
541 lines
21 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2014 Marist SDN Innovation lab Joint with Plexxi Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import requests
from plexxi.core.api.binding import AffinityGroup
from plexxi.core.api.binding import Job
from plexxi.core.api.binding import PhysicalPort
from plexxi.core.api.binding import PlexxiSwitch
from plexxi.core.api.binding import VirtualizationHost
from plexxi.core.api.binding import VirtualMachine
from plexxi.core.api.binding import VirtualSwitch
from plexxi.core.api.binding import VmwareVirtualMachine
from plexxi.core.api.session import CoreSession
except ImportError:
from congress.datasources.datasource_driver import DataSourceDriver
from congress.datasources import datasource_utils
from congress.openstack.common import log as logging
from oslo.config import cfg
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def d6service(name, keys, inbox, datapath, args):
"""This method is called by d6cage to create a dataservice instance.
return PlexxiDriver(name, keys, inbox, datapath, args)
class PlexxiDriver(DataSourceDriver):
HOSTS = "hosts"
HOST_MACS = HOSTS + '.macs'
HOST_GUESTS = HOSTS + '.guests'
VMS = "vms"
VM_MACS = VMS + '.macs'
AFFINITIES = "affinities"
VSWITCHES = "vswitches"
PLEXXISWITCHES = "plexxiswitches"
PORTS = "ports"
PORT_LINKS = PORTS + '.links'
NETWORKLINKS = "networklinks"
def __init__(self, name='', keys='', inbox=None, datapath=None, args=None,
args['tenant_name'] = None
super(PlexxiDriver, self).__init__(name, keys, inbox, datapath, args) = session
self.creds = datasource_utils.get_credentials(name, args)
self.raw_state = {}
self.key_index = self.create_index()
self.name_rule = False
self.cooldown = 0
self.unique_names = self.string_to_bool(args['unique_names'])
except KeyError:
LOG.warning("unique_names has not been configured in "
"datasources.conf, defaulting to False.")
self.unique_names = False
port = str(cfg.CONF.bind_port)
host = str(cfg.CONF.bind_host)
self.api_address = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/v1"
def update_from_datasource(self):
"""Called when it is time to pull new data from this datasource.
Pulls lists of objects from PlexxiCore, if the data does not match
the correspondig table in the driver's raw state or has not yet been
added to the state, the driver calls methods to parse this data.
Once all data has been updated,sets
self.state[tablename] = <list of tuples of strings/numbers>
for every tablename exported by PlexxiCore.
# Initialize instance variables that get set during update
self.hosts = []
self.mac_list = []
self.guest_list = []
self.plexxi_switches = []
self.affinities = []
self.vswitches = []
self.vms = []
self.vm_macs = []
self.ports = []
self.network_links = []
if is None:
# Get host data from PlexxiCore
hosts = VirtualizationHost.getAll(
if (self.HOSTS not in self.state or
hosts != self.raw_state[self.HOSTS]):
self.raw_state[self.HOSTS] = hosts
self.hosts = self.state[self.HOSTS]
self.mac_list = self.state[self.HOST_MACS]
self.guest_list = self.state[self.HOST_GUESTS]
# Get PlexxiSwitch Data from PlexxiCore
plexxiswitches = PlexxiSwitch.getAll(
if (self.PLEXXISWITCHES not in self.state or
plexxiswitches != self.raw_state[self.PLEXXISWITCHES]):
self.raw_state[self.PLEXXISWITCHES] = plexxiswitches
self.plexxi_switches = self.state[self.PLEXXISWITCHES]
# Get affinity data from PlexxiCore
affinities = AffinityGroup.getAll(
