Sean McGinnis 3eb9b422f4
Introduce flake8-import-order extension
This adds usage of the flake8-import-order extension to our flake8
checks to enforce consistency on our import ordering to follow the
overall OpenStack code guidelines.

Since we have now dropped Python 2, this also cleans up a few cases for
things that were third party libs but became part of the standard
library such as mock, which is now a standard part of unittest.

Some questions, in order of importance:

Q: Are you insane?
A: Potentially.

Q: Why should we touch all of these files?
A: This adds consistency to our imports. The extension makes sure that
   all imports follow our published guidelines of having imports ordered
   by standard lib, third party, and local. This will be a one time
   churn, then we can ensure consistency over time.

Q: Why bother. this doesn't really matter?
A: I agree - but...

We have the issue that we have less people actively involved and less
time to perform thorough code reviews. This will make it objective and
automated to catch these kinds of issues.

But part of this, even though it maybe seems a little annoying, is for
making it easier for contributors. Right now, we may or may not notice
if something is following the guidelines or not. And we may or may not
comment in a review to ask for a contributor to make adjustments to
follow the guidelines.

But then further along into the review process, someone decides to be
thorough, and after the contributor feels like they've had to deal with
other change requests and things are in really good shape, they get a -1
on something mostly meaningless as far as the functionality of their
code. It can be a frustrating and disheartening thing.

I believe this actually helps avoid that by making it an objective thing
that they find out right away up front - either the code is following
the guidelines and everything is happy, or it's not and running local
jobs or the pep8 CI job will let them know right away and they can fix
it. No guessing on whether or not someone is going to take a stand on
following the guidelines or not.

This will also make it easier on the code reviewers. The more we can
automate, the more time we can spend in code reviews making sure the
logic of the change is correct and less time looking at trivial coding
and style things.

Q: Should we use our hacking extensions for this?
A: Hacking has had to keep back linter requirements for a long time now.
   Current versions of the linters actually don't work with the way
   we've been hooking into them for our hacking checks. We will likely
   need to do away with those at some point so we can move on to the
   current linter releases. This will help ensure we have something in
   place when that time comes to make sure some checks are automated.

Q: Didn't you spend more time on this than the benefit we'll get from
A: Yeah, probably.

Change-Id: Ic13ba238a4a45c6219f4de131cfe0366219d722f
Signed-off-by: Sean McGinnis <>
2020-01-06 09:59:35 -06:00

