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# Copyright (c) 2019 FUJITSU LIMITED
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Cinder Volume driver for Fujitsu ETERNUS DX S3 series."""
import six
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder import ssh_utils
class FJDXCLI(object):
"""ETERNUS CLI Code."""
def __init__(self, user, storage_ip, password=None, keyfile=None):
self.user = user
self.storage_ip = storage_ip
if password and keyfile:
raise Exception(_('can not specify both password and keyfile'))
self.use_ipv6 = False
if storage_ip.find(':') != -1:
self.use_ipv6 = True
if password:
self.ssh_pool = ssh_utils.SSHPool(storage_ip, 22, None, user,
password=password, max_size=2)
if keyfile:
self.ssh_pool = ssh_utils.SSHPool(storage_ip, 22, None, user,
privatekey=keyfile, max_size=2)
self.ce_support = False
self.CMD_dic = {
'check_user_role': self._check_user_role,
'expand_volume': self._expand_volume,
'show_pool_provision': self._show_pool_provision,
'show_qos_bandwidth_limit': self._show_qos_bandwidth_limit,
'set_qos_bandwidth_limit': self._set_qos_bandwidth_limit,
'set_volume_qos': self._set_volume_qos,
'show_volume_qos': self._show_volume_qos,
'show_enclosure_status': self._show_enclosure_status,
'delete_volume': self._delete_volume
self.SMIS_dic = {
'0000': '0', # Success.
'0060': '32787', # The device is in busy state.
'0100': '4097'
} # Size not supported.
def done(self, command, **option):
func = self.CMD_dic.get(command, self._default_func)
return func(**option)
def _exec_cli(self, cmd, StrictHostKeyChecking=True, **option):
exec_cmdline = cmd + self._get_option(**option)
stdoutdata = self._exec_cli_with_eternus(exec_cmdline)
output = []
message = []
stdoutlist = stdoutdata.split('\r\n')
output_header = ""
for no, outline in enumerate(stdoutlist):
if len(outline) <= 0 or outline is None:
if not output_header.endswith(exec_cmdline):
output_header += outline
if 0 <= outline.find('Error'):
raise Exception(_("Output: %(outline)s: "
"Command: %(cmdline)s")
% {'outline': outline,
'cmdline': exec_cmdline})
if not self._is_status(outline):
status = int(outline, 16)
lineno = no + 1
raise Exception(_(
"Invalid CLI output: %(exec_cmdline)s, %(stdoutlist)s")
% {'exec_cmdline': exec_cmdline,
'stdoutlist': stdoutlist})
if status == 0:
rc = '0'
for outline in stdoutlist[lineno:]:
if 0 <= outline.find('CLI>'):
if len(outline) <= 0:
if outline is None:
code = stdoutlist[lineno]
for outline in stdoutlist[lineno + 1:]:
if 0 <= outline.find('CLI>'):
if len(outline) <= 0:
if outline is None:
rc, message = self._create_error_message(code, output)
return {'result': 0, 'rc': rc, 'message': message}
def _exec_cli_with_eternus(self, exec_cmdline):
"""Execute CLI command with arguments."""
ssh = None
ssh = self.ssh_pool.get()
chan = ssh.invoke_shell()
chan.send(exec_cmdline + '\n')
stdoutdata = ''
while True:
temp = chan.recv(65535)
if isinstance(temp, bytes):
temp = temp.decode('utf-8')
temp = str(temp)
stdoutdata += temp
# CLI command end with 'CLI>'.
if stdoutdata == '\r\nCLI> ':
if (stdoutdata[len(stdoutdata) - 5: len(stdoutdata) - 1] ==
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(_("Execute CLI "
"command error. Error: %s") % e)
if ssh:
return stdoutdata
def _create_error_message(self, code, msg):
"""Create error code and message using arguements."""
message = None
if code in self.SMIS_dic:
rc = self.SMIS_dic[code]
rc = 'E' + code
# TODO(whfnst): we will have a dic to store errors.
if rc == "E0001":
message = "Bad value: %s" % msg
elif rc == "ED184":
message = "Because OPC is being executed, "
"the processing was discontinued."
message = msg
return rc, message
def _is_status(value):
"""Check whether input value is status value or not."""
if len(value) != 2:
return False
int(value, 16)
int(value[0], 16)
int(value[1], 16)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def _get_option(**option):
"""Create option strings from dictionary."""
ret = ""
for key, value in option.items():
ret += " -%(key)s %(value)s" % {'key': key, 'value': value}
return ret
def _default_func(self, **option):
"""Default function."""
raise Exception(_("Invalid function is specified"))
def _check_user_role(self, **option):
"""Check user role."""
output = self._exec_cli("show users",
# Return error.
rc = output['rc']
if rc != "0":
return output
userlist = output.get('message')
role = None
for userinfo in userlist:
username = userinfo.split('\t')[0]
if username == self.user:
role = userinfo.split('\t')[1]
output['message'] = role
except Exception as ex:
if 'show users' in six.text_type(ex):
msg = ("Specified user(%s) does not have Software role"
% self.user)
elif 'Error connecting' in six.text_type(ex):
msg = (six.text_type(ex)[34:] +
', Please check fujitsu_private_key_path or .xml file')
msg = six.text_type(ex)
output = {
'result': 0,
'rc': '4',
'message': msg
return output
def _expand_volume(self, **option):
"""Exec expand volume."""
return self._exec_cli("expand volume", **option)
def _set_volume_qos(self, **option):
"""Exec set volume-qos."""
return self._exec_cli("set volume-qos", **option)
def _show_pool_provision(self, **option):
"""Get TPP provision capacity information."""
output = self._exec_cli("show volumes", **option)
rc = output['rc']
if rc != "0":
return output
clidatalist = output.get('message')
data = 0
for clidataline in clidatalist[1:]:
clidata = clidataline.split('\t')
if clidata[0] == 'FFFF':
data += int(clidata[7], 16)
provision = data / 2097152
output['message'] = provision
except Exception as ex:
output = {
'result': 0,
'rc': '4',
'message': "show pool provision capacity error: %s" % ex
return output
def _show_qos_bandwidth_limit(self, **option):
"""Get qos bandwidth limit."""
clidata = None
output = self._exec_cli("show qos-bandwidth-limit", **option)
# return error
rc = output['rc']
if rc != "0":
return output
qoslist = []
clidatalist = output.get('message')
for clidataline in clidatalist[1:]:
clidata = clidataline.split('\t')
qoslist.append({'total_limit': int(clidata[0], 16),
'total_iops_sec': int(clidata[1], 16),
'total_bytes_sec': int(clidata[2], 16),
'read_limit': int(clidata[0], 16),
'read_iops_sec': int(clidata[3], 16),
'read_bytes_sec': int(clidata[4], 16),
'write_limit': int(clidata[0], 16),
'write_iops_sec': int(clidata[5], 16),
'write_bytes_sec': int(clidata[6], 16)})
output['message'] = qoslist
except IndexError as ex:
msg = ('The results returned by cli are not as expected. '
'Exception string: %s' % clidata)
output = {'result': 0,
'rc': '4',
'message': "Show qos bandwidth limit error: %s. %s"
% (ex, msg)}
except Exception as ex:
output = {'result': 0,
'rc': '4',
'message': "Show qos bandwidth limit error: %s" % ex}
return output
def _set_qos_bandwidth_limit(self, **option):
"""Set qos bandwidth limit"""
return self._exec_cli("set qos-bandwidth-limit", **option)
def _show_volume_qos(self, **option):
"""Get volumes with qos."""
clidata = None
output = self._exec_cli("show volume-qos", **option)
# return error
rc = output['rc']
if rc != "0":
return output
vqosdatalist = []
clidatalist = output.get('message')
for clidataline in clidatalist[1:]:
clidata = clidataline.split('\t')
vqosdatalist.append({'total_limit': int(clidata[2], 16),
'read_limit': int(clidata[3], 16),
'write_limit': int(clidata[4], 16)})
output['message'] = vqosdatalist
except IndexError as ex:
msg = ('The results returned by cli are not as expected. '
'Exception string: %s' % clidata)
output = {'result': 0,
'rc': '4',
'message': "Show volume qos error: %s. %s" % (ex, msg)}
except Exception as ex:
output = {'result': 0,
'rc': '4',
'message': "Show volume qos error: %s" % ex}
return output
def _show_enclosure_status(self, **option):
"""Get the version of machine."""
clidata = None
output = self._exec_cli("show enclosure-status", **option)
# return error
rc = output['rc']
if rc != "0":
return output
clidatalist = output.get('message')
clidata = clidatalist[0].split('\t')
versioninfo = {'version': clidata[11]}
output['message'] = versioninfo
except IndexError as ex:
msg = ('The results returned by cli are not as expected. '
'Exception string: %s' % clidata)
output = {'result': 0,
'rc': '4',
'message': "Show enclosure status error: %s. %s"
% (ex, msg)}
except Exception as ex:
output = {'result': 0,
'rc': '4',
'message': "Show enclosure status error: %s" % ex}
return output
def _delete_volume(self, **option):
"""Exec delete volume."""
return self._exec_cli('delete volume', **option)