
506 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020 Zadara Storage, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import re
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import requests
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Number of seconds the repsonse for the request sent to
# vpsa is expected. Else the request will be timed out.
# Setting it to 300 seconds initially.
vpsa_timeout = 300
# Common exception class for all the exceptions that
# are used to redirect to the driver specific exceptions.
class CommonException(Exception):
def __init__(self):
class UnknownCmd(Exception):
def __init__(self, cmd):
self.cmd = cmd
class BadHTTPResponseStatus(Exception):
def __init__(self, status):
self.status = status
class FailedCmdWithDump(Exception):
def __init__(self, status, data):
self.status = status = data
class SessionRequestException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
class ZadaraInvalidAccessKey(Exception):
exception = CommonException()
zadara_opts = [
help='VPSA - Management Host name or IP address'),
help='VPSA - Port number'),
help='VPSA - Use SSL connection'),
help='If set to True the http client will validate the SSL '
'certificate of the VPSA endpoint.'),
help='VPSA access key',
help='VPSA - Storage Pool assigned for volumes'),
help='VPSA - Default encryption policy for volumes. '
'If the option is neither configured nor provided '
'as metadata, the VPSA will inherit the default value.'),
help='VPSA - Enable deduplication for volumes. '
'If the option is neither configured nor provided '
'as metadata, the VPSA will inherit the default value.'),
help='VPSA - Enable compression for volumes. '
'If the option is neither configured nor provided '
'as metadata, the VPSA will inherit the default value.'),
help="VPSA - Attach snapshot policy for volumes. "
"If the option is neither configured nor provided "
"as metadata, the VPSA will inherit the default value.")]
# Class used to connect and execute the commands on
# Zadara Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA).
class ZadaraVPSAConnection(object):
"""Executes driver commands on VPSA."""
def __init__(self, conf, driver_ssl_cert_path, block):
self.conf = conf
self.access_key = conf.zadara_access_key
if not self.access_key:
raise exception.ZadaraInvalidAccessKey()
self.driver_ssl_cert_path = driver_ssl_cert_path
# Choose the volume type of either block or file-type
# that will help to filter volumes.
self.vol_type_str = 'showonlyblock' if block else 'showonlyfile'
# Dictionary of applicable VPSA commands in the following format:
# 'command': (method, API_URL, {optional parameters})
self.vpsa_commands = {
# Volume operations
'create_volume': lambda kwargs: (
{'name': kwargs.get('name'),
'capacity': kwargs.get('size'),
'pool': self.conf.zadara_vpsa_poolname,
'block': 'YES'
if self.vol_type_str == 'showonlyblock'
else 'NO',
'thin': 'YES',
'crypt': 'YES'
if self.conf.zadara_vol_encrypt else 'NO',
'compress': 'YES'
if self.conf.zadara_gen3_vol_compress else 'NO',
'dedupe': 'YES'
if self.conf.zadara_gen3_vol_dedupe else 'NO',
'attachpolicies': 'NO'
