
609 lines
25 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Pure Storage, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Volume driver for Pure Storage FlashArray storage system.
This driver requires Purity version 3.4.0 or later.
import math
import re
import uuid
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import units
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder import utils
from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san
import purestorage
except ImportError:
purestorage = None
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cfg.StrOpt("pure_api_token", default=None,
help="REST API authorization token."),
INVALID_CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"[^-a-zA-Z0-9]")
GENERATED_NAME = re.compile(r".*-[a-f0-9]{32}-cinder$")
ERR_MSG_NOT_EXIST = "does not exist"
ERR_MSG_PENDING_ERADICATION = "has been destroyed"
def _get_vol_name(volume):
"""Return the name of the volume Purity will use."""
return volume["name"] + "-cinder"
def _get_snap_name(snapshot):
"""Return the name of the snapshot that Purity will use."""
return "%s-cinder.%s" % (snapshot["volume_name"], snapshot["name"])
def _get_pgroup_name_from_id(id):
return "consisgroup-%s-cinder" % id
def _get_pgroup_snap_suffix(cgsnapshot):
return "cgsnapshot-%s-cinder" %
def _get_pgroup_snap_name(cgsnapshot):
"""Return the name of the pgroup snapshot that Purity will use"""
return "%s.%s" % (_get_pgroup_name_from_id(cgsnapshot.consistencygroup_id),
def _get_pgroup_vol_snap_name(snapshot):
"""Return the name of the snapshot that Purity will use for a volume."""
cg_name = _get_pgroup_name_from_id(snapshot.cgsnapshot.consistencygroup_id)
cgsnapshot_id = _get_pgroup_snap_suffix(snapshot.cgsnapshot)
volume_name = snapshot.volume_name
return "%s.%s.%s-cinder" % (cg_name, cgsnapshot_id, volume_name)
def _generate_purity_host_name(name):
"""Return a valid Purity host name based on the name passed in."""
if len(name) > 23:
name = name[0:23]
name = INVALID_CHARACTERS.sub("-", name)
name = name.lstrip("-")
return "{name}-{uuid}-cinder".format(name=name, uuid=uuid.uuid4().hex)
class PureISCSIDriver(san.SanISCSIDriver):
"""Performs volume management on Pure Storage FlashArray."""
VERSION = "2.0.4"
SUPPORTED_REST_API_VERSIONS = ['1.2', '1.3', '1.4']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
execute = kwargs.pop("execute", utils.execute)
super(PureISCSIDriver, self).__init__(execute=execute, *args, **kwargs)
self._array = None
self._iscsi_port = None
self._backend_name = (self.configuration.volume_backend_name or
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Performs driver initialization steps that could raise exceptions."""
if purestorage is None:
msg = _("Missing 'purestorage' python module, ensure the library"
" is installed and available.")
raise exception.PureDriverException(msg)
# Raises PureDriverException if unable to connect and PureHTTPError
# if unable to authenticate.
purestorage.FlashArray.supported_rest_versions = \
self._array = purestorage.FlashArray(
self._iscsi_port = self._choose_target_iscsi_port()
def check_for_setup_error(self):
# Avoid inheriting check_for_setup_error from SanDriver, which checks
# for san_password or san_private_key, not relevant to our driver.
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Creates a volume."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.create_volume.")
vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)
vol_size = volume["size"] * units.Gi
self._array.create_volume(vol_name, vol_size)
if volume['consistencygroup_id']:
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.create_volume.")
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Creates a volume from a snapshot."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.create_volume_from_snapshot.")
vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)
if snapshot['cgsnapshot_id']:
snap_name = _get_pgroup_vol_snap_name(snapshot)
snap_name = _get_snap_name(snapshot)
self._array.copy_volume(snap_name, vol_name)
self._extend_if_needed(vol_name, snapshot["volume_size"],
if volume['consistencygroup_id']:
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.create_volume_from_snapshot.")
