
409 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2019 Objectif Libre
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import itertools
from oslo_log import log
import requests
from import exceptions
from cloudkitty.utils import json
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class ElasticsearchClient(object):
"""Class used to ease interaction with Elasticsearch.
:param autocommit: Defaults to True. Automatically push documents to
Elasticsearch once chunk_size has been reached.
:type autocommit: bool
:param chunk_size: Maximal number of documents to commit/retrieve at once.
:type chunk_size: int
:param scroll_duration: Defaults to 60. Duration, in seconds, for which
search contexts should be kept alive
:type scroll_duration: int
def __init__(self, url, index_name, mapping_name,
self._url = url.strip('/')
self._index_name = index_name.strip('/')
self._mapping_name = mapping_name.strip('/')
self._autocommit = autocommit
self._chunk_size = chunk_size
self._scroll_duration = str(scroll_duration) + 's'
self._scroll_params = {'scroll': self._scroll_duration}
self._docs = []
self._scroll_ids = set()
self._sess = requests.Session()
self._verify = self._sess.verify = verify
self._sess.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
def _log_query(url, query, response):
message = 'Query on {} with body "{}" took {}ms'.format(
url, query, response['took'])
if 'hits' in response.keys():
message += ' for {} hits'.format(response['hits']['total'])
def _build_must(start, end, metric_types, filters):
must = []
if start:
must.append({"range": {"start": {"gte": start.isoformat()}}})
if end:
must.append({"range": {"end": {"lte": end.isoformat()}}})
if filters and 'type' in filters.keys():
must.append({'term': {'type': filters['type']}})
if metric_types:
must.append({"terms": {"type": metric_types}})
return must
def _build_should(filters):
if not filters:
return []
should = []
for k, v in filters.items():
if k != 'type':
should += [{'term': {'groupby.' + k: v}},
{'term': {'metadata.' + k: v}}]
return should
def _build_composite(self, groupby):
if not groupby:
return []
sources = []
for elem in groupby:
if elem == 'type':
sources.append({'type': {'terms': {'field': 'type'}}})
elif elem == 'time':
# Not doing a date_histogram aggregation because we don't know
# the period
sources.append({'begin': {'terms': {'field': 'start'}}})
sources.append({'end': {'terms': {'field': 'end'}}})
sources.append({elem: {'terms': {'field': 'groupby.' + elem}}})
return {"sources": sources}
def _build_query(must, should, composite):
query = {}
if must or should:
query["query"] = {"bool": {}}
if must:
query["query"]["bool"]["must"] = must
if should:
query["query"]["bool"]["should"] = should
# We want each term to match exactly once, and each term introduces
# two "term" aggregations: one for "groupby" and one for "metadata"
query["query"]["bool"]["minimum_should_match"] = len(should) // 2
if composite:
query["aggs"] = {"sum_and_price": {
"composite": composite,
"aggregations": {
"sum_price": {"sum": {"field": "price"}},
"sum_qty": {"sum": {"field": "qty"}},
return query
def _req(self, method, url, data, params, deserialize=True):
r = method(url, data=data, params=params)
if r.status_code < 200 or r.status_code >= 300:
raise exceptions.InvalidStatusCode(
200, r.status_code, r.text, data)
if not deserialize:
return r
output = r.json()
self._log_query(url, data, output)
return output
def put_mapping(self, mapping):
"""Does a PUT request against ES's mapping API.
The PUT request will be done against
:mapping: body of the request
:type mapping: dict
:rtype: requests.models.Response
url = '/'.join(
(self._url, self._index_name, '_mapping', self._mapping_name))
# NOTE(peschk_l): This is done for compatibility with
# Elasticsearch 6 and 7.
param = {"include_type_name": "true"}
return self._req(
self._sess.put, url, json.dumps(mapping), param, deserialize=False)
def get_index(self):
"""Does a GET request against ES's index API.
The GET request will be done against `/<index_name>`
:rtype: requests.models.Response
url = '/'.join((self._url, self._index_name))
return self._req(self._sess.get, url, None, None, deserialize=False)
def search(self, body, scroll=True):
"""Does a GET request against ES's search API.
The GET request will be done against `/<index_name>/_search`
:param body: body of the request
:type body: dict
:rtype: dict
url = '/'.join((self._url, self._index_name, '_search'))
params = self._scroll_params if scroll else None
return self._req(
self._sess.get, url, json.dumps(body), params)
def scroll(self, body):
"""Does a GET request against ES's scroll API.
The GET request will be done against `/_search/scroll`
:param body: body of the request
:type body: dict
:rtype: dict
url = '/'.join((self._url, '_search/scroll'))
return self._req(self._sess.get, url, json.dumps(body), None)
def close_scroll(self, body):
"""Does a DELETE request against ES's scroll API.
