========= Collector ========= Data format =========== Internally, CloudKitty's data format is a bit more detailled than what can be found in the `architecture documentation`_. The internal data format is the following: .. code-block:: json { "bananas": [ { "vol": { "unit": "banana", "qty": 1 }, "rating": { "price": 1 }, "groupby": { "xxx_id": "hello", "yyy_id": "bye", }, "metadata": { "flavor": "chocolate", "eaten_by": "gorilla", }, } ], } However, developers implementing a collector don't need to format the data themselves, as there are helper functions for these matters. Implementation ============== Each collector must implement the following class: .. autoclass:: cloudkitty.collector.BaseCollector :noindex: :members: fetch_all, check_configuration The ``retrieve`` method of the ``BaseCollector`` class is called by the orchestrator. This method calls the ``fetch_all`` method of the child class. To create a collector, you need to implement at least the ``fetch_all`` method. Data collection +++++++++++++++ Collectors must implement a ``fetch_all`` method. This method is called for each metric type, for each scope, for each collect period. It has the following prototype: .. autoclass:: cloudkitty.collector.BaseCollector :noindex: :members: fetch_all This method is supposed to return a list of ``cloudkitty.dataframe.DataPoint`` objects. Example code of a basic collector: .. code-block:: python from cloudkitty.collector import BaseCollector class MyCollector(BaseCollector): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyCollector, self).__init__(**kwargs) def fetch_all(self, metric_name, start, end, project_id=None, q_filter=None): data = [] for CONDITION: # do stuff data.append(dataframe.DataPoint( unit, qty, # int, float, decimal.Decimal or str 0, # price groupby, # dict metadata, # dict )) return data ``project_id`` can be misleading, as it is a legacy name. It contains the ID of the current scope. The attribute corresponding to the scope is specified in the configuration, under ``[collect]/scope_key``. Thus, all queries should filter based on this attribute. Example: .. code-block:: python from oslo_config import cfg from cloudkitty.collector import BaseCollector CONF = cfg.CONF class MyCollector(BaseCollector): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyCollector, self).__init__(**kwargs) def fetch_all(self, metric_name, start, end, project_id=None, q_filter=None): scope_key = CONF.collect.scope_key filters = {'start': start, 'stop': stop, scope_key: project_id} data = self.client.query( filters=filters, groupby=self.conf[metric_name]['groupby']) # Format data etc return output Additional configuration ++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you need to extend the metric configuration (add parameters to the ``extra_args`` section of ``metrics.yml``), you can overload the ``check_configuration`` method of the base collector: .. autoclass:: cloudkitty.collector.BaseCollector :noindex: :members: check_configuration This method uses `voluptuous`_ for data validation. The base schema for each metric can be found in ``cloudkitty.collector.METRIC_BASE_SCHEMA``. This schema is meant to be extended by other collectors. Example taken from the gnocchi collector code: .. code-block:: python from cloudkitty import collector GNOCCHI_EXTRA_SCHEMA = { Required('extra_args'): { Required('resource_type'): All(str, Length(min=1)), # Due to Gnocchi model, metric are grouped by resource. # This parameter allows to adapt the key of the resource identifier Required('resource_key', default='id'): All(str, Length(min=1)), Required('aggregation_method', default='max'): In(['max', 'mean', 'min']), }, } class GnocchiCollector(collector.BaseCollector): collector_name = 'gnocchi' @staticmethod def check_configuration(conf): conf = collector.BaseCollector.check_configuration(conf) metric_schema = Schema(collector.METRIC_BASE_SCHEMA).extend( GNOCCHI_EXTRA_SCHEMA) output = {} for metric_name, metric in conf.items(): met = output[metric_name] = metric_schema(metric) if met['extra_args']['resource_key'] not in met['groupby']: met['groupby'].append(met['extra_args']['resource_key']) return output If your collector does not need any ``extra_args``, it is not required to overload the ``check_configuration`` method. .. _architecture documentation: ../admin/architecture.html .. _voluptuous: https://github.com/alecthomas/voluptuous