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# Copyright (c) 2013,2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import copy
import datetime
from functools import cmp_to_key
from functools import reduce
import hashlib
import inspect
import json
import time
import eventlet
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import strutils
import six
import yaml
from congress.datasources import datasource_utils as ds_utils
from congress.db import db_ds_table_data
from congress.dse2 import data_service
from congress import exception
from congress import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DataSourceDriver(data_service.DataService):
"""A super-class for datasource drivers.
This class implements a polling mechanism for polling a datasource.
This class also implements a translation mechanism that accepts data from
the datasource in the form of Python lists, dicts, and individual values,
and puts that data into Congress data tables. The translation mechanism
takes a declarative description of the Python object's structure, for
example, whether an object is a list or dict, if a list contains another
list, which dict keys to extract, and the tables and columns in which to
put the extracted data. If you want to use data which isn't in above type,
such as string, you can retrieve the data with your method which has logic
how to change the data to Python lists, dict, and individual values.
The DataSourceDriver uses a predefined scheme for translating datasource
objects into Congress tables. For example, the driver converts a list
containing individual values into a single table, where each row contains
an entry from the list, but the declarative description enables us to
control the table names and column names used for the resulting table
The declarative description consists of four different types of
translator: HDICT, VDICT, LIST, and VALUE. A translator itself is a
python dict containing several parameters. The translation-type parameter
describes which of the four types the translator is; the remainder of the
parameters describe things like the table, column names, and
HDICT parameters with example values:
{'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': 'example_table',
'parent-key': 'parent_key_column',
'id-col': 'id_col',
'selector-type': 'DOT_SELECTOR',
'field-translators': ({'fieldname': 'field1', 'col': 'col1',
'translator': {'translation-type': 'VALUE'}},
{'fieldname': 'field2', 'col': 'col2',
'translator': {'translation-type': 'VALUE'})}
The HDICT translator reads in a python dict and translates each key in
the dict into a column of the output table. The fields in the table
will be in the same order as the fields in the HDICT translator. Use
selector-type to specify whether to access the fields using dot
notation such as 'obj.field1' or using a dict selector such as
obj['field1']. SELECTOR must be either 'DOT_SELECTOR' or
'DICT_SELECTOR'. If the translator contains a field, but the object
does not contain that field, the translator will populate the column
with 'None'.
If 'parent-key' is specified, the translator prepends a value from the
parent translator as the first column of this table. For example, if
the parent table already has a unique key named 'id', then setting
'parent-key': 'id' will populate each row in the child table with the
unique foreign key from the parent. Also, if the subtranslator
specifies a 'parent-key', the parent table will not have a column for
that subtranslator. For example, if the subtranslator for 'field1'
specifies a 'parent-key', the parent table will not have a column for
field1; instead, the parent table's parent_key_column will be the
foreign key into the subtable. To set the column name for a 'parent-key'
set 'parent-col-name' otherwise the default name for the column will be
Instead, if 'id-col' is specified, the translator will prepend a
generated id column to each row. The 'id-col' value can be either a
string indicating an id should be generated based on the hash of
the remaining fields, or it is a function that takes as argument
the object and returns an ID as a string or number. If 'id-col' is
specified with a sub-translator, that value is included as a column
in the top-level translator's table.
Using both parent-key and id-col at the same time is redundant, so
DataSourceDriver will reject that configuration.
The example translator expects an object such as:
{'field1': 123, 'field2': 456}
and populates a table 'example_table' with row (id, 123, 456) where id
is equal to the hash of (123, 456).
Recursion: If a field-translator is a translator other than VALUE, then
that field-translator will cause the creation of a second table. The
field-translator will populate the second table, and each row in the
primary table will (in the column for that field) contain a hash of the
second table's entries derived from the primary table's row. For
example, if the translator is:
{'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': 'example_table',
'selector-type': 'DOT_SELECTOR',
'field-translators': ({'fieldname': 'field1', 'col': 'col1',
'translator': {
'translation-type': 'LIST',
'table-name': 'subtable',
'val-col': 'c',
'translator': {'translation-type': 'VALUE'}},})}
The object {'field1': [1, 2, 3]} will translate to one tuple in
example_table and three tuples in subtable::
example_table: (h(1, 2, 3))
subtable: (h(1, 2, 3), 1)
(h(1, 2, 3), 2)
(h(1, 2, 3), 3)
In addition, sometimes one will have data that is structured in the
following manor (i.e a dict contained in a list within a dict):
{'id': '11111',
'things': [{'type': 1, 'location': 2}]}
To handle this congress has a special attribute in-list that one can
set. Without in-list, the translator would represent the LIST
explicitly, and the schema would have 3 tables. This allows you to
use two hdicts to represent the data.
