whoami-rajat a550ade303 Untyped to Default Volume Type
The patch adds the following functionality:
* A default volume type (``__DEFAULT__``) will be
  created during cinder DB migration.
* Admins can override the default type in cinder.conf
* Creating a new volume without any type (and
  `default_volume_type` option is unset in cinder.conf)
  will be assigned the ``__DEFAULT__`` type.
* The default volume type cannot be deleted
* All untyped volumes and snapshots will be migrated to the
  ``__DEFAULT__`` type.

Change-Id: I4da0c13b5b3f8174a30b8557f968d6b9e641b091
Implements: blueprint untyped-volumes-default-volume-type
2019-09-20 05:37:54 +00:00

261 lines
10 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Tests for database migrations. This test case reads the configuration
file test_migrations.conf for database connection settings
to use in the tests. For each connection found in the config file,
the test case runs a series of test cases to ensure that migrations work
properly both upgrading and downgrading, and that no data loss occurs
if possible.
import os
import fixtures
from migrate.versioning import api as migration_api
from migrate.versioning import repository
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import test_fixtures
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import test_migrations
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils as db_utils
from oslotest import base as test_base
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
from cinder.db import migration
import cinder.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo
from cinder.tests.unit import utils as test_utils
from cinder.volume import volume_types
class MigrationsMixin(test_migrations.WalkVersionsMixin):
"""Test sqlalchemy-migrate migrations."""
BOOL_TYPE = sqlalchemy.types.BOOLEAN
TIME_TYPE = sqlalchemy.types.DATETIME
INTEGER_TYPE = sqlalchemy.types.INTEGER
VARCHAR_TYPE = sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR
TEXT_TYPE = sqlalchemy.types.Text
def INIT_VERSION(self):
return migration.INIT_VERSION
def REPOSITORY(self):
migrate_file = cinder.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.__file__
return repository.Repository(
def migration_api(self):
return migration_api
def setUp(self):
super(MigrationsMixin, self).setUp()
# (zzzeek) This mixin states that it uses the
# "self.engine" attribute in the migrate_engine() method.
# So the mixin must set that up for itself, oslo_db no longer
# makes these assumptions for you.
self.engine = enginefacade.writer.get_engine()
def migrate_engine(self):
return self.engine
def get_table_ref(self, engine, name, metadata):
metadata.bind = engine
return sqlalchemy.Table(name, metadata, autoload=True)
class BannedDBSchemaOperations(fixtures.Fixture):
"""Ban some operations for migrations"""
def __init__(self, banned_resources=None):
super(MigrationsMixin.BannedDBSchemaOperations, self).__init__()
self._banned_resources = banned_resources or []
def _explode(resource, op):
print('%s.%s()' % (resource, op)) # noqa
raise Exception(
'Operation %s.%s() is not allowed in a database migration' % (
resource, op))
def setUp(self):
super(MigrationsMixin.BannedDBSchemaOperations, self).setUp()
for thing in self._banned_resources:
'sqlalchemy.%s.drop' % thing,
lambda *a, **k: self._explode(thing, 'drop')))
'sqlalchemy.%s.alter' % thing,
lambda *a, **k: self._explode(thing, 'alter')))
def migrate_up(self, version, with_data=False):
# NOTE(dulek): This is a list of migrations where we allow dropping
# things. The rules for adding things here are very very specific.
# Insight on how to drop things from the DB in a backward-compatible
# manner is provided in Cinder's developer documentation.
exceptions = [
# NOTE(brinzhang): 127 changes size of quota_usage.resource
# to 300. This should be safe for the 'quota_usage' db table,
# because of the 255 is the length limit of volume_type_name,
# it should be add the additional prefix before volume_type_name,
# which we of course allow *this* size to 300.
if version not in exceptions:
banned = ['Table', 'Column']
banned = None
with MigrationsMixin.BannedDBSchemaOperations(banned):
super(MigrationsMixin, self).migrate_up(version, with_data)
def __check_cinderbase_fields(self, columns):
"""Check fields inherited from CinderBase ORM class."""
