
2033 lines
92 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Dell Inc, or its subsidiaries.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import eventlet
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
import six
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder.objects import fields
from cinder.volume import configuration
from cinder.volume import driver
from import storagecenter_api
from cinder.volume.drivers.san.san import san_opts
from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
from cinder.volume import volume_types
common_opts = [
help='Storage Center System Serial Number'),
help='Dell API port'),
help='Name of the server folder to use on the Storage Center'),
help='Name of the volume folder to use on the Storage Center'),
help='Enable HTTPS SC certificate verification'),
help='IP address of secondary DSM controller'),
help='Secondary DSM user name'),
help='Secondary DSM user password name',
help='Secondary Dell API port'),
help='Dell SC API async call default timeout in seconds.'),
help='Dell SC API sync call default timeout in seconds.'),
deprecated_reason="Replaced by excluded_domain_ips option",
help='DEPRECATED: Fault Domain IP to be excluded from '
'iSCSI returns.'),
help='Comma separated Fault Domain IPs to be excluded '
'from iSCSI returns.'),
default='Red Hat Linux 6.x',
help='Server OS type to use when creating a new server on the '
'Storage Center.')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF.register_opts(common_opts, group=configuration.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
class SCCommonDriver(driver.ManageableVD,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SCCommonDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.backend_name =\
self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') or 'Dell'
self.backends = self.configuration.safe_get('replication_device')
self.replication_enabled = True if self.backends else False
self.is_direct_connect = False
self.active_backend_id = kwargs.get('active_backend_id', None)
self.failed_over = True if self.active_backend_id else False'Loading %(name)s: Failover state is %(state)r',
{'name': self.backend_name,
'state': self.failed_over})
self.storage_protocol = 'iSCSI'
self.failback_timeout = 60
def _bytes_to_gb(self, spacestring):
"""Space is returned in a string like ...
7.38197504E8 Bytes
Need to split that apart and convert to GB.
:returns: gbs in int form
n = spacestring.split(' ', 1)
fgbs = float(n[0]) / 1073741824.0
igbs = int(fgbs)
return igbs
except Exception:
# If any of that blew up it isn't in the format we
# thought so eat our error and return None
return None
def do_setup(self, context):
"""One time driver setup.
Called once by the manager after the driver is loaded.
Sets up clients, check licenses, sets up protocol
specific helpers.
self._client = storagecenter_api.SCApiHelper(
self.configuration, self.active_backend_id, self.storage_protocol)
def check_for_setup_error(self):
"""Validates the configuration information."""
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
self.is_direct_connect = api.is_direct_connect
if self.is_direct_connect and self.replication_enabled:
msg = _('Dell Cinder driver configuration error replication '
'not supported with direct connect.')
raise exception.InvalidHost(reason=msg)
# If we are a healthy replicated system make sure our backend
# is alive.
if self.replication_enabled and not self.failed_over:
# Check that our replication destinations are available.
for backend in self.backends:
replssn = backend['target_device_id']
# Just do a find_sc on it. If it raises we catch
# that and raise with a correct exception.
except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
msg = _('Dell Cinder driver configuration error '
'replication_device %s not found') % replssn
raise exception.InvalidHost(reason=msg)
def _get_volume_extra_specs(self, obj):
"""Gets extra specs for the given object."""
type_id = obj.get('volume_type_id')
if type_id:
return volume_types.get_volume_type_extra_specs(type_id)
return {}
def _add_volume_to_group(self, api, scvolume, volume):
"""Just a helper to add a volume to a group.
:param api: Dell SC API opbject.
:param scvolume: Dell SC Volume object.
:param volume: Cinder Volume object.
:returns: Nothing.
if scvolume and volume.get('group_id'):
profile = api.find_replay_profile(
# If there is a profile then we need to add our
# volumes to it. If there isn't then it was a normal
# group.
if profile:
api.update_cg_volumes(profile, [volume])
def _get_replication_specs(self, specs):
"""Checks if we can do replication.
Need the extra spec set and we have to be talking to EM.
:param specs: Cinder Volume or snapshot extra specs.
:return: rinfo dict.
rinfo = {'enabled': False, 'sync': False,
'live': False, 'active': False,
'autofailover': False}
# Repl does not work with direct connect.
if not self.is_direct_connect:
if (not self.failed_over and
specs.get('replication_enabled') == '<is> True'):
rinfo['enabled'] = True
if specs.get('replication_type') == '<in> sync':
rinfo['sync'] = True
if specs.get('replication:livevolume') == '<is> True':
rinfo['live'] = True
if specs.get('replication:livevolume:autofailover') == '<is> True':
rinfo['autofailover'] = True
if specs.get('replication:activereplay') == '<is> True':
rinfo['active'] = True
# Some quick checks.
if rinfo['enabled']:
replication_target_count = len(self.backends)
msg = None
if replication_target_count == 0:
msg = _(
'Replication setup failure: replication has been '
'enabled but no replication target has been specified '
'for this backend.')
if rinfo['live'] and replication_target_count != 1:
msg = _('Replication setup failure: replication:livevolume'
' has been enabled but more than one replication '
'target has been specified for this backend.')
if msg:
raise exception.ReplicationError(message=msg)
# Got this far. Life is good. Return our data.
return rinfo
def _is_live_vol(self, obj):
rspecs = self._get_replication_specs(self._get_volume_extra_specs(obj))
return rspecs['enabled'] and rspecs['live']
def _create_replications(self, api, volume, scvolume, extra_specs=None):
"""Creates any appropriate replications for a given volume.
:param api: Dell REST API object.
:param volume: Cinder volume object.
:param scvolume: Dell Storage Center Volume object.
:param extra_specs: Extra specs if we have them otherwise gets them
from the volume.
:return: model_update
# Replication V2
# for now we assume we have an array named backends.
replication_driver_data = None
# Replicate if we are supposed to.
if not extra_specs:
extra_specs = self._get_volume_extra_specs(volume)
rspecs = self._get_replication_specs(extra_specs)
if rspecs['enabled']:
for backend in self.backends:
targetdeviceid = backend['target_device_id']
primaryqos = backend.get('qosnode', 'cinderqos')
secondaryqos = backend.get('remoteqos', 'cinderqos')
diskfolder = backend.get('diskfolder', None)
obj = None
if rspecs['live']:
# We are rolling with a live volume.
obj = api.create_live_volume(scvolume, targetdeviceid,
primaryqos, secondaryqos)
# Else a regular replication.
obj = api.create_replication(scvolume, targetdeviceid,
primaryqos, rspecs['sync'],
diskfolder, rspecs['active'])
# This is either a ScReplication object or a ScLiveVolume
# object. So long as it isn't None we are fine.
if not obj:
# Create replication will have printed a better error.
msg = _('Replication %(name)s to %(ssn)s failed.') % {
'name': volume['id'],
'ssn': targetdeviceid}
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
if not replication_driver_data:
replication_driver_data = backend['target_device_id']
replication_driver_data += ','
replication_driver_data += backend['target_device_id']
# If we did something return model update.
model_update = {}
if replication_driver_data:
model_update = {
'replication_status': fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED,
'replication_driver_data': replication_driver_data}
return model_update
def _cleanup_failed_create_volume(api, volumename):
except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException as ex:'Non fatal cleanup error: %s.', ex.msg)
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Create a volume."""
