Eric Harney c35d78687e Re-enable new pycodestyle errors
The previous patch to update hacking
and pycodestyle turned off some new errors to
keep the patch smaller.

Fix those errors here.

Change-Id: Ib22f63e98eefb36b9b2a8be55c15271824408d5d
2019-06-04 14:28:09 +00:00

437 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Module dedicated functions/classes dealing with rate limiting requests.
import collections
import copy
import math
import re
import time
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
from six.moves import http_client
import webob.dec
import webob.exc
from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi
from cinder.api.views import limits as limits_views
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder import quota
from cinder.wsgi import common as base_wsgi
LIMITS_PREFIX = "limits."
# Convenience constants for the limits dictionary passed to Limiter().
PER_HOUR = 60 * 60
PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24
class LimitsController(wsgi.Controller):
"""Controller for accessing limits in the OpenStack API."""
def index(self, req):
"""Return all global and rate limit information."""
context = req.environ['cinder.context']
quotas = QUOTAS.get_project_quotas(context, context.project_id,
abs_limits = {k: v['limit'] for k, v in quotas.items()}
rate_limits = req.environ.get("cinder.limits", [])
builder = self._get_view_builder(req)
return, abs_limits)
def _get_view_builder(self, req):
return limits_views.ViewBuilder()
def create_resource():
return wsgi.Resource(LimitsController())
class Limit(object):
"""Stores information about a limit for HTTP requests."""
1: "SECOND",
60: "MINUTE",
60 * 60: "HOUR",
60 * 60 * 24: "DAY",
UNIT_MAP = {v: k for k, v in UNITS.items()}
def __init__(self, verb, uri, regex, value, unit):
"""Initialize a new `Limit`.
@param verb: HTTP verb (POST, PUT, etc.)
@param uri: Human-readable URI
@param regex: Regular expression format for this limit
@param value: Integer number of requests which can be made
@param unit: Unit of measure for the value parameter
self.verb = verb
self.uri = uri
self.regex = regex
self.value = int(value)
self.unit = unit
self.unit_string = self.display_unit().lower()
self.remaining = int(value)
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError("Limit value must be > 0")
self.last_request = None
self.next_request = None
self.water_level = 0
self.capacity = self.unit
self.request_value = float(self.capacity) / float(self.value)
msg = (_("Only %(value)s %(verb)s request(s) can be "
"made to %(uri)s every %(unit_string)s.") %
{'value': self.value, 'verb': self.verb,
'uri': self.uri, 'unit_string': self.unit_string})
self.error_message = msg
def __call__(self, verb, url):
"""Represent a call to this limit from a relevant request.
@param verb: string http verb (POST, GET, etc.)
@param url: string URL
if self.verb != verb or not re.match(self.regex, url):
now = self._get_time()
if self.last_request is None:
self.last_request = now
leak_value = now - self.last_request
self.water_level -= leak_value
self.water_level = max(self.water_level, 0)
self.water_level += self.request_value
difference = self.water_level - self.capacity
self.last_request = now
if difference > 0:
self.water_level -= self.request_value
self.next_request = now + difference
return difference
cap = self.capacity
water = self.water_level
val = self.value
self.remaining = math.floor(((cap - water) / cap) * val)
self.next_request = now
def _get_time(self):
"""Retrieve the current time. Broken out for testability."""
return time.time()
def display_unit(self):
"""Display the string name of the unit."""
return self.UNITS.get(self.unit, "UNKNOWN")
def display(self):
"""Return a useful representation of this class."""
return {
"verb": self.verb,
"URI": self.uri,
"regex": self.regex,
"value": self.value,
"remaining": int(self.remaining),
"unit": self.display_unit(),
"resetTime": int(self.next_request or self._get_time()),
# "Limit" format is a dictionary with the HTTP verb, human-readable URI,
# a regular-expression to match, value and unit of measure (PER_DAY, etc.)
Limit("POST", "*", ".*", 10, PER_MINUTE),
Limit("POST", "*/servers", "^/servers", 50, PER_DAY),
Limit("PUT", "*", ".*", 10, PER_MINUTE),
Limit("GET", "*changes-since*", ".*changes-since.*", 3, PER_MINUTE),
Limit("DELETE", "*", ".*", 100, PER_MINUTE),
class RateLimitingMiddleware(base_wsgi.Middleware):
"""Rate-limits requests passing through this middleware.
All limit information is stored in memory for this implementation.
def __init__(self, application, limits=None, limiter=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize class, wrap WSGI app, and set up given limits.
:param application: WSGI application to wrap
:param limits: String describing limits
:param limiter: String identifying class for representing limits
Other parameters are passed to the constructor for the limiter.
base_wsgi.Middleware.__init__(self, application)
# Select the limiter class
if limiter is None:
limiter = Limiter
limiter = importutils.import_class(limiter)
# Parse the limits, if any are provided
if limits is not None:
limits = limiter.parse_limits(limits)
self._limiter = limiter(limits or DEFAULT_LIMITS, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, req):
"""Represents a single call through this middleware.
We should record the request if we have a limit relevant to it.
If no limit is relevant to the request, ignore it. If the request
should be rate limited, return a fault telling the user they are
over the limit and need to retry later.