For Example::
thing_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': 'things_table',
'parent-key': 'id',
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
'in-list': True,
({'fieldname': 'type',
'translator': {'translation-type': 'VALUE'}},
{'fieldname': 'location',
'translator': {'translation-type': 'VALUE'}})}
{'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': 'example_table',
'parent-key': 'parent_key_column',
'selector-type': 'DOT_SELECTOR',
({'fieldname': 'id',
'translator': {'translation-type': 'VALUE'}},
{'fieldname': 'thing':
'translator': thing_translator})}
VDICT parameters with example values::
{'translation-type': 'VDICT',
'table-name': 'table',
'parent-key': 'parent_key_column',
'id-col': 'id_col',
'key-col': 'key_col',
'val-col': 'value_col',
'translator': TRANSLATOR}
The VDICT translator reads in a python dict, and turns each key-value
pair into a row of the output table. The output table will have 2 or 3
columns, depending on whether the 'id-col' or 'parent-key' is present.
Recursion works as it does with HDICT.
VDICT treats a subtranslator with a 'parent-key' the same way that a
HDICT does. The subtranslator prepends the parent's key value to each
row of the subtable, i.e. (parent_key_column, key_col, value_col).
Instead if 'id-col' is present, the columns will be (id_col, key_col,
value_col), otherwise (key_col, value_col). However, if the VDICT's
subtranslator specifies the parent-key, the parent-key must be the
VDICT's 'val-col' column due to an implementation choice (the id column
is not available until after the subtranslator runs).
LIST parameters with example values::
{'translation-type': 'LIST',
'table-name': 'table1',
'parent-key': 'parent_key_column',
'id-col': 'id_col',
'val-col': 'value_col',
'translator': {'translation-type': 'VALUE'}}
The LIST translator is like the VDICT translator, except that it reads a
python list from the object, and produces 1 or 2 columns depending on
whether 'id-col' is present. It always produces a column for id-col.
The content of id-col is either a value (if the translator is a VALUE)
or a hash of a recursive value as in HDICT.
A LIST may specify a parent-key when the LIST is a subtranslator, but
the subtranslator of a LIST may not specify a 'parent-key' because the
LIST's table will then have no columns.
VALUE parameters with example values::
{'translation-type': 'VALUE',
'extract-fn': lambda x: x.['foo']}
The VALUE translator reads a single value like and int or a string from
the object. The translator uses the extract-fn to extract a value from
the object. If 'extract-fn' is not defined, then the default extract
function is the identity function. The resulting value will be either a
number such as 123 or a string. It will translate a boolean value to
the string 'True' or 'False'.
# Translator params:
TRANSLATION_TYPE = 'translation-type'
TABLE_NAME = 'table-name'
PARENT_KEY = 'parent-key'
ID_COL = 'id-col'
ID_COL_NAME = 'id-col'
SELECTOR_TYPE = 'selector-type'
FIELD_TRANSLATORS = 'field-translators'
FIELDNAME = 'fieldname'
TRANSLATOR = 'translator'
COL = 'col'
KEY_COL = 'key-col'
VAL_COL = 'val-col'
VAL_COL_DESC = 'val-col-desc'
EXTRACT_FN = 'extract-fn'
IN_LIST = 'in-list'
OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN = 'objects-extract-fn'
DATA_TYPE = 'data-type'
NULLABLE = 'nullable'
# Name of the column name and desc when using a parent key.
PARENT_KEY_COL_NAME = 'parent_key'
PARENT_COL_NAME = 'parent-col-name'
PARENT_KEY_DESC = 'parent-key-desc'
# valid params
def __init__(self, name='', args=None): = name
self.type = 'datasource_driver'
self.initialized = False
self.last_updated_time = None
self.last_error = None
self.number_of_updates = 0
# TODO(haht): require ds_id/uuid argument here and maybe in DataService
# best done along with cleaning out the dse1-related params
# now made unnecessary
self.ds_id = args.get('ds_id') if args is not None else None
# a dictionary from tablename to the SET of tuples, both currently
# and in the past.
self.prior_state = dict()
self.state = dict()