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
"""Creates a clone of the specified volume."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.create_cloned_volume.")
vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)
src_name = _get_vol_name(src_vref)
self._array.copy_volume(src_name, vol_name)
self._extend_if_needed(vol_name, src_vref["size"], volume["size"])
if volume['consistencygroup_id']:
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.create_cloned_volume.")
def _extend_if_needed(self, vol_name, src_size, vol_size):
"""Extend the volume from size src_size to size vol_size."""
if vol_size > src_size:
vol_size = vol_size * units.Gi
self._array.extend_volume(vol_name, vol_size)
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Disconnect all hosts and delete the volume"""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.delete_volume.")
vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)
connected_hosts = \
for host_info in connected_hosts:
host_name = host_info["host"]
self._disconnect_host(host_name, vol_name)
except purestorage.PureHTTPError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if err.code == 400 and \
ERR_MSG_NOT_EXIST in err.text:
# Happens if the volume does not exist.
ctxt.reraise = False
LOG.warn(_LW("Volume deletion failed with message: %s"),
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.delete_volume.")
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Creates a snapshot."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.create_snapshot.")
vol_name, snap_suff = _get_snap_name(snapshot).split(".")
self._array.create_snapshot(vol_name, suffix=snap_suff)
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.create_snapshot.")
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Deletes a snapshot."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.delete_snapshot.")
snap_name = _get_snap_name(snapshot)
except purestorage.PureHTTPError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if err.code == 400:
# Happens if the snapshot does not exist.
ctxt.reraise = False
LOG.error(_LE("Snapshot deletion failed with message:"
" %s"), err.text)
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.delete_snapshot.")
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Allow connection to connector and return connection info."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.initialize_connection.")
target_port = self._get_target_iscsi_port()
connection = self._connect(volume, connector)
properties = {
"driver_volume_type": "iscsi",
"data": {
"target_iqn": target_port["iqn"],
"target_portal": target_port["portal"],
"target_lun": connection["lun"],
"target_discovered": True,
"access_mode": "rw",
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.initialize_connection. "
"Return value: %s", str(properties))
return properties
def _get_target_iscsi_port(self):
"""Return dictionary describing iSCSI-enabled port on target array."""
self._run_iscsiadm_bare(["-m", "discovery", "-t", "sendtargets",
"-p", self._iscsi_port["portal"]])
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
LOG.warn(_LW("iSCSI discovery of port %(port_name)s at "
"%(port_portal)s failed with error: %(err_msg)s"),
{"port_name": self._iscsi_port["name"],
"port_portal": self._iscsi_port["portal"],
"err_msg": err.stderr})
self._iscsi_port = self._choose_target_iscsi_port()
return self._iscsi_port
@utils.retry(exception.PureDriverException, retries=3)
def _choose_target_iscsi_port(self):
"""Find a reachable iSCSI-enabled port on target array."""
ports = self._array.list_ports()
iscsi_ports = [port for port in ports if port["iqn"]]
for port in iscsi_ports:
self._run_iscsiadm_bare(["-m", "discovery",
"-t", "sendtargets",
"-p", port["portal"]])
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
LOG.debug(("iSCSI discovery of port %(port_name)s at "
"%(port_portal)s failed with error: %(err_msg)s"),
{"port_name": port["name"],
"port_portal": port["portal"],
"err_msg": err.stderr})
else:"Using port %(name)s on the array at %(portal)s "
"for iSCSI connectivity."),
{"name": port["name"], "portal": port["portal"]})
return port
raise exception.PureDriverException(
reason=_("No reachable iSCSI-enabled ports on target array."))
def _connect(self, volume, connector):
"""Connect the host and volume; return dict describing connection."""
connection = None
vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)
host = self._get_host(connector)
if host:
host_name = host["name"]"Re-using existing purity host %(host_name)r"),
{"host_name": host_name})
host_name = _generate_purity_host_name(connector["host"])
iqn = connector["initiator"]"Creating host object %(host_name)r with IQN:"
" %(iqn)s."), {"host_name": host_name, "iqn": iqn})
self._array.create_host(host_name, iqnlist=[iqn])
connection = self._array.connect_host(host_name, vol_name)
except purestorage.PureHTTPError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if (err.code == 400 and
"Connection already exists" in err.text):
# Happens if the volume is already connected to the host.
ctxt.reraise = False
LOG.warn(_LW("Volume connection already exists with "
"message: %s"), err.text)
# Get the info for the existing connection
connected_hosts = \
for host_info in connected_hosts:
if host_info["host"] == host_name:
connection = host_info
if not connection:
raise exception.PureDriverException(
reason=_("Unable to connect or find connection to host"))
return connection
def _get_host(self, connector):
"""Return dict describing existing Purity host object or None."""