model_update = {}
# We use id as our name as it is unique.
volume_name = volume.get('id')
# Look for our volume
volume_size = volume.get('size')
LOG.debug('Creating volume %(name)s of size %(size)s',
{'name': volume_name,
'size': volume_size})
scvolume = None
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
# Get our extra specs.
specs = self._get_volume_extra_specs(volume)
scvolume = api.create_volume(
volume_name, volume_size,
if scvolume is None:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
message=_('Unable to create volume %s') %
# Update Group
self._add_volume_to_group(api, scvolume, volume)
# Create replications. (Or not. It checks.)
model_update = self._create_replications(api, volume, scvolume)
# Save our provider_id.
model_update['provider_id'] = scvolume['instanceId']
except Exception:
# if we actually created a volume but failed elsewhere
# clean up the volume now.
self._cleanup_failed_create_volume(api, volume_name)
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error('Failed to create volume %s',
if scvolume is None:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
data=_('Unable to create volume. Backend down.'))
return model_update
def _split_driver_data(self, replication_driver_data):
"""Splits the replication_driver_data into an array of ssn strings.
:param replication_driver_data: A string of comma separated SSNs.
:returns: SSNs in an array of strings.
ssnstrings = []
# We have any replication_driver_data.
if replication_driver_data:
# Split the array and wiffle through the entries.
for str in replication_driver_data.split(','):
# Strip any junk from the string.
ssnstring = str.strip()
# Anything left?
if ssnstring:
# Add it to our array.
return ssnstrings
def _delete_live_volume(self, api, volume):
"""Delete live volume associated with volume.
:param api: Dell REST API object.
:param volume: Cinder Volume object
:return: True if we actually deleted something. False for everything
# Live Volume was added after provider_id support. So just assume it is
# there.
replication_driver_data = volume.get('replication_driver_data')
# Do we have any replication driver data?
if replication_driver_data:
# Valid replication data?
ssnstrings = self._split_driver_data(replication_driver_data)
if ssnstrings:
ssn = int(ssnstrings[0])
sclivevolume = api.get_live_volume(volume.get('provider_id'),
# Have we found the live volume?
if (sclivevolume and
sclivevolume.get('secondaryScSerialNumber') == ssn and
api.delete_live_volume(sclivevolume, True)):'%(vname)s\'s replication live volume has '
'been deleted from storage Center %(sc)s,',
{'vname': volume.get('id'),
'sc': ssn})
return True
# If we are here either we do not have a live volume, we do not have
# one on our configured SC or we were not able to delete it.
# Either way, warn and leave.
LOG.warning('Unable to delete %s live volume.', volume.get('id'))
return False
def _delete_replications(self, api, volume):
"""Delete replications associated with a given volume.
We should be able to roll through the replication_driver_data list
of SSNs and delete replication objects between them and the source
:param api: Dell REST API object.
:param volume: Cinder Volume object
:return: None
replication_driver_data = volume.get('replication_driver_data')
if replication_driver_data:
ssnstrings = self._split_driver_data(replication_driver_data)
volume_name = volume.get('id')
provider_id = volume.get('provider_id')
scvol = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
# This is just a string of ssns separated by commas.
# Trundle through these and delete them all.
for ssnstring in ssnstrings:
ssn = int(ssnstring)
# Are we a replication or a live volume?
if not api.delete_replication(scvol, ssn):
LOG.warning('Unable to delete replication of Volume '
'%(vname)s to Storage Center %(sc)s.',
{'vname': volume_name,
'sc': ssnstring})
# If none of that worked or there was nothing to do doesn't matter.
# Just move on.
def delete_volume(self, volume):
deleted = False
# We use id as our name as it is unique.
volume_name = volume.get('id')
provider_id = volume.get('provider_id')
# Unless we are migrating.
if volume.get('migration_status') == 'deleting':
volume_name = volume.get('_name_id')
provider_id = None
LOG.debug('Deleting volume %s', volume_name)
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
rspecs = self._get_replication_specs(
if rspecs['enabled']:
if rspecs['live']:
self._delete_live_volume(api, volume)
self._delete_replications(api, volume)
deleted = api.delete_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error('Failed to delete volume %s',
# if there was an error we will have raised an
# exception. If it failed to delete it is because
# the conditions to delete a volume were not met.
if deleted is False:
raise exception.VolumeIsBusy(volume_name=volume_name)
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Create snapshot"""
# our volume name is the volume id
volume_name = snapshot.get('volume_id')
provider_id = snapshot.volume.get('provider_id')
snapshot_id = snapshot.get('id')
LOG.debug('Creating snapshot %(snap)s on volume %(vol)s',
{'snap': snapshot_id,
'vol': volume_name})
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id,
if scvolume is not None:
replay = api.create_replay(scvolume, snapshot_id, 0)
if replay:
return {'status': fields.SnapshotStatus.AVAILABLE,
'provider_id': scvolume['instanceId']}
LOG.warning('Unable to locate volume:%s', volume_name)
snapshot['status'] = fields.SnapshotStatus.ERROR
msg = _('Failed to create snapshot %s') % snapshot_id
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Create new volume from other volume's snapshot on appliance."""
model_update = {}
scvolume = None
volume_name = volume.get('id')
src_provider_id = snapshot.get('provider_id')
src_volume_name = snapshot.get('volume_id')
# This snapshot could have been created on its own or as part of a
# cgsnapshot. If it was a cgsnapshot it will be identified on the Dell
# backend under group_snapshot_id. Given the volume ID and the
# group_snapshot_id we can find the appropriate snapshot.
# So first we look for group_snapshot_id. If that is blank then it
# must have been a normal snapshot which will be found under
# snapshot_id.
snapshot_id = snapshot.get('group_snapshot_id')
if not snapshot_id:
snapshot_id = snapshot.get('id')
'Creating new volume %(vol)s from snapshot %(snap)s '
'from vol %(src)s',
{'vol': volume_name,
'snap': snapshot_id,
'src': src_volume_name})
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
srcvol = api.find_volume(src_volume_name, src_provider_id)
if srcvol is not None:
replay = api.find_replay(srcvol, snapshot_id)
if replay is not None:
# See if we have any extra specs.
specs = self._get_volume_extra_specs(volume)
scvolume = api.create_view_volume(
volume_name, replay,
# Extend Volume
if scvolume and (volume['size'] >
LOG.debug('Resize the new volume to %s.',
scvolume = api.expand_volume(scvolume,
if scvolume is None:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
message=_('Unable to create volume '
'%(name)s from %(snap)s.') %
{'name': volume_name,
'snap': snapshot_id})
# Update Group
self._add_volume_to_group(api, scvolume, volume)
# Replicate if we are supposed to.
model_update = self._create_replications(api,
# Save our instanceid.
model_update['provider_id'] = (
except Exception:
# Clean up after ourselves.
self._cleanup_failed_create_volume(api, volume_name)
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error('Failed to create volume %s', volume_name)
if scvolume is not None:
LOG.debug('Volume %(vol)s created from %(snap)s',
{'vol': volume_name,
'snap': snapshot_id})
msg = _('Failed to create volume %s') % volume_name
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
return model_update
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
"""Creates a clone of the specified volume."""
