wangxiyuan f3d66c3254 Fix NoneType has no attribute get error
If volume_type is None and then create volumes with allow-multiattach,
Cinder-schduler will raise error:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

Ied42d13b642617dd239ea92c019354b90657821a didn't fix it completely.
The error still exists. Here is the reproduce command:
"cinder create 1 ----allow-multiattach"

Because that the volume_type is always in the "request_spec", if
users doesn't pass it, its value is None.

Change-Id: I1140234dd69a644dcbf6fc3a01f382ee101624b2
Related-bug: #1683431
2017-06-07 17:18:18 +08:00

168 lines
6.6 KiB

# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Fakes For Scheduler tests.
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from cinder.scheduler import filter_scheduler
from cinder.scheduler import host_manager
UTC_NOW = timeutils.utcnow()
class FakeFilterScheduler(filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FakeFilterScheduler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.host_manager = host_manager.HostManager()
class FakeHostManager(host_manager.HostManager):
def __init__(self):
super(FakeHostManager, self).__init__()
self.service_states = {
'host1': {'total_capacity_gb': 1024,
'free_capacity_gb': 1024,
'allocated_capacity_gb': 0,
'provisioned_capacity_gb': 0,
'max_over_subscription_ratio': 1.0,
'thin_provisioning_support': False,
'thick_provisioning_support': True,
'reserved_percentage': 10,
'volume_backend_name': 'lvm1',
'timestamp': UTC_NOW,
'multiattach': True},
'host2': {'total_capacity_gb': 2048,
'free_capacity_gb': 300,
'allocated_capacity_gb': 1748,
'provisioned_capacity_gb': 1748,
'max_over_subscription_ratio': 1.5,
'thin_provisioning_support': True,
'thick_provisioning_support': False,
'reserved_percentage': 10,
'volume_backend_name': 'lvm2',
'timestamp': UTC_NOW},
'host3': {'total_capacity_gb': 512,
'free_capacity_gb': 256,
'allocated_capacity_gb': 256,
'provisioned_capacity_gb': 256,
'max_over_subscription_ratio': 2.0,
'thin_provisioning_support': False,
'thick_provisioning_support': True,
'reserved_percentage': 0,
'volume_backend_name': 'lvm3',
'timestamp': UTC_NOW},
'host4': {'total_capacity_gb': 2048,
'free_capacity_gb': 200,
'allocated_capacity_gb': 1848,
'provisioned_capacity_gb': 2047,
'max_over_subscription_ratio': 1.0,
'thin_provisioning_support': True,
'thick_provisioning_support': False,
'reserved_percentage': 5,
'volume_backend_name': 'lvm4',
'timestamp': UTC_NOW,
'consistent_group_snapshot_enabled': True},
'host5': {'total_capacity_gb': 'infinite',
'free_capacity_gb': 'unknown',
'allocated_capacity_gb': 1548,
'provisioned_capacity_gb': 1548,
'max_over_subscription_ratio': 1.0,
'thin_provisioning_support': True,
'thick_provisioning_support': False,
'reserved_percentage': 5,
'timestamp': UTC_NOW},
class FakeBackendState(host_manager.BackendState):
def __init__(self, host, attribute_dict):
super(FakeBackendState, self).__init__(host, None)
for (key, val) in attribute_dict.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
class FakeNovaClient(object):
class Server(object):
def __init__(self, host):
self.uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() = host
setattr(self, 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host', host)
class ServerManager(object):
def __init__(self):
self._servers = []
def create(self, host):
return self._servers[-1].uuid
def get(self, server_uuid):
for s in self._servers:
if s.uuid == server_uuid:
return s
return None
def list(self, detailed=True, search_opts=None):
matching = list(self._servers)
if search_opts:
for opt, val in search_opts.items():
matching = [m for m in matching
if getattr(m, opt, None) == val]
return matching
class ListExtResource(object):
def __init__(self, ext_name): = ext_name
class ListExtManager(object):
def __init__(self, ext_srv_attr=True):
self.ext_srv_attr = ext_srv_attr
def show_all(self):
if self.ext_srv_attr:
return [
return []
def __init__(self, ext_srv_attr=True):
self.servers = FakeNovaClient.ServerManager()
self.list_extensions = FakeNovaClient.ListExtManager(
def mock_host_manager_db_calls(mock_obj, disabled=None):
services = [
dict(id=1, host='host1', topic='volume', disabled=False,
availability_zone='zone1', updated_at=timeutils.utcnow()),
dict(id=2, host='host2', topic='volume', disabled=False,
availability_zone='zone1', updated_at=timeutils.utcnow()),
dict(id=3, host='host3', topic='volume', disabled=False,
availability_zone='zone2', updated_at=timeutils.utcnow()),
dict(id=4, host='host4', topic='volume', disabled=False,
availability_zone='zone3', updated_at=timeutils.utcnow()),
dict(id=5, host='host5', topic='volume', disabled=False,
availability_zone='zone3', updated_at=timeutils.utcnow()),
if disabled is None:
mock_obj.return_value = services
mock_obj.return_value = [service for service in services
if service['disabled'] == disabled]