if not self.conf.zadara_default_snap_policy
else 'YES'}),
'delete_volume': lambda kwargs: (
'/api/volumes/%s.json' % kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
{'force': 'YES'}),
'expand_volume': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
{'capacity': kwargs.get('size')}),
'rename_volume': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
{'new_name': kwargs.get('new_name')}),
# Snapshot operations
# Snapshot request is triggered for a single volume though the
# API call implies that snapshot is triggered for CG (legacy API).
'create_snapshot': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('cg_name'),
{'display_name': kwargs.get('snap_name')}),
'delete_snapshot': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('snap_id'),
'rename_snapshot': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('snap_id'),
{'newname': kwargs.get('new_name')}),
'create_clone_from_snap': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('cg_name'),
{'name': kwargs.get('name'),
'snapshot': kwargs.get('snap_id')}),
'create_clone': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('cg_name'),
{'name': kwargs.get('name')}),
# Server operations
'create_server': lambda kwargs: (
{'iqn': kwargs.get('iqn'),
'iscsi': kwargs.get('iscsi_ip'),
'display_name': kwargs.get('iqn')
if kwargs.get('iqn')
else kwargs.get('iscsi_ip')}),
# Attach/Detach operations
'attach_volume': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('vpsa_srv'),
{'volume_name[]': kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
'access_type': kwargs.get('share_proto'),
'readonly': kwargs.get('read_only'),
'force': 'YES'}),
'detach_volume': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
{'server_name[]': kwargs.get('vpsa_srv'),
'force': 'YES'}),
# Update volume comment
'update_volume': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
{'new_comment': kwargs.get('new_comment')}),
# Get operations
'list_volumes': lambda kwargs: (
'/api/volumes.json?%s=YES' % self.vol_type_str,
'get_volume': lambda kwargs: (
'/api/volumes/%s.json' % kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
'get_volume_by_name': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('display_name'),
'get_pool': lambda kwargs: (
'/api/pools/%s.json' % kwargs.get('pool_name'),
'list_controllers': lambda kwargs: (
'list_servers': lambda kwargs: (
'list_vol_snapshots': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('cg_name'),
'list_vol_attachments': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
'list_snapshots': lambda kwargs: (
# Put operations
'change_export_name': lambda kwargs: (
% kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'),
{'exportname': kwargs.get('exportname')})}
def _generate_vpsa_cmd(self, cmd, **kwargs):
"""Generate command to be sent to VPSA."""
method, url, params = self.vpsa_commands[cmd](kwargs)
# Populate the metadata for the volume creation
metadata = kwargs.get('metadata')
if metadata:
for key, value in metadata.items():
params[key] = value
except KeyError:
raise exception.UnknownCmd(cmd=cmd)
if method == 'GET':
params = dict(page=1, start=0, limit=0)
body = None
elif method in ['DELETE', 'POST', 'PUT']:
body = params
params = None
msg = ('Method %(method)s is not defined' % {'method': method})
raise AssertionError(msg)
# 'access_key' was generated using username and password
# or it was taken from the input file
headers = {'X-Access-Key': self.access_key}
return method, url, params, body, headers
def send_cmd(self, cmd, **kwargs):
"""Send command to VPSA Controller."""
if not self.access_key:
raise exception.ZadaraInvalidAccessKey()
method, url, params, body, headers = self._generate_vpsa_cmd(cmd,
LOG.debug('Invoking %(cmd)s using %(method)s request.',
{'cmd': cmd, 'method': method})
host = self._get_target_host(self.conf.zadara_vpsa_host)
port = int(self.conf.zadara_vpsa_port)
protocol = "https" if self.conf.zadara_vpsa_use_ssl else "http"
if protocol == "https":
if not self.conf.zadara_ssl_cert_verify:
verify = False
verify = (self.driver_ssl_cert_path
if self.driver_ssl_cert_path else True)
verify = False
if port:
api_url = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (protocol, host, port, url)
api_url = "%s://%s%s" % (protocol, host, url)
with requests.Session() as session:
response = session.request(method, api_url, params=params,
data=body, headers=headers,
verify=verify, timeout=vpsa_timeout)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
msg = ('Exception: %s') % e
raise exception.SessionRequestException(msg=msg)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise exception.BadHTTPResponseStatus(
data = response.content
json_data = json.loads(data)
response = json_data['response']
status = int(response['status'])
if status == 5:
# Invalid Credentials
raise exception.ZadaraInvalidAccessKey()
if status != 0:
raise exception.FailedCmdWithDump(status=status, data=data)
LOG.debug('Operation completed with status code %(status)s',
{'status': status})
return response
def _get_target_host(self, vpsa_host):
"""Helper for target host formatting."""
ipv6_without_brackets = ':' in vpsa_host and vpsa_host[-1] != ']'
if ipv6_without_brackets:
return ('[%s]' % vpsa_host)
return ('%s' % vpsa_host)
def _get_active_controller_details(self):
"""Return details of VPSA's active controller."""
