Update the "architecture" section of the documentation

This updates the "architecture" section of the documentation. Architecture
schemas have been added and information about the different parts
has been updated and extended.

Story: 2004179
Task: 28515
Change-Id: Ib20409079a1b5aadabeac28a12ec2baa7009ddf6
This commit is contained in:
Luka Peschke 2019-06-05 16:40:57 +02:00
parent 559a16d710
commit a88a7560c7
3 changed files with 96 additions and 84 deletions

@ -2,127 +2,139 @@
CloudKitty's Architecture
CloudKitty can be cut in five big parts:
CloudKitty can be cut into four big parts:
* Data collection (collector)
* Rating processing
* Storage
* Report writer
* Data retrieval (API)
* Data collection (``cloudkitty-processor``)
* Data rating
* Data storage
These parts are handled by two processes: ``cloudkitty-api`` and
``cloudkitty-processor``. The data retrieval part is handled by the
``cloudkitty-api`` process, the other ones are handled by
The following is an overview of CloudKitty's architecture:
.. image:: ../images/cloudkitty_architecture.png
:scale: 70%
For details about the API, see the `api reference`_
The processor falls into the following parts:
* The **fetcher** retrieves a list of **scopes** to rate. A scope
distinguishes and isolates data. It also allows to split the workload
between several cloudkitty-processor workers. It can be anything
that makes sense in a given context, like an OpenStack project or a
Kubernetes namespace.
* The **collector** collects data from a source for a given scope and
* The collected data is then passed to the **rating modules** (several modules
can be enabled at the same time). These will apply user-defined rating rules
to the collected data.
* Once the data has been rated, it is passed to the **storage driver**, which
will store it in a given storage backend. This data will then be available
through the API.
.. _api reference: ../api-reference/index.html
Module loading and extensions
Nearly every part of CloudKitty makes use of stevedore to load extensions
Nearly every part of CloudKitty makes use of stevedore_ to load extensions
dynamically. The following schema shows the modular parts:
.. image:: ../images/cloudkitty_modules.png
:scale: 70%
Every rating module is loaded at runtime and can be enabled/disabled directly
via CloudKitty's API. The module is responsible of its own API to ease the
management of its configuration.
Collectors and storage backends are loaded with stevedore but configured in
CloudKitty's configuration file.
Collectors, fetchers and the storage backend are loaded at runtime but must be
configured in CloudKitty's configuration file.
.. _stevedore: https://docs.openstack.org/stevedore/latest/
Four fetchers are available in cloudkitty:
* The ``keystone`` fetcher retrieves a list of projects on which the
cloudkitty user has the ``rating`` role from Keystone.
* The ``gnocchi`` fetcher retrieves a list of attributes from `Gnocchi`_ for a
given resource type. This is used for standalone Gnocchi deployments or to
discover new projects from Gnocchi when it is used with OpenStack. It can be
used in an OpenStack context or with a standalone Gnocchi deployment.
* The ``prometheus`` fetcher works in a similar way to the Gnocchi fetcher,
which allows to discover scopes from `Prometheus`_.
* The ``source`` fetcher is the simplest one: it reads a list of scopes from
the configuation file and provides it to the collector.
Details about the configuration of each fetcher are available in the
`fetcher configuration guide`_ .
.. _fetcher configuration guide: configuration/fetcher.html
**Loaded with stevedore**
There are three collectors available in CloudKitty:
The name of the collector to use is specified in the configuration. For now,
only one collector can be loaded at once.
This part is responsible for information gathering. It consists of a python
class that loads data from a backend and returns it in a format that CloudKitty
can handle.
* The ``gnocchi`` collector retrieves data from `Gnocchi`_. It can be used in
an OpenStack context or with a standalone Gnocchi deployment.
The data format of CloudKitty is the following:
* The ``monasca`` collector retrieves data from `Monasca`_. Keystone
authentication is required for this collector.
.. code-block:: json
"myservice": [
"rating": {
"price": 0.1
"desc": {
"sugar": "25",
"fiber": "10",
"name": "apples",
"vol": {
"qty": 1,
"unit": "banana"
* The ``prometheus`` collector retrieves data from `Prometheus`_.
Details about the configuration of each collector are available in the
`collector configuration guide`_.
For information about how to write a custom collector, see
the `developer documentation`_.
.. _developer documentation: ../developer/collector.html
.. _collector configuration guide: configuration/collector.html
.. _Gnocchi: https://gnocchi.xyz/
.. _Monasca: https://docs.openstack.org/monasca-api/latest/
.. _Prometheus: https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/
**Loaded with stevedore**
Two rating modules are available in cloudkitty (``noop`` is not considered a
real module, as it does nothing). Several rating modules can be enabled at the
same time. Data will be passed to the enabled modules consecutively. The
module priority can be set through the API, and it determines the order in
which they will process the data (modules with the highest priority first).
This is where every rating calculations is done. The data gathered by the
collector is pushed in a pipeline of rating processors. Every processor does
its calculations and updates the data.
* The ``hashmap`` rating module is the most used one. It allows to create
rating rules based on metric metadatas.
Example of minimal rating module (taken from the Noop module):
* The ``pyscripts`` rating module allows to rate data with custom python
.. code-block:: python
For information about the usage and configuration of rating modules, see the
`rating modules documentation`_.
class Noop(rating.RatingProcessorBase):
controller = NoopController
description = 'Dummy test module'
def enabled(self):
"""Check if the module is enabled
:returns: bool if module is enabled
return True
def priority(self):
return 1
def reload_config(self):
def process(self, data):
for cur_data in data:
cur_usage = cur_data['usage']
for service in cur_usage:
for entry in cur_usage[service]:
if 'rating' not in entry:
entry['rating'] = {'price': decimal.Decimal(0)}
return data
.. _rating modules documentation: ../user/rating/index.html
**Loaded with stevedore**
The storage module is responsible for storing and retrieving data in a
The storage module is responsible for storing and retrieving data from a
backend. It implements two interfaces (v1 and v2), each providing one or more
drivers. For more information about the storage backend, see the
`configuration section`_.
.. _configuration section: configuration/storage.html
**Loaded with stevedore**
In the same way as the rating pipeline, the writing is handled with a pipeline.
The data is pushed to write orchestrator that will store the data in a
transient DB (in case of output file invalidation). And then to every writer in
the pipeline which is responsible of the writing.

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