Port the legacy legacy-tempest-dsvm-multibackend-matrix job to the native Zuul v3 syntax, and rename it following the guidelines (cinder-multibackend-matrix-migration). This job tests the migration between two different backends specified through the volume.backend_names configuration key in tempest.conf. Now the job leverages the existing zuul code, namely the run-tempest role, which is called multiple times with all the possible combinations of the 3 tested backends (lvm, ceph, nfs) where the source and the destination differ. The final JUnitXML output summarizes the test results for each of the tested combinations. Change-Id: I34e7e48ee63c4c269f82ae178a7118ed402cad6d
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# Playbook originally inspired by
# https://opendev.org/openstack/tempest/src/tag/23.0.0/playbooks/devstack-tempest.yaml
# Changes that run through devstack-tempest are likely to have an impact on
# the devstack part of the job, so we keep devstack in the main play to
# avoid zuul retrying on legitimate failures.
- hosts: all
- orchestrate-devstack
# We run tests only on one node, regardless how many nodes are in the system
- hosts: tempest
- lvm
- ceph
- nfs
migration_test_results: []
migration_tempest_conf: "/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf"
- include_role:
name: setup-tempest-run-dir
- include_role:
name: setup-tempest-data-dir
- include_role:
name: acl-devstack-files
- include_role:
name: configure-run-migration-tests
migration_source_backend: "{{ item[0] }}"
migration_destination_backend: "{{ item[1] }}"
loop: "{{ migration_backends|product(migration_backends)|list }}"
when: item[0] != item[1]
- include_role:
name: save-cinder-migration-results