diff --git a/cloudkitty/collector/gnocchi.py b/cloudkitty/collector/gnocchi.py
index b7e21cbf..e02067f3 100644
--- a/cloudkitty/collector/gnocchi.py
+++ b/cloudkitty/collector/gnocchi.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import copy
 from datetime import timedelta
 import requests
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from voluptuous import All
 from voluptuous import In
+from voluptuous import Invalid
 from voluptuous import Length
 from voluptuous import Range
 from voluptuous import Required
@@ -39,6 +41,24 @@ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 COLLECTOR_GNOCCHI_OPTS = 'collector_gnocchi'
+def GnocchiMetricDict(value):
+    if isinstance(value, dict) and len(value.keys()) > 0:
+        return value
+    if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0:
+        for v in value:
+            if not (isinstance(v, dict) and len(v.keys()) > 0):
+                raise Invalid("Not a dict with at least one key or a "
+                              "list with at least one dict with at "
+                              "least one key. Provided value: %s" % value)
+        return value
+    raise Invalid("Not a dict with at least one key or a "
+                  "list with at least one dict with at "
+                  "least one key. Provided value: %s" % value)
+GNOCCHI_CONF_SCHEMA = {Required('metrics'): GnocchiMetricDict}
 collector_gnocchi_opts = [
@@ -183,16 +203,30 @@ class GnocchiCollector(collector.BaseCollector):
         """Check metrics configuration
-        conf = collector.BaseCollector.check_configuration(conf)
+        conf = Schema(GNOCCHI_CONF_SCHEMA)(conf)
+        conf = copy.deepcopy(conf)
+        scope_key = CONF.collect.scope_key
         metric_schema = Schema(collector.METRIC_BASE_SCHEMA).extend(
         output = {}
-        for metric_name, metric in conf.items():
-            met = output[metric_name] = metric_schema(metric)
+        for metric_name, metric in conf['metrics'].items():
+            if not isinstance(metric, list):
+                metric = [metric]
+            for m in metric:
+                met = metric_schema(m)
+                m.update(met)
+                if scope_key not in m['groupby']:
+                    m['groupby'].append(scope_key)
+                if met['extra_args']['resource_key'] not in m['groupby']:
+                    m['groupby'].append(met['extra_args']['resource_key'])
-            if met['extra_args']['resource_key'] not in met['groupby']:
-                met['groupby'].append(met['extra_args']['resource_key'])
+                names = [metric_name]
+                alt_name = met.get('alt_name')
+                if alt_name is not None:
+                    names.append(alt_name)
+                new_metric_name = "@#".join(names)
+                output[new_metric_name] = m
         return output
@@ -337,7 +371,7 @@ class GnocchiCollector(collector.BaseCollector):
                 if 'Metrics not found' not in e.message["cause"]:
             LOG.warning('[{scope}] Skipping this metric for the '
-                        'current cycle.'.format(scope=project_id, err=e))
+                        'current cycle.'.format(scope=project_id))
             return []
     def get_aggregation_api_arguments(self, end, metric_name, project_id,
@@ -392,6 +426,7 @@ class GnocchiCollector(collector.BaseCollector):
     def generate_aggregation_operation(extra_args, metric_name):
+        metric_name = metric_name.split('@#')[0]
         aggregation_method = extra_args['aggregation_method']
         re_aggregation_method = aggregation_method
diff --git a/cloudkitty/orchestrator.py b/cloudkitty/orchestrator.py
index f50f56fe..4273dba3 100644
--- a/cloudkitty/orchestrator.py
+++ b/cloudkitty/orchestrator.py
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ class Worker(BaseWorker):
         return True
     def do_execute_scope_processing(self, timestamp):
-        metrics = list(self._conf['metrics'].keys())
+        metrics = list(self._collector.conf.keys())
         # Collection
         metrics = sorted(metrics)
         usage_data = self._do_collection(metrics, timestamp)
diff --git a/cloudkitty/tests/collectors/test_gnocchi.py b/cloudkitty/tests/collectors/test_gnocchi.py
index 9f16382e..f765ed09 100644
--- a/cloudkitty/tests/collectors/test_gnocchi.py
+++ b/cloudkitty/tests/collectors/test_gnocchi.py
@@ -67,6 +67,34 @@ class GnocchiCollectorTest(tests.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+    def test_collector_retrieve_metrics(self):
+        expected_data = {"group": {"id": "id-1",
+                                   "revision_start": datetime.datetime(
+                                       2020, 1, 1, 1, 10, 0, tzinfo=tz.tzutc())
+                                   }}
+        data = [
+            {"group": {"id": "id-1", "revision_start": datetime.datetime(
+                2020, 1, 1, tzinfo=tz.tzutc())}},
+            expected_data
+        ]
+        no_response = mock.patch(
+            'cloudkitty.collector.gnocchi.GnocchiCollector.fetch_all',
+            return_value=data,
+        )
+        for c in self.collector.conf:
+            with no_response:
+                actual_name, actual_data = self.collector.retrieve(
+                    metric_name=c,
+                    start=samples.FIRST_PERIOD_BEGIN,
+                    end=samples.FIRST_PERIOD_END,
+                    project_id=samples.TENANT,
+                    q_filter=None,
+                )
     def test_generate_two_fields_filter_different_operations(self):
         actual = self.collector.gen_filter(
@@ -160,8 +188,8 @@ class GnocchiCollectorAggregationOperationTest(tests.TestCase):
         self.start = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, tzinfo=tz.tzutc())
         self.end = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 1, tzinfo=tz.tzutc())
-    def do_test(self, expected_op, extra_args=None):
-        conf = {
+    def do_test(self, expected_op, extra_args=None, conf=None):
+        conf = conf or {
             'metrics': {
                 'metric_one': {
                     'unit': 'GiB',