data = self.send_cmd('list_controllers')
ctrl = None
vcontrollers = data.get('vcontrollers', [])
for controller in vcontrollers:
if controller['state'] == 'active':
ctrl = controller
if ctrl is not None:
target_ip = (ctrl['iscsi_ipv6'] if
ctrl['iscsi_ipv6'] else
return dict(target=ctrl['target'],
return None
def _check_access_key_validity(self):
"""Check VPSA access key"""
if not self.access_key:
raise exception.ZadaraInvalidAccessKey()
active_ctrl = self._get_active_controller_details()
if active_ctrl is None:
raise exception.ZadaraInvalidAccessKey()
def _get_vpsa_volume(self, name):
"""Returns a single vpsa volume based on the display name"""
volume = None
display_name = name
if"\s", name):
display_name = re.split(r"\s", name)[0]
data = self.send_cmd('get_volume_by_name',
if data['status'] != 0:
return None
volumes = data['volumes']
for vol in volumes:
if vol['display_name'] == name:
volume = vol
return volume
def _get_vpsa_volume_by_id(self, vpsa_vol):
"""Returns a single vpsa volume based on name"""
data = self.send_cmd('get_volume', vpsa_vol=vpsa_vol)
return data['volume']
def _get_all_vpsa_snapshots(self):
"""Returns snapshots from all vpsa volumes"""
data = self.send_cmd('list_snapshots')
return data['snapshots']
def _get_all_vpsa_volumes(self):
"""Returns all vpsa block volumes from the configured pool"""
data = self.send_cmd('list_volumes')
# FIXME: Work around to filter volumes belonging to given pool
# Remove this when we have the API fixed to filter based
# on pools. This API today does not have virtual_capacity field
volumes = []
for volume in data['volumes']:
if volume['pool_name'] == self.conf.zadara_vpsa_poolname:
return volumes
def _get_server_name(self, initiator, share):
"""Return VPSA's name for server object.
'share' will be true to search for filesystem volumes
data = self.send_cmd('list_servers')
servers = data.get('servers', [])
for server in servers:
if share:
if server['iscsi_ip'] == initiator:
return server['name']
if server['iqn'] == initiator:
return server['name']
return None
def _create_vpsa_server(self, iqn=None, iscsi_ip=None):
"""Create server object within VPSA (if doesn't exist)."""
initiator = iscsi_ip if iscsi_ip else iqn
share = True if iscsi_ip else False
vpsa_srv = self._get_server_name(initiator, share)
if not vpsa_srv:
data = self.send_cmd('create_server', iqn=iqn, iscsi_ip=iscsi_ip)
if data['status'] != 0:
return None
vpsa_srv = data['server_name']
return vpsa_srv
def _get_servers_attached_to_volume(self, vpsa_vol):
"""Return all servers attached to volume."""
servers = vpsa_vol.get('server_ext_names')
list_servers = []
if servers:
list_servers = servers.split(',')
return list_servers
def _detach_vpsa_volume(self, vpsa_vol, vpsa_srv=None):
"""Detach volume from all attached servers."""
if vpsa_srv:
list_servers_ids = [vpsa_srv]
list_servers_ids = self._get_servers_attached_to_volume(vpsa_vol)
for server_id in list_servers_ids:
# Detach volume from server
self.send_cmd('detach_volume', vpsa_srv=server_id,
def _get_volume_snapshots(self, cg_name):
"""Get snapshots in the consistency group"""
data = self.send_cmd('list_vol_snapshots', cg_name=cg_name)
snapshots = data.get('snapshots', [])
return snapshots
def _get_snap_id(self, cg_name, snap_name):
"""Return snapshot ID for particular volume."""
snapshots = self._get_volume_snapshots(cg_name)
for snap_vol in snapshots:
if snap_vol['display_name'] == snap_name:
return snap_vol['name']
return None
def _get_pool_capacity(self, pool_name):
"""Return pool's total and available capacities."""
data = self.send_cmd('get_pool', pool_name=pool_name)
pool = data.get('pool')
if pool is not None:
total = int(pool['capacity'])
free = int(pool['available_capacity'])
provisioned = int(pool['provisioned_capacity'])
LOG.debug('Pool %(name)s: %(total)sGB total, %(free)sGB free, '
'%(provisioned)sGB provisioned',
{'name': pool_name, 'total': total,
'free': free, 'provisioned': provisioned})
return total, free, provisioned
return 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown'