# Copyright (c) 2017, Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import json as json_lib import logging import multiprocessing import os from cinder import coordination from cinder.db import api as db_api from cinder import objects as cinder_objects # We need this here until we remove from cinder/volume/manager.py: # VA_LIST = objects.VolumeAttachmentList cinder_objects.register_all() # noqa from cinder.interface import util as cinder_interface_util from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import configuration from cinder.volume import manager # noqa We need to import config options from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as oslo_logging from oslo_utils import importutils import urllib3 import cinderlib from cinderlib import nos_brick from cinderlib import objects from cinderlib import persistence from cinderlib import serialization from cinderlib import utils as cinderlib_utils __all__ = ['setup', 'Backend'] LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Backend(object): """Representation of a Cinder Driver. User facing attributes are: - __init__ - json - jsons - load - stats - create_volume - global_setup - validate_connector """ backends = {} global_initialization = False # Some drivers try access the DB directly for extra specs on creation. # With this dictionary the DB class can get the necessary data _volumes_inflight = {} def __init__(self, volume_backend_name, **driver_cfg): if not self.global_initialization: self.global_setup() driver_cfg['volume_backend_name'] = volume_backend_name Backend.backends[volume_backend_name] = self conf = self._get_backend_config(driver_cfg) self._apply_backend_workarounds(conf) self.driver = importutils.import_object( conf.volume_driver, configuration=conf, db=self.persistence.db, host='%s@%s' % (cfg.CONF.host, volume_backend_name), cluster_name=None, # We don't use cfg.CONF.cluster for now active_backend_id=None) # No failover for now self.driver.do_setup(objects.CONTEXT) self.driver.check_for_setup_error() self.driver.init_capabilities() self.driver.set_throttle() self.driver.set_initialized() self._driver_cfg = driver_cfg self._volumes = None # Some drivers don't implement the caching correctly. Populate cache # with data retrieved in init_capabilities. stats = self.driver.capabilities.copy() stats.pop('properties', None) stats.pop('vendor_prefix', None) self._stats = self._transform_legacy_stats(stats) self._pool_names = tuple(pool['pool_name'] for pool in stats['pools']) @property def pool_names(self): return self._pool_names def __repr__(self): return '' % self.id def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.driver, name) @property def id(self): return self._driver_cfg['volume_backend_name'] @property def volumes(self): if self._volumes is None: self._volumes = self.persistence.get_volumes(backend_name=self.id) return self._volumes def volumes_filtered(self, volume_id=None, volume_name=None): return self.persistence.get_volumes(backend_name=self.id, volume_id=volume_id, volume_name=volume_name) def _transform_legacy_stats(self, stats): """Convert legacy stats to new stats with pools key.""" # Fill pools for legacy driver reports if stats and 'pools' not in stats: pool = stats.copy() pool['pool_name'] = self.id for key in ('driver_version', 'shared_targets', 'sparse_copy_volume', 'storage_protocol', 'vendor_name', 'volume_backend_name'): pool.pop(key, None) stats['pools'] = [pool] return stats def stats(self, refresh=False): # Some drivers don't implement the caching correctly, so we implement # it ourselves. if refresh: stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(refresh=refresh) self._stats = self._transform_legacy_stats(stats) return self._stats def create_volume(self, size, name='', description='', bootable=False, **kwargs): vol = objects.Volume(self, size=size, name=name, description=description, bootable=bootable, **kwargs) vol.create() return vol def _volume_removed(self, volume): i, vol = cinderlib_utils.find_by_id(volume.id, self._volumes) if vol: del self._volumes[i] @classmethod def _start_creating_volume(cls, volume): cls._volumes_inflight[volume.id] = volume def _volume_created(self, volume): if self._volumes is not None: self._volumes.append(volume) self._volumes_inflight.pop(volume.id, None) def validate_connector(self, connector_dict): """Raise exception if missing info for volume's connect call.""" self.driver.validate_connector(connector_dict) @classmethod def set_persistence(cls, persistence_config): if not hasattr(cls, 'project_id'): raise