# Store raw state (result of API calls) so that we can
# avoid re-translating and re-sending if no changes occurred.
# Because translation is not deterministic (we're generating
# UUIDs), it's hard to tell if no changes occurred
# after performing the translation.
self.raw_state = dict()
# set of translators that are registered with datasource.
self._translators = []
# The schema for a datasource driver.
self._schema = {}
# record table dependence for deciding which table should be cleaned up
# when this type data is deleted entirely from datasource.
# the value is inferred from the translators automatically when
# registering translators
# key: root table name
# value: all related table name list(include: root table)
# eg: {'ports': ['ports', 'fixed_ips', 'security_group_port_bindings']}
self._table_deps = {}
# setup translators here for datasource drivers that set TRANSLATORS.
# Make sure all data structures above are set up *before* calling
# this because it will publish info to the bus.
super(DataSourceDriver, self).__init__(name)
# For DSE2. Must go after __init__
if hasattr(self, 'add_rpc_endpoint'):
def get_snapshot(self, table_name):
LOG.debug("datasource_driver get_snapshot(%s); %s",
table_name, self.state)
return self.state.get(table_name, set())
def _make_tmp_state(self, root_table_name, row_data):
tmp_state = {}
# init all related tables to empty set
for table in self._table_deps[root_table_name]:
tmp_state.setdefault(table, set())
# add changed data
for table, row in row_data:
if table in tmp_state:
LOG.warning('table %s is undefined in translators', table)
return tmp_state
def _update_state(self, root_table_name, row_data):
tmp_state = self._make_tmp_state(root_table_name, row_data)
# just update the changed data for self.state
for table in tmp_state:
self.state[table] = tmp_state[table]
def _get_translator_params(self, translator_type):
if translator_type is self.HDICT:
return self.HDICT_PARAMS
elif translator_type is self.VDICT:
return self.VDICT_PARAMS
elif translator_type is self.LIST:
return self.LIST_PARAMS
elif translator_type is self.VALUE:
return self.VALUE_PARAMS
raise TypeError("Invalid translator_type")
def _validate_non_value_type_properties(self, translator):
"""HDICT, VDICT, and LIST types all share some common properties."""
parent_key = translator.get(self.PARENT_KEY)
id_col = translator.get(self.ID_COL)
# Specifying both parent-key and id_col in a translator is not valid,
# one should use one or the other but not both.
if parent_key and id_col:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
'Specify at most one of %s or %s' %
(self.PARENT_KEY, self.ID_COL))
def _validate_hdict_type(self, translator, related_tables):
# validate field-translators
field_translators = translator[self.FIELD_TRANSLATORS]
for field_translator in field_translators:
subtranslator = field_translator[self.TRANSLATOR]
self._validate_translator(subtranslator, related_tables)
def _validate_list_type(self, translator, related_tables):
if self.VAL_COL not in translator:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
"Param (%s) must be in translator" % self.VAL_COL)
subtranslator = translator[self.TRANSLATOR]
self._validate_translator(subtranslator, related_tables)
def _validate_vdict_type(self, translator, related_tables):
if self.KEY_COL not in translator:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
"Param (%s) must be in translator" % self.KEY_COL)
if self.VAL_COL not in translator:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
"Param (%s) must be in translator" % self.VAL_COL)
subtranslator = translator[self.TRANSLATOR]
self._validate_translator(subtranslator, related_tables)
def _validate_by_translation_type(self, translator, related_tables):
translation_type = translator[self.TRANSLATION_TYPE]
# validate that only valid params are present
if translation_type is not self.VALUE:
table_name = translator[self.TABLE_NAME]
if table_name in self.state:
raise exception.DuplicateTableName(
'table (%s) used twice' % table_name)
# init state
self.state[table_name] = set()
# build table dependence
if translation_type is self.HDICT:
self._validate_hdict_type(translator, related_tables)
elif translation_type is self.LIST:
self._validate_list_type(translator, related_tables)
elif translation_type is self.VDICT:
self._validate_vdict_type(translator, related_tables)
def _validate_translator(self, translator, related_tables):
translation_type = translator.get(self.TRANSLATION_TYPE)
if self.TRANSLATION_TYPE not in translator:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
"Param (%s) must be in translator" % self.TRANSLATION_TYPE)
# check that translation_type is valid
if translation_type not in self.VALID_TRANSLATION_TYPES:
msg = ("Translation Type %s not a valid translation-type %s" % (
translation_type, self.VALID_TRANSLATION_TYPES))
raise exception.InvalidTranslationType(msg)
self._validate_by_translation_type(translator, related_tables)
def initialize_translators(self):
for translator in self.TRANSLATORS:
def register_translator(self, translator):
"""Registers translator with congress and validates its schema."""