hosts = self._array.list_hosts()
for host in hosts:
if connector["initiator"] in host["iqn"]:
return host
return None
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
"""Terminate connection."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.terminate_connection.")
vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)
host = self._get_host(connector)
if host:
host_name = host["name"]
self._disconnect_host(host_name, vol_name)
LOG.error(_LE("Unable to find host object in Purity with IQN: "
"%(iqn)s."), {"iqn": connector["initiator"]})
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.terminate_connection.")
def _disconnect_host(self, host_name, vol_name):
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver._disconnect_host.")
self._array.disconnect_host(host_name, vol_name)
except purestorage.PureHTTPError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if err.code == 400:
# Happens if the host and volume are not connected.
ctxt.reraise = False
LOG.error(_LE("Disconnection failed with message: "
"%(msg)s."), {"msg": err.text})
if (GENERATED_NAME.match(host_name) and
not self._array.list_host_connections(host_name,
private=True)):"Deleting unneeded host %(host_name)r."),
{"host_name": host_name})
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver._disconnect_host.")
def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
"""Return the current state of the volume service.
If 'refresh' is True, run the update first.
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.get_volume_stats.")
if refresh:
LOG.debug("Updating volume stats.")
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.get_volume_stats.")
return self._stats
def _update_stats(self):
"""Set self._stats with relevant information."""
info = self._array.get(space=True)
total_capacity = float(info["capacity"]) / units.Gi
used_space = float(info["total"]) / units.Gi
free_space = float(total_capacity - used_space)
provisioned_space = float(self._get_provisioned_space()) / units.Gi
# If array is empty we can not calculate a max oversubscription ratio.
# In this case we choose 20 as a default value for the ratio. Once
# some volumes are actually created and some data is stored on the
# array a much more accurate number will be presented based on current
# usage.
if used_space == 0 or provisioned_space == 0:
thin_provisioning = 20
thin_provisioning = provisioned_space / used_space
data = {"volume_backend_name": self._backend_name,
"vendor_name": "Pure Storage",
"driver_version": self.VERSION,
"storage_protocol": "iSCSI",
"total_capacity_gb": total_capacity,
"free_capacity_gb": free_space,
"reserved_percentage": 0,
"consistencygroup_support": True,
"thin_provisioning_support": True,
"provisioned_capacity": provisioned_space,
"max_over_subscription_ratio": thin_provisioning
self._stats = data
def _get_provisioned_space(self):
"""Sum up provisioned size of all volumes on array"""
volumes = self._array.list_volumes(pending=True)
return sum(item["size"] for item in volumes)
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend volume to new_size."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.extend_volume.")
vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)
new_size = new_size * units.Gi
self._array.extend_volume(vol_name, new_size)
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.extend_volume.")
def _add_volume_to_consistency_group(self, consistencygroup_id, vol_name):
pgroup_name = _get_pgroup_name_from_id(consistencygroup_id)
self._array.set_pgroup(pgroup_name, addvollist=[vol_name])
def create_consistencygroup(self, context, group):
"""Creates a consistencygroup."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.create_consistencygroup")
model_update = {'status': 'available'}
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.create_consistencygroup")
return model_update
def delete_consistencygroup(self, context, group):
"""Deletes a consistency group."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.delete_consistencygroup")
except purestorage.PureHTTPError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if (err.code == 400 and
ERR_MSG_NOT_EXIST in err.text)):
