TommyLike 6c81586a90 Schedule request to scheduler when manage existing snapshot
Pass the request to scheduler service rather than volume
service in order to check backend's capacity.

Partial-Implements: bp inspection-mechanism-for-capacity-limited-host
Change-Id: Iafaa48b908c26c1fa6862a8dfc27b43d525847e4
2018-01-31 00:48:08 +00:00

263 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2012, Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Client side of the scheduler manager RPC API.
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from cinder.common import constants
from cinder import rpc
class SchedulerAPI(rpc.RPCAPI):
"""Client side of the scheduler RPC API.
API version history:
.. code-block:: none
1.0 - Initial version.
1.1 - Add create_volume() method
1.2 - Add request_spec, filter_properties arguments to
1.3 - Add migrate_volume_to_host() method
1.4 - Add retype method
1.5 - Add manage_existing method
1.6 - Add create_consistencygroup method
1.7 - Add get_active_pools method
1.8 - Add sending object over RPC in create_consistencygroup method
1.9 - Adds support for sending objects over RPC in create_volume()
1.10 - Adds support for sending objects over RPC in retype()
1.11 - Adds support for sending objects over RPC in
... Mitaka supports messaging 1.11. Any changes to existing methods in
1.x after this point should be done so that they can handle version cap
set to 1.11.
2.0 - Remove 1.x compatibility
2.1 - Adds support for sending objects over RPC in manage_existing()
2.2 - Sends request_spec as object in create_volume()
2.3 - Add create_group method
... Newton supports messaging 2.3. Any changes to existing methods in
2.x after this point should be done so that they can handle version cap
set to 2.3.
3.0 - Remove 2.x compatibility
3.1 - Adds notify_service_capabilities()
3.2 - Adds extend_volume()
3.3 - Add cluster support to migrate_volume, and to
update_service_capabilities and send the timestamp from the
3.4 - Adds work_cleanup and do_cleanup methods.
3.5 - Make notify_service_capabilities support A/A
3.6 - Removed create_consistencygroup method
3.7 - Adds set_log_levels and get_log_levels
3.8 - Addds ``valid_host_capacity`` method
3.9 - Adds create_snapshot method
3.10 - Adds backup_id to create_volume method.
3.11 - Adds manage_existing_snapshot method.
BINARY = 'cinder-scheduler'
def create_group(self, ctxt, group, group_spec=None,
request_spec_list=None, group_filter_properties=None,
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
request_spec_p_list = [jsonutils.to_primitive(rs)
for rs in request_spec_list]
group_spec_p = jsonutils.to_primitive(group_spec)
msg_args = {
'group': group, 'group_spec': group_spec_p,
'request_spec_list': request_spec_p_list,
'group_filter_properties': group_filter_properties,
'filter_properties_list': filter_properties_list,
cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'create_group', **msg_args)
def create_volume(self, ctxt, volume, snapshot_id=None, image_id=None,
request_spec=None, filter_properties=None,
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
msg_args = {'snapshot_id': snapshot_id, 'image_id': image_id,
'request_spec': request_spec,
'filter_properties': filter_properties,
'volume': volume, 'backup_id': backup_id}
if not self.client.can_send_version('3.10'):
return cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'create_volume', **msg_args)
def validate_host_capacity(self, ctxt, backend, request_spec,
msg_args = {'request_spec': request_spec,
'filter_properties': filter_properties, 'backend': backend}
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
return, 'validate_host_capacity', **msg_args)
def create_snapshot(self, ctxt, volume, snapshot, backend,
request_spec=None, filter_properties=None):
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
msg_args = {'request_spec': request_spec,
'filter_properties': filter_properties,
'volume': volume,
'snapshot': snapshot,
'backend': backend}
return cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'create_snapshot', **msg_args)
def migrate_volume(self, ctxt, volume, backend, force_copy=False,
request_spec=None, filter_properties=None):
request_spec_p = jsonutils.to_primitive(request_spec)
msg_args = {'request_spec': request_spec_p,
'filter_properties': filter_properties, 'volume': volume}
version = '3.3'
if self.client.can_send_version(version):
msg_args['backend'] = backend
msg_args['force_copy'] = force_copy
method = 'migrate_volume'
version = '3.0'
msg_args['host'] = backend
msg_args['force_host_copy'] = force_copy
method = 'migrate_volume_to_host'
cctxt = self._get_cctxt(version=version)
return cctxt.cast(ctxt, method, **msg_args)
def retype(self, ctxt, volume, request_spec=None, filter_properties=None):
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
request_spec_p = jsonutils.to_primitive(request_spec)
msg_args = {'request_spec': request_spec_p,
'filter_properties': filter_properties, 'volume': volume}
return cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'retype', **msg_args)
def manage_existing(self, ctxt, volume, request_spec=None,
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
request_spec_p = jsonutils.to_primitive(request_spec)
msg_args = {
'request_spec': request_spec_p,
'filter_properties': filter_properties, 'volume': volume,
return cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'manage_existing', **msg_args)
def manage_existing_snapshot(self, ctxt, volume, snapshot, ref,
request_spec=None, filter_properties=None):
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
request_spec_p = jsonutils.to_primitive(request_spec)
msg_args = {
'request_spec': request_spec_p,
'filter_properties': filter_properties,
'volume': volume,
'snapshot': snapshot,
'ref': ref,
return cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'manage_existing_snapshot', **msg_args)
def extend_volume(self, ctxt, volume, new_size, reservations,
request_spec, filter_properties=None):
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
request_spec_p = jsonutils.to_primitive(request_spec)
msg_args = {
'volume': volume,
'new_size': new_size,
'reservations': reservations,
'request_spec': request_spec_p,
'filter_properties': filter_properties,
return cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'extend_volume', **msg_args)
def get_pools(self, ctxt, filters=None):
cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
return, 'get_pools', filters=filters)
def prepare_timestamp(timestamp):
timestamp = timestamp or timeutils.utcnow()
return jsonutils.to_primitive(timestamp)
def update_service_capabilities(self, ctxt, service_name, host,
capabilities, cluster_name,
msg_args = dict(service_name=service_name, host=host,
version = '3.3'
# If server accepts timestamping the capabilities and the cluster name
if self.client.can_send_version(version):
# Serialize the timestamp
version = '3.0'
cctxt = self._get_cctxt(fanout=True, version=version)
cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'update_service_capabilities', **msg_args)
def notify_service_capabilities(self, ctxt, service_name,
backend, capabilities, timestamp=None):
parameters = {'service_name': service_name,
'capabilities': capabilities}
if self.client.can_send_version('3.5'):
version = '3.5'
version = '3.1'
parameters['host'] = backend
cctxt = self._get_cctxt(version=version)
cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'notify_service_capabilities', **parameters)
def work_cleanup(self, ctxt, cleanup_request):
"""Generate individual service cleanup requests from user request."""
cctxt = self.client.prepare(version='3.4')
# Response will have services that are receiving the cleanup request
# and services that couldn't receive it since they are down.
return, 'work_cleanup',
def do_cleanup(self, ctxt, cleanup_request):
"""Perform this scheduler's resource cleanup as per cleanup_request."""
cctxt = self.client.prepare(version='3.4')
cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'do_cleanup', cleanup_request=cleanup_request)
def set_log_levels(self, context, service, log_request):
cctxt = self._get_cctxt(, version='3.7')
cctxt.cast(context, 'set_log_levels', log_request=log_request)
def get_log_levels(self, context, service, log_request):
cctxt = self._get_cctxt(, version='3.7')
return, 'get_log_levels', log_request=log_request)