related_tables = []
if self.TABLE_NAME in translator:
self._table_deps[translator[self.TABLE_NAME]] = related_tables
self._validate_translator(translator, related_tables)
self._schema.update(self._get_schema(translator, {}).schema)
def get_translator(self, translator_name):
"""Get a translator.
Returns a translator specified by translator_name.
# each translator has unique name in the datasource driver
translator = [t for t in self.get_translators()
if t['table-name'] == translator_name]
if len(translator) > 0:
return translator[0]
msg = ('translator: %s is not in the datasource'
' driver' % translator_name)
raise exception.BadRequest(msg)
def get_translators(self):
"""Get a list of translators.
Returns a list of translators that describes how to translate from
the datasource's data structures to the Congress tables.
return self._translators
SCHEMA_RETURN_TUPLE = collections.namedtuple('SchemaReturnTuple',
'schema id_type')
def _get_schema_hdict(cls, translator, schema, parent_key_type=None):
tablename = translator[cls.TABLE_NAME]
parent_key = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY, None)
id_col = translator.get(cls.ID_COL, None)
field_translators = translator[cls.FIELD_TRANSLATORS]
parent_col_name = None
columns = []
# columns here would be list of dictionaries.
# eg:- columns = [{'name': 'col_name', 'desc': 'description'}]
if id_col is not None:
elif parent_key is not None:
parent_col_name = translator.get(cls.PARENT_COL_NAME,
desc = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY_DESC)
parent_col_name, desc, type=parent_key_type))
# Sort with fields lacking parent-key coming first so that the
# subtranslators that need a parent field will be able to get them
# from the fields processed first
field_translators_with_order = [
(index, trans) for index, trans in enumerate(field_translators)]
field_translators_sorted = sorted(
field_translators_with_order, key=cmp_to_key(
columns_indexed = {}
def get_current_table_col_type(name):
if parent_col_name and parent_col_name == name:
return parent_key_type
elif name == cls._id_col_name(id_col):
return None # FIXME(ekcs): return type for ID col
[type] = [column_schema.get('type') for column_schema in
if column_schema.get('name') == name]
return type
for (index, field_translator) in field_translators_sorted:
col = field_translator.get(
cls.COL, field_translator[cls.FIELDNAME])
desc = field_translator.get(cls.DESCRIPTION)
subtranslator = field_translator[cls.TRANSLATOR]
if cls.PARENT_KEY in subtranslator:
# TODO(ekcs): disallow nullable parent key
cls._get_schema(subtranslator, schema,
field_type = subtranslator.get(cls.DATA_TYPE)
nullable = subtranslator.get(cls.NULLABLE, True)
columns_indexed[index] = ds_utils.add_column(
col, desc, field_type, nullable)
cls._get_schema(subtranslator, schema)
for index in range(0, len(field_translators)):
if index in columns_indexed:
if tablename in schema:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
"table %s already in schema" % tablename)
schema[tablename] = tuple(columns)
return cls.SCHEMA_RETURN_TUPLE(schema, None)
def _get_schema_vdict(cls, translator, schema, parent_key_type=None):
tablename = translator[cls.TABLE_NAME]
parent_key = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY, None)
id_col = translator.get(cls.ID_COL, None)
key_col = translator[cls.KEY_COL]
value_col = translator[cls.VAL_COL]
subtrans = translator[cls.TRANSLATOR]
cls._get_schema(subtrans, schema)
if tablename in schema:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
"table %s already in schema" % tablename)
