lss(node, existing_lss,
if not lss_id:
if excluded_lss:
existing_lss = [lss for lss in existing_lss
if lss['id'] not in excluded_lss]
candidates = [lss for lss in existing_lss
if lss['id'] not in existing_lss_cg]
lss_id = self._find_from_existing_lss(node, candidates)
return lss_id
class DS8KReplicationTargetHelper(DS8KReplicationSourceHelper):
"""Manage target storage for replication."""
OPTIONAL_PARAMS = ['ds8k_host_type', 'port_pairs', 'lss_range_for_cg']
def setup(self):
self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg'] = self._get_lss_ids_for_cg()
self.backend['pools_str'] = self._get_value(
'san_clustername').replace('_', ',')
self._storage_pools = self.get_pools()
def _get_replication_information(self):
port_pairs = []
pairs = self._get_value('port_pairs')
if pairs:
for pair in pairs.replace(' ', '').upper().split(';'):
pair = pair.split('-')
port_pair = {
'source_port_id': pair[0],
'target_port_id': pair[1]
self.backend['port_pairs'] = port_pairs
self.backend['id'] = self._get_value('backend_id')
def create_lun(self, lun):
volData = {
'cap': self._gb2b(lun.size),
'captype': 'bytes',
'stgtype': 'fb',
'tp': 'ese' if lun.type_thin else 'none'
lun.data_type = lun.data_type if lun.data_type else 'FB 512'
if lun.type_os400:
volData['os400'] = lun.type_os400
volData['name'] = lun.replica_ds_name
volData['pool'], volData['lss'] = lun.pool_lss_pair['target']
volID = self._create_lun(volData)
{self.backend['id']: {'vol_hex_id': volID}})
return lun
def delete_pprc_pair(self, vol_id):
if not self.get_pprc_pairs(vol_id, vol_id):
return None
pair_data = {
'volume_full_ids': [{
'volume_id': vol_id,
'system_id': self.backend['storage_unit']
'options': ['unconditional', 'issue_target']
self._client.send('POST', '/cs/pprcs/delete', pair_data)
class DS8KECKDHelper(DS8KCommonHelper):
"""Manage ECKD volume."""
OPTIONAL_PARAMS = ['ds8k_host_type', 'port_pairs', 'ds8k_ssid_prefix',
# if use new REST API, please update the version below
def _gb2cyl(gb):
# now only support 3390, no 3380 or 3390-A
cyl = int(math.ceil(gb * 1263.28))
if cyl > 65520:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=(_("For 3390 volume, capacity can be in the range "
"1-65520(849KiB to 55.68GiB) cylinders, now it "
"is %(gb)d GiB, equals to %(cyl)d cylinders.")
% {'gb': gb, 'cyl': cyl}))
return cyl
def _cyl2b(cyl):
return cyl * 849960
def _get_cula(self, lcu):
return self.backend['device_mapping'][lcu]
def disable_thin_provision(self):
self._disable_thin_provision = True
def setup(self):
self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg'] = self._get_lss_ids_for_cg()
self.backend['pools_str'] = self._get_value('san_clustername')
self._storage_pools = self.get_pools()
ssid_prefix = self._get_value('ds8k_ssid_prefix')
self.backend['ssid_prefix'] = ssid_prefix if ssid_prefix else 'FF'
self.backend['device_mapping'] = self._get_device_mapping()
def _verify_rest_version(self):
if self.backend['storage_version'] == self.INVALID_STORAGE_VERSION:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=(_("%s does not support bulk deletion of volumes, "
"if you want to use this version of driver, "
"please upgrade the CCL.")
# DS8K supports ECKD ESE volume from 8.1
if (dist_version.LooseVersion(self.backend['storage_version']) <
self._disable_thin_provision = True
if (('5.7' in self.backend['rest_version'] and
dist_version.LooseVersion(self.backend['rest_version']) <
dist_version.LooseVersion(self.VALID_REST_VERSION_5_7_MIN)) or
('5.8' in self.backend['rest_version'] and
dist_version.LooseVersion(self.backend['rest_version']) <
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=(_("REST version %(invalid)s is lower than "
"%(valid)s, please upgrade it in DS8K.")
% {'invalid': self.backend['rest_version'],
'valid': (self.VALID_REST_VERSION_5_7_MIN if '5.7'
in self.backend['rest_version'] else
def _get_device_mapping(self):
map_str = self._get_value('ds8k_devadd_unitadd_mapping')
mappings = map_str.replace(' ', '').upper().split(';')
pairs = [m.split('-') for m in mappings]
self.verify_lss_ids(','.join([p[1] for p in pairs]))
return {p[1]: int(p[0], 16) for p in pairs}
def verify_lss_ids(self, specified_lcu_ids):
if not specified_lcu_ids:
return None
lcu_ids = specified_lcu_ids.upper().replace(' ', '').split(',')
# verify the LCU ID.
for lcu in lcu_ids:
if int(lcu, 16) > 255:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_('LCU %s should be within 00-FF.') % lcu)
# verify address group
self._existing_lss = self.get_all_lss()
fb_addrgrps = set(int(lss['id'], 16) // 16 for lss in
self._existing_lss if lss['type'] == 'fb')
ckd_addrgrps = set((int(lcu, 16) // 16) for lcu in lcu_ids)
intersection = ckd_addrgrps & fb_addrgrps
if intersection:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=_('LCUs in the address group %s are reserved '
'for FB volumes') % list(intersection))
# create LCU that doesn't exist
nonexistent_lcu = set(lcu_ids) - set(
lss['id'] for lss in self._existing_lss if lss['type'] == 'ckd')
if nonexistent_lcu:'LCUs %s do not exist in DS8K, they will be '
'created.', ','.join(nonexistent_lcu))
for lcu in nonexistent_lcu:
self._create_lcu(self.backend['ssid_prefix'], lcu)
except restclient.APIException as e:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
message=(_('Can not create lcu %(lcu)s, '
'Exception = %(e)s.')
