
486 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2016 EMC Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import six
import time
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_service import loopingcall
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder.objects import fields
from cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.vnx import common
from cinder.volume.drivers.san.san import san_opts
from cinder.volume import utils as vol_utils
from cinder.volume import volume_types
storops = importutils.try_import('storops')
storops = importutils.try_import('storops')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def init_ops(configuration):
def get_metadata(volume):
# Since versionedobjects is partially merged, metadata
# may come from 'volume_metadata' or 'metadata', here
# we need to take care both of them.
volume_metadata = {}
if 'volume_metadata' in volume:
for metadata in volume['volume_metadata']:
volume_metadata[metadata['key']] = metadata['value']
return volume_metadata
return volume['metadata'] if 'metadata' in volume else {}
def dump_provider_location(location_dict):
return '|'.join([k + '^' + v for k, v in location_dict.items()])
def build_provider_location(system, lun_type, lun_id, base_lun_name, version):
"""Builds provider_location for volume or snapshot.
:param system: VNX serial number
:param lun_id: LUN ID in VNX
:param lun_type: 'lun' or 'smp'
:param base_lun_name: primary LUN name,
it will be used when creating snap lun
:param version: driver version
location_dict = {'system': system,
'type': lun_type,
'id': six.text_type(lun_id),
'base_lun_name': six.text_type(base_lun_name),
'version': version}
return dump_provider_location(location_dict)
def extract_provider_location(provider_location, key):
"""Extracts value of the specified field from provider_location string.
:param provider_location: provider_location string
:param key: field name of the value that to be extracted
:return: value of the specified field if it exists, otherwise,
None is returned
if not provider_location:
return None
kvps = provider_location.split('|')
for kvp in kvps:
fields = kvp.split('^')
if len(fields) == 2 and fields[0] == key:
return fields[1]
def update_provider_location(provider_location, items):
"""Updates provider_location with new dict items.
:param provider_location: volume's provider_location.
:param items: dict items for updating.
location_dict = {tp.split('^')[0]: tp.split('^')[1]
for tp in provider_location.split('|')}
for key, value in items.items():
location_dict[key] = value
return dump_provider_location(location_dict)
def update_remote_provider_location(volume, client):
"""Update volume provider_location after volume failed-over."""
provider_location = volume.provider_location
updated = {}
updated['system'] = client.get_serial()
updated['id'] = six.text_type(
provider_location = update_provider_location(
provider_location, updated)
return provider_location
def get_pool_from_host(host):
return vol_utils.extract_host(host, 'pool')
def wait_until(condition, timeout=None, interval=common.INTERVAL_5_SEC,
reraise_arbiter=lambda ex: True, *args, **kwargs):
start_time = time.time()
if not timeout:
timeout = common.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
def _inner():
test_value = condition(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as ex:
test_value = False
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(
LOG.debug('Exception raised when executing %(condition_name)s'
'in wait_until. Message: %(msg)s',
{'condition_name': condition.__name__,
'msg': ex.message})
if test_value:
raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
if int(time.time()) - start_time > timeout:
msg = (_('Timeout waiting for %(condition_name)s in wait_until.')
% {'condition_name': condition.__name__})
raise common.WaitUtilTimeoutException(msg)
timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_inner)
def validate_storage_migration(volume, target_host, src_serial, src_protocol):
if 'location_info' not in target_host['capabilities']:
LOG.warning("Failed to get pool name and "
"serial number. 'location_info' "
"from %s.", target_host['host'])
return False
info = target_host['capabilities']['location_info']
LOG.debug("Host for migration is %s.", info)
serial_number = info.split('|')[1]
except AttributeError:
LOG.warning('Error on getting serial number '
'from %s.', target_host['host'])
return False
if serial_number != src_serial:
LOG.debug('Skip storage-assisted migration because '
'target and source backend are not managing'
'the same array.')
return False
if (target_host['capabilities']['storage_protocol'] != src_protocol
and get_original_status(volume) == 'in-use'):
LOG.debug('Skip storage-assisted migration because '
'in-use volume can not be '
'migrate between different protocols.')