# Construct the schema for this table.
new_schema = (key_col,)
if id_col:
new_schema = (cls._id_col_name(id_col),) + new_schema
elif parent_key:
parent_col_name = translator.get(cls.PARENT_COL_NAME,
new_schema = (parent_col_name,) + new_schema
if cls.PARENT_KEY not in subtrans:
new_schema = new_schema + (value_col,)
schema[tablename] = new_schema
return cls.SCHEMA_RETURN_TUPLE(schema, None)
def _get_schema_list(cls, translator, schema, parent_key_type=None):
tablename = translator[cls.TABLE_NAME]
parent_key = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY, None)
id_col = translator.get(cls.ID_COL, None)
value_col = translator[cls.VAL_COL]
val_desc = translator.get(cls.VAL_COL_DESC)
trans = translator[cls.TRANSLATOR]
cls._get_schema(trans, schema)
if tablename in schema:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
"table %s already in schema" % tablename)
if id_col:
schema[tablename] = (ds_utils.add_column(cls._id_col_name(id_col)),
elif parent_key:
parent_col_name = translator.get(cls.PARENT_COL_NAME,
desc = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY_DESC)
schema[tablename] = (ds_utils.add_column(parent_col_name, desc),
ds_utils.add_column(value_col, val_desc))
schema[tablename] = (ds_utils.add_column(value_col, val_desc), )
return cls.SCHEMA_RETURN_TUPLE(schema, None)
def _get_schema(cls, translator, schema, parent_key_type=None):
"""Returns named tuple with values:
schema: the schema of a translator,
id_type: the data type of the id-col, or None of absent
Note: this method uses the argument schema to store
data in since this method words recursively. It might
be worthwhile in the future to refactor this code so this
is not required.
:param parent_key_type: passes down the column data type which the
translator refers to as parent-key
translation_type = translator[cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE]
if translation_type == cls.HDICT:
return cls._get_schema_hdict(translator, schema, parent_key_type)
elif translation_type == cls.VDICT:
return cls._get_schema_vdict(translator, schema, parent_key_type)
elif translation_type == cls.LIST:
return cls._get_schema_list(translator, schema, parent_key_type)
elif translation_type == cls.VALUE:
return cls.SCHEMA_RETURN_TUPLE(schema, None)
raise AssertionError('Unexpected translator type %s' %
def get_schema(cls):
"""Get mapping of table name to column names.
Returns a dictionary mapping tablenames to the list of
column names for that table. Both tablenames and columnnames
are strings.
all_schemas = {}
for trans in cls.TRANSLATORS:
cls._get_schema(trans, all_schemas)
return all_schemas
def get_tablename(cls, table_id):
"""Get a table name."""
return table_id if table_id in cls.get_tablenames() else None
def get_tablenames(cls):
"""Get a list of table names.
Returns list of table names the datasource has
return set(cls.get_schema().keys())
def get_row_data(self, table_id, *args, **kwargs):
"""Gets row data for a give table."""
results = []
table_state = self.state[table_id]
except KeyError:
m = ("tablename '%s' does not exist'" % (table_id))
raise exception.NotFound(m)
for tup in table_state:
d = {}
d['data'] = utils.tuple_to_congress(tup)
return results
def get_column_map(self, tablename):
"""Get mapping of column name to column's integer position.
Given a tablename, returns a dictionary mapping the columnnames
of that table to the integer position of that column. Returns None
if tablename is not in the schema.
schema = self.get_schema()
if tablename not in schema:
col_map = {}
for index, name in enumerate(schema[tablename]):
if isinstance(name, dict):
col_map[name['name']] = index
col_map[name] = index
return col_map
def state_set_diff(self, state1, state2, table=None):
"""Return STATE1 - STATE2.
Given 2 tuplesets STATE1 and STATE2, return the set difference
STATE1-STATE2. Each tupleset is represented as a dictionary
from tablename to set of tuples. Return value is a tupleset,
also represented as a dictionary from tablename to set of tuples.
if table is None:
diff = {}
for tablename in state1:
if tablename not in state2:
# make sure to copy the set (the set-diff below does too)
diff[tablename] = set(state1[tablename])
diff[tablename] = state1[tablename] - state2[tablename]
return diff
if table not in state1:
return set()
if table not in state2:
# make copy
return set(state1[table])
return state1[table] - state2[table]
def need_column_for_subtable_id(cls, subtranslator):
if cls.ID_COL in subtranslator:
return True
return False
def _get_value(cls, o, field, selector):
if selector == cls.DOT_SELECTOR:
if hasattr(o, field):
return getattr(o, field)
elif selector == cls.DICT_SELECTOR:
if field in o:
return o[field]
raise AssertionError("Unexpected selector type: %s" %
def _compute_id(cls, id_col, obj, args):
"""Compute the ID for an object and return it."""
