Sean McGinnis 3eb9b422f4
Introduce flake8-import-order extension
This adds usage of the flake8-import-order extension to our flake8
checks to enforce consistency on our import ordering to follow the
overall OpenStack code guidelines.

Since we have now dropped Python 2, this also cleans up a few cases for
things that were third party libs but became part of the standard
library such as mock, which is now a standard part of unittest.

Some questions, in order of importance:

Q: Are you insane?
A: Potentially.

Q: Why should we touch all of these files?
A: This adds consistency to our imports. The extension makes sure that
   all imports follow our published guidelines of having imports ordered
   by standard lib, third party, and local. This will be a one time
   churn, then we can ensure consistency over time.

Q: Why bother. this doesn't really matter?
A: I agree - but...

We have the issue that we have less people actively involved and less
time to perform thorough code reviews. This will make it objective and
automated to catch these kinds of issues.

But part of this, even though it maybe seems a little annoying, is for
making it easier for contributors. Right now, we may or may not notice
if something is following the guidelines or not. And we may or may not
comment in a review to ask for a contributor to make adjustments to
follow the guidelines.

But then further along into the review process, someone decides to be
thorough, and after the contributor feels like they've had to deal with
other change requests and things are in really good shape, they get a -1
on something mostly meaningless as far as the functionality of their
code. It can be a frustrating and disheartening thing.

I believe this actually helps avoid that by making it an objective thing
that they find out right away up front - either the code is following
the guidelines and everything is happy, or it's not and running local
jobs or the pep8 CI job will let them know right away and they can fix
it. No guessing on whether or not someone is going to take a stand on
following the guidelines or not.

This will also make it easier on the code reviewers. The more we can
automate, the more time we can spend in code reviews making sure the
logic of the change is correct and less time looking at trivial coding
and style things.

Q: Should we use our hacking extensions for this?
A: Hacking has had to keep back linter requirements for a long time now.
   Current versions of the linters actually don't work with the way
   we've been hooking into them for our hacking checks. We will likely
   need to do away with those at some point so we can move on to the
   current linter releases. This will help ensure we have something in
   place when that time comes to make sure some checks are automated.

Q: Didn't you spend more time on this than the benefit we'll get from
A: Yeah, probably.

Change-Id: Ic13ba238a4a45c6219f4de131cfe0366219d722f
Signed-off-by: Sean McGinnis <>
2020-01-06 09:59:35 -06:00

211 lines
8.3 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from unittest import mock
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from cinder import exception
from cinder.tests import fake_driver
from cinder.tests.unit import volume as base
from cinder.volume import driver
from cinder.volume import manager as vol_manager
# import cinder.volume.targets.tgt
"""Tests for volume capabilities test cases."""
class VolumeCapabilitiesTestCase(base.BaseVolumeTestCase):
@mock.patch.object(fake_driver.FakeLoggingVolumeDriver, 'get_volume_stats')
@mock.patch.object(driver.BaseVD, '_init_vendor_properties')
def test_get_capabilities(self, mock_init_vendor, mock_get_volume_stats):
stats = {
'volume_backend_name': 'lvm',
'vendor_name': 'Open Source',
'storage_protocol': 'iSCSI',
'vendor_prefix': 'abcd'
expected = stats.copy()
expected['properties'] = {
'compression': {
'title': 'Compression',
'description': 'Enables compression.',
'type': 'boolean'},
'qos': {
'title': 'QoS',
'description': 'Enables QoS.',
'type': 'boolean'},
'replication_enabled': {
'title': 'Replication',
'description': 'Enables replication.',
'type': 'boolean'},
'thin_provisioning': {
'title': 'Thin Provisioning',
'description': 'Sets thin provisioning.',
'type': 'boolean'},
# Test to get updated capabilities
discover = True
mock_get_volume_stats.return_value = stats
mock_init_vendor.return_value = ({}, None)
capabilities = self.volume.get_capabilities(self.context,
self.assertEqual(expected, capabilities)
# Test to get existing original capabilities
discover = False
capabilities = self.volume.get_capabilities(self.context,
self.assertEqual(expected, capabilities)
# Normal test case to get vendor unique capabilities
def init_vendor_properties(self):
properties = {}
"Minimum IOPS QoS",
"Sets minimum IOPS if QoS is enabled.",
return properties, 'abcd'
{'abcd:minIOPS': {
'title': 'Minimum IOPS QoS',
'description': 'Sets minimum IOPS if QoS is enabled.',
'type': 'integer',
'minimum': 10,
'default': 100}})
discover = True
mock_init_vendor.return_value = (
capabilities = self.volume.get_capabilities(self.context,
self.assertEqual(expected, capabilities)
@mock.patch.object(fake_driver.FakeLoggingVolumeDriver, 'get_volume_stats')
@mock.patch.object(driver.BaseVD, '_init_vendor_properties')
@mock.patch.object(driver.BaseVD, '_init_standard_capabilities')
def test_get_capabilities_prefix_error(self, mock_init_standard,
# Error test case: property does not match vendor prefix
def init_vendor_properties(self):
properties = {}
"Minimum IOPS QoS",
"Sets minimum IOPS if QoS is enabled.",
"Compression type",
"Specifies compression type.",
return properties, 'abcd'
expected = {
'abcd:compression_type': {
'title': 'Compression type',
'description': 'Specifies compression type.',
'type': 'string'}}
discover = True
mock_get_volume_stats.return_value = {}
mock_init_standard.return_value = {}
mock_init_vendor.return_value = (
capabilities = self.volume.get_capabilities(self.context,
self.assertEqual(expected, capabilities['properties'])
@mock.patch.object(fake_driver.FakeLoggingVolumeDriver, 'get_volume_stats')
@mock.patch.object(driver.BaseVD, '_init_vendor_properties')
@mock.patch.object(driver.BaseVD, '_init_standard_capabilities')
def test_get_capabilities_fail_override(self, mock_init_standard,
# Error test case: property cannot override any standard capabilities
def init_vendor_properties(self):
properties = {}
"Minimum IOPS QoS",
"Sets minimum IOPS if QoS is enabled.",
"Compression type",
"Specifies compression type.",
return properties, 'ab::cd'
expected = {
'ab__cd:compression_type': {
'title': 'Compression type',
'description': 'Specifies compression type.',
'type': 'string'}}
discover = True
mock_get_volume_stats.return_value = {}
mock_init_standard.return_value = {}
mock_init_vendor.return_value = (
capabilities = self.volume.get_capabilities(self.context,
self.assertEqual(expected, capabilities['properties'])
def test_extra_capabilities(self):
# Test valid extra_capabilities.
fake_capabilities = {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2}
with mock.patch.object(jsonutils, 'loads') as mock_loads:
mock_loads.return_value = fake_capabilities
manager = vol_manager.VolumeManager()
manager.stats = {'pools': {}}
volume_stats = manager.last_capabilities
def test_extra_capabilities_fail(self):
with mock.patch.object(jsonutils, 'loads') as mock_loads:
mock_loads.side_effect = exception.CinderException('test')