Update standalone setup instructions

1. Update "Standalone. Get Congress running all by itself."
   to reflect that the instructions are for installing alongside an
   existing OpenStack deployment. We may consider creating true
   standalone-install instructions in the future.
2. Update deprecated openstack command
   $ openstack service create congress --type "policy"
3. Update | awk "/ congress / { print \$2 }" to grab service id
4. Start Congress before configuring datasource drivers to avoid
Unable to establish connection to http://x.x.x.x:1789/v1/data-sources
5. Added bare congress.conf

Change-Id: I69f100f778f93f48a1b393a315ce8a0808ef771f
This commit is contained in:
Eric K 2016-03-23 15:34:16 -07:00
parent c12fcbf033
commit fc9143a293
1 changed files with 21 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ There are 2 ways to install Congress.
and Neutron, all on a single machine. This is a great way to try out Congress for the
first time.
* Standalone. Get Congress running all by itself. Congress works well with other OpenStack
services but can be deployed without them.
* Separate install. Get Congress running alongside an existing OpenStack
4.1 Devstack-install
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ For integrating congress with DevStack::
$ ./stack.sh
4.2 Standalone-install
4.2 Separate install
Install the following software, if you haven't already.
@ -179,7 +179,15 @@ Configure congress::
Also, might want to delete/comment [keystone_authtoken] section in
If you need a sample of congress.conf, please follow README-congress.conf.txt
A bare-bones congress.conf is as follows (adapt MySQL root password):
drivers = congress.datasources.neutronv2_driver.NeutronV2Driver,congress.datasources.glancev2_driver.GlanceV2Driver,congress.datasources.nova_driver.NovaDriver,congress.datasources.keystone_driver.KeystoneDriver,congress.datasources.ceilometer_driver.CeilometerDriver,congress.datasources.cinder_driver.CinderDriver,congress.datasources.swift_driver.SwiftDriver,congress.datasources.plexxi_driver.PlexxiDriver,congress.datasources.vCenter_driver.VCenterDriver,congress.datasources.murano_driver.MuranoDriver,congress.datasources.ironic_driver.IronicDriver
auth_strategy = noauth
connection = mysql://root:password@
For a detailed sample, please follow README-congress.conf.txt
Create database::
@ -196,8 +204,10 @@ Create database::
$ sudo congress-db-manage --config-file /etc/congress/congress.conf upgrade head
Setup congress accounts::
(Use your OpenStack RC file to set and export required environment variables:
(You should change parameters according to your environment)
(Adapt parameters according to your environment)
$ ADMIN_ROLE=$(openstack role list | awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }")
$ SERVICE_TENANT=$(openstack project list | awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }")
@ -205,14 +215,18 @@ Setup congress accounts::
--email "congress@example.com" congress | awk "/ id / {print \$4 }")
$ openstack role add $ADMIN_ROLE --user $CONGRESS_USER --project \
$ CONGRESS_SERVICE=$(openstack service create congress --type "policy" \
--description "Congress Service" | awk "/ congress / { print \$2 }")
$ CONGRESS_SERVICE=$(openstack service create congress --name "policy" \
--description "Congress Service" | awk "/ id / { print \$4 }")
$ openstack endpoint create $CONGRESS_SERVICE \
--region RegionOne \
--publicurl \
--adminurl \
Start congress::
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/congress-server --debug
Configure datasource drivers::
First make sure you have congress client (project python-congressclient) installed.
@ -229,10 +243,6 @@ Configure datasource drivers::
$OS_PASSWORD and $SERVICE_HOST are used to configure the related datasource driver
so that congress knows how to talk with the service.
Start congress::
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/congress-server --debug
Install test harness::
$ sudo pip install 'tox<1.7'