% {'lcu': lcu, 'e': six.text_type(e)}))
return lcu_ids
def _format_pools(self, pools):
return ((p['id'], {
'name': p['name'],
'node': int(p['node']),
'stgtype': p['stgtype'],
'cap': self._cyl2b(int(p['cap'])),
'capavail': self._cyl2b(int(p['capavail']))
}) for p in pools)
def find_pool_and_lss(self, excluded_lss=None):
return self.find_biggest_pool_and_lss(excluded_lss)
def _find_lss(self, node, excluded_lcu, specified_lcu_ids=None):
# all LCUs have existed, unlike LSS.
if specified_lcu_ids:
for lcu_id in specified_lcu_ids:
if lcu_id not in self.backend['device_mapping'].keys():
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_("LCU %s is not in parameter "
"ds8k_devadd_unitadd_mapping, "
"Please specify LCU in it, otherwise "
"driver can not attach volume.") % lcu_id)
all_lss = self._existing_lss
all_lss = self.get_all_lss()
existing_lcu = [lcu for lcu in all_lss if
lcu['type'] == 'ckd' and
lcu['id'] in self.backend['device_mapping'].keys() and
lcu['group'] == six.text_type(node)]"All appropriate LCUs are %s.",
','.join([lcu['id'] for lcu in existing_lcu]))
# exclude full LCUs.
if excluded_lcu:
existing_lcu = [lcu for lcu in existing_lcu if
lcu['id'] not in excluded_lcu]
if not existing_lcu:"All appropriate LCUs are full.")
return None
ignore_pprc = False
if specified_lcu_ids:
# user specify LCUs in extra-specs.
existing_lcu = [lcu for lcu in existing_lcu
if lcu['id'] in specified_lcu_ids]
ignore_pprc = True
# exclude LCUs reserved for CG.
existing_lcu = [lcu for lcu in existing_lcu if lcu['id']
not in self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg']]
if not existing_lcu:"All appropriate LCUs have been reserved for "
"for consistency group.")
return None
if not ignore_pprc:
# prefer to use LCU that is not in PPRC path first.
lcu_pprc = self.get_lss_in_pprc_paths() & set(
if lcu_pprc:
lcu_non_pprc = [
lcu for lcu in existing_lcu if lcu['id'] not in lcu_pprc]
if lcu_non_pprc:
existing_lcu = lcu_non_pprc
# return LCU which has max number of empty slots.
emptiest_lcu = sorted(
existing_lcu, key=lambda i: int(i['configvols']))[0]
if int(emptiest_lcu['configvols']) == LSS_VOL_SLOTS:
return None
return emptiest_lcu['id']
def _create_lcu(self, ssid_prefix, lcu):
self._client.send('POST', '/lss', {
'id': lcu,
'type': 'ckd',
'sub_system_identifier': ssid_prefix + lcu
def create_lun(self, lun):
volData = {
'cap': self._gb2cyl(lun.size),
'captype': 'cyl',
'stgtype': 'ckd',
'tp': 'ese' if lun.type_thin else 'none'
lun.data_type = '3390'
volData['name'] = lun.ds_name
volData['pool'], volData['lss'] = lun.pool_lss_pair['source']
lun.ds_id = self._create_lun(volData)
return lun
def initialize_connection(self, vol_id, connector, **kwargs):
return {
'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel_eckd',
'data': {
'target_discovered': True,
'cula': self._get_cula(vol_id[0:2]),
'unit_address': int(vol_id[2:4], 16),
'discard': False
def terminate_connection(self, vol_id, connector, force, **kwargs):
return None
class DS8KReplicationTargetECKDHelper(DS8KECKDHelper,
"""Manage ECKD volume in replication target."""
def setup(self):
self.backend['lss_ids_for_cg'] = self._get_lss_ids_for_cg()
self.backend['pools_str'] = self._get_value(
'san_clustername').replace('_', ',')
self._storage_pools = self.get_pools()
ssid_prefix = self._get_value('ds8k_ssid_prefix')
self.backend['ssid_prefix'] = ssid_prefix if ssid_prefix else 'FF'
self.backend['device_mapping'] = self._get_device_mapping()
def create_lun(self, lun):
volData = {
'cap': self._gb2cyl(lun.size),
'captype': 'cyl',
'stgtype': 'ckd',
'tp': 'ese' if lun.type_thin else 'none'
lun.data_type = '3390'
volData['name'] = lun.replica_ds_name
volData['pool'], volData['lss'] = lun.pool_lss_pair['target']
volID = self._create_lun(volData)
{self.backend['id']: {'vol_hex_id': volID}})
return lun