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# Copyright (c) 2014 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Self test for Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS-HNAS) platform.
import os
import tempfile
import mock
import six
from cinder import exception
from cinder import test
from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
from import hnas_iscsi as iscsi
from cinder.volume import volume_types
HNASCONF = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
HNAS_WRONG_CONF1 = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
HNAS_WRONG_CONF2 = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
# The following information is passed on to tests, when creating a volume
_VOLUME = {'name': 'testvol', 'volume_id': '1234567890', 'size': 128,
'volume_type': 'silver', 'volume_type_id': '1',
'provider_location': None, 'id': 'abcdefg',
'host': 'host1@hnas-iscsi-backend#silver'}
class SimulatedHnasBackend(object):
"""Simulation Back end. Talks to HNAS."""
# these attributes are shared across object instances
start_lun = 0
init_index = 0
target_index = 0
hlun = 0
def __init__(self):
self.type = 'HNAS'
self.out = ''
self.volumes = []
# iSCSI connections
self.connections = []
def deleteVolume(self, name):
volume = self.getVolume(name)
if volume:
return True
return False
def deleteVolumebyProvider(self, provider):
volume = self.getVolumebyProvider(provider)
if volume:
return True
return False
def getVolumes(self):
return self.volumes
def getVolume(self, name):
if self.volumes:
for volume in self.volumes:
if str(volume['name']) == name:
return volume
return None
def getVolumebyProvider(self, provider):
if self.volumes:
for volume in self.volumes:
if str(volume['provider_location']) == provider:
return volume
return None
def createVolume(self, name, provider, sizeMiB, comment):
new_vol = {'additionalStates': [],
'adminSpace': {'freeMiB': 0,
'rawReservedMiB': 384,
'reservedMiB': 128,
'usedMiB': 128},
'baseId': 115,
'copyType': 1,
'creationTime8601': '2012-10-22T16:37:57-07:00',
'creationTimeSec': 1350949077,
'failedStates': [],
'id': 115,
'provider_location': provider,
'name': name,
'comment': comment,
'provisioningType': 1,
'readOnly': False,
'sizeMiB': sizeMiB,
'state': 1,
'userSpace': {'freeMiB': 0,
'rawReservedMiB': 41984,
'reservedMiB': 31488,
'usedMiB': 31488},
'usrSpcAllocLimitPct': 0,
'usrSpcAllocWarningPct': 0,
'uuid': '1e7daee4-49f4-4d07-9ab8-2b6a4319e243',
'wwn': '50002AC00073383D'}
def create_lu(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, size, name):
vol_id = name
_out = ("LUN: %d HDP: fs2 size: %s MB, is successfully created" %
(self.start_lun, size))
self.createVolume(name, vol_id, size, "create-lu")
self.start_lun += 1
return _out
def delete_lu(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, lun):
_out = ""
id = "myID"
self.deleteVolumebyProvider(id + '.' + str(lun))
return _out
def create_dup(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, src_lun, hdp, size, name):
_out = ("LUN: %s HDP: 9 size: %s MB, is successfully created" %
(self.start_lun, size))
id = name
self.createVolume(name, id + '.' + str(self.start_lun), size,
self.start_lun += 1
return _out
def add_iscsi_conn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, lun, hdp,
port, iqn, initiator):
ctl = ""
conn = (self.hlun, lun, initiator, self.init_index, iqn,
self.target_index, ctl, port)
_out = ("H-LUN: %d mapped. LUN: %s, iSCSI Initiator: %s @ index: %d, \
and Target: %s @ index %d is successfully paired @ CTL: %s, \
Port: %s" % conn)
self.init_index += 1
self.target_index += 1
self.hlun += 1
return _out
def del_iscsi_conn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, port, iqn, initiator):
_out = ("H-LUN: successfully deleted from target")
return _out
def extend_vol(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, hdp, lu, size, name):
_out = ("LUN: %s successfully extended to %s MB" % (lu, size))
id = name
self.out = _out
v = self.getVolumebyProvider(id + '.' + str(lu))
if v:
v['sizeMiB'] = size
return _out
def get_luns(self):
return len(self.alloc_lun)
def get_conns(self):
return len(self.connections)
def get_out(self):
return str(self.out)
def get_version(self, cmd, ver, ip0, user, pw):
self.out = "Array_ID: 18-48-A5-A1-80-13 (3080-G2) " \
"version: 11.2.3319.09 LU: 256" \
" RG: 0 RG_LU: 0 Utility_version: 11.1.3225.01"
return self.out
def get_iscsi_info(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw):
self.out = "CTL: 0 Port: 4 IP: Port: 3260 Link: Up\n" \
"CTL: 1 Port: 5 IP: Port: 3260 Link: Up"
return self.out
def get_hdp_info(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, fslabel=None):
self.out = "HDP: 1024 272384 MB 33792 MB 12 % LUs: " \
"70 Normal fs1\n" \
"HDP: 1025 546816 MB 73728 MB 13 % LUs: 194 Normal fs2"
return self.out
def get_targetiqn(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, id, hdp, secret):
self.out = """iqn.2013-08.cinderdomain:vs61.cindertarget"""
return self.out
def set_targetsecret(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, target, hdp, secret):