if (self.AFFINITIES not in self.state or
affinities != self.raw_state[self.AFFINITIES]):
if AffinityGroup.getCount( == 0:
self.state[self.AFFINITIES] = ['No Affinities found']
self.raw_state[self.AFFINITIES] = affinities
self.affinties = self.state[self.AFFINITIES]
# Get vswitch data from PlexxiCore
vswitches = VirtualSwitch.getAll(
if (self.VSWITCHES not in self.state or
vswitches != self.raw_state[self.VSWITCHES]):
self.raw_state[self.VSWITCHES] = vswitches
self.vswitches = self.state[self.VSWITCHES]
# Get virtual machine data from PlexxiCore
vms = VirtualMachine.getAll(
if (self.VMS not in self.state or
vms != self.raw_state[self.VMS]):
self.raw_state[self.VMS] = set(vms)
self.vms = self.state[self.VMS]
self.vm_macs = self.state[self.VMS_MACS]
# Get port data from PlexxiCore
ports = PhysicalPort.getAll(
if(self.PORTS not in self.state or
ports != self.raw_state[self.PORTS]):
self.raw_state[self.PORTS] = set(ports)
self.ports = self.state[self.PORTS]
self.network_links = self.state[self.PORT_LINKS]
LOG.debug("Setting Plexxi State")
self.state = {}
self.state['key_index'] = self.key_index
self.state[self.HOSTS] = set(self.hosts)
self.state[self.HOST_MACS] = set(self.mac_list)
self.state[self.HOST_GUESTS] = set(self.guest_list)
self.state[self.PLEXXISWITCHES] = set(self.plexxi_switches)
self.state[self.PLEXXISWITCHES + '.macs'] = set(self.ps_macs)
self.state[self.AFFINITIES] = set(self.affinities)
self.state[self.VSWITCHES] = set(self.vswitches)
self.state[self.VMS] = set(self.vms)
self.state[self.VM_MACS] = set(self.vm_macs)
self.state[self.PORTS] = set(self.ports)
self.state[self.PORT_LINKS] = set(self.network_links)
# Create Rules
if self.name_rule is False:
# Act on Policy
if self.unique_names is True:
if self.cooldown == 0:
self.cooldown -= 1
def get_schema(cls):
"""Creates a table schema for incoming data from PlexxiCore.
Returns a dictionary map of tablenames corresponding to column names
for that table. Both tableNames and columnnames are strings.
d = {}
d[cls.HOSTS] = ("uuid", "name", "mac_count", "vmcount")
d[cls.VMS] = ("uuid", "name", "host_uuid", "ip", "mac_count")
d[cls.AFFINITIES] = ("uuid", "name")
d[cls.VSWITCHES] = ("uuid", "host_count", "vnic_count")
d[cls.PLEXXISWITCHES] = ("uuid", "ip", "status")
d[cls.PORTS] = ("uuid", "name")
d[cls.NETWORKLINKS] = ("uuid", "name", "port_uuid", "start_uuid",
"start_name", "stop_uuid", "stop_name")
return d
def _translate_hosts(self, hosts):
"""Translates data about Hosts from PlexxiCore for Congress.
Responsible for the states 'hosts','hosts.macs' and 'hosts.guests'
row_keys = self.get_column_map(self.HOSTS)
hostlist = []
maclist = []
vm_uuids = []
for host in hosts:
row = ['None'] * (max(row_keys.values()) + 1)
hostID = host.getForeignUuid()
row[row_keys['uuid']] = hostID
row[row_keys['name']] = host.getName()
pnics = host.getPhysicalNetworkInterfaces()
if pnics:
for pnic in pnics:
mac = str(pnic.getMacAddress())
tuple_mac = (hostID, mac)
mac_count = len(maclist)
if (mac_count > 0):
row[row_keys['mac_count']] = mac_count
vmCount = host.getVirtualMachineCount()
row[row_keys['vmcount']] = vmCount
if vmCount != 0:
vms = host.getVirtualMachines()
for vm in vms:
tuple_vmid = (hostID, vm.getForeignUuid())
self.hosts = hostlist
self.mac_list = maclist
self.guest_list = vm_uuids
def _translate_pswitches(self, plexxi_switches):
"""Translates data on Plexxi Switches from PlexxiCore for Congress.
