limit: in: query description: | For pagination. The maximum number of results to return. type: int required: false offset: &offset in: query description: | For pagination. The index of the first element that should be returned. type: int required: false filters: in: query description: | Optional filters. type: dict required: false groupby: in: query description: | Optional attributes to group the summary by. type: list of strings required: false begin: &begin in: query description: | Begin of the period for which the summary is required. type: iso8601 timestamp required: false end: &end in: query description: | End of the period for which the summary is required. type: iso8601 timestamp required: false qty: &qty in: body description: | Qty for the item. type: float required: true rate: &rate in: body description: | Rate for the item. type: float required: true begin_resp: <<: *begin required: true description: Begin of the period for the item. in: body end_resp: <<: *end required: true description: End of the period for the item. in: body qty_resp: <<: *qty required: true description: Qty for the item in the specified period. in: body rate_resp: <<: *rate required: true description: Rate for the item in the specified period. in: body