==================== Tempest Integration ==================== This directory contains Tempest tests to cover Congress project. To list all Congress tempest cases, go to tempest directory, then run:: $ testr list-tests congress To run only these tests in tempest, go to tempest directory, then run:: $ ./run_tempest.sh -N -- congress To run a single test case, go to tempest directory, then run with test case name, e.g.:: $ ./run_tempest.sh -N -- congress_tempest_tests.tests.scenario.test_congress_basic_ops.TestPolicyBasicOps.test_policy_basic_op Alternatively, to run congress tempest plugin tests using tox, go to tempest directory, then run:: $ tox -eall-plugin congress And, to run a specific test:: $ tox -eall-plugin congress_tempest_tests.tests.scenario.test_congress_basic_ops.TestPolicyBasicOps.test_policy_basic_op