742 lines
32 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Quobyte Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import errno
import os
import shutil
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import fileutils
from oslo_utils import fnmatch
import psutil
from cinder import compute
from cinder import coordination
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder.image import image_utils
from cinder import interface
from cinder import utils
from cinder.volume import configuration
from cinder.volume.drivers import remotefs as remotefs_drv
VERSION = '1.1.11'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
volume_opts = [
help=('Quobyte URL to the Quobyte volume using e.g. a DNS SRV'
' record (preferred) or a host list (alternatively) like'
' quobyte://<DIR host1>, <DIR host2>/<volume name>')),
help=('Path to a Quobyte Client configuration file.')),
help=('Create volumes as sparse files which take no space.'
' If set to False, volume is created as regular file.')),
help=('Create volumes as QCOW2 files rather than raw files.')),
help=('Base dir containing the mount point'
' for the Quobyte volume.')),
help=('Create a cache of volumes from merged snapshots to '
'speed up creation of multiple volumes from a single '
help=('Create new volumes from the volume_from_snapshot_cache'
' by creating overlay files instead of full copies. This'
' speeds up the creation of volumes from this cache.'
' This feature requires the options'
' quobyte_qcow2_volumes and'
' quobyte_volume_from_snapshot_cache to be set to'
' True. If one of these is set to False this option is'
' ignored.'))
CONF.register_opts(volume_opts, group=configuration.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
class QuobyteDriver(remotefs_drv.RemoteFSSnapDriverDistributed):
"""Cinder driver for Quobyte USP.
Volumes are stored as files on the mounted Quobyte volume. The hypervisor
will expose them as block devices.
Unlike other similar drivers, this driver uses exactly one Quobyte volume
because Quobyte USP is a distributed storage system. To add or remove
capacity, administrators can add or remove storage servers to/from the
For different types of volumes e.g., SSD vs. rotating disks,
use multiple backends in Cinder.
Note: To be compliant with the inherited RemoteFSSnapDriver, Quobyte
volumes are also referred to as shares.
.. code-block:: none
Version history:
1.0 - Initial driver.
1.1 - Adds optional insecure NAS settings
1.1.1 - Removes getfattr calls from driver
1.1.2 - Fixes a bug in the creation of cloned volumes
1.1.3 - Explicitely mounts Quobyte volumes w/o xattrs
1.1.4 - Fixes capability to configure redundancy in quobyte_volume_url
1.1.5 - Enables extension of volumes with snapshots
1.1.6 - Optimizes volume creation
1.1.7 - Support fuse subtype based Quobyte mount validation
1.1.8 - Adds optional snapshot merge caching
1.1.9 - Support for Qemu >= 2.10.0
1.1.10 - Adds overlay based volumes for snapshot merge caching
1.1.11 - NAS secure ownership & permissions are now False by default
driver_volume_type = 'quobyte'
driver_prefix = 'quobyte'
volume_backend_name = 'Quobyte'
# ThirdPartySystems wiki page
CI_WIKI_NAME = "Quobyte_CI"
QUOBYTE_VOLUME_SNAP_CACHE_DIR_NAME = "volume_from_snapshot_cache"
def __init__(self, execute=processutils.execute, *args, **kwargs):
super(QuobyteDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Used to manage snapshots which are currently attached to a VM.
self._nova = None
def get_driver_options():
return volume_opts
def _create_regular_file(self, path, size):
"""Creates a regular file of given size in GiB using fallocate."""
self._fallocate_file(path, size)
def _delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
cache_path = self._local_volume_from_snap_cache_path(snapshot)
if os.access(cache_path, os.F_OK):
".parent-" +, snapshot.volume)
super(QuobyteDriver, self)._delete_snapshot(snapshot)
def _ensure_volume_from_snap_cache(self, mount_path):
"""This expects the Quobyte volume to be mounted & available"""
cache_path = os.path.join(mount_path,
if not os.access(cache_path, os.F_OK):"Volume from snapshot cache directory does not exist, "
"creating the directory %(volcache)s",
{'volcache': cache_path})
if not (os.access(cache_path, os.R_OK)
and os.access(cache_path, os.W_OK)
and os.access(cache_path, os.X_OK)):
msg = _("Insufficient permissions for Quobyte volume from "
"snapshot cache directory at %(cpath)s. Please update "
"permissions.") % {'cpath': cache_path}
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
LOG.debug("Quobyte volume from snapshot cache directory validated ok")
def _fallocate_file(self, path, size):
"""Calls fallocate on the given path with the given size in GiB."""
self._execute('fallocate', '-l', '%sGiB' % size,
path, run_as_root=self._execute_as_root)
def _get_backing_chain_for_path(self, volume, path):
raw_chain = super(QuobyteDriver, self)._get_backing_chain_for_path(
volume, path)
# NOTE(kaisers): if the last element resides in the cache snip it off,
# as the RemoteFS driver cannot handle it.
if len(raw_chain) and (self.QUOBYTE_VOLUME_SNAP_CACHE_DIR_NAME in
del raw_chain[-1]
return raw_chain
def _local_volume_from_snap_cache_path(self, snapshot):
path_to_disk = os.path.join(