model_update = {}
scvolume = None
src_volume_name = src_vref.get('id')
src_provider_id = src_vref.get('provider_id')
volume_name = volume.get('id')
LOG.debug('Creating cloned volume %(clone)s from volume %(vol)s',
{'clone': volume_name,
'vol': src_volume_name})
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
srcvol = api.find_volume(src_volume_name, src_provider_id)
if srcvol is not None:
# Get our specs.
specs = self._get_volume_extra_specs(volume)
# Create our volume
scvolume = api.create_cloned_volume(
volume_name, srcvol,
# Extend Volume
if scvolume and volume['size'] > src_vref['size']:
LOG.debug('Resize the volume to %s.', volume['size'])
scvolume = api.expand_volume(scvolume, volume['size'])
# If either of those didn't work we bail.
if scvolume is None:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
message=_('Unable to create volume '
'%(name)s from %(vol)s.') %
{'name': volume_name,
'vol': src_volume_name})
# Update Group
self._add_volume_to_group(api, scvolume, volume)
# Replicate if we are supposed to.
model_update = self._create_replications(api,
# Save our provider_id.
model_update['provider_id'] = scvolume['instanceId']
except Exception:
# Clean up after ourselves.
self._cleanup_failed_create_volume(api, volume_name)
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error('Failed to create volume %s', volume_name)
if scvolume is not None:
LOG.debug('Volume %(vol)s cloned from %(src)s',
{'vol': volume_name,
'src': src_volume_name})
msg = _('Failed to create volume %s') % volume_name
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
return model_update
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
volume_name = snapshot.get('volume_id')
snapshot_id = snapshot.get('id')
provider_id = snapshot.get('provider_id')
LOG.debug('Deleting snapshot %(snap)s from volume %(vol)s',
{'snap': snapshot_id,
'vol': volume_name})
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
if scvolume and api.delete_replay(scvolume, snapshot_id):
# if we are here things went poorly.
snapshot['status'] = fields.SnapshotStatus.ERROR_DELETING
msg = _('Failed to delete snapshot %s') % snapshot_id
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def create_export(self, context, volume, connector):
"""Create an export of a volume.
The volume exists on creation and will be visible on
initialize connection. So nothing to do here.
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
"""Ensure an export of a volume.
Per the eqlx driver we just make sure that the volume actually
exists where we think it does.
scvolume = None
volume_name = volume.get('id')
provider_id = volume.get('provider_id')
LOG.debug('Checking existence of volume %s', volume_name)
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id,
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error('Failed to ensure export of volume %s',
if scvolume is None:
msg = _('Unable to find volume %s') % volume_name
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Remove an export of a volume.
We do nothing here to match the nothing we do in create export. Again
we do everything in initialize and terminate connection.
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend the size of the volume."""
volume_name = volume.get('id')
provider_id = volume.get('provider_id')
LOG.debug('Extending volume %(vol)s to %(size)s',
{'vol': volume_name,
'size': new_size})
if volume is not None:
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
if api.expand_volume(scvolume, new_size) is not None:
# If we are here nothing good happened.
msg = _('Unable to extend volume %s') % volume_name
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
"""Get volume status.
If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first.
if refresh:
# Take this opportunity to report our failover state.
if self.failed_over:
LOG.debug('%(source)s has been failed over to %(dest)s',
{'source': self.backend_name,
'dest': self.active_backend_id})
return self._stats
def _update_volume_stats(self):
"""Retrieve stats info from volume group."""
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
# Static stats.
data = {}
data['volume_backend_name'] = self.backend_name
data['vendor_name'] = 'Dell EMC'
data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
data['storage_protocol'] = self.storage_protocol
data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
data['consistencygroup_support'] = True
data['consistent_group_snapshot_enabled'] = True
data['thin_provisioning_support'] = True
data['QoS_support'] = False
data['replication_enabled'] = self.replication_enabled
data['multiattach'] = True
if self.replication_enabled:
data['replication_type'] = ['async', 'sync']
data['replication_count'] = len(self.backends)
replication_targets = []
# Trundle through our backends.
for backend in self.backends:
target_device_id = backend.get('target_device_id')
if target_device_id:
data['replication_targets'] = replication_targets
# Get our capacity.
storageusage = api.get_storage_usage()
if storageusage:
# Get actual stats.
totalcapacity = storageusage.get('availableSpace')
totalcapacitygb = self._bytes_to_gb(totalcapacity)
data['total_capacity_gb'] = totalcapacitygb
freespace = storageusage.get('freeSpace')
freespacegb = self._bytes_to_gb(freespace)
data['free_capacity_gb'] = freespacegb
# Soldier on. Just return 0 for this iteration.
LOG.error('Unable to retrieve volume stats.')
data['total_capacity_gb'] = 0
data['free_capacity_gb'] = 0
self._stats = data
LOG.debug('Total cap %(total)s Free cap %(free)s',
{'total': data['total_capacity_gb'],
'free': data['free_capacity_gb']})
def update_migrated_volume(self, ctxt, volume, new_volume,
"""Return model update for migrated volume.
:param volume: The original volume that was migrated to this backend
:param new_volume: The migration volume object that was created on
this backend as part of the migration process
:param original_volume_status: The status of the original volume
:returns: model_update to update DB with any needed changes
# We use id as our volume name so we need to rename the backend
# volume to the original volume name.
original_volume_name = volume.get('id')
current_name = new_volume.get('id')
# We should have this. If we don't we'll set it below.
provider_id = new_volume.get('provider_id')
LOG.debug('update_migrated_volume: %(current)s to %(original)s',
{'current': current_name,
'original': original_volume_name})
if original_volume_name:
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
# todo(tswanson): Delete old volume repliations/live volumes
# todo(tswanson): delete old volume?
scvolume = api.find_volume(current_name, provider_id)
if (scvolume and
api.rename_volume(scvolume, original_volume_name)):
# Replicate if we are supposed to.
model_update = self._create_replications(api,
model_update['_name_id'] = None
model_update['provider_id'] = scvolume['instanceId']
return model_update
# The world was horrible to us so we should error and leave.
LOG.error('Unable to rename the logical volume for volume: %s',
return {'_name_id': new_volume['_name_id'] or new_volume['id']}
def create_group(self, context, group):
"""Creates a group.