return False
return True
def retype_need_migration(volume, old_provision, new_provision, host):
if volume['host'] != host['host']:
return True
lun_type = extract_provider_location(volume['provider_location'], 'type')
if lun_type == 'smp':
return True
if old_provision != new_provision:
if retype_need_turn_on_compression(old_provision, new_provision):
return False
return True
return False
def retype_need_turn_on_compression(old_provision, new_provision):
return (old_provision in [storops.VNXProvisionEnum.THIN,
and new_provision == storops.VNXProvisionEnum.COMPRESSED)
def retype_need_change_tier(old_tier, new_tier):
return new_tier is not None and old_tier != new_tier
def get_original_status(volume):
if not volume['volume_attachment']:
return 'available'
return 'in-use'
def construct_snap_name(volume):
"""Return snapshot name."""
if is_snapcopy_enabled(volume):
return 'snap-as-vol-' + six.text_type(volume.name_id)
return 'tmp-snap-' + six.text_type(volume.name_id)
def construct_mirror_name(volume):
"""Constructs MirrorView name for volume."""
return 'mirror_' + six.text_type(
def construct_group_name(group):
"""Constructs MirrorGroup name for volumes.
VNX only allows for 32-character group name, so
trim the dash(-) from group id.
return'-', '')
def construct_tmp_cg_snap_name(cg_name):
"""Return CG snapshot name."""
return 'tmp-snap-' + six.text_type(cg_name)
def construct_tmp_lun_name(lun_name):
"""Constructs a time-based temporary LUN name."""
return '%(src)s-%(ts)s' % {'src': lun_name,
'ts': int(time.time())}
def construct_smp_name(snap_id):
return 'tmp-smp-' + six.text_type(snap_id)
def is_snapcopy_enabled(volume):
meta = get_metadata(volume)
return 'snapcopy' in meta and meta['snapcopy'].lower() == 'true'
def is_async_migrate_enabled(volume):
extra_specs = common.ExtraSpecs.from_volume(volume)
if extra_specs.is_replication_enabled:
# For replication-enabled volume, we should not use the async-cloned
# volume, or setup replication would fail with
# VNXMirrorLunNotAvailableError
return False
meta = get_metadata(volume)
if 'async_migrate' not in meta:
# Asynchronous migration is the default behavior now
return True
return 'async_migrate' in meta and meta['async_migrate'].lower() == 'true'
def get_migration_rate(volume):
metadata = get_metadata(volume)
rate = metadata.get('migrate_rate', None)
if rate:
if rate.lower() in storops.VNXMigrationRate.values():
return storops.VNXMigrationRate.parse(rate.lower())
LOG.warning('Unknown migration rate specified, '
'using [high] as migration rate.')
return storops.VNXMigrationRate.HIGH
def check_type_matched(volume):
"""Check volume type and group type
This will make sure they do not conflict with each other.
:param volume: volume to be checked
:returns: None
:raises: InvalidInput
# If volume is not a member of group, skip this check anyway.
if not
extra_specs = common.ExtraSpecs.from_volume(volume)
group_specs = common.ExtraSpecs.from_group(
if not (group_specs.is_group_replication_enabled ==
msg = _('Replication should be enabled or disabled for both '
'volume or group. volume replication status: %(vol_status)s, '
'group replication status: %(group_status)s') % {
'vol_status': extra_specs.is_replication_enabled,
'group_status': group_specs.is_group_replication_enabled}
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
def check_rep_status_matched(group):
"""Check replication status for group.
Group status must be enabled before proceeding.
group_specs = common.ExtraSpecs.from_group(group)
if group_specs.is_group_replication_enabled:
if group.replication_status != fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED:
msg = _('Replication status should be %s for replication-enabled '
'group.') % fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
else:'Replication is not enabled on group %s, skip status check.',
def update_res_without_poll(res):
with res.with_no_poll():
def update_res_with_poll(res):
with res.with_poll():
def get_base_lun_name(volume):
"""Returns base LUN name for LUN/snapcopy LUN."""
base_name = extract_provider_location(
volume.provider_location, 'base_lun_name')
if base_name is None or base_name == 'None':
return base_name
def sift_port_white_list(port_white_list, registered_io_ports):
"""Filters out the unregistered ports.
