.DS_Store is the name of a file in the Apple OS X operating system for storing custom attributes of a folder such as the position of icons or the choice of a background image. Change-Id: Icfc775a63de6672967b91e0540e13a3a327b5bf8
Rating as a Service component
CloudKitty aims at filling the gap between metrics collection systems like ceilometer and a billing system.
Every metrics are collected, aggregated and processed through different rating modules. You can then query CloudKitty's storage to retrieve processed data and easily generate reports.
Most parts of CloudKitty are modular so you can easily extend the base code to address your particular use case.
You can find more information on its architecture in the documentation, architecture section.
CloudKitty has been successfully deployed in production on different OpenStack systems.
You can find the latest documentation on readthedocs.
We are welcoming new contributors, if you've got new ideas, suggestions or want to contribute contact us.
You can reach us thought IRC (#cloudkitty @freenode.net), or on the official OpenStack mailing list openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org.
A launchpad is available if you need to report bugs.
Additional components
We're providing an OpenStack dashboard (Horizon) integration, you can find the files in the cloudkitty-dashboard repository.
A CLI is available too in the python-cloudkittyclient repository.
Trying it
CloudKitty can be deployed with devstack, more information can be found in the devstack section of the documentation.
Deploying it in production
CloudKitty can be deployed in production on OpenStack Kilo environments, for more information check the installation section of the documentation. Due to oslo libraires new namespace backward compatibility is not possible. If you want to install it on an older system, use a virtualenv.