:param context: the context of the caller.
:param group: the Group object of the group to be created.
:returns: model_update
model_update will be in this format: {'status': xxx, ......}.
If the status in model_update is 'error', the manager will throw
an exception and it will be caught in the try-except block in the
manager. If the driver throws an exception, the manager will also
catch it in the try-except block. The group status in the db will
be changed to 'error'.
For a successful operation, the driver can either build the
model_update and return it or return None. The group status will
be set to 'available'.
if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group):
raise NotImplementedError()
model_update = {'status': fields.GroupStatus.ERROR}
gid = group['id']
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
cgroup = api.create_replay_profile(gid)
if cgroup:'Created group %s', gid)
model_update['status'] = fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE
return model_update
def delete_group(self, context, group, volumes):
"""Deletes a group.
:param context: the context of the caller.
:param group: the Group object of the group to be deleted.
:param volumes: a list of Volume objects in the group.
:returns: model_update, volumes_model_update
param volumes is a list of objects retrieved from the db. It cannot
be assigned to volumes_model_update. volumes_model_update is a list
of dictionaries. It has to be built by the driver. An entry will be
in this format: {'id': xxx, 'status': xxx, ......}. model_update
will be in this format: {'status': xxx, ......}.
The driver should populate volumes_model_update and model_update
and return them.
The manager will check volumes_model_update and update db accordingly
for each volume. If the driver successfully deleted some volumes
but failed to delete others, it should set statuses of the volumes
accordingly so that the manager can update db correctly.
If the status in any entry of volumes_model_update is 'error_deleting'
or 'error', the status in model_update will be set to the same if it
is not already 'error_deleting' or 'error'.
If the status in model_update is 'error_deleting' or 'error', the
manager will raise an exception and the status of the group will be
set to 'error' in the db. If volumes_model_update is not returned by
the driver, the manager will set the status of every volume in the
group to 'error' in the except block.
If the driver raises an exception during the operation, it will be
caught by the try-except block in the manager. The statuses of the
group and all volumes in it will be set to 'error'.
For a successful operation, the driver can either build the
model_update and volumes_model_update and return them or
return None, None. The statuses of the group and all volumes
will be set to 'deleted' after the manager deletes them from db.
if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group):
raise NotImplementedError()
model_update = {'status': fields.GroupStatus.DELETED}
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
gid = group['id']
profile = api.find_replay_profile(gid)
if profile:
except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
LOG.error('delete_group: error deleting %s', gid)
model_update['status'] = fields.GroupStatus.ERROR
# Trundle through the list deleting the volumes.
volumes_model_update = []
for volume in volumes:
status = fields.GroupStatus.ERROR
# We throw if that fails.
status = fields.GroupStatus.DELETED
except (exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
LOG.error('delete_group: error deleting volume %s',
volumes_model_update.append({'id': volume['id'], 'status': status})
return model_update, volumes_model_update
def update_group(self, context, group,
add_volumes=None, remove_volumes=None):
"""Updates a group.
:param context: the context of the caller.
:param group: the Group object of the group to be updated.
:param add_volumes: a list of Volume objects to be added.
:param remove_volumes: a list of Volume objects to be removed.
:returns: model_update, add_volumes_update, remove_volumes_update
model_update is a dictionary that the driver wants the manager
to update upon a successful return. If None is returned, the manager
will set the status to 'available'.
add_volumes_update and remove_volumes_update are lists of dictionaries
that the driver wants the manager to update upon a successful return.
Note that each entry requires a {'id': xxx} so that the correct
volume entry can be updated. If None is returned, the volume will
remain its original status. Also note that you cannot directly
assign add_volumes to add_volumes_update as add_volumes is a list of
volume objects and cannot be used for db update directly. Same with
If the driver throws an exception, the status of the group as well as
those of the volumes to be added/removed will be set to 'error'.
if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group):
raise NotImplementedError()
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
gid = group['id']
profile = api.find_replay_profile(gid)
if not profile:
LOG.error('update_group: Cannot find volume Group %s', gid)
elif api.update_cg_volumes(profile,
remove_volumes):'update_group: Updated volume group %s', gid)
# we need nothing updated above us so just return None.
return None, None, None
# Things did not go well so throw.
msg = _('Unable to update group %s') % gid
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def create_group_from_src(self, context, group, volumes,
group_snapshot=None, snapshots=None,
source_group=None, source_vols=None):
"""Creates a group from source.
:param context: the context of the caller.
:param group: the Group object to be created.
:param volumes: a list of Volume objects in the group.
:param group_snapshot: the GroupSnapshot object as source.
:param snapshots: a list of Snapshot objects in group_snapshot.
:param source_group: the Group object as source.
:param source_vols: a list of Volume objects in the source_group.
:returns: model_update, volumes_model_update
The source can be group_snapshot or a source_group.
param volumes is a list of objects retrieved from the db. It cannot
be assigned to volumes_model_update. volumes_model_update is a list
of dictionaries. It has to be built by the driver. An entry will be
in this format: {'id': xxx, 'status': xxx, ......}. model_update
will be in this format: {'status': xxx, ......}.
To be consistent with other volume operations, the manager will
assume the operation is successful if no exception is thrown by
the driver. For a successful operation, the driver can either build
the model_update and volumes_model_update and return them or
return None, None.
if not (group_snapshot and snapshots and not source_group or
source_group and source_vols and not group_snapshot):
msg = _("create_group_from_src only supports a "
"group_snapshot source or a group source. "
"Multiple sources cannot be used.")
raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group):
raise NotImplementedError()
# Mark us as working. If we are a CG then that will be settled below.
model_update = {'status': fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE}
volumes_model_update = []
if source_group:
for volume, src_vol in zip(volumes, source_vols):
update = self.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vol)
update['status'] = fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE
update['id'] = volume['id']
for volume, src_snap in zip(volumes, snapshots):
update = self.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, src_snap)
update['status'] = fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE
update['id'] = volume['id']
# So, in theory, everything has been created. Now is the time to
# add the volumes to the group.
model_update = self.create_group(context, group)
if model_update['status'] == fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE:
self.update_group(context, group, volumes, None)
return model_update, volumes_model_update
def create_group_snapshot(self, context, group_snapshot, snapshots):
"""Creates a group_snapshot.
:param context: the context of the caller.
:param group_snapshot: the GroupSnapshot object to be created.
:param snapshots: a list of Snapshot objects in the group_snapshot.
:returns: model_update, snapshots_model_update
param snapshots is a list of Snapshot objects. It cannot be assigned
to snapshots_model_update. snapshots_model_update is a list of
dictionaries. It has to be built by the driver. An entry will be
in this format: {'id': xxx, 'status': xxx, ......}. model_update
will be in this format: {'status': xxx, ......}.
The driver should populate snapshots_model_update and model_update
and return them.
