
751 lines
31 KiB

# Copyright 2012 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import datetime
from iso8601 import iso8601
import mock
import webob.exc
from cinder.api.contrib import services
from cinder.api import extensions
from cinder.api.openstack import api_version_request as api_version
from cinder import context
from cinder import exception
from cinder import test
from cinder.tests.unit.api import fakes
from cinder.tests.unit import fake_constants as fake
fake_services_list = [
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host1',
'cluster_name': None,
'availability_zone': 'cinder',
'id': 1,
'disabled': True,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 2),
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 27),
'disabled_reason': 'test1',
'modified_at': ''},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host1',
'cluster_name': None,
'availability_zone': 'cinder',
'id': 2,
'disabled': True,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5),
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 27),
'disabled_reason': 'test2',
'modified_at': ''},
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host2',
'cluster_name': 'cluster1',
'availability_zone': 'cinder',
'id': 3,
'disabled': False,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 19, 6, 55, 34),
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 28),
'disabled_reason': '',
'modified_at': ''},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'cluster_name': 'cluster1',
'availability_zone': 'cinder',
'id': 4,
'disabled': True,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38),
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 28),
'disabled_reason': 'test4',
'modified_at': ''},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'cluster_name': 'cluster2',
'availability_zone': 'cinder',
'id': 5,
'disabled': True,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38),
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 28),
'disabled_reason': 'test5',
'modified_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'cluster_name': 'cluster2',
'availability_zone': 'cinder',
'id': 6,
'disabled': False,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38),
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 28),
'disabled_reason': '',
'modified_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 8, 1, 38)},
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host2',
'cluster_name': None,
'availability_zone': 'cinder',
'id': 7,
'disabled': False,
'updated_at': None,
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18, 2, 46, 28),
'disabled_reason': '',
'modified_at': None},
class FakeRequest(object):
environ = {"cinder.context": context.get_admin_context()}
def __init__(self, version='3.0', **kwargs):
self.GET = kwargs
self.headers = {'OpenStack-API-Version': 'volume ' + version}
self.api_version_request = api_version.APIVersionRequest(version)
# NOTE(uni): deprecating service request key, binary takes precedence
# Still keeping service key here for API compatibility sake.
class FakeRequestWithService(FakeRequest):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('service', 'cinder-volume')
super(FakeRequestWithService, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class FakeRequestWithBinary(FakeRequest):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('binary', 'cinder-volume')
super(FakeRequestWithBinary, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class FakeRequestWithHost(FakeRequest):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('host', 'host1')
super(FakeRequestWithHost, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# NOTE(uni): deprecating service request key, binary takes precedence
# Still keeping service key here for API compatibility sake.
class FakeRequestWithHostService(FakeRequestWithService):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('host', 'host1')
super(FakeRequestWithHostService, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class FakeRequestWithHostBinary(FakeRequestWithBinary):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('host', 'host1')
super(FakeRequestWithHostBinary, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def fake_service_get_all(context, **filters):
result = []
host = filters.pop('host', None)
for service in fake_services_list:
if (host and service['host'] != host and
not service['host'].startswith(host + '@')):
if all(v is None or service.get(k) == v for k, v in filters.items()):
return result
def fake_service_get(context, service_id=None, **filters):
result = fake_service_get_all(context, id=service_id, **filters)
if not result:
raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=service_id)
return result[0]
def fake_service_get_by_id(value):
for service in fake_services_list:
if service['id'] == value:
return service
return None
def fake_service_update(context, service_id, values):
service = fake_service_get_by_id(service_id)
if service is None:
raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=service_id)
{'host': 'host1', 'service': 'cinder-volume',
'disabled': values['disabled']}
def fake_policy_enforce(context, action, target):
def fake_utcnow(with_timezone=False):
tzinfo = iso8601.Utc() if with_timezone else None
return datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 11, tzinfo=tzinfo)
@mock.patch('cinder.db.service_get_all', fake_service_get_all)
@mock.patch('cinder.db.service_get', fake_service_get)
@mock.patch('oslo_utils.timeutils.utcnow', fake_utcnow)
@mock.patch('cinder.db.sqlalchemy.api.service_update', fake_service_update)
@mock.patch('cinder.policy.enforce', fake_policy_enforce)
class ServicesTest(test.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(ServicesTest, self).setUp()
self.context = context.get_admin_context()
self.ext_mgr = extensions.ExtensionManager()
self.ext_mgr.extensions = {}
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
def test_services_list(self):
req = FakeRequest()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host1', 'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 2)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host1', 'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 19, 6, 55, 34)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38)},
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': None},
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_list_with_cluster_name(self):
req = FakeRequest(version='3.7')
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'cluster': None,
'host': 'host1', 'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 2)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'cluster': None,
'host': 'host1', 'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'cluster': 'cluster1',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 19, 6, 55, 34)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'cluster': 'cluster1',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'cluster': 'cluster2',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'cluster': 'cluster2',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38)},
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'cluster': None,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': None},