self.assertIsInstance(columns.created_at.type, self.TIME_TYPE)
self.assertIsInstance(columns.updated_at.type, self.TIME_TYPE)
self.assertIsInstance(columns.deleted_at.type, self.TIME_TYPE)
self.assertIsInstance(columns.deleted.type, self.BOOL_TYPE)
def get_table_names(self, engine):
inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
return inspector.get_table_names()
def get_foreign_key_columns(self, engine, table_name):
foreign_keys = set()
table = db_utils.get_table(engine, table_name)
inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
for column_dict in inspector.get_columns(table_name):
column_name = column_dict['name']
column = getattr(table.c, column_name)
if column.foreign_keys:
return foreign_keys
def get_indexed_columns(self, engine, table_name):
indexed_columns = set()
for index in db_utils.get_indexes(engine, table_name):
for column_name in index['column_names']:
return indexed_columns
def assert_each_foreign_key_is_part_of_an_index(self):
engine = self.migrate_engine
non_indexed_foreign_keys = set()
for table_name in self.get_table_names(engine):
indexed_columns = self.get_indexed_columns(engine, table_name)
foreign_key_columns = self.get_foreign_key_columns(
engine, table_name
for column_name in foreign_key_columns - indexed_columns:
non_indexed_foreign_keys.add(table_name + '.' + column_name)
self.assertSetEqual(set(), non_indexed_foreign_keys)
def _check_127(self, engine, data):
quota_usage_resource = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'quota_usages')
self.assertIn('resource', quota_usage_resource.c)
self.assertEqual(300, quota_usage_resource.c.resource.type.length)
def _check_128(self, engine, data):
volume_transfer = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'transfers')
self.assertIn('source_project_id', volume_transfer.c)
self.assertIn('destination_project_id', volume_transfer.c)
self.assertIn('accepted', volume_transfer.c)
def _check_132(self, engine, data):
"""Test create default volume type."""
vol_types = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'volume_types')
vtype = ( ==
# NOTE: this test becomes slower with each addition of new DB migration.
# 'pymysql' works much slower on slow nodes than 'psycopg2'. And such
# timeout mostly required for testing of 'mysql' backend.
def test_walk_versions(self):
self.walk_versions(False, False)
class TestSqliteMigrations(test_fixtures.OpportunisticDBTestMixin,
def assert_each_foreign_key_is_part_of_an_index(self):
# Skip the test for SQLite because SQLite does not list
# UniqueConstraints as indexes, which makes this test fail.
# Given that SQLite is only for testing purposes, it is safe to skip
class TestMysqlMigrations(test_fixtures.OpportunisticDBTestMixin,
FIXTURE = test_fixtures.MySQLOpportunisticFixture
BOOL_TYPE = sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.TINYINT
def test_mysql_innodb(self):
"""Test that table creation on mysql only builds InnoDB tables."""
# add this to the global lists to make reset work with it, it's removed
# automatically in tearDown so no need to clean it up here.
# sanity check
total = self.migrate_engine.execute(
"SELECT count(*) "
"from information_schema.TABLES "
"where TABLE_SCHEMA='{0}'".format(
self.assertGreater(total.scalar(), 0,
msg="No tables found. Wrong schema?")
noninnodb = self.migrate_engine.execute(
"SELECT count(*) "
"from information_schema.TABLES "
"where TABLE_SCHEMA='openstack_citest' "
"and ENGINE!='InnoDB' "
"and TABLE_NAME!='migrate_version'")
count = noninnodb.scalar()
self.assertEqual(count, 0, "%d non InnoDB tables created" % count)
def _check_127(self, engine, data):
quota_usage_resource = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'quota_usages')
self.assertIn('resource', quota_usage_resource.c)
# Depending on the MariaDB version, and the page size, we may not have
# been able to change quota_usage_resource to 300 chars, it could still
# be 255.
(255, 300))
class TestPostgresqlMigrations(test_fixtures.OpportunisticDBTestMixin,
FIXTURE = test_fixtures.PostgresqlOpportunisticFixture
TIME_TYPE = sqlalchemy.types.TIMESTAMP