The manager will check snapshots_model_update and update db accordingly
for each snapshot. If the driver successfully deleted some snapshots
but failed to delete others, it should set statuses of the snapshots
accordingly so that the manager can update db correctly.
If the status in any entry of snapshots_model_update is 'error', the
status in model_update will be set to the same if it is not already
If the status in model_update is 'error', the manager will raise an
exception and the status of group_snapshot will be set to 'error' in
the db. If snapshots_model_update is not returned by the driver, the
manager will set the status of every snapshot to 'error' in the except
If the driver raises an exception during the operation, it will be
caught by the try-except block in the manager and the statuses of
group_snapshot and all snapshots will be set to 'error'.
For a successful operation, the driver can either build the
model_update and snapshots_model_update and return them or
return None, None. The statuses of group_snapshot and all snapshots
will be set to 'available' at the end of the manager function.
if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group_snapshot):
raise NotImplementedError()
model_update = {'status': fields.GroupSnapshotStatus.ERROR}
snapshot_updates = None
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
gid = group_snapshot['group_id']
snapshotid = group_snapshot['id']
profile = api.find_replay_profile(gid)
if not profile:
LOG.error('create_group_snapshot: profile %s not found', gid)
if not api.snap_cg_replay(profile, snapshotid, 0):
LOG.error('create_group_snapshot: '
'failed to snap %(ss)s on %(pro)s',
{'ss': snapshotid, 'pro': profile})
else:'create_group_snapshot: '
'created %(ss)s on %(pro)s',
{'ss': snapshotid, 'pro': profile})
# Set our returns
model_update['status'] = (
snapshot_updates = []
for snapshot in snapshots:
'status': fields.SnapshotStatus.AVAILABLE})
return model_update, snapshot_updates
def delete_group_snapshot(self, context, group_snapshot, snapshots):
"""Deletes a group_snapshot.
:param context: the context of the caller.
:param group_snapshot: the GroupSnapshot object to be deleted.
:param snapshots: a list of Snapshot objects in the group_snapshot.
:returns: model_update, snapshots_model_update
param snapshots is a list of objects. It cannot be assigned to
snapshots_model_update. snapshots_model_update is a list of of
dictionaries. It has to be built by the driver. An entry will be
in this format: {'id': xxx, 'status': xxx, ......}. model_update
will be in this format: {'status': xxx, ......}.
The driver should populate snapshots_model_update and model_update
and return them.
The manager will check snapshots_model_update and update db accordingly
for each snapshot. If the driver successfully deleted some snapshots
but failed to delete others, it should set statuses of the snapshots
accordingly so that the manager can update db correctly.
If the status in any entry of snapshots_model_update is
'error_deleting' or 'error', the status in model_update will be set to
the same if it is not already 'error_deleting' or 'error'.
If the status in model_update is 'error_deleting' or 'error', the
manager will raise an exception and the status of group_snapshot will
be set to 'error' in the db. If snapshots_model_update is not returned
by the driver, the manager will set the status of every snapshot to
'error' in the except block.
If the driver raises an exception during the operation, it will be
caught by the try-except block in the manager and the statuses of
group_snapshot and all snapshots will be set to 'error'.
For a successful operation, the driver can either build the
model_update and snapshots_model_update and return them or
return None, None. The statuses of group_snapshot and all snapshots
will be set to 'deleted' after the manager deletes them from db.
# Setup a generic error return.
if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group_snapshot):
raise NotImplementedError()
model_update = {'status': fields.GroupSnapshotStatus.ERROR}
snapshot_updates = None
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
snapshotid = group_snapshot['id']
profile = api.find_replay_profile(group_snapshot['group_id'])
if profile:'delete_group_snapshot: %(ss)s from %(pro)s',
{'ss': snapshotid, 'pro': profile})
if not api.delete_cg_replay(profile, snapshotid):
model_update['status'] = (
model_update['status'] = fields.GroupSnapshotStatus.DELETED
snapshot_updates = []
for snapshot in snapshots:
{'id': snapshot['id'],
'status': fields.SnapshotStatus.DELETED})
return model_update, snapshot_updates
def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Brings an existing backend storage object under Cinder management.
existing_ref is passed straight through from the API request's
manage_existing_ref value, and it is up to the driver how this should
be interpreted. It should be sufficient to identify a storage object
that the driver should somehow associate with the newly-created cinder
volume structure.
There are two ways to do this:
1. Rename the backend storage object so that it matches the,
volume['name'] which is how drivers traditionally map between a
cinder volume and the associated backend storage object.
2. Place some metadata on the volume, or somewhere in the backend, that
allows other driver requests (e.g. delete, clone, attach, detach...)
to locate the backend storage object when required.
If the existing_ref doesn't make sense, or doesn't refer to an existing
backend storage object, raise a ManageExistingInvalidReference
The volume may have a volume_type, and the driver can inspect that and
compare against the properties of the referenced backend storage
object. If they are incompatible, raise a
ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch, specifying a reason for the failure.
:param volume: Cinder volume to manage
:param existing_ref: Driver-specific information used to identify a
if existing_ref.get('source-name') or existing_ref.get('source-id'):
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
api.manage_existing(volume['id'], existing_ref)
# Replicate if we are supposed to.
volume_name = volume.get('id')
provider_id = volume.get('provider_id')
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
model_update = self._create_replications(api, volume, scvolume)
if model_update:
return model_update
msg = _('Must specify source-name or source-id.')
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=msg)
# Only return a model_update if we have replication info to add.
return None
def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Return size of volume to be managed by manage_existing.
When calculating the size, round up to the next GB.
:param volume: Cinder volume to manage
:param existing_ref: Driver-specific information used to identify a
if existing_ref.get('source-name') or existing_ref.get('source-id'):
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
return api.get_unmanaged_volume_size(existing_ref)
msg = _('Must specify source-name or source-id.')
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=msg)
def unmanage(self, volume):
"""Removes the specified volume from Cinder management.
Does not delete the underlying backend storage object.
For most drivers, this will not need to do anything. However, some
drivers might use this call as an opportunity to clean up any
Cinder-specific configuration that they have associated with the
backend storage object.
:param volume: Cinder volume to unmanage
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
volume_name = volume.get('id')
provider_id = volume.get('provider_id')
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
if scvolume:
def _get_retype_spec(self, diff, volume_name, specname, spectype):
"""Helper function to get current and requested spec.
:param diff: A difference dictionary.
:param volume_name: The volume name we are working with.
:param specname: The pretty name of the parameter.
:param spectype: The actual spec string.
:return: current, requested spec.