# ID is computed by a datasource-provided function
if hasattr(id_col, '__call__'):
value = id_col(obj)
except Exception as e:
raise exception.CongressException(
"Error during ID computation: %s" % str(e))
# ID is generated via a hash
value = cls._compute_hash(args)
assert (isinstance(value, six.string_types) or
isinstance(value, (six.integer_types, float))), (
"ID must be string or number")
return value
def _id_col_name(cls, id_col):
"""Compute name for the ID column given id_col value."""
if isinstance(id_col, six.string_types):
return id_col
return cls.ID_COL_NAME
def _compute_hash(cls, obj):
# This might turn out to be expensive.
# The datasource can contain a list which has an order, but
# Congress uses unordered sets internally for its tables which
# throw away a list's order. Since Congress throws away the
# order, this hash function needs to reimpose an order (by
# sorting) to ensure that two invocations of the hash function
# will always return the same result.
s = json.dumps(sorted(obj, key=(lambda x: str(type(x)) + repr(x))),
h = hashlib.md5(s.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
return h
def _extract_value(cls, obj, extract_fn, data_type, nullable=True):
# Reads a VALUE object and returns (result_rows, h)
if extract_fn is None:
extract_fn = lambda x: x
value = extract_fn(obj)
# preserve type if possible; convert to str if not Hashable
if not isinstance(value, collections.Hashable):
value = str(value)
# check that data type matches if specified in translator
if data_type is not None and value is not None:
value = data_type.marshal(value)
except ValueError:
# Note(types): Log but tolerate type error for now so that
# an unintentionally over-specified type does not interfere
# with the operation of untyped policy engines
LOG.exception('Type error.')
return value
def _compare_tuple_by_subtranslator(cls, x, y):
return cls._compare_subtranslator(x[1], y[1])
def _compare_subtranslator(cls, x, y):
if (cls.PARENT_KEY not in x[cls.TRANSLATOR]
and cls.PARENT_KEY in y[cls.TRANSLATOR]):
return -1
elif (cls.PARENT_KEY in x[cls.TRANSLATOR]
and cls.PARENT_KEY not in y[cls.TRANSLATOR]):
return 1
return ((x.items() > y.items()) -
(x.items() < y.items())) # replaces Py2 cmp(x, y)
def _populate_translator_data_list(cls, translator, obj,
table = translator[cls.TABLE_NAME]
parent_key = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY, None)
id_col = translator.get(cls.ID_COL, None)
subtrans = translator[cls.TRANSLATOR]
if subtrans[cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE] == cls.VALUE:
extract_fn = subtrans.get(cls.EXTRACT_FN, None)
data_type = subtrans.get(cls.DATA_TYPE)
converted_values = tuple(
[cls._extract_value(o, extract_fn, data_type) for o in obj])
if id_col:
h = cls._compute_id(id_col, obj, converted_values)
new_tuples = [(table, (h, v)) for v in converted_values]
elif parent_key:
h = None
parent_key_value = parent_row_dict[parent_key]
new_tuples = [(table, (parent_key_value, v))
for v in converted_values]
h = None
new_tuples = [(table, (v,)) for v in converted_values]
return new_tuples, h
assert translator[cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE] in (cls.HDICT,
new_tuples = []
row_hashes = []
for o in obj:
if o is None:
tuples = []
row_hash = []
if cls.ID_COL in subtrans:
row_hash = cls._compute_hash([])
if cls.OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN in subtrans:
o = subtrans[cls.OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN](o)
tuples, row_hash = cls.convert_obj(o, subtrans)
assert row_hash, "LIST's subtranslator must have row_hash"
assert cls.need_column_for_subtable_id(subtrans), (
"LIST's subtranslator should have id")
if tuples:
if id_col:
h = cls._compute_id(id_col, o, row_hashes)
h = None
for row_hash in row_hashes:
if id_col:
new_tuples.append((table, (h, row_hash)))
elif parent_key:
new_tuples.append((table, (parent_row_dict[parent_key],
new_tuples.append((table, (row_hash,)))
return new_tuples, h
def _populate_translator_data_vdict(cls, translator, obj,
table = translator[cls.TABLE_NAME]