return path_to_disk
def _qemu_img_info_base(self, path, volume_name, basedir,
# NOTE(kaisers): This uses a specialized backing file template in
# order to allow for backing files in the volume_from_snapshot_cache.
backing_file_template = remotefs_drv.BackingFileTemplate(
"[0-9a-f-]+)?)$" % {
return super(QuobyteDriver, self)._qemu_img_info_base(
path, volume_name, basedir, ext_bf_template=backing_file_template,
def _remove_from_vol_cache(self, cache_file_path, ref_suffix, volume):
"""Removes a reference and possibly volume from the volume cache
This method removes the ref_id reference (soft link) from the cache.
If no other references exist the cached volume itself is removed,
:param cache_file_path file path to the volume in the cache
:param ref_suffix The id based suffix of the cache file reference
:param volume The volume whose share defines the cache to address
# NOTE(kaisers): As the cache_file_path may be a relative path we use
# cache dir and file name to ensure absolute paths in all operations.
cache_path = os.path.join(self._local_volume_dir(volume),
cache_file_name = os.path.basename(cache_file_path)
# delete the reference
LOG.debug("Deleting cache reference %(cfp)s%(rs)s",
{"cfp": cache_file_path, "rs": ref_suffix})
cache_file_name + ref_suffix))
# If no other reference exists, remove the cache entry.
for file in os.listdir(cache_path):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, cache_file_name + ".*"):
# found another reference file, keep cache entry
LOG.debug("Cached volume %(file)s still has at least one "
"reference: %(ref)s",
{"file": cache_file_name, "ref": file})
# No other reference found, remove cache entry
LOG.debug("Removing cached volume %(cvol)s as no more references for "
"this cached volume exist.",
{"cvol": os.path.join(cache_path, cache_file_name)})
fileutils.delete_if_exists(os.path.join(cache_path, cache_file_name))
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Any initialization the volume driver does while starting."""
super(QuobyteDriver, self).do_setup(context)
self.shares = {} # address : options
self._nova = compute.API()
self.base = self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base
if self.configuration.quobyte_overlay_volumes:
if not (self.configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes and
self.configuration.quobyte_overlay_volumes = False
LOG.warning("Configuration of quobyte_qcow2_volumes and "
"quobyte_volume_from_snapshot_cache is "
"incompatible with "
"quobyte_overlay_volumes=True. "
"quobyte_overlay_volumes "
"setting will be ignored.")
def check_for_setup_error(self):
if not self.configuration.quobyte_volume_url:
msg = (_("There's no Quobyte volume configured (%s). Example:"
" quobyte://<DIR host>/<volume name>") %
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
# Check if mount.quobyte is installed
self._execute('mount.quobyte', check_exit_code=False,
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(
'mount.quobyte is not installed')
def set_nas_security_options(self, is_new_cinder_install):
self._execute_as_root = False
LOG.debug("nas_secure_file_* settings are %(ops)s (ownership) and "
"%(perm)s (permissions).",
{'ops': self.configuration.nas_secure_file_operations,
'perm': self.configuration.nas_secure_file_permissions}
if self.configuration.nas_secure_file_operations == 'auto':
LOG.debug("Mapping 'auto' value to 'false' for"
" nas_secure_file_operations.")
self.configuration.nas_secure_file_operations = 'false'
if self.configuration.nas_secure_file_permissions == 'auto':
LOG.debug("Mapping 'auto' value to 'false' for"
" nas_secure_file_permissions.")
self.configuration.nas_secure_file_permissions = 'false'
if self.configuration.nas_secure_file_operations == 'false':
LOG.warning("The NAS file operations will be run as "
"root, allowing root level access at the storage "
self._execute_as_root = True
else:"The NAS file operations will be run as"
" non privileged user in secure mode. Please"
" ensure your libvirtd settings have been configured"
" accordingly (see section 'OpenStack' in the Quobyte"
" Manual.")
if self.configuration.nas_secure_file_permissions == 'false':
LOG.warning("The NAS file permissions mode will be 666 "
"(allowing other/world read & write access).")
def _qemu_img_info(self, path, volume_name, force_share=True):
return self._qemu_img_info_base(
path, volume_name, self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base,
@utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
"""Creates a clone of the specified volume."""
return self._create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref,
def _create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Creates a volume from a snapshot.
Snapshot must not be the active snapshot. (offline)
LOG.debug('Creating volume %(vol)s from snapshot %(snap)s',
{'vol':, 'snap':})
if snapshot.status != 'available':
msg = _('Snapshot status must be "available" to clone. '
'But is: %(status)s') % {'status': snapshot.status}
raise exception.InvalidSnapshot(msg)
volume.provider_location = self._find_share(volume)
return {'provider_location': volume.provider_location}
@utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
def create_volume(self, volume):