:raises VolumeBackendAPIException:
spec = (diff['extra_specs'].get(spectype))
if spec:
if len(spec) != 2:
msg = _('Unable to retype %(specname)s, expected to receive '
'current and requested %(spectype)s values. Value '
'received: %(spec)s') % {'specname': specname,
'spectype': spectype,
'spec': spec}
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
current = spec[0]
requested = spec[1]
if current != requested:
LOG.debug('Retyping volume %(vol)s to use %(specname)s '
{'vol': volume_name,
'specname': specname,
'spec': requested})
return current, requested
else:'Retype was to same Storage Profile.')
return None, None
def _retype_replication(self, api, volume, scvolume, new_type, diff):
model_update = None
ret = True
# Replication.
current, requested = (
self._get_retype_spec(diff, volume.get('id'),
# We only toggle at the repl level.
if current != requested:
# If we are changing to on...
if requested == '<is> True':
# We create our replication using our new type's extra specs.
model_update = self._create_replications(
api, volume, scvolume,
elif current == '<is> True':
# If we are killing replication we have to see if we currently
# have live volume enabled or not.
if self._is_live_vol(volume):
ret = self._delete_live_volume(api, volume)
self._delete_replications(api, volume)
model_update = {'replication_status':
'replication_driver_data': ''}
# TODO(tswanson): Add support for changing replication options.
return ret, model_update
def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host):
"""Convert the volume to be of the new type.
Returns a boolean indicating whether the retype occurred.
:param ctxt: Context
:param volume: A dictionary describing the volume to migrate
:param new_type: A dictionary describing the volume type to convert to
:param diff: A dictionary with the difference between the two types
:param host: A dictionary describing the host to migrate to, where
host['host'] is its name, and host['capabilities'] is a
dictionary of its reported capabilities (Not Used).
:returns: Boolean or Boolean, model_update tuple.
"""'retype: volume_name: %(name)s new_type: %(newtype)s '
'diff: %(diff)s host: %(host)s',
{'name': volume.get('id'), 'newtype': new_type,
'diff': diff, 'host': host})
model_update = None
# Any spec changes?
if diff['extra_specs']:
volume_name = volume.get('id')
provider_id = volume.get('provider_id')
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
# Get our volume
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
if scvolume is None:
LOG.error('Retype unable to find volume %s.',
return False
# Check our specs.
# Storage profiles.
current, requested = (
self._get_retype_spec(diff, volume_name,
'Storage Profile',
# if there is a change and it didn't work fast fail.
if (current != requested and not
api.update_storage_profile(scvolume, requested)):
LOG.error('Failed to update storage profile')
return False
# Replay profiles.
current, requested = (
self._get_retype_spec(diff, volume_name,
'Replay Profiles',
# if there is a change and it didn't work fast fail.
if requested and not api.update_replay_profiles(scvolume,
LOG.error('Failed to update replay profiles')
return False
# Volume QOS profiles.
current, requested = (
self._get_retype_spec(diff, volume_name,
'Volume QOS Profile',
if current != requested:
if not api.update_qos_profile(scvolume, requested):
LOG.error('Failed to update volume qos profile')
# Group QOS profiles.
current, requested = (
self._get_retype_spec(diff, volume_name,
'Group QOS Profile',
if current != requested:
if not api.update_qos_profile(scvolume, requested,
LOG.error('Failed to update group qos profile')
return False
# Data reduction profiles.
current, requested = (
diff, volume_name, 'Data Reduction Profile',
if current != requested:
if not api.update_datareduction_profile(scvolume,
LOG.error('Failed to update data reduction '
return False
# Active Replay
current, requested = (
self._get_retype_spec(diff, volume_name,
'Replicate Active Replay',
if current != requested and not (
scvolume, requested == '<is> True')):
LOG.error('Failed to apply '
'replication:activereplay setting')
return False
# Deal with replication.
ret, model_update = self._retype_replication(
api, volume, scvolume, new_type, diff)
if not ret:
return False
except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
# We do nothing with this. We simply return failure.
return False
# If we have something to send down...
if model_update:
return True, model_update
return True
def _parse_secondary(self, api, secondary):
"""Find the replication destination associated with secondary.
:param api: Dell SCApi
:param secondary: String indicating the secondary to failover to.
:return: Destination SSN for the given secondary.
LOG.debug('_parse_secondary. Looking for %s.', secondary)
destssn = None
# Trundle through these looking for our secondary.
for backend in self.backends:
ssnstring = backend['target_device_id']
# If they list a secondary it has to match.
# If they do not list a secondary we return the first
# replication on a working system.
if not secondary or secondary == ssnstring:
# Is a string. Need an int.
ssn = int(ssnstring)
# Without the source being up we have no good
# way to pick a destination to failover to. So just
# look for one that is just up.
# If the SC ssn exists use it.
if api.find_sc(ssn):
destssn = ssn
except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
LOG.warning('SSN %s appears to be down.', ssn)'replication failover secondary is %(ssn)s',
{'ssn': destssn})
return destssn
def _update_backend(self, active_backend_id):
# Mark for failover or undo failover.
LOG.debug('active_backend_id: %s', active_backend_id)
if active_backend_id:
self.active_backend_id = six.text_type(active_backend_id)
self.failed_over = True
self.active_backend_id = None
self.failed_over = False
self._client.active_backend_id = self.active_backend_id
def _get_qos(self, targetssn):
# Find our QOS.
qosnode = None
for backend in self.backends:
if int(backend['target_device_id']) == targetssn:
qosnode = backend.get('qosnode', 'cinderqos')
return qosnode
def _parse_extraspecs(self, volume):
# Digest our extra specs for replication.
extraspecs = {}
specs = self._get_volume_extra_specs(volume)
if specs.get('replication_type') == '<in> sync':
extraspecs['replicationtype'] = 'Synchronous'
extraspecs['replicationtype'] = 'Asynchronous'
if specs.get('replication:activereplay') == '<is> True':
extraspecs['activereplay'] = True
extraspecs['activereplay'] = False
extraspecs['storage_profile'] = specs.get('storagetype:storageprofile')
extraspecs['replay_profile_string'] = (
return extraspecs
def _wait_for_replication(self, api, items):
# Wait for our replications to resync with their original volumes.
# We wait for completion, errors or timeout.
deadcount = 5
lastremain = 0.0
# The big wait loop.
while True:
# We run until all volumes are synced or in error.
done = True
currentremain = 0.0
# Run the list.
for item in items:
# If we have one cooking.
if item['status'] == 'inprogress':
# Is it done?
synced, remain = api.replication_progress(item['screpl'])
currentremain += remain
if synced:
# It is! Get our volumes.
cvol = api.get_volume(item['cvol'])
nvol = api.get_volume(item['nvol'])
# Flip replication.
if (cvol and nvol and api.flip_replication(
cvol, nvol, item['volume']['id'],
# rename the original. Doesn't matter if it
# succeeded as we should have the provider_id
# of the new volume.
ovol = api.get_volume(item['ovol'])
if not ovol or not api.rename_volume(
ovol, 'org:' + ovol['name']):
