All initiators defined in zfssa_initiator property would be
added to the group.
Also fixed some typos related to initiators error messages.
Change-Id: Iec6c90702e5aafa153b4a7f1e429974ac450afc0
Closes-Bug: #1369750
(cherry picked from commit f94d671e62
326 lines
10 KiB
326 lines
10 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Unit tests for Oracle's ZFSSA Cinder volume driver
import mock
from json import JSONEncoder
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder.openstack.common import units
from cinder import test
from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
from cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa import restclient as client
from cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa import zfssaiscsi as iscsi
from cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa import zfssarest as rest
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FakeZFSSA(object):
"""Fake ZFS SA"""
def __init__(self):
self.user = None
self.host = None
def login(self, user):
self.user = user
def set_host(self, host, timeout=None):
self.host = host
def create_project(self, pool, project, compression, logbias):
out = {}
if not self.host or not self.user:
return out
out = {"status": "online",
"name": "pool",
"usage": {"available": 10,
"total": 10,
"dedupratio": 100,
"used": 1},
"peer": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"owner": "host",
"asn": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"}
return out
def create_initiator(self, init, initgrp, chapuser, chapsecret):
out = {}
if not self.host or not self.user:
return out
out = {"href": "fake_href",
"alias": "fake_alias",
"initiator": "fake_iqn.1993-08.org.fake:01:000000000000",
"chapuser": "",
"chapsecret": ""
return out
def add_to_initiatorgroup(self, init, initgrp):
r = rest.ZFSSAApi()
type(r).rclient = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=FakeAddIni2InitGrp())
r.add_to_initiatorgroup(init, initgrp)
def create_target(self, tgtalias, inter, tchapuser, tchapsecret):
out = {}
if not self.host or not self.user:
return out
out = {"href": "fake_href",
"alias": "fake_tgtgrp",
"iqn": "iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:00000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddd",
"auth": "none",
"targetchapuser": "",
"targetchapsecret": "",
"interfaces": ["eth0"]
return out
def add_to_targetgroup(self, iqn, tgtgrp):
out = {}
if not self.host or not self.user:
return {}
out = {"href": "fake_href",
"name": "fake_tgtgrp",
"targets": ["iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:00000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddd"]
return out
def get_lun(self, pool, project, lun):
ret = {
'guid': '600144F0F8FBD5BD000053CE53AB0001',
'number': 0,
'initiatorgroup': 'fake_initgrp',
'size': 1 * units.Gi
return ret
def get_target(self, target):
return 'iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:00000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddd'
def create_lun(self, pool, project, lun, volsize, targetgroup,
volblocksize, sparse, compression, logbias):
out = {}
if not self.host and not self.user:
return out
out = {"logbias": logbias,
"compression": compression,
"status": "online",
"lunguid": "600144F0F8FBD5BD000053CE53AB0001",
"initiatorgroup": ["fake_initgrp"],
"volsize": volsize,
"pool": pool,
"volblocksize": volblocksize,
"name": lun,
"project": project,
"sparse": sparse,
"targetgroup": targetgroup}
return out
def delete_lun(self, pool, project, lun):
out = {}
if not self.host and not self.user:
return out
out = {"pool": pool,
"project": project,
"name": lun}
return out
def create_snapshot(self, pool, project, vol, snap):
out = {}
if not self.host and not self.user:
return {}
out = {"name": snap,
"numclones": 0,
"share": vol,
"project": project,
"pool": pool}
return out
def delete_snapshot(self, pool, project, vol, snap):
out = {}
if not self.host and not self.user:
return {}
out = {"name": snap,
"share": vol,
"project": project,
"pool": pool}
return out
def clone_snapshot(self, pool, project, pvol, snap, vol):
out = {}
if not self.host and not self.user:
return out
out = {"origin": {"project": project,
"snapshot": snap,
"share": pvol,
"pool": pool},
"logbias": "latency",
"assignednumber": 1,
"status": "online",
"lunguid": "600144F0F8FBD5BD000053CE67A50002",
"volsize": 1,
"pool": pool,
"name": vol,
"project": project}
return out
def set_lun_initiatorgroup(self, pool, project, vol, initgrp):
out = {}
if not self.host and not self.user:
return out
out = {"lunguid": "600144F0F8FBD5BD000053CE67A50002",
"pool": pool,
"name": vol,
"project": project,
"initiatorgroup": ["fake_initgrp"]}
return out
def has_clones(self, pool, project, vol, snapshot):
return False
def set_lun_props(self, pool, project, vol, **kargs):
out = {}
if not self.host and not self.user:
return out
out = {"pool": pool,
"name": vol,
"project": project,
"volsize": kargs['volsize']}
return out
class TestZFSSAISCSIDriver(test.TestCase):
test_vol = {
'name': 'cindervol',
'size': 1
test_snap = {
'name': 'cindersnap',
'volume_name': test_vol['name']
test_vol_snap = {
'name': 'cindersnapvol',
'size': test_vol['size']
def __init__(self, method):
super(TestZFSSAISCSIDriver, self).__init__(method)
@mock.patch.object(iscsi, 'factory_zfssa')
def setUp(self, _factory_zfssa):
super(TestZFSSAISCSIDriver, self).setUp()
_factory_zfssa.return_value = FakeZFSSA()
self.drv = iscsi.ZFSSAISCSIDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
def _create_fake_config(self):
self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
self.configuration.san_ip = ''
self.configuration.san_login = 'user'
self.configuration.san_password = 'passwd'
self.configuration.zfssa_pool = 'pool'
self.configuration.zfssa_project = 'project'
self.configuration.zfssa_lun_volblocksize = '8k'
self.configuration.zfssa_lun_sparse = 'false'
self.configuration.zfssa_lun_logbias = 'latency'
self.configuration.zfssa_lun_compression = 'off'
self.configuration.zfssa_initiator_group = 'test-init-grp1'
self.configuration.zfssa_initiator = \
'iqn.1-0.org.deb:01:d7, iqn.1-0.org.deb:01:d9'
self.configuration.zfssa_initiator_user = ''
self.configuration.zfssa_initiator_password = ''
self.configuration.zfssa_target_group = 'test-target-grp1'
self.configuration.zfssa_target_user = ''
self.configuration.zfssa_target_password = ''
self.configuration.zfssa_target_portal = ''
self.configuration.zfssa_target_interfaces = 'e1000g0'
self.configuration.zfssa_rest_timeout = 60
def test_create_delete_volume(self):
def test_create_delete_snapshot(self):
def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
def test_create_export(self):
self.drv.create_export({}, self.test_vol)
def test_remove_export(self):
self.drv.remove_export({}, self.test_vol)
def test_get_volume_stats(self):
def test_extend_volume(self):
self.drv.extend_volume(self.test_vol, 3)
def tearDown(self):
super(TestZFSSAISCSIDriver, self).tearDown()
class FakeAddIni2InitGrp(object):
def get(self, path, **kwargs):
result = client.RestResult()
result.status = client.Status.OK
result.data = JSONEncoder().encode({'group':
return result
def put(self, path, body="", **kwargs):
result = client.RestResult()
result.status = client.Status.ACCEPTED
return result
def post(self, path, body="", **kwargs):
result = client.RestResult()
result.status = client.Status.CREATED
return result