# Treat these as a "success" case since we are trying
# to delete them anyway.
ctxt.reraise = False
LOG.warning(_LW("Unable to delete Protection Group: %s"),
volumes = self.db.volume_get_all_by_group(context,
for volume in volumes:
volume.status = 'deleted'
model_update = {'status': group['status']}
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.delete_consistencygroup")
return model_update, volumes
def create_cgsnapshot(self, context, cgsnapshot):
"""Creates a cgsnapshot."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.create_cgsnapshot")
pgroup_name = _get_pgroup_name_from_id(cgsnapshot.consistencygroup_id)
pgsnap_suffix = _get_pgroup_snap_suffix(cgsnapshot)
self._array.create_pgroup_snapshot(pgroup_name, suffix=pgsnap_suffix)
snapshots = self.db.snapshot_get_all_for_cgsnapshot(
for snapshot in snapshots:
snapshot.status = 'available'
model_update = {'status': 'available'}
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.create_cgsnapshot")
return model_update, snapshots
def delete_cgsnapshot(self, context, cgsnapshot):
"""Deletes a cgsnapshot."""
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.delete_cgsnapshot")
pgsnap_name = _get_pgroup_snap_name(cgsnapshot)
# FlashArray.destroy_pgroup is also used for deleting
# pgroup snapshots. The underlying REST API is identical.
except purestorage.PureHTTPError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if (err.code == 400 and
ERR_MSG_NOT_EXIST in err.text)):
# Treat these as a "success" case since we are trying
# to delete them anyway.
ctxt.reraise = False
LOG.warning(_LW("Unable to delete Protection Group "
"Snapshot: %s"), err.text)
snapshots = self.db.snapshot_get_all_for_cgsnapshot(
for snapshot in snapshots:
snapshot.status = 'deleted'
model_update = {'status': cgsnapshot.status}
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.delete_cgsnapshot")
return model_update, snapshots
def _validate_manage_existing_ref(self, existing_ref):
"""Ensure that an existing_ref is valid and return volume info
If the ref is not valid throw a ManageExistingInvalidReference
exception with an appropriate error.
if "name" not in existing_ref or not existing_ref["name"]:
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
reason=_("PureISCSIDriver manage_existing requires a 'name'"
" key to identify an existing volume."))
ref_vol_name = existing_ref['name']
volume_info = self._array.get_volume(ref_vol_name)
if volume_info:
return volume_info
except purestorage.PureHTTPError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if (err.code == 400 and
ERR_MSG_NOT_EXIST in err.text):
ctxt.reraise = False
# If volume information was unable to be retrieved we need
# to throw a Invalid Reference exception
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
reason=_("Unable to find volume with name=%s") % ref_vol_name)
def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Brings an existing backend storage object under Cinder management.
We expect a volume name in the existing_ref that matches one in Purity.
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.manage_existing.")
ref_vol_name = existing_ref['name']
connected_hosts = \
if len(connected_hosts) > 0:
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
reason=_("PureISCSIDriver manage_existing cannot manage a "
"volume connected to hosts. Please disconnect the "
"volume from existing hosts before importing."))
new_vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)"Renaming existing volume %(ref_name)s to %(new_name)s"),
{"ref_name": ref_vol_name, "new_name": new_vol_name})
self._array.rename_volume(ref_vol_name, new_vol_name)
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.manage_existing.")
return None
def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Return size of volume to be managed by manage_existing.
We expect a volume name in the existing_ref that matches one in Purity.
LOG.debug("Enter PureISCSIDriver.manage_existing_get_size.")
volume_info = self._validate_manage_existing_ref(existing_ref)
size = math.ceil(float(volume_info["size"]) / units.Gi)
LOG.debug("Leave PureISCSIDriver.manage_existing_get_size.")
return size
def unmanage(self, volume):
"""Removes the specified volume from Cinder management.
Does not delete the underlying backend storage object.
The volume will be renamed with "-unmanaged" as a suffix
vol_name = _get_vol_name(volume)
unmanaged_vol_name = vol_name + "-unmanaged""Renaming existing volume %(ref_name)s to %(new_name)s"),
{"ref_name": vol_name, "new_name": unmanaged_vol_name})
self._array.rename_volume(vol_name, unmanaged_vol_name)
except purestorage.PureHTTPError as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if (err.code == 400 and
ERR_MSG_NOT_EXIST in err.text):
ctxt.reraise = False
LOG.warn(_LW("Volume unmanage was unable to rename "
"the volume, error message: %s"), err.text)