# Not a reason to fail but will possibly
# cause confusion so warn.
LOG.warning('Unable to locate and rename '
'original volume: %s',
item['status'] = 'synced'
item['status'] = 'error'
elif synced is None:
# Couldn't get info on this one. Call it baked.
item['status'] = 'error'
# Miles to go before we're done.
done = False
# done? then leave.
if done:
# Confirm we are or are not still making progress.
if lastremain == currentremain:
# One chance down. Warn user.
deadcount -= 1
LOG.warning('Waiting for replications to complete. '
'No progress for %(timeout)d seconds. '
'deadcount = %(cnt)d',
{'timeout': self.failback_timeout,
'cnt': deadcount})
# Reset
lastremain = currentremain
deadcount = 5
# If we've used up our 5 chances we error and log..
if deadcount == 0:
LOG.error('Replication progress has stopped: %f remaining.',
for item in items:
if item['status'] == 'inprogress':
LOG.error('Failback failed for volume: %s. '
'Timeout waiting for replication to '
'sync with original volume.',
item['status'] = 'error'
# This is part of an async call so we should be good sleeping here.
# Have to balance hammering the backend for no good reason with
# the max timeout for the unit tests. Yeah, silly.
def _reattach_remaining_replications(self, api, items):
# Wiffle through our backends and reattach any remaining replication
# targets.
for item in items:
if item['status'] == 'synced':
svol = api.get_volume(item['nvol'])
# assume it went well. Will error out if not.
item['status'] = 'reattached'
# wiffle through our backends and kick off replications.
for backend in self.backends:
rssn = int(backend['target_device_id'])
if rssn != api.ssn:
rvol = api.find_repl_volume(item['volume']['id'],
rssn, None)
# if there is an old replication whack it.
api.delete_replication(svol, rssn, False)
if api.start_replication(
svol, rvol,
# Save our replication_driver_data.
item['rdd'] += ','
item['rdd'] += backend['target_device_id']
# No joy. Bail
item['status'] = 'error'
def _fixup_types(self, api, items):
# Update our replay profiles.
for item in items:
if item['status'] == 'reattached':
# Re-apply any appropriate replay profiles.
item['status'] = 'available'
rps = item['specs']['replay_profile_string']
if rps:
svol = api.get_volume(item['nvol'])
if not api.update_replay_profiles(svol, rps):
item['status'] = 'error'
def _volume_updates(self, items):
# Update our volume updates.
volume_updates = []
for item in items:
# Set our status for our replicated volumes
model_update = {'provider_id': item['nvol'],
'replication_driver_data': item['rdd']}
# These are simple. If the volume reaches available then,
# since we were replicating it, replication status must
# be good. Else error/error.
if item['status'] == 'available':
model_update['status'] = 'available'
model_update['replication_status'] = (
model_update['status'] = 'error'
model_update['replication_status'] = (
volume_updates.append({'volume_id': item['volume']['id'],
'updates': model_update})
return volume_updates
def _failback_replication(self, api, volume, qosnode):
"""Sets up the replication failback.
:param api: Dell SC API.
:param volume: Cinder Volume
:param qosnode: Dell QOS node object.
:return: replitem dict.
"""'failback_volumes: replicated volume')
# Get our current volume.
cvol = api.find_volume(volume['id'], volume['provider_id'])
# Original volume on the primary.
ovol = api.find_repl_volume(volume['id'], api.primaryssn,
None, True, False)
# Delete our current mappings.
# If there is a replication to delete do so.
api.delete_replication(ovol, api.ssn, False)
# Replicate to a common replay.
screpl = api.replicate_to_common(cvol, ovol, 'tempqos')
# We made it this far. Update our status.
screplid = None
status = ''
if screpl:
screplid = screpl['instanceId']
nvolid = screpl['destinationVolume']['instanceId']
status = 'inprogress'
LOG.error('Unable to restore %s', volume['id'])
screplid = None
nvolid = None
status = 'error'
# Save some information for the next step.
# nvol is the new volume created by replicate_to_common.
# We also grab our extra specs here.
replitem = {
'volume': volume,
'specs': self._parse_extraspecs(volume),
'qosnode': qosnode,
'screpl': screplid,
'cvol': cvol['instanceId'],
'ovol': ovol['instanceId'],
'nvol': nvolid,
'rdd': six.text_type(api.ssn),
'status': status}
return replitem
def _failback_live_volume(self, api, id, provider_id):
"""failback the live volume to its original
:param api: Dell SC API
:param id: Volume ID
:param provider_id: Dell Instance ID
:return: model_update dict
model_update = {}
# We do not search by name. Only failback if we have a complete
# LV object.
sclivevolume = api.get_live_volume(provider_id)
# TODO(tswanson): Check swapped state first.
if sclivevolume and api.swap_roles_live_volume(sclivevolume):'Success swapping sclivevolume roles %s', id)
model_update = {
'status': 'available',
'replication_status': fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED,
else:'Failure swapping roles %s', id)
model_update = {'status': 'error'}
return model_update
def _finish_failback(self, api, replitems):
# Wait for replication to complete.
# This will also flip replication.
self._wait_for_replication(api, replitems)
# Replications are done. Attach to any additional replication
# backends.
self._reattach_remaining_replications(api, replitems)
self._fixup_types(api, replitems)
return self._volume_updates(replitems)
def failback_volumes(self, volumes):
"""This is a generic volume failback.
:param volumes: List of volumes that need to be failed back.
:return: volume_updates for the list of volumes.
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
# Get our qosnode. This is a good way to make sure the backend
# is still setup so that we can do this.
qosnode = self._get_qos(api.ssn)
if not qosnode:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
message=_('Unable to failback. Backend is misconfigured.'))
volume_updates = []
replitems = []
# Trundle through the volumes. Update non replicated to alive again
# and reverse the replications for the remaining volumes.
for volume in volumes:'failback_volumes: starting volume: %s', volume)
model_update = {}
if volume.get('replication_driver_data'):
rspecs = self._get_replication_specs(
if rspecs['live']:
model_update = self._failback_live_volume(
api, volume['id'], volume['provider_id'])
replitem = self._failback_replication(api, volume,
# Save some information for the next step.
# nvol is the new volume created by
# replicate_to_common. We also grab our
# extra specs here.
# Not replicated. Just set it to available.
model_update = {'status': 'available'}
# Save our update
if model_update:
volume_updates.append({'volume_id': volume['id'],
'updates': model_update})
# Let's do up to 5 replications at once.
if len(replitems) == 5:
volume_updates += self._finish_failback(api, replitems)
replitems = []
# Finish any leftover items
if replitems:
volume_updates += self._finish_failback(api, replitems)
# Set us back to a happy state.
# The only way this doesn't happen is if the primary is down.
return volume_updates
def _failover_replication(self, api, id, provider_id, destssn):
rvol = api.break_replication(id, provider_id, destssn)
model_update = {}
if rvol:'Success failing over volume %s', id)
model_update = {'replication_status':
'provider_id': rvol['instanceId']}
else:'Failed failing over volume %s', id)
model_update = {'status': 'error'}
return model_update
def _failover_live_volume(self, api, id, provider_id):
model_update = {}
# Search for volume by id if we have to.
sclivevolume = api.get_live_volume(provider_id, id)
if sclivevolume:
swapped = api.is_swapped(provider_id, sclivevolume)
# If we aren't swapped try it. If fail error out.
if not swapped and not api.swap_roles_live_volume(sclivevolume):'Failure swapping roles %s', id)
model_update = {'status': 'error'}
return model_update'Success swapping sclivevolume roles %s', id)
sclivevolume = api.get_live_volume(provider_id)
model_update = {
# Error and leave.
return model_update
def failover_host(self, context, volumes, secondary_id=None, groups=None):
"""Failover to secondary.