self.out = """iqn.2013-08.cinderdomain:vs61.cindertarget"""
return self.out
def get_targetsecret(self, cmd, ip0, user, pw, target, hdp):
self.out = """wGkJhTpXaaYJ5Rv"""
return self.out
class HNASiSCSIDriverTest(test.TestCase):
"""Test HNAS iSCSI volume driver."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HNASiSCSIDriverTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@mock.patch.object(iscsi, 'factory_bend')
def setUp(self, _factory_bend):
super(HNASiSCSIDriverTest, self).setUp()
self.backend = SimulatedHnasBackend()
_factory_bend.return_value = self.backend
(handle, self.config_file) = tempfile.mkstemp('.xml')
os.write(handle, HNASCONF)
self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
self.configuration.hds_hnas_iscsi_config_file = self.config_file
self.configuration.hds_svc_iscsi_chap_enabled = True
self.driver = iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
def _clean(self):
def _create_volume(self):
loc = self.driver.create_volume(_VOLUME)
vol = _VOLUME.copy()
vol['provider_location'] = loc['provider_location']
return vol
@mock.patch.object(os, 'access')
def test_read_config(self, m_access, m_open):
# Test exception when file is not found
m_access.return_value = False
m_open.return_value = six.StringIO(HNASCONF)
self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, iscsi._read_config, '')
# Test exception when config file has parsing errors
# due to missing <svc> tag
m_access.return_value = True
m_open.return_value = six.StringIO(HNAS_WRONG_CONF1)
self.assertRaises(exception.ConfigNotFound, iscsi._read_config, '')
# Test exception when config file has parsing errors
# due to missing <hdp> tag
m_open.return_value = six.StringIO(HNAS_WRONG_CONF2)
self.configuration.hds_hnas_iscsi_config_file = ''
self.assertRaises(exception.ParameterNotFound, iscsi._read_config, '')
def test_create_volume(self):
loc = self.driver.create_volume(_VOLUME)
self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
self.assertNotEqual(loc['provider_location'], None)
# cleanup
def test_get_volume_stats(self):
stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)
self.assertEqual(stats["vendor_name"], "HDS")
self.assertEqual(stats["storage_protocol"], "iSCSI")
self.assertEqual(len(stats['pools']), 2)
def test_delete_volume(self):
vol = self._create_volume()
# should not be deletable twice
prov_loc = self.backend.getVolumebyProvider(vol['provider_location'])
self.assertTrue(prov_loc is None)
def test_extend_volume(self):
vol = self._create_volume()
new_size = _VOLUME['size'] * 2
self.driver.extend_volume(vol, new_size)
# cleanup
@mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_id_to_vol')
def test_create_snapshot(self, m_id_to_vol):
vol = self._create_volume()
m_id_to_vol.return_value = vol
svol = vol.copy()
svol['volume_size'] = svol['size']
loc = self.driver.create_snapshot(svol)
self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
svol['provider_location'] = loc['provider_location']
# cleanup
@mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_id_to_vol')
def test_create_clone(self, m_id_to_vol):
src_vol = self._create_volume()
m_id_to_vol.return_value = src_vol
src_vol['volume_size'] = src_vol['size']
dst_vol = self._create_volume()
dst_vol['volume_size'] = dst_vol['size']
loc = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(dst_vol, src_vol)
self.assertNotEqual(loc, None)
# cleanup
@mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_id_to_vol')
def test_delete_snapshot(self, m_id_to_vol):
svol = self._create_volume()
lun = svol['provider_location']
m_id_to_vol.return_value = svol
self.assertTrue(self.backend.getVolumebyProvider(lun) is None)
def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
svol = self._create_volume()
svol['volume_size'] = svol['size']
vol = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(_VOLUME, svol)
self.assertNotEqual(vol, None)
# cleanup
@mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_update_vol_location')
def test_initialize_connection(self, m_update_vol_location):
connector = {}
connector['initiator'] = ''
connector['host'] = ''
vol = self._create_volume()
conn = self.driver.initialize_connection(vol, connector)
self.assertTrue('3260' in conn['data']['target_portal'])
# cleanup
@mock.patch.object(iscsi.HDSISCSIDriver, '_update_vol_location')
def test_terminate_connection(self, m_update_vol_location):
connector = {}
connector['initiator'] = ''
connector['host'] = ''
vol = self._create_volume()
vol['provider_location'] = "portal," +\
connector['initiator'] +\
conn = self.driver.initialize_connection(vol, connector)
num_conn_before = self.backend.get_conns()
self.driver.terminate_connection(vol, conn)
num_conn_after = self.backend.get_conns()
self.assertNotEqual(num_conn_before, num_conn_after)
# cleanup
@mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type_extra_specs',
return_value={'key': 'type', 'service_label': 'silver'})
def test_get_pool(self, m_ext_spec):
label = self.driver.get_pool(_VOLUME)
self.assertEqual('silver', label)