parent_key = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY, None)
id_col = translator.get(cls.ID_COL, None)
key_col = translator[cls.KEY_COL]
subtrans = translator[cls.TRANSLATOR]
if subtrans[cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE] == cls.VALUE:
extract_fn = subtrans.get(cls.EXTRACT_FN, None)
data_type = subtrans.get(cls.DATA_TYPE)
converted_items = tuple(
[(k, cls._extract_value(v, extract_fn, data_type))
for k, v in obj.items()])
if id_col:
h = cls._compute_id(id_col, obj, converted_items)
new_tuples = [(table, (h,) + i) for i in converted_items]
elif parent_key:
h = None
parent_key_value = parent_row_dict[parent_key]
new_tuples = [(table, (parent_key_value,) + i)
for i in converted_items]
h = None
new_tuples = [(table, i) for i in converted_items]
return new_tuples, h
assert translator[cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE] in (cls.HDICT,
new_tuples = []
vdict_rows = []
for k, v in obj.items():
if v is None:
tuples = []
row_hash = []
if cls.ID_COL in subtrans:
row_hash = cls._compute_hash([])
if cls.OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN in subtrans:
v = subtrans[cls.OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN](v)
tuples, row_hash = cls.convert_obj(v, subtrans,
{key_col: k})
if tuples:
vdict_row = (k,)
if cls.need_column_for_subtable_id(subtrans):
vdict_row = vdict_row + (row_hash,)
h = None
if id_col:
h = cls._compute_id(id_col, obj, vdict_rows)
for vdict_row in vdict_rows:
if id_col:
new_tuples.append((table, (h,) + vdict_row))
elif parent_key:
k = parent_row_dict[parent_key]
new_tuples.append((table, (k,) + vdict_row))
new_tuples.append((table, vdict_row))
return new_tuples, h
def _populate_hdict(cls, translator, obj, parent_row_dict):
"""This method populates hdict_row for a given row.
translator - is the translator to convert obj.
obj - is a row of data that will be fed into the translator.
parent_dict_row - is the previous parent row if there is one
which is used to populate parent-key row if used.
new_results = [] # New tuples from this HDICT and sub containers.
hdict_row = {} # The content of the HDICT's new row.
selector = translator[cls.SELECTOR_TYPE]
field_translators = translator[cls.FIELD_TRANSLATORS]
if parent_row_dict:
# We should only get here if we are a nested table.
parent_key = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY)
if parent_key:
parent_col_name = translator.get(cls.PARENT_COL_NAME,
hdict_row[parent_col_name] = (
# Sort with fields lacking parent-key coming first so that the
# subtranslators that need a parent field will be able to get them
# from hdict_row.
sorted_translators = sorted(field_translators,
for field_translator in sorted_translators:
field = field_translator[cls.FIELDNAME]
col_name = field_translator.get(cls.COL, field)
subtranslator = field_translator[cls.TRANSLATOR]
if subtranslator[cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE] == cls.VALUE:
extract_fn = subtranslator.get(cls.EXTRACT_FN)
data_type = subtranslator.get(cls.DATA_TYPE)
nullable = subtranslator.get(cls.NULLABLE, True)
v = cls._extract_value(
cls._get_value(obj, field, selector),
extract_fn, data_type, nullable)
hdict_row[col_name] = v
except TypeError as exc:
arg0 = "While translating field: %s, column: %s; " \
"%s" % (field, col_name, exc.args[0])
exc.args = tuple([arg0]) + exc.args[1:]
assert translator[cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE] in (cls.HDICT,
tuples = []
row_hash = None
v = cls._get_value(obj, field, selector)
if v is None:
if cls.ID_COL in subtranslator:
row_hash = cls._compute_hash([])
# NOTE(arosen) - tuples is a (table_name, list of values)
if cls.OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN in subtranslator:
v = subtranslator[cls.OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN](v)
tuples, row_hash = cls.convert_obj(v, subtranslator,
if cls.need_column_for_subtable_id(subtranslator):
hdict_row[col_name] = row_hash
return cls._format_results_to_hdict(
obj, new_results, translator, hdict_row)
def _format_results_to_