Gorka Eguileor e374a952af Run flake8 also on cinder/common
Even though testenvs pep8 and pep8-constraints included cinder/common
directory to be processed by flake8, global configuration in flake8
secion was excluding common glob preventing the directory from being

This patch removes glob from flake8 exclude section, unnecessary
cinder/common inclusion when running flake8, and fixes

If we had a common directory in our code root and wanted to exclude it,
glob should be ./common instead of just common like we had now.

Change-Id: Iefc64c02335ed9296bda323fdcb5688125fb4e77
2016-01-21 14:17:34 +01:00

131 lines
3.9 KiB

minversion = 1.8
skipsdist = True
envlist = py27,pep8
# Note the hash seed is set to 0 until cinder can be tested with a
# random hash seed successfully.
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
usedevelop = True
install_command =
constraints: {[testenv:common-constraints]install_command}
pip install {opts} {packages}
# TODO(mriedem): Move oslo.versionedobjects[fixtures] to test-requirements.txt
# after I937823ffeb95725f0b55e298ebee1857d6482883 lands.
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
# By default ostestr will set concurrency
# to ncpu, to specify something else use
# the concurrency=<n> option.
# call ie: 'tox -epy27 -- --concurrency=4'
commands = ostestr {posargs}
whitelist_externals = bash
passenv = *_proxy *_PROXY
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
install_command = pip install -c{env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/plain/upper-constraints.txt} {opts} {packages}
commands =
ostestr --whitelist_file=tests-py3.txt
install_command = {[testenv:common-constraints]install_command}
commands = {[testenv:py34]commands}
commands =
flake8 {posargs} .
# Check that .po and .pot files are valid:
bash -c "find cinder -type f -regex '.*\.pot?' -print0|xargs -0 -n 1 msgfmt --check-format -o /dev/null"
{toxinidir}/tools/config/check_uptodate.sh --checkopts
{toxinidir}/tools/check_exec.py {toxinidir}/cinder
install_command = {[testenv:common-constraints]install_command}
commands =
flake8 {posargs} .
# Check that .po and .pot files are valid:
bash -c "find cinder -type f -regex '.*\.pot?' -print0|xargs -0 -n 1 msgfmt --check-format -o /dev/null"
{toxinidir}/tools/config/check_uptodate.sh --checkopts
{toxinidir}/tools/check_exec.py {toxinidir}/cinder
# Use same environment directory as pep8 env to save space and install time
envdir = {toxworkdir}/pep8
commands =
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands = bash tools/lintstack.sh
install_command = {[testenv:common-constraints]install_command}
deps = {[testenv:pylint]deps}
commands = {[testenv:pylint]commands}
# Also do not run test_coverage_ext tests while gathering coverage as those
# tests conflict with coverage.
commands =
python setup.py testr --coverage \
install_command = {[testenv:common-constraints]install_command}
commands = {[testenv:cover]commands}
sitepackages = False
envdir = {toxworkdir}/pep8
commands = {toxinidir}/tools/config/generate_sample.sh from_tox
sitepackages = False
envdir = {toxworkdir}/pep8
commands = {toxinidir}/tools/config/generate_sample.sh from_tox --nosamplefile
commands = {posargs}
install_command = {[testenv:common-constraints]install_command}
commands = {posargs}
commands = python setup.py build_sphinx
sitepackages = False
envdir = {toxworkdir}/venv
commands = python {toxinidir}/tools/generate_driver_list.py
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands = bandit -c tools/bandit.yaml -r cinder -n 5 -ll
# Following checks are ignored on purpose.
# E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
# reason: no improvement in readability
ignore = E251
exclude = .git,.venv,.tox,dist,tools,doc,*egg,build
local-check-factory = cinder.hacking.checks.factory
import_exceptions = cinder.i18n