return super(QuobyteDriver, self).create_volume(volume)
@utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
return self._create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
def _copy_volume_from_snapshot(self, snapshot, volume, volume_size):
"""Copy data from snapshot to destination volume.
This is done with a qemu-img convert to raw/qcow2 from the snapshot
qcow2. If the quobyte_volume_from_snapshot_cache is active the result
is written into the cache and all volumes created from this
snapshot id are created directly from the cache.
LOG.debug("snapshot: %(snap)s, volume: %(vol)s, ",
'size': volume_size})
info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(snapshot.volume)
snap_info = self._read_info_file(info_path)
vol_path = self._local_volume_dir(snapshot.volume)
forward_file = snap_info[]
forward_path = os.path.join(vol_path, forward_file)
# Find the file which backs this file, which represents the point
# when this snapshot was created.
img_info = self._qemu_img_info(forward_path,
path_to_snap_img = os.path.join(vol_path, img_info.backing_file)
path_to_new_vol = self._local_path_volume(volume)
path_to_cached_vol = self._local_volume_from_snap_cache_path(snapshot)
LOG.debug("will copy from snapshot at %s", path_to_snap_img)
if self.configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes:
out_format = 'qcow2'
out_format = 'raw'
if not self.configuration.quobyte_volume_from_snapshot_cache:
LOG.debug("Creating direct copy from snapshot")
# create the volume via volume cache
if not os.access(path_to_cached_vol, os.F_OK):
LOG.debug("Caching volume %(volpath)s from snapshot.",
{'volpath': path_to_cached_vol})
if self.configuration.quobyte_overlay_volumes:
# NOTE(kaisers): Create a parent symlink to track the
# existence of the parent
os.symlink(path_to_snap_img, path_to_cached_vol
+ '.parent-' +
if self.configuration.quobyte_overlay_volumes:
# Copy volume from cache
LOG.debug("Copying volume %(volpath)s from cache",
{'volpath': path_to_new_vol})
shutil.copyfile(path_to_cached_vol, path_to_new_vol)
# Note(kaisers): As writes beyond EOF are sequentialized with
# FUSE we call fallocate here to optimize performance:
self._fallocate_file(path_to_new_vol, volume_size)
def _create_overlay_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot,
volume_size, out_format):
"""Creates an overlay volume based on a parent in the cache
Besides the overlay volume this also creates a softlink in the cache
that links to the child volume file of the cached volume. This can
be used to track the cached volumes child volume and marks the fact
that this child still exists. The softlink is deleted when
the child is deleted.
rel_path = os.path.join(
command = ['qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'qcow2', '-o',
'backing_file=%s,backing_fmt=%s' %
(rel_path, out_format), self._local_path_volume(volume),
"%dG" % volume_size]
self._execute(*command, run_as_root=self._execute_as_root)
+ '.child-' +
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Deletes a logical volume."""
if not volume.provider_location:
LOG.warning('Volume %s does not have provider_location '
'specified, skipping',
volume_dir = self._local_volume_dir(volume)
active_image = self.get_active_image_from_info(volume)
mounted_path = os.path.join(volume_dir, active_image)
if os.access(self.local_path(volume), os.F_OK):
img_info = self._qemu_img_info(self.local_path(volume),
if (img_info.backing_file and
# This is an overlay volume, call cache cleanup
".child-" +, volume)
self._execute('rm', '-f', mounted_path,
# If an exception (e.g. timeout) occurred during delete_snapshot, the
# base volume may linger around, so just delete it if it exists
base_volume_path = self._local_path_volume(volume)
info_path = self._local_path_volume_info(volume)
@utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Apply locking to the create snapshot operation."""
return self._create_snapshot(snapshot)
@utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Allow connection to connector and return connection info."""
# Find active qcow2 file
active_file = self.get_active_image_from_info(volume)
path = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base,
data = {'export': volume.provider_location,
'name': active_file}
if volume.provider_location in self.shares:
data['options'] = self.shares[volume.provider_location]
# Test file for raw vs. qcow2 format
info = self._qemu_img_info(path,
data['format'] = info.file_format
if data['format'] not in ['raw', 'qcow2']:
msg = _('%s must be a valid raw or qcow2 image.') % path
raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg)
return {
'driver_volume_type': 'quobyte',
'data': data,
'mount_point_base': self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base
@utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta):
self._copy_volume_to_image(context, volume, image_service,
@utils.synchronized('quobyte', external=False)
def extend_volume(self, volume, size_gb):
volume_path = self.local_path(volume)
info = self._qemu_img_info(volume_path,
backing_fmt = info.file_format
if backing_fmt not in ['raw', 'qcow2']:
msg = _('Unrecognized backing format: %s')
raise exception.InvalidVolume(msg % backing_fmt)