The DELETE request will be done against `/_search/scroll`
:param body: body of the request
:type body: dict
:rtype: dict
url = '/'.join((self._url, '_search/scroll'))
resp = self._req(
self._sess.delete, url, json.dumps(body), None, deserialize=False)
body = resp.json()
LOG.debug('Freed {} scrolls contexts'.format(body['num_freed']))
return body
def close_scrolls(self):
"""Closes all scroll contexts opened by this client."""
ids = list(self._scroll_ids)
LOG.debug('Closing {} scroll contexts: {}'.format(len(ids), ids))
self.close_scroll({'scroll_id': ids})
self._scroll_ids = set()
def bulk_with_instruction(self, instruction, terms):
"""Does a POST request against ES's bulk API
The POST request will be done against
The instruction will be appended before each term. For example,
bulk_with_instruction('instr', ['one', 'two']) will produce::
:param instruction: instruction to execute for each term
:type instruction: dict
:param terms: list of terms for which instruction should be executed
:type terms:
:rtype: requests.models.Response
instruction = json.dumps(instruction)
data = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(
*[(instruction, json.dumps(term)) for term in terms]
)) + '\n'
url = '/'.join(
(self._url, self._index_name, self._mapping_name, '_bulk'))
return self._req(, url, data, None, deserialize=False)
def bulk_index(self, terms):
"""Indexes each of the documents in 'terms'
:param terms: list of documents to index
:type terms:
LOG.debug("Indexing {} documents".format(len(terms)))
return self.bulk_with_instruction({"index": {}}, terms)
def commit(self):
"""Index all documents"""
while self._docs:
self._docs = self._docs[self._chunk_size:]
def add_point(self, point, type_, start, end):
"""Append a point to the client.
:param point: DataPoint to append
:type point: cloudkitty.dataframe.DataPoint
:param type_: type of the DataPoint
:type type_: str
'start': start,
'end': end,
'type': type_,
'unit': point.unit,
'qty': point.qty,
'price': point.price,
'groupby': point.groupby,
'metadata': point.metadata,
if self._autocommit and len(self._docs) >= self._chunk_size:
def _get_chunk_size(self, offset, limit, paginate):
if paginate and offset + limit < self._chunk_size:
return offset + limit
return self._chunk_size
def retrieve(self, begin, end, filters, metric_types,
offset=0, limit=1000, paginate=True):
"""Retrieves a paginated list of documents from Elasticsearch."""
if not paginate:
offset = 0
query = self._build_query(
self._build_must(begin, end, metric_types, filters),
self._build_should(filters), None)
query['size'] = self._get_chunk_size(offset, limit, paginate)
resp =
scroll_id = resp['_scroll_id']
total = resp['hits']['total']
chunk = resp['hits']['hits']
output = chunk[offset:offset+limit if paginate else len(chunk)]
offset = 0 if len(chunk) > offset else offset - len(chunk)
while (not paginate) or len(output) < limit:
resp = self.scroll({
'scroll_id': scroll_id,
'scroll': self._scroll_duration,
scroll_id, chunk = resp['_scroll_id'], resp['hits']['hits']
# Means we've scrolled until the end
if not chunk:
output += chunk[offset:offset+limit if paginate else len(chunk)]
offset = 0 if len(chunk) > offset else offset - len(chunk)
return total, output
def delete_by_query(self, begin=None, end=None, filters=None):
"""Does a POST request against ES's Delete By Query API.
The POST request will be done against
:param filters: Optional filters for documents to delete
:type filters: list of dicts
:rtype: requests.models.Response
url = '/'.join((self._url, self._index_name, '_delete_by_query'))
must = self._build_must(begin, end, None, filters)
data = (json.dumps({"query": {"bool": {"must": must}}})
if must else None)
return self._req(, url, data, None)
def total(self, begin, end, metric_types, filters, groupby,
custom_fields=None, offset=0, limit=1000, paginate=True):
if custom_fields:
LOG.warning("'custom_fields' are not implemented yet for "
"ElasticSearch. Therefore, the custom fields [%s] "
"informed by the user will be ignored.", custom_fields)
if not paginate:
offset = 0
must = self._build_must(begin, end, metric_types, filters)
should = self._build_should(filters)
composite = self._build_composite(groupby) if groupby else None
if composite:
composite['size'] = self._chunk_size
query = self._build_query(must, should, composite)
if "aggs" not in query.keys():
query["aggs"] = {
"sum_price": {"sum": {"field": "price"}},
"sum_qty": {"sum": {"field": "qty"}},
query['size'] = 0
resp =, scroll=False)
# Means we didn't group, so length is 1
if not composite:
return 1, [resp["aggregations"]]
after = resp["aggregations"]["sum_and_price"].get("after_key")
chunk = resp["aggregations"]["sum_and_price"]["buckets"]
total = len(chunk)
output = chunk[offset:offset+limit if paginate else len(chunk)]
offset = 0 if len(chunk) > offset else offset - len(chunk)
# FIXME(peschk_l): We have to iterate over ALL buckets in order to get
# the total length. If there is a way for composite aggregations to get
# the total amount of buckets, please fix this
while after:
composite_query = query["aggs"]["sum_and_price"]["composite"]
composite_query["size"] = self._chunk_size
composite_query["after"] = after
resp =, scroll=False)
after = resp["aggregations"]["sum_and_price"].get("after_key")
chunk = resp["aggregations"]["sum_and_price"]["buckets"]
if not chunk:
output += chunk[offset:offset+limit if paginate else len(chunk)]
offset = 0 if len(chunk) > offset else offset - len(chunk)
total += len(chunk)
if paginate:
output = output[offset:offset+limit]
return total, output