:param context: security context
:param secondary_id: Specifies rep target to fail over to
:param volumes: List of volumes serviced by this backend.
:returns: destssn, volume_updates data structure
Example volume_updates data structure:
.. code-block:: json
[{'volume_id': <cinder-uuid>,
'updates': {'provider_id': 8,
'replication_status': 'failed-over',
'replication_extended_status': 'whatever',...}},]
if self.failed_over:
if secondary_id == 'default':
LOG.debug('failing back')
return 'default', self.failback_volumes(volumes), []
raise exception.InvalidReplicationTarget(
reason=_('Already failed over'))'Failing backend to %s', secondary_id)
# basic check
if self.replication_enabled:
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
# Look for the specified secondary.
destssn = self._parse_secondary(api, secondary_id)
if destssn:
# We roll through trying to break replications.
# Is failing here a complete failure of failover?
volume_updates = []
for volume in volumes:
model_update = {}
if volume.get('replication_driver_data'):
rspecs = self._get_replication_specs(
if rspecs['live']:
model_update = self._failover_live_volume(
api, volume['id'],
model_update = self._failover_replication(
api, volume['id'],
volume.get('provider_id'), destssn)
# Not a replicated volume. Try to unmap it.
scvolume = api.find_volume(
volume['id'], volume.get('provider_id'))
model_update = {'status': 'error'}
# Either we are failed over or our status is now error.
volume_updates.append({'volume_id': volume['id'],
'updates': model_update})
# this is it.
LOG.debug('after update backend')
return destssn, volume_updates, []
raise exception.InvalidReplicationTarget(reason=(
_('replication_failover failed. %s not found.') %
# I don't think we should ever get here.
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=(
_('replication_failover failed. '
'Backend not configured for failover')))
def _get_unmanaged_replay(self, api, volume_name, provider_id,
replay_name = None
if existing_ref:
replay_name = existing_ref.get('source-name')
if not replay_name:
msg = _('_get_unmanaged_replay: Must specify source-name.')
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=msg)
# Find our volume.
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
if not scvolume:
# Didn't find it.
msg = (_('_get_unmanaged_replay: Cannot find volume id %s')
% volume_name)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
# Find our replay.
screplay = api.find_replay(scvolume, replay_name)
if not screplay:
# Didn't find it. Reference must be invalid.
msg = (_('_get_unmanaged_replay: Cannot '
'find snapshot named %s') % replay_name)
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=msg)
return screplay
def manage_existing_snapshot(self, snapshot, existing_ref):
"""Brings an existing backend storage object under Cinder management.
existing_ref is passed straight through from the API request's
manage_existing_ref value, and it is up to the driver how this should
be interpreted. It should be sufficient to identify a storage object
that the driver should somehow associate with the newly-created cinder
snapshot structure.
There are two ways to do this:
1. Rename the backend storage object so that it matches the
snapshot['name'] which is how drivers traditionally map between a
cinder snapshot and the associated backend storage object.
2. Place some metadata on the snapshot, or somewhere in the backend,
that allows other driver requests (e.g. delete) to locate the
backend storage object when required.
If the existing_ref doesn't make sense, or doesn't refer to an existing
backend storage object, raise a ManageExistingInvalidReference
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
# Find our unmanaged snapshot. This will raise on error.
volume_name = snapshot.get('volume_id')
provider_id = snapshot.get('provider_id')
snapshot_id = snapshot.get('id')
screplay = self._get_unmanaged_replay(api, volume_name,
provider_id, existing_ref)
# Manage means update description and update expiration.
if not api.manage_replay(screplay, snapshot_id):
# That didn't work. Error.
msg = (_('manage_existing_snapshot: Error managing '
'existing replay %(ss)s on volume %(vol)s') %
{'ss': screplay.get('description'),
'vol': volume_name})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
# Life is good. Let the world know what we've done.'manage_existing_snapshot: snapshot %(exist)s on '
'volume %(volume)s has been renamed to %(id)s and is '
'now managed by Cinder.',
{'exist': screplay.get('description'),
'volume': volume_name,
'id': snapshot_id})
return {'provider_id': screplay['createVolume']['instanceId']}
# NOTE: Can't use abstractmethod before all drivers implement it
def manage_existing_snapshot_get_size(self, snapshot, existing_ref):
"""Return size of snapshot to be managed by manage_existing.
When calculating the size, round up to the next GB.
volume_name = snapshot.get('volume_id')
provider_id = snapshot.get('provider_id')
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
screplay = self._get_unmanaged_replay(api, volume_name,
provider_id, existing_ref)
sz, rem = storagecenter_api.SCApi.size_to_gb(
if rem > 0:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
data=_('Volume size must be a multiple of 1 GB.'))
return sz
# NOTE: Can't use abstractmethod before all drivers implement it
def unmanage_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Removes the specified snapshot from Cinder management.
Does not delete the underlying backend storage object.
NOTE: We do set the expire countdown to 1 day. Once a snapshot is
unmanaged it will expire 24 hours later.
with self._client.open_connection() as api:
snapshot_id = snapshot.get('id')
# provider_id is the snapshot's parent volume's instanceId.
provider_id = snapshot.get('provider_id')
volume_name = snapshot.get('volume_id')
# Find our volume.
scvolume = api.find_volume(volume_name, provider_id)
if not scvolume:
# Didn't find it.
msg = (_('unmanage_snapshot: Cannot find volume id %s')
% volume_name)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
# Find our replay.
screplay = api.find_replay(scvolume, snapshot_id)
if not screplay:
# Didn't find it. Reference must be invalid.
msg = (_('unmanage_snapshot: Cannot find snapshot named %s')
% snapshot_id)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
# Free our snapshot.
# Do not check our result.
def thaw_backend(self, context):
"""Notify the backend that it's unfrozen/thawed.
This is a gate. We do not allow the backend to be thawed if
it is still failed over.
:param context: security context
:response: True on success
:raises Invalid: if it cannot be thawed.
# We shouldn't be called if we are not failed over.
if self.failed_over:
msg = _('The Dell SC array does not support thawing a failed over'
' replication. Please migrate volumes to an operational '
'back-end or resolve primary system issues and '
'fail back to reenable full functionality.')
raise exception.Invalid(reason=msg)
return True