# qemu-img can resize both raw and qcow2 files
active_path = os.path.join(
image_utils.resize_image(active_path, size_gb)
def _do_create_volume(self, volume):
"""Create a volume on given Quobyte volume.
:param volume: volume reference
volume_path = self.local_path(volume)
volume_size = volume.size
if self.configuration.quobyte_qcow2_volumes:
self._create_qcow2_file(volume_path, volume_size)
if self.configuration.quobyte_sparsed_volumes:
self._create_sparsed_file(volume_path, volume_size)
self._create_regular_file(volume_path, volume_size)
def _load_shares_config(self, share_file=None):
"""Put 'quobyte_volume_url' into the 'shares' list.
:param share_file: string, Not used because the user has to specify
the Quobyte volume directly.
self.shares = {}
url = self.configuration.quobyte_volume_url
# Strip quobyte:// from the URL
protocol = self.driver_volume_type + "://"
if url.startswith(protocol):
url = url[len(protocol):]
self.shares[url] = None # None = No extra mount options.
LOG.debug("Quobyte Volume URL set to: %s", self.shares)
def _ensure_share_mounted(self, quobyte_volume):
"""Mount Quobyte volume.
:param quobyte_volume: string
mount_path = self._get_mount_point_for_share(quobyte_volume)
self._mount_quobyte(quobyte_volume, mount_path, ensure=True)
@utils.synchronized('quobyte_ensure', external=False)
def _ensure_shares_mounted(self):
"""Mount the Quobyte volume.
Used for example by RemoteFsDriver._update_volume_stats
self._mounted_shares = []
for share in self.shares:
except Exception as exc:
LOG.warning('Exception during mounting %s', exc)
LOG.debug('Available shares %s', self._mounted_shares)
def _find_share(self, volume):
"""Returns the mounted Quobyte volume.
Multiple shares are not supported because the virtualization of
multiple storage devices is taken care of at the level of Quobyte USP.
For different types of volumes e.g., SSD vs. rotating disks, use
multiple backends in Cinder.
:param volume: the volume to be created.
if not self._mounted_shares:
raise exception.NotFound()
assert len(self._mounted_shares) == 1, 'There must be exactly' \
' one Quobyte volume.'
target_volume = self._mounted_shares[0]
LOG.debug('Selected %s as target Quobyte volume.', target_volume)
return target_volume
def _get_mount_point_for_share(self, quobyte_volume):
"""Return mount point for Quobyte volume.
:param quobyte_volume: Example: storage-host/openstack-volumes
return os.path.join(self.configuration.quobyte_mount_point_base,
# open() wrapper to mock reading from /proc/mount.
def read_proc_mount(): # pragma: no cover
return open('/proc/mounts')
def _mount_quobyte(self, quobyte_volume, mount_path, ensure=False):
"""Mount Quobyte volume to mount path."""
mounted = False
for l in QuobyteDriver.read_proc_mount():
if l.split()[1] == mount_path:
mounted = True
if mounted:
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.ENOTCONN:
mounted = False
try:'Fixing previous mount %s which was not'
' unmounted correctly.', mount_path)
self._execute('umount.quobyte', mount_path,
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.warning("Failed to unmount previous mount: "
"%s", exc)
# TODO(quobyte): Extend exc analysis in here?
LOG.warning("Unknown error occurred while checking "
"mount point: %s Trying to continue.",
if not mounted:
if not os.path.isdir(mount_path):
command = ['mount.quobyte', '--disable-xattrs',
quobyte_volume, mount_path]
if self.configuration.quobyte_client_cfg:
command.extend(['-c', self.configuration.quobyte_client_cfg])
try:'Mounting volume: %s ...', quobyte_volume)
self._execute(*command, run_as_root=self._execute_as_root)'Mounting volume: %s succeeded', quobyte_volume)
mounted = True
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
if ensure and 'already mounted' in exc.stderr:
LOG.warning("%s is already mounted", quobyte_volume)
mounted = True
if mounted:
if self.configuration.quobyte_volume_from_snapshot_cache:
def _validate_volume(self, mount_path):
"""Runs a number of tests on the expect Quobyte mount"""
partitions = psutil.disk_partitions(all=True)
for p in partitions:
if mount_path == p.mountpoint:
if (p.device.startswith("quobyte@") or
(p.fstype == "fuse.quobyte")):
statresult = os.stat(mount_path)
if statresult.st_size == 0:
# client looks healthy
if not os.access(mount_path,
os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
LOG.warning("Volume is not writable. "
"Please broaden the file"
" permissions."
" Mount: %s",
return # we're happy here
msg = (_("The mount %(mount_path)s is not a "
"valid Quobyte volume. Stale mount?")
% {'mount_path': mount_path})
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
except Exception as exc:
msg = (_("The mount %(mount_path)s is not a valid"
" Quobyte volume. Error: %(exc)s . "
" Possibly a Quobyte client crash?")
% {'mount_path': mount_path, 'exc': exc})
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
msg = (_("The mount %(mount_path)s is not a valid"
" Quobyte volume according to partition list.")
% {'mount_path': mount_path})
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
msg = (_("No matching Quobyte mount entry for %(mount_path)s"
" could be found for validation in partition list.")
% {'mount_path': mount_path})
raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)