Eric K c77c8dcf97 library policy create security groups up-front
minor improvement to the library policy to improve robustness.
Because actions by default execute in asynchronously, if we wait
to create the security group until the security group is needed,
the policy may attempt to attach to a security group before it is

Change-Id: I0c2b1939c5b48d4576f821b482f120537c923808
2018-08-03 05:19:32 +00:00

90 lines
3.8 KiB

name: TagBasedNetworkSecurityZone
description: "By default, servers in different projects are isolated from each other. This policy allows servers tagged with the same security tag to communicate freely with each other. Limitation: this policy assumes each server has exactly one network port; the policy can be generalized to support servers with multiple network ports."
# This library policy offers some of the functionality of
# 'Application Based Policies' outlined in the VMware NSX whitepaper linked below.
comment: "(customize) Define the Nova server tags used for tag-based security zones"
rule: >
comment: "(customize) Define the Nova server tags used for tag-based security zones"
rule: >
comment: "(customize) Specify the name of the project that shall own the security groups used to implement this security policy. Default is 'admin'. Assumes project names are unique."
rule: >
admin_project_id(id) :-
keystonev3:projects(name="admin", id=id)
comment: "Place servers in security zones based on the tags"
rule: >
server_security_zone(server_id, tag) :-
nova:tags(server_id=server_id, tag=tag),
comment: "Create special security group for each security zone"
rule: >
execute[neutronv2:create_security_group(json)] :-
builtin:concat('{"security_group": {"name": "', zone, j1),
builtin:concat(j1, '", "project_id": "', j2),
builtin:concat(j2, project_id, j3),
builtin:concat(j3, '", "description": "security group for security zone"}}', json)
comment: "Show error if security group missing for security zone"
rule: >
error(zone, "all servers", "no zone security group") :-
comment: "Bind each security-zone-tagged server to the appropriate security group"
rule: >
execute[neutronv2:attach_port_security_group(port_id, sg_id)] :-
server_security_zone(server_id, zone),
neutronv2:security_groups(id=sg_id, name=zone, tenant_id=project_id),
neutronv2:ports(id=port_id, device_id=server_id),
comment: "Show error if security-zone-tagged server is not bound to appropriate security group"
rule: >
error(zone, server_id, "server missing zone security group") :-
server_security_zone(server_id, zone)
# Rules below define all the additional helper tables that support rules above
rule: >
server_has_no_expected_group(server_id) :-
server_security_zone(server_id, _),
NOT server_has_group(server_id)
rule: >
server_has_group(server_id) :-
server_to_zone_sg(server_id, _)
rule: >
server_to_zone_sg(server_id, sg_id) :-
device_to_sg(server_id, sg_id),
server_security_zone(server_id, zone),
neutronv2:security_groups(id=sg_id, name=zone, tenant_id=project_id),
rule: >
device_to_sg(device_id, sg_id) :-
neutronv2:security_group_port_bindings(port_id=port_id, security_group_id=sg_id),
neutronv2:ports(id=port_id, device_id=device_id)
rule: >
zone_missing_sg(zone) :-
NOT security_group_names(zone)
rule: >
security_group_names(sg_name) :-
neutronv2:security_groups(name=sg_name, tenant_id=project_id),