Goes through the `port_white_list`, and filters out the ones not
registered (that is not in `registered_io_ports`).
valid_port_list = []
LOG.debug('Filter ports in [%(white)s}] but not in [%(reg_ports)s].',
{'white': ','.join(
[port.display_name for port in port_white_list]),
'reg_ports': ','.join(
[port.display_name for port in registered_io_ports])})
for io_port in port_white_list:
if io_port not in registered_io_ports:
LOG.debug('Skipped SP port %(port)s due to it is not registered. '
'The registered IO ports: %(reg_ports)s.',
{'port': io_port, 'reg_ports': registered_io_ports})
return valid_port_list
def convert_to_tgt_list_and_itor_tgt_map(zone_mapping):
"""Function to process data from lookup service.
:param zone_mapping: mapping is the data from the zone lookup service
with below format
.. code:: python
<San name>: {
('200000051e55a100', '200000051e55a121'..)
('100000051e55a100', '100000051e55a121'..)
target_wwns = []
itor_tgt_map = {}
for san_name in zone_mapping:
one_map = zone_mapping[san_name]
for target in one_map['target_port_wwn_list']:
if target not in target_wwns:
for initiator in one_map['initiator_port_wwn_list']:
itor_tgt_map[initiator] = one_map['target_port_wwn_list']
LOG.debug("target_wwns: %(tgt_wwns)s\n init_targ_map: %(itor_tgt_map)s",
{'tgt_wwns': target_wwns,
'itor_tgt_map': itor_tgt_map})
return target_wwns, itor_tgt_map
def truncate_fc_port_wwn(wwn):
return wwn.replace(':', '')[16:]
def is_volume_smp(volume):
return 'smp' == extract_provider_location(volume.provider_location, 'type')
def require_consistent_group_snapshot_enabled(func):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not vol_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(args[1]):
raise NotImplementedError
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
def get_remote_pool(config, volume):
"""Select remote pool name for replication.
Prefer configured remote pool name, or same pool name
as the source volume.
pool_name = get_pool_from_host(
rep_list = common.ReplicationDeviceList(config)
remote_pool_name = rep_list[0].pool_name
return remote_pool_name if remote_pool_name else pool_name
def is_image_cache_volume(volume):
display_name = volume.display_name
if (display_name.startswith('image-')
and uuidutils.is_uuid_like(display_name[6:])):
LOG.debug('Volume: %s is for image cache. Use sync migration and '
'thin provisioning.',
return True
return False
def calc_migrate_and_provision(volume):
"""Returns a tuple of async migrate and provision type.
The first element is the flag whether to enable async migrate,
the second is the provision type (thin or thick).
if is_image_cache_volume(volume):
return False, storops.VNXProvisionEnum.THIN
specs = common.ExtraSpecs.from_volume(volume)
return is_async_migrate_enabled(volume), specs.provision
def get_backend_qos_specs(volume):
type_id = volume.volume_type_id
if type_id is None:
return None
# Use the provided interface to avoid permission issue
qos_specs = volume_types.get_volume_type_qos_specs(type_id)
if qos_specs is None:
return None
qos_specs = qos_specs['qos_specs']
if qos_specs is None:
return None
consumer = qos_specs['consumer']
# Front end QoS specs are handled by nova. We ignore them here.
if consumer not in common.BACKEND_QOS_CONSUMERS:
return None
max_iops = qos_specs['specs'].get(common.QOS_MAX_IOPS)
max_bws = qos_specs['specs'].get(common.QOS_MAX_BWS)
if max_iops is None and max_bws is None:
return None
return {
'id': qos_specs['id'],
common.QOS_MAX_IOPS: max_iops,
common.QOS_MAX_BWS: max_bws,