@@ -172,16 +200,38 @@ class GnocchiCollectorAggregationOperationTest(tests.TestCase):
         coll = gnocchi.GnocchiCollector(period=3600, conf=conf)
-        with mock.patch.object(coll._conn.aggregates, 'fetch') as fetch_mock:
-            coll._fetch_metric('metric_one', self.start, self.end)
-            fetch_mock.assert_called_once_with(
-                expected_op,
-                groupby=['project_id', 'id'],
-                resource_type='resource_x',
-                search={'=': {'type': 'resource_x'}},
-                start=self.start, stop=self.end,
-                granularity=3600
-            )
+        for c in coll.conf:
+            with mock.patch.object(coll._conn.aggregates,
+                                   'fetch') as fetch_mock:
+                coll._fetch_metric(c, self.start, self.end)
+                fetch_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                    expected_op,
+                    groupby=['project_id', 'id'],
+                    resource_type='resource_x',
+                    search={'=': {'type': 'resource_x'}},
+                    start=self.start, stop=self.end,
+                    granularity=3600
+                )
+    def test_multiple_confs(self):
+        conf = {
+            'metrics': {
+                'metric_one': [{
+                    'alt_name': 'foo',
+                    'unit': 'GiB',
+                    'groupby': ['project_id'],
+                    'extra_args': {'resource_type': 'resource_x'},
+                }, {
+                    'alt_name': 'bar',
+                    'unit': 'GiB',
+                    'groupby': ['project_id'],
+                    'extra_args': {'resource_type': 'resource_x'},
+                }]
+            }
+        }
+        expected_op = ["aggregate", "max", ["metric", "metric_one", "max"]]
+        self.do_test(expected_op, conf=conf)
     def test_no_agg_no_re_agg(self):
         extra_args = {'resource_type': 'resource_x'}
diff --git a/cloudkitty/tests/test_orchestrator.py b/cloudkitty/tests/test_orchestrator.py
index 9e085d67..6e28024c 100644
--- a/cloudkitty/tests/test_orchestrator.py
+++ b/cloudkitty/tests/test_orchestrator.py
@@ -355,14 +355,19 @@ class WorkerTest(tests.TestCase):
             self, update_scope_processing_state_db_mock,
             persist_rating_data_mock, execute_measurements_rating_mock,
-        self.worker._conf = {"metrics": {"metric1": "s", "metric2": "d"}}
+        self.worker._collector = collector.gnocchi.GnocchiCollector(
+            period=3600,
+            conf=tests.samples.DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF,
+        )
         do_collection_mock.return_value = None
         timestamp_now = tzutils.localized_now()
-            mock.call(["metric1", "metric2"], timestamp_now)
+            mock.call(['cpu@#instance', 'image.size', 'ip.floating',
+                       'network.incoming.bytes', 'network.outgoing.bytes',
+                       'radosgw.objects.size', 'volume.size'], timestamp_now)
@@ -378,7 +383,10 @@ class WorkerTest(tests.TestCase):
             self, update_scope_processing_state_db_mock,
             persist_rating_data_mock, execute_measurements_rating_mock,
-        self.worker._conf = {"metrics": {"metric1": "s", "metric2": "d"}}
+        self.worker._collector = collector.gnocchi.GnocchiCollector(
+            period=3600,
+            conf=tests.samples.DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF,
+        )
         usage_data_mock = {"some_usage_data": 2}
         do_collection_mock.return_value = usage_data_mock
@@ -391,7 +399,9 @@ class WorkerTest(tests.TestCase):
-            mock.call(["metric1", "metric2"], timestamp_now)
+            mock.call(['cpu@#instance', 'image.size', 'ip.floating',
+                       'network.incoming.bytes', 'network.outgoing.bytes',
+                       'radosgw.objects.size', 'volume.size'], timestamp_now)
         end_time = tzutils.add_delta(
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/configuration/collector.rst b/doc/source/admin/configuration/collector.rst
index 42afc796..2213e417 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/configuration/collector.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/configuration/collector.rst
@@ -288,6 +288,33 @@ specified. The extra args for each collector are detailed below.
+Besides the common configuration, the Gnocchi collector also accepts a list of
+rating types definitions for each metric. Using a list of rating types
+definitions allows operators to rate different aspects of the same resource
+type collected through the same metric in Gnocchi, otherwise operators would
+need to create multiple metrics in Gnocchi to create multiple rating types in
+.. code-block:: yaml
+   metrics:
+     instance.metric:
+       - unit: instance
+         alt_name: flavor
+         mutate: NUMBOOL
+         groupby:
+           - id
+         metadata:
+           - flavor_id
+       - unit: instance
+         alt_name: operating_system_license
+         mutate: NUMBOOL
+         groupby:
+           - id
+         metadata:
+           - os_license
 .. note:: In order to retrieve metrics from Gnocchi, Cloudkitty uses the
           dynamic aggregates endpoint. It builds an operation of the following
           format: ``(aggregate RE_AGGREGATION_METHOD (metric METRIC_NAME
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/allow-multiple-ranting-types-for-same-metric-in-gnocchi-1011ba2d5d36c073.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/allow-multiple-ranting-types-for-same-metric-in-gnocchi-1011ba2d5d36c073.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9ff5eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/allow-multiple-ranting-types-for-same-metric-in-gnocchi-1011ba2d5d36c073.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    Extends the Gnocchi collector to allow operators
+    to create multiple rating types for the same metric in Gnocchi.
+    The Gnocchi collector is now accepting a list of configs for each
+    metric entry, instead of accepting only one configuration.