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_detail(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = FakeRequest()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host1', 'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 2),
'disabled_reason': 'test1'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host1', 'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test2'},
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 19, 6, 55, 34),
'disabled_reason': ''},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38),
'disabled_reason': 'test4'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test5'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(
2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38),
'disabled_reason': ''},
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'down',
'updated_at': None,
'disabled_reason': ''},
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_list_with_host(self):
req = FakeRequestWithHost()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10,
29, 13, 42, 2)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5)}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_detail_with_host(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = FakeRequestWithHost()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10,
29, 13, 42, 2),
'disabled_reason': 'test1'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'frozen': False,
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test2'}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_list_with_service(self):
req = FakeRequestWithService()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18,
8, 3, 38)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18,
8, 3, 38)}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_detail_with_service(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = FakeRequestWithService()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test2'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18,
8, 3, 38),
'disabled_reason': 'test4'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test5'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18,
8, 3, 38),
'disabled_reason': ''}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_list_with_binary(self):
req = FakeRequestWithBinary()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18,
8, 3, 38)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5)},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled',
'state': 'down',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18,
8, 3, 38)}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_detail_with_binary(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = FakeRequestWithBinary()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up',
'frozen': False,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test2'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'down',
'frozen': False,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18,
8, 3, 38),
'disabled_reason': 'test4'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'down',
'frozen': False,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test5'},
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'host': 'host2',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'enabled',
'state': 'down',
'frozen': False,
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 18,
8, 3, 38),
'disabled_reason': ''}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_list_with_host_service(self):
req = FakeRequestWithHostService()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5)}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_detail_with_host_service(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = FakeRequestWithHostService()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test2',
'frozen': False}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_list_with_host_binary(self):
req = FakeRequestWithHostBinary()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5)}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_detail_with_host_binary(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = FakeRequestWithHostBinary()
res_dict = self.controller.index(req)
response = {'services': [
{'binary': 'cinder-volume',
'replication_status': None,
'active_backend_id': None,
'frozen': False,
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'cinder',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up',
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 29,
13, 42, 5),
'disabled_reason': 'test2'}]}
self.assertEqual(response, res_dict)
def test_services_enable_with_service_key(self):
body = {'host': 'host1', 'service': 'cinder-volume'}
req = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank(
'/v2/%s/os-services/enable' % fake.PROJECT_ID)
res_dict = self.controller.update(req, "enable", body)
self.assertEqual('enabled', res_dict['status'])
def test_services_enable_with_binary_key(self):
body = {'host': 'host1', 'binary': 'cinder-volume'}
req = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank(
'/v2/%s/os-services/enable' % fake.PROJECT_ID)
res_dict = self.controller.update(req, "enable", body)
self.assertEqual('enabled', res_dict['status'])
def test_services_disable_with_service_key(self):
req = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank(
'/v2/%s/os-services/disable' % fake.PROJECT_ID)
body = {'host': 'host1', 'service': 'cinder-volume'}
res_dict = self.controller.update(req, "disable", body)
self.assertEqual('disabled', res_dict['status'])
def test_services_disable_with_binary_key(self):
req = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank(
'/v2/%s/os-services/disable' % fake.PROJECT_ID)
body = {'host': 'host1', 'binary': 'cinder-volume'}
res_dict = self.controller.update(req, "disable", body)
self.assertEqual('disabled', res_dict['status'])
def test_services_disable_log_reason(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = (
body = {'host': 'host1',
'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'disabled_reason': 'test-reason',
res_dict = self.controller.update(req, "disable-log-reason", body)
self.assertEqual('disabled', res_dict['status'])
self.assertEqual('test-reason', res_dict['disabled_reason'])
def test_services_disable_log_reason_unicode(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = (
body = {'host': 'host1',
'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'disabled_reason': u'test-reason',
res_dict = self.controller.update(req, "disable-log-reason", body)
self.assertEqual('disabled', res_dict['status'])
self.assertEqual('test-reason', res_dict['disabled_reason'])
def test_services_disable_log_reason_none(self):
self.ext_mgr.extensions['os-extended-services'] = True
self.controller = services.ServiceController(self.ext_mgr)
req = (
body = {'host': 'host1',
'binary': 'cinder-scheduler',
'disabled_reason': None,
req, "disable-log-reason", body)
def test_invalid_reason_field(self):
# Check that empty strings are not allowed
reason = ' ' * 10
reason = 'a' * 256
# Check that spaces at the end are also counted
reason = 'a' * 255 + ' '
reason = 'it\'s a valid reason.'
reason = None