Exception('set_persistence can only be called after ' 'cinderlib has been configured') cls.persistence = persistence.setup(persistence_config) objects.setup(cls.persistence, Backend, cls.project_id, cls.user_id, cls.non_uuid_ids) for backend in cls.backends.values(): backend.driver.db = cls.persistence.db # Replace the standard DB implementation instance with the one from # the persistence plugin. db_api.IMPL = cls.persistence.db @classmethod def _set_cinder_config(cls, host, locks_path, cinder_config_params): """Setup the parser with all the known Cinder configuration.""" cfg.CONF.set_default('state_path', os.getcwd()) cfg.CONF.set_default('lock_path', '$state_path', 'oslo_concurrency') cfg.CONF.version = cinderlib.__version__ if locks_path: cfg.CONF.oslo_concurrency.lock_path = locks_path cfg.CONF.coordination.backend_url = 'file://' + locks_path if host: cfg.CONF.host = host cls._validate_and_set_options(cinder_config_params) # Replace command line arg parser so we ignore caller's args cfg._CachedArgumentParser.parse_args = lambda *a, **kw: None @classmethod def _validate_and_set_options(cls, kvs, group=None): """Validate options and substitute references.""" # Dynamically loading the driver triggers adding the specific # configuration options to the backend_defaults section if kvs.get('volume_driver'): driver_ns = kvs['volume_driver'].rsplit('.', 1)[0] __import__(driver_ns) group = group or 'backend_defaults' for k, v in kvs.items(): try: # set_override does the validation cfg.CONF.set_override(k, v, group) except cfg.NoSuchOptError: # RBD keyring may be removed from the Cinder RBD driver, but # the functionality will remain for cinderlib usage only, so we # do the validation manually in that case. # NOTE: Templating won't work on the rbd_keyring_conf, but it's # unlikely to be needed. if k == 'rbd_keyring_conf': if v and not isinstance(v, str): raise ValueError('%s must be a string' % k) else: # Don't fail on unknown variables, behave like cinder LOG.warning('Unknown config option %s', k) oslo_group = getattr(cfg.CONF, str(group), cfg.CONF) # Now that we have validated/templated everything set updated values for k, v in kvs.items(): kvs[k] = getattr(oslo_group, k, v) # For global configuration we leave the overrides, but for drivers we # don't to prevent cross-driver config polination. The cfg will be # set as an attribute of the configuration that's passed to the driver. if group: for k in kvs.keys(): try: cfg.CONF.clear_override(k, group, clear_cache=True) except cfg.NoSuchOptError: pass def _get_backend_config(self, driver_cfg): # Create the group for the backend backend_name = driver_cfg['volume_backend_name'] cfg.CONF.register_group(cfg.OptGroup(backend_name)) # Validate and set config options self._validate_and_set_options(driver_cfg) backend_group = getattr(cfg.CONF, backend_name) for key, value in driver_cfg.items(): setattr(backend_group, key, value) # Return the Configuration that will be passed to the driver config = configuration.Configuration([], config_group=backend_name) return config @classmethod def global_setup(cls, file_locks_path=None, root_helper='sudo', suppress_requests_ssl_warnings=True, disable_logs=True, non_uuid_ids=False, output_all_backend_info=False, project_id=None, user_id=None, persistence_config=None, fail_on_missing_backend=True, host=None, **cinder_config_params): # Global setup can only be set once if cls.global_initialization: raise Exception('Already setup') cls.fail_on_missing_backend = fail_on_missing_backend cls.root_helper = root_helper cls.project_id = project_id cls.user_id = user_id cls.non_uuid_ids = non_uuid_ids cls.set_persistence(persistence_config) cls._set_cinder_config(host, file_locks_path, cinder_config_params) serialization.setup(cls) cls._set_logging(disable_logs) cls._set_priv_helper(root_helper) coordination.COORDINATOR.start() if suppress_requests_ssl_warnings: urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) urllib3.disable_warnings( urllib3.exceptions.InsecurePlatformWarning) cls.global_initialization = True cls.output_all_backend_info = output_all_backend_info def _apply_backend_workarounds(self, config): """Apply workarounds for drivers that do bad stuff.""" if 'netapp' in config.volume_driver: # Workaround NetApp's weird replication stuff that makes it reload # config sections in get_backend_configuration. OK since we don't # support replication. cfg.CONF.list_all_sections = lambda: config.volume_backend_name @classmethod def _set_logging(cls, disable_logs): if disable_logs: logging.Logger.disabled = property(lambda s: True, lambda s, x: None) return oslo_logging.setup(cfg.CONF, 'cinder') logging.captureWarnings(True) @classmethod def _set_priv_helper(cls, root_helper): utils.get_root_helper = lambda: root_helper nos_brick.init(root_helper) @property def config(self): if self.output_all_backend_info: return self._driver_cfg return {'volume_backend_name': self._driver_cfg['volume_backend_name']} def _serialize(self, property_name): result = [getattr(volume, property_name) for volume in self.volumes] # We only need to output the full backend configuration once if self.output_all_backend_info: backend = {'volume_backend_name': self.id} for volume in result: volume['backend'] = backend return {'class': type(self).__name__, 'backend': self.config, 'volumes': result} @property def json(self): return self._serialize('json') @property def dump(self): return self._serialize('dump') @property def jsons(self): return json_lib.dumps(self.json) @property def dumps(self): return json_lib.dumps(self.dump) @classmethod def load(cls, json_src, save=False): backend = Backend.load_backend(json_src['backend']) volumes = json_src.get('volumes') if volumes: backend._volumes = [objects.Volume.load(v, save) for v in volumes] return backend @classmethod def load_backend(cls, backend_data): backend_name = backend_data['volume_backend_name'] if backend_name in cls.backends: return cls.backends[backend_name] if len(backend_data) > 1: return cls(**backend_data) if cls.fail_on_missing_backend: raise Exception('Backend not present in system or json.') return backend_name def refresh(self): if self._volumes is not None: self._volumes = None self.volumes @staticmethod def list_supported_drivers(output_version=1): """Returns dictionary with driver classes names as keys. The output of the method changes from version to version, so we can pass the output_version parameter to specify which version we are expecting. Version 1: Original output intended for human consumption, where all dictionary values are strings. Version 2: Improved version intended for automated consumption. - type is now a dictionary with detailed information - Values retain their types, so we'll no longer get 'None' or 'False'. """ def get_vars(obj): return {k: v for k, v in vars(obj).items() if not k.startswith('_')} def get_strs(obj): return {k: str(v) for k, v in vars(obj).items() if not k.startswith('_')} def convert_oslo_config(oslo_option, output_version): if output_version != 2: return get_strs(oslo_option) res = get_vars(oslo_option) type_class = res['type'] res['type'] = get_vars(oslo_option.type) res['type']['type_class'] = type_class return res def fix_cinderlib_options(driver_dict, output_version): # The rbd_keyring_conf option is deprecated and will be removed for # Cinder, because it's a security vulnerability there (OSSN-0085), # but it isn't for cinderlib, since the user of the library already # has access to all the credentials, and cinderlib needs it to work # with RBD, so we need to make sure that the config option is # there whether it's reported as deprecated or removed from Cinder. RBD_KEYRING_CONF = cfg.StrOpt('rbd_keyring_conf', default='', help='Path to the ceph keyring file') if driver_dict['class_name'] != 'RBDDriver': return rbd_opt = convert_oslo_config(RBD_KEYRING_CONF, output_version) for opt in driver_dict['driver_options']: if opt['dest'] == 'rbd_keyring_conf': opt.clear() opt.update(rbd_opt) break else: driver_dict['driver_options'].append(rbd_opt) def list_drivers(queue, output_version): cwd = os.getcwd() # Go to the parent directory directory where Cinder is installed os.chdir(utils.__file__.rsplit(os.sep, 2)[0]) try: drivers = cinder_interface_util.get_volume_drivers() mapping = {d.class_name: vars(d) for d in drivers} for driver in mapping.values(): driver.pop('cls', None) if 'driver_options' in driver: driver['driver_options'] = [ convert_oslo_config(opt, output_version) for opt in driver['driver_options'] ] fix_cinderlib_options(driver, output_version) finally: os.chdir(cwd) queue.put(mapping) if not (1 <= output_version <= 2): raise ValueError('Acceptable versions are 1 and 2') # Use a different process to avoid having all driver classes loaded in # memory during our execution. queue = multiprocessing.Queue() p = multiprocessing.Process(target=list_drivers, args=(queue, output_version)) p.start() result = queue.get() p.join() return result setup = Backend.global_setup # Used by serialization.load objects.Backend = Backend # Needed if we use serialization.load before initializing cinderlib objects.Object.backend_class = Backend