Recommands to setup cloudkitty through an other WSGI services like Apache 'mod_wsgi'. And the community has set a community wide goal in Pike cycle: "Control Plane API endpoints deployment via WSGI" https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/pike/deploy-api-in-wsgi.html Work Item: Add WSGI support 1. Provide WSGI application script file. 2. Removing the cloudkitty-api command line. 3. Adding cloudkitty-api wsgi_scripts, by 'cloudkitty-api -p 8889' to run. Work Item: Make the devstack setup ck-api with wsgi 1. Switch devstack jobs to deploy control-plane API services in WSGI with Apache. 2. Default to deploy with Apache by global ENABLE_HTTPD_MOD_WSGI_SERVICES, in local.conf expose CLOUDKITTY_USE_MOD_WSGI=False to run without Apache. Work Item: Update the docs about installation 1. Installing the cloudkitty-api behind mod_wsgi. 2. Updating the installation about the cloudkitty-api. Implements: blueprint wsgi-support Change-Id: I207587c5360bb80c0e856cd0239e4073578951aa
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Listen %PORT%
<VirtualHost *:%PORT%>
WSGIDaemonProcess cloudkitty-api processes=2 threads=10 user=%USER% display-name=%{GROUP} %VIRTUALENV%
WSGIProcessGroup cloudkitty-api
WSGIScriptAlias / %WSGIAPP%
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
<IfVersion >= 2.4>
ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
ErrorLog /var/log/%APACHE_NAME%/cloudkitty.log
CustomLog /var/log/%APACHE_NAME%/cloudkitty_access.log combined
WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/%APACHE_NAME%