Responsible for state 'Plexxi_swtiches' and 'Plexxi_switches.macs'
row_keys = self.get_column_map(self.PLEXXISWITCHES)
pslist = []
maclist = []
for switch in plexxi_switches:
row = ['None'] * (max(row_keys.values()) + 1)
psuuid = str(switch.getUuid())
row[row_keys['uuid']] = psuuid
psip = str(switch.getIpAddress())
row[row_keys['ip']] = psip
psstatus = str(switch.getStatus())
row[row_keys['status']] = psstatus
pnics = switch.getPhysicalNetworkInterfaces()
for pnic in pnics:
mac = str(pnic.getMacAddress())
macrow = [psuuid, mac]
self.plexxi_switches = pslist
self.ps_macs = maclist
def _translate_affinites(self, affinites):
"""Translates data about affinites from PlexxiCore for Congress.
Responsible for state 'affinities'
row_keys = self.get_column_map(self.AFFINITIES)
affinitylist = []
for affinity in affinites:
row = ['None'] * (max(row_keys.values()) + 1)
uuid = str(affinity.getUuid())
row[row_keys['uuid']] = uuid
row[row_keys['name']] = affinity.getName()
self.affinities = affinitylist
def _translate_vswitches(self, vswitches):
"""Translates data about vswitches from PlexxiCore for Congress.
Responsible for states vswitchlist,vswitch_macs,vswitch_hosts
# untested
row_keys = self.get_column_map(self.VSWITCHES)
vswitchlist = []
tuple_macs = []
vswitch_host_list = []
for vswitch in vswitches:
row = ['None'] * (max(row_keys.values()) + 1)
vswitchID = vswitch.getForeignUuid()
row[row_keys['uuid']] = vswitchID
vSwitchHosts = vswitch.getVirtualizationHosts()
host_count = len(vSwitchHosts)
except TypeError:
host_count = 0
row[row_keys['host_count']] = host_count
if host_count != 0:
for host in vSwitchHosts:
hostuuid = host.getForeignUuid()
hostrow = [vswitchID, hostuuid]
vswitch_vnics = vswitch.getVirtualNetworkInterfaces()
vnic_count = len(vswitch_vnics)
except TypeError:
vnic_count = 0
row[row_keys['vnic_count']] = vnic_count
if vnic_count != 0:
for vnic in vswitch_vnics:
mac = vnic.getMacAddress()
macrow = [vswitchID, str(mac)]
self.vswitches = vswitchlist
self.vswitch_macs = tuple_macs
self.vswitch_hosts = vswitch_host_list
def _translate_vms(self, vms):
"""Translate data on VMs from PlexxiCore for Congress.
Responsible for states 'vms' and 'vms.macs'
row_keys = self.get_column_map(self.VMS)
vmlist = []
maclist = []
for vm in vms:
row = ['None'] * (max(row_keys.values()) + 1)
vmID = vm.getForeignUuid()
row[row_keys['uuid']] = vmID
vmName = vm.getName()
row[row_keys['name']] = vmName
vmhost = vm.getVirtualizationHost()
vmhostuuid = vmhost.getForeignUuid()
row[row_keys['host_uuid']] = vmhostuuid
except AttributeError:
LOG.debug("The host for " + vmName + " could not be found")
vmIP = vm.getIpAddress()
if vmIP:
row[row_keys['ip']] = vmIP
vmVnics = vm.getVirtualNetworkInterfaces()
mac_count = 0
for vnic in vmVnics:
mac = str(vnic.getMacAddress())
tuple_mac = (vmID, mac)
mac_count += 1
row[row_keys['mac_count']] = mac_count
self.vms = vmlist
self.vm_macs = maclist
def _translate_ports(self, ports):
"""Translate data about ports from PlexxiCore for Congress.
Responsible for states 'ports' and 'ports.links'
row_keys = self.get_column_map(self.PORTS)
link_keys = self.get_column_map(self.NETWORKLINKS)
port_list = []
link_list = []
for port in ports:
row = ['None'] * (max(row_keys.values()) + 1)
portID = str(port.getUuid())
row[row_keys['uuid']] = portID
portName = str(port.getName())
row[row_keys['name']] = portName
links = port.getNetworkLinks()
if links:
link_keys = self.get_column_map(self.NETWORKLINKS)
for link in links:
link_row = self._translate_network_link(link, link_keys,
self.ports = port_list
self.network_links = link_list
def _translate_network_link(self, link, row_keys, sourcePortUuid):
"""Translates data about network links from PlexxiCore for Congress.
