Joshua Harlow e78ba96949 Refactoring of create_volume to use taskflow.
Move the create_volume workflow to using taskflow and
split that workflow into three major pieces (each with
there own workflow) and create tasks that perform the
individual required actions to accomplish the pieces
desired outcome.

1. An api workflow composed of the following tasks:
  - Extracting volume request (which checks types, values) and creates a
    standard output for other tasks to work on (allowing further tasks to be
    plugged in the chain without having to worry about other tasks output
  - Quota reservation (rolled back on failure).
  - Database entry creation.
  - Quota committing.
  - Volume RPC casting to volume scheduler or to targeted volume manager.
2. A scheduler workflow composed of the following tasks:
  - Extracting scheduler request specification for further tasks to use.
  - Change status & notify (activated only on failure).
  - Create volume scheduler driver call (which will itself RPC cast to a
    targeted volume manager).
3. A manager workflow composed of the following tasks:
  - Extract volume request specification from incoming request for
    further tasks to use. This also breaks up the incoming request into the 4
    volume types that can be created later.
  - Change status & notify on failure or reschedule on failure, this is
    dependent on if rescheduling is enabled *and* which exception types are
    thrown from the volume creation code.
  - Create volume from specification
    - This contains the code to create from image, create raw volume, create
      from source volume, create from snapshot using the extracted volume
  - Change status & notify success.

Key benefits:
  - Handled exceptions in a easier to understand, easier to review and more
    reliable way than they are currently being handled.
  - Rescheduling is now easier to understand.
  - Easier to understand structure with tasks that consume inputs, take some
    action on them and produce outputs and revert on subsequent failure using
    whatever they produced to know how to revert.
  - Ability to add new unit tests that can test individual task actions by
    providing mock task inputs and validating expected task outputs.

Future additions:
  - Eventual addition of resumption logic to recover from operations stopped
    halfway through.
  - Ability to centrally orchestrate the tasks and pick and choice how
    reconciliation of failures based on code or policies.

Part of bp: cinder-state-machine

Change-Id: I96b688511b35014a8c006e4d30b875dcaf409d93
2013-08-07 19:08:21 -07:00

277 lines
7.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import functools
import inspect
import types
# These arguments are ones that we will skip when parsing for requirements
# for a function to operate (when used as a task).
AUTO_ARGS = ('self', 'context', 'cls')
def is_decorated(functor):
if not isinstance(functor, (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType)):
return False
return getattr(extract(functor), '__task__', False)
def extract(functor):
# Extract the underlying functor if its a method since we can not set
# attributes on instance methods, this is supposedly fixed in python 3
# and later.
# TODO(harlowja): add link to this fix.
assert isinstance(functor, (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType))
if isinstance(functor, types.MethodType):
return functor.__func__
return functor
def _mark_as_task(functor):
setattr(functor, '__task__', True)
def _get_wrapped(function):
"""Get the method at the bottom of a stack of decorators."""
if hasattr(function, '__wrapped__'):
return getattr(function, '__wrapped__')
if not hasattr(function, 'func_closure') or not function.func_closure:
return function
def _get_wrapped_function(function):
if not hasattr(function, 'func_closure') or not function.func_closure:
return None
for closure in function.func_closure:
func = closure.cell_contents
deeper_func = _get_wrapped_function(func)
if deeper_func:
return deeper_func
elif hasattr(closure.cell_contents, '__call__'):
return closure.cell_contents
return _get_wrapped_function(function)
def _take_arg(a):
if a in AUTO_ARGS:
return False
# In certain decorator cases it seems like we get the function to be
# decorated as an argument, we don't want to take that as a real argument.
if isinstance(a, collections.Callable):
return False
return True
def wraps(fn):
"""This will not be needed in python 3.2 or greater which already has this
built-in to its functools.wraps method.
def wrapper(f):
f = functools.wraps(fn)(f)
f.__wrapped__ = getattr(fn, '__wrapped__', fn)
return f
return wrapper
def locked(f):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self._lock:
return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def task(*args, **kwargs):
"""Decorates a given function and ensures that all needed attributes of
that function are set so that the function can be used as a task.
def decorator(f):
w_f = extract(f)
def noop(*args, **kwargs):
# Mark as being a task
# By default don't revert this.
w_f.revert = kwargs.pop('revert_with', noop)
# Associate a name of this task that is the module + function name. = "%s.%s" % (f.__module__, f.__name__)
# Sets the version of the task.
version = kwargs.pop('version', (1, 0))
f = _versionize(*version)(f)
# Attach any requirements this function needs for running.
requires_what = kwargs.pop('requires', [])
f = _requires(*requires_what, **kwargs)(f)
# Attach any optional requirements this function needs for running.
optional_what = kwargs.pop('optional', [])
f = _optional(*optional_what, **kwargs)(f)
# Attach any items this function provides as output
provides_what = kwargs.pop('provides', [])
f = _provides(*provides_what, **kwargs)(f)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# This is needed to handle when the decorator has args or the decorator
# doesn't have args, python is rather weird here...
if kwargs or not args:
return decorator
if isinstance(args[0], collections.Callable):
return decorator(args[0])
return decorator
def _versionize(major, minor=None):
"""A decorator that marks the wrapped function with a major & minor version
if minor is None:
minor = 0
def decorator(f):
w_f = extract(f)
w_f.version = (major, minor)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
def _optional(*args, **kwargs):
"""Attaches a set of items that the decorated function would like as input
to the functions underlying dictionary.
def decorator(f):
w_f = extract(f)
if not hasattr(w_f, 'optional'):
w_f.optional = set()
w_f.optional.update([a for a in args if _take_arg(a)])
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# This is needed to handle when the decorator has args or the decorator
# doesn't have args, python is rather weird here...
if kwargs or not args:
return decorator
if isinstance(args[0], collections.Callable):
return decorator(args[0])
return decorator
def _requires(*args, **kwargs):
"""Attaches a set of items that the decorated function requires as input
to the functions underlying dictionary.
def decorator(f):
w_f = extract(f)
if not hasattr(w_f, 'requires'):
w_f.requires = set()
if kwargs.pop('auto_extract', True):
inspect_what = _get_wrapped(f)
f_args = inspect.getargspec(inspect_what).args
w_f.requires.update([a for a in f_args if _take_arg(a)])
w_f.requires.update([a for a in args if _take_arg(a)])
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# This is needed to handle when the decorator has args or the decorator
# doesn't have args, python is rather weird here...
if kwargs or not args:
return decorator
if isinstance(args[0], collections.Callable):
return decorator(args[0])
return decorator
def _provides(*args, **kwargs):
"""Attaches a set of items that the decorated function provides as output
to the functions underlying dictionary.
def decorator(f):
w_f = extract(f)
if not hasattr(f, 'provides'):
w_f.provides = set()
w_f.provides.update([a for a in args if _take_arg(a)])
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# This is needed to handle when the decorator has args or the decorator
# doesn't have args, python is rather weird here...
if kwargs or not args:
return decorator
if isinstance(args[0], collections.Callable):
return decorator(args[0])
return decorator