verb = req.method
url = req.url
context = req.environ.get("cinder.context")
if context:
username = context.user_id
username = None
delay, error = self._limiter.check_for_delay(verb, url, username)
if delay:
msg = _("This request was rate-limited.")
retry = time.time() + delay
return wsgi.OverLimitFault(msg, error, retry)
req.environ["cinder.limits"] = self._limiter.get_limits(username)
return self.application
class Limiter(object):
"""Rate-limit checking class which handles limits in memory."""
def __init__(self, limits, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the new `Limiter`.
@param limits: List of `Limit` objects
self.limits = copy.deepcopy(limits)
self.levels = collections.defaultdict(lambda: copy.deepcopy(limits))
# Pick up any per-user limit information
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key.startswith(LIMITS_PREFIX):
username = key[len(LIMITS_PREFIX):]
self.levels[username] = self.parse_limits(value)
def get_limits(self, username=None):
"""Return the limits for a given user."""
return [limit.display() for limit in self.levels[username]]
def check_for_delay(self, verb, url, username=None):
"""Check the given verb/user/user triplet for limit.
@return: Tuple of delay (in seconds) and error message (or None, None)
delays = []
for limit in self.levels[username]:
delay = limit(verb, url)
if delay:
delays.append((delay, limit.error_message))
if delays:
return delays[0]
return None, None
# Note: This method gets called before the class is instantiated,
# so this must be either a static method or a class method. It is
# used to develop a list of limits to feed to the constructor. We
# put this in the class so that subclasses can override the
# default limit parsing.
def parse_limits(limits):
"""Convert a string into a list of Limit instances.
This implementation expects a semicolon-separated sequence of
parenthesized groups, where each group contains a
comma-separated sequence consisting of HTTP method,
user-readable URI, a URI reg-exp, an integer number of
requests which can be made, and a unit of measure. Valid
values for the latter are "SECOND", "MINUTE", "HOUR", and
@return: List of Limit instances.
# Handle empty limit strings
limits = limits.strip()
if not limits:
return []
# Split up the limits by semicolon
result = []
for group in limits.split(';'):
group = group.strip()
if group[:1] != '(' or group[-1:] != ')':
raise ValueError("Limit rules must be surrounded by "
group = group[1:-1]
# Extract the Limit arguments
args = [a.strip() for a in group.split(',')]
if len(args) != 5:
raise ValueError("Limit rules must contain the following "
"arguments: verb, uri, regex, value, unit")
# Pull out the arguments
verb, uri, regex, value, unit = args
# Upper-case the verb
verb = verb.upper()
# Convert value--raises ValueError if it's not integer
value = int(value)
# Convert unit
unit = unit.upper()
if unit not in Limit.UNIT_MAP:
raise ValueError("Invalid units specified")
unit = Limit.UNIT_MAP[unit]
# Build a limit
result.append(Limit(verb, uri, regex, value, unit))
return result
class WsgiLimiter(object):
"""Rate-limit checking from a WSGI application.
Uses an in-memory `Limiter`.
To use, POST ``/<username>`` with JSON data such as::
"verb" : GET,
"path" : "/servers"
and receive a 204 No Content, or a 403 Forbidden with an X-Wait-Seconds
header containing the number of seconds to wait before the action would
def __init__(self, limits=None):
"""Initialize the new `WsgiLimiter`.
@param limits: List of `Limit` objects
self._limiter = Limiter(limits or DEFAULT_LIMITS)
def __call__(self, request):
"""Handles a call to this application.
Returns 204 if the request is acceptable to the limiter, else a 403
is returned with a relevant header indicating when the request
*will* succeed.
if request.method != "POST":
raise webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
info = dict(jsonutils.loads(request.body))
except ValueError:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()
username = request.path_info_pop()
verb = info.get("verb")
path = info.get("path")
delay, error = self._limiter.check_for_delay(verb, path, username)
if delay:
headers = {"X-Wait-Seconds": "%.2f" % delay}
return webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(headers=headers, explanation=error)
return webob.exc.HTTPNoContent()
class WsgiLimiterProxy(object):
"""Rate-limit requests based on answers from a remote source."""
def __init__(self, limiter_address):
"""Initialize the new `WsgiLimiterProxy`.
@param limiter_address: IP/port combination of where to request limit
self.limiter_address = limiter_address
def check_for_delay(self, verb, path, username=None):
body = jsonutils.dump_as_bytes({"verb": verb, "path": path})
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
conn = http_client.HTTPConnection(self.limiter_address)
if username:
conn.request("POST", "/%s" % (username), body, headers)
conn.request("POST", "/", body, headers)
resp = conn.getresponse()
if http_client.OK >= resp.status < http_client.MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
return None, None
return resp.getheader("X-Wait-Seconds"), or None
# Note: This method gets called before the class is instantiated,
# so this must be either a static method or a class method. It is
# used to develop a list of limits to feed to the constructor.
# This implementation returns an empty list, since all limit
# decisions are made by a remote server.
def parse_limits(limits):
"""Ignore a limits string--simply doesn't apply for the limit proxy.
@return: Empty list.
return []