Subfunction of translate_ports,each handles a set of network links
attached to a port. Directly responsible for the state of
row = ['None'] * (max(row_keys.values()) + 1)
linkID = str(link.getUuid())
row[row_keys['uuid']] = linkID
row[row_keys['port_uuid']] = sourcePortUuid
linkName = str(link.getName())
row[row_keys['name']] = linkName
linkStartObj = link.getStartNetworkInterface()
linkStartName = str(linkStartObj.getName())
row[row_keys['start_name']] = linkStartName
linkStartUuid = str(linkStartObj.getUuid())
row[row_keys['start_uuid']] = linkStartUuid
linkStopObj = link.getStopNetworkInterface()
linkStopUuid = str(linkStopObj.getUuid())
row[row_keys['stop_uuid']] = linkStopUuid
linkStopName = str(linkStopObj.getName())
row[row_keys['stop_name']] = linkStopName
return row
def string_to_bool(self, string):
"""Used for parsing boolean variables stated in datasources.conf.
string = string.strip()
s = string.lower()
if s in['true', 'yes', 'on']:
return True
return False
def create_index(self):
"""Creates key_index table
The key_index table is used expose the table schema through the API.
The CONGRESS_INDEX_ID field contains the name of the table the rest
of the data is pertaining to.The other values give the names
columns paired with their position in the table.
key_index = []
row_keys = self.get_schema()
for key in row_keys.keys():
key_map = self.get_column_map(key)
key_map['CONGRESS_INDEX_ID'] = key
return key_index
def connect_to_plexxi(self, creds):
"""Create a CoreSession connecting congress to PlexxiCore using
credentials provided in datasources.conf
if 'auth_url' not in creds:
LOG.error("Plexxi url not supplied. Could not start Plexxi" +
"connection driver")
if 'username' not in creds:
LOG.error("Plexxi username not supplied. Could not start " +
"Plexxi connection driver")
if 'password' not in creds:
LOG.error("Plexxi password not supplied. Could not start " +
"Plexxi connection driver")
try: = CoreSession.connect(
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
if int(error.response.status_code) == 401 or\
int(error.response.status_code) == 403:
msg = "Incorrect username/password combination. Passed" + \
"in username was " + creds['username'] + ", " + \
"password was " + creds['password']
raise Exception(requests.exceptions.HTTPErrror(msg))
raise Exception(requests.exceptions.HTTPError(error))
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
msg = "Cannot connect to PlexxiCore at " + creds['auth_url'] + \
" with the username " + creds['username'] + " and the " + \
"password " + creds['password']
raise Exception(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError(msg))
def create_rule_table(self):
"""Creates RepeatedName table for unique names policy.
The RepeatedName table contains the name and plexxiUuid of
VMs that have the same name in the Plexxi table and the Nova Table.
repeated_name_rule = '{"rule": "RepeatedName(vname,pvuuid)' +\
':- plexxi:vms(pvuuid,vname,phuuid,pvip,pvmaccount,pvaffin),' +\
try: + '/policies/classification/rules',
self.name_rule = False
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Could not create Repeated Name table")
def name_response(self):
"""Checks for any entries in the RepeatedName table.
For all entries found in the RepeatedName table, the corresponding
VM will be then prefixed with 'conflict-' in PlexxiCore.
vmname = False
vmuuid = False
json_response = []
self.cooldown += 1
plexxivms = VmwareVirtualMachine.getAll(
table = requests.get(self.api_address + "/policies/" +
json_response = json.loads(table.text)
for row in json_response['results']:
vmname = row['data'][0]
vmuuid = row['data'][1]
if vmname and vmuuid:
for plexxivm in plexxivms:
if (plexxivm.getForeignUuid() == vmuuid):
new_vm_name = "Conflict-" + vmname
desc = "Congress has found a VM with the same " +\
"name on the nova network. This vm " +\
"will now be renamed to " + new_vm_name
job_name = " Congress Driver:Changing virtual" +\
"machine, " + vmname + "\'s name"
changenamejob = Job.create(name=job_name,
description=desc + ".",
changenamejob.commit() + " in PlexxiCore.")
except Exception:
LOG.exception("error in name_response")