Modify existing HA tempest test

This commit updates the current HA test to test new architecture.

Change-Id: I50974faced5f90c9a3e873033ba00042b05d9edc
This commit is contained in:
Anusha Ramineni 2016-08-09 12:55:08 +05:30
parent b67a728a2a
commit 0bd9de04a6
2 changed files with 125 additions and 141 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class PolicyClient(rest_client.RestClient):
policy_rows = '/v1/policies/%s/tables/%s/rows'
policy_rows_trace = '/v1/policies/%s/tables/%s/rows?trace=True'
policies = '/v1/policies'
policies_status = '/v1/policies/%s/status'
policy_action = '/v1/policies/%s?%s'
datasources = '/v1/data-sources'
datasource_path = '/v1/data-sources/%s'
@ -98,6 +99,10 @@ class PolicyClient(rest_client.RestClient):
resp, body = self.get(self.policy_tables % (policy_name))
return self._resp_helper(resp, body)
def list_policy_status(self, policy_name):
resp, body = self.get(self.policies_status % (policy_name))
return self._resp_helper(resp, body)
def execute_policy_action(self, policy_name, action, trace, delta, body):
body = json.dumps(body)
uri = "?action=%s&trace=%s&delta=%s" % (action, trace, delta)

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class TestHA(manager_congress.ScenarioPolicyBase):
self.replicas = {}
self.services_client = self.admin_manager.identity_services_client
self.endpoints_client = self.admin_manager.endpoints_client
self.client = self.admin_manager.congress_client
def _prepare_replica(self, port_num):
replica_url = "" % port_num
@ -85,27 +86,43 @@ class TestHA(manager_congress.ScenarioPolicyBase):
args = ['/usr/bin/python',
out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='.out',
prefix='congress%d-' % port_num,
dir='/tmp', delete=False)
err = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='.err',
prefix='congress%d-' % port_num,
dir='/tmp', delete=False)
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=out, stderr=err,
# start all services on replica node
api = self.start_service('api', conf_file)
pe = self.start_service('policy_engine', conf_file)
data = self.start_service('datasources', conf_file)
assert port_num not in self.replicas
self.replicas[port_num] = (p, conf_file)
self.replicas[port_num] = ([api, pe, data], conf_file)
def start_service(self, name, conf_file):
port_num = CONF.congressha.replica_port
out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
mode='w', suffix='.out',
prefix='congress-%s-%d-' % (name, port_num),
dir='/tmp', delete=False)
err = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
mode='w', suffix='.err',
prefix='congress-%s-%d-' % (name, port_num),
dir='/tmp', delete=False)
service = '--' + name
node = name + '-replica-node'
args = ['/usr/bin/python', 'bin/congress-server', service,
'--node_id', node, '--config-file', conf_file]
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=out, stderr=err,
return p
def stop_replica(self, port_num):
proc, conf_file = self.replicas[port_num]
procs, conf_file = self.replicas[port_num]
# Using proc.terminate() will block at proc.wait(), no idea why yet
# kill all processes
for p in procs:
self.replicas[port_num] = (None, conf_file)
@ -118,31 +135,10 @@ class TestHA(manager_congress.ScenarioPolicyBase):
auth_prov, client_type,
def datasource_exists(self, client, datasource_id):
def _check_replica_server_status(self, client):
LOG.debug("datasource_exists begin")
body = client.list_datasource_status(datasource_id)
LOG.debug("list_datasource_status: %s", str(body))
except exceptions.NotFound:
LOG.debug("not found")
return False
except exceptions.Unauthorized:
LOG.debug("connection refused")
return False
except (socket.error, MaxRetryError):
LOG.debug("Replica server not ready")
return False
except Exception:
return True
def datasource_missing(self, client, datasource_id):
LOG.debug("datasource_missing begin")
body = client.list_datasource_status(datasource_id)
LOG.debug("list_datasource_status: %s", str(body))
except exceptions.NotFound:
LOG.debug("not found")
LOG.debug("Check replica server status")
return True
except exceptions.Unauthorized:
LOG.debug("connection refused")
@ -162,6 +158,26 @@ class TestHA(manager_congress.ScenarioPolicyBase):
return r['id']
return None
def _check_resource_exists(self, client, resource):
body = None
if resource == 'datasource':
LOG.debug("Check datasource exists")
body = self.client.list_datasource_status('fake')
LOG.debug("Check policy exists")
body = self.client.list_policy_status('fake')
LOG.debug("resource status: %s", str(body))
except exceptions.NotFound:
LOG.debug("resource 'fake' not found")
return False
return True
def _check_resource_missing(self, client, resource):
return not self._check_resource_exists(client, resource)
def create_fake(self, client):
# Create fake datasource if it does not exist. Returns the
# fake datasource id.
@ -183,127 +199,90 @@ class TestHA(manager_congress.ScenarioPolicyBase):
return ret['id']
def test_datasource_db_sync_add(self):
def test_datasource_db_sync_add_remove(self):
# Verify that a replica adds a datasource when a datasource
# appears in the database.
client1 = self.admin_manager.congress_client
# delete fake if it exists.
old_fake_id = self.find_fake(client1)
if old_fake_id:
# Verify that primary server has no fake datasource
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self.datasource_missing(client1, old_fake_id),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"primary should not have fake, but does")
need_to_delete_fake = False
replica_server = False
# Create a new fake datasource
fake_id = self.create_fake(client1)
need_to_delete_fake = True
# Check fake if exists. else create
fake_id = self.create_fake(self.client)
# Verify that primary server has fake datasource
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self.datasource_exists(client1, fake_id),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"primary should have fake, but does not")
# start replica
# Start replica
replica_client = self.create_client(CONF.congressha.replica_type)
# Create session for second server.
client2 = self.create_client(CONF.congressha.replica_type)
# Verify that second server has fake datasource
# Verify that primary server synced fake dataservice and policy
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self.datasource_exists(client2, fake_id),
func=lambda: self._check_resource_exists(
self.client, 'datasource'),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"replica should have fake, but does not")
"primary doesn't have fake dataservice, data sync failed")
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self._check_resource_exists(
self.client, 'policy'),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"primary doesn't have fake policy, policy sync failed")
# Check replica server status
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self._check_replica_server_status(
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException("Replica Server not ready")
# Relica server is up
replica_server = True
# Verify that replica server synced fake dataservice and policy
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self._check_resource_exists(
replica_client, 'datasource'),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"replica doesn't have fake dataservice, data sync failed")
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self._check_resource_exists(
replica_client, 'policy'),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"replica doesn't have fake policy, policy sync failed")
# Remove fake from primary server instance.
LOG.debug("removing fake datasource %s", str(fake_id))
need_to_delete_fake = False
# Confirm that fake is gone from primary server instance.
# Verify that primary server has no fake datasource and fake policy
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self.datasource_missing(client1, fake_id),
func=lambda: self._check_resource_missing(
self.client, 'datasource'),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"primary instance still has fake")
"primary still has fake dataservice, sync failed")
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self._check_resource_missing(
self.client, 'policy'),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"primary still fake policy, policy synchronizer failed")
LOG.debug("removed fake datasource from primary instance")
# Confirm that second service instance removes fake.
# Verify that replica server has no fake datasource and fake policy
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self.datasource_missing(client2, fake_id),
func=lambda: self._check_resource_missing(
replica_client, 'datasource'),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"replica should remove fake, but still has it")
"replica still has fake dataservice, sync failed")
if not test.call_until_true(
func=lambda: self._check_resource_missing(
replica_client, 'policy'),
duration=60, sleep_for=1):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"replica still fake policy, policy synchronizer failed")
if need_to_delete_fake:
# The following test is redundant because removal by db sync is already
# tested in test_datasource_db_sync_add above
# TODO(ekcs): decide whether to completely erase or update test
# @test.attr(type='smoke')
# def test_datasource_db_sync_remove(self):
# # Verify that a replica removes a datasource when a datasource
# # disappears from the database.
# client1 = self.admin_manager.congress_client
# fake_id = self.create_fake(client1)
# need_to_delete_fake = True
# try:
# self.start_replica(CONF.congressha.replica_port)
# # Verify that primary server has fake datasource
# if not test.call_until_true(
# func=lambda: self.datasource_exists(client1, fake_id),
# duration=60, sleep_for=1):
# raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
# "primary should have fake, but does not")
# # Create session for second server.
# client2 = self.create_client(CONF.congressha.replica_type)
# # Verify that second server has fake datasource
# if not test.call_until_true(
# func=lambda: self.datasource_exists(client2, fake_id),
# duration=60, sleep_for=1):
# raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
# "replica should have fake, but does not")
# # Remove fake from primary server instance.
# LOG.debug("removing fake datasource %s", str(fake_id))
# client1.delete_datasource(fake_id)
# need_to_delete_fake = False
# # Confirm that fake is gone from primary server instance.
# if not test.call_until_true(
# func=lambda: self.datasource_missing(client1, fake_id),
# duration=60, sleep_for=1):
# self.stop_replica(CONF.congressha.replica_port)
# raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
# "primary instance still has fake")
# LOG.debug("removed fake datasource from primary instance")
# # Confirm that second service instance removes fake.
# if not test.call_until_true(
# func=lambda: self.datasource_missing(client2, fake_id),
# duration=60, sleep_for=1):
# raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
# "replica should remove fake, but still has it")
# finally:
# self.stop_replica(CONF.congressha.replica_port)
# if need_to_delete_fake:
# self.admin_manager.congress_client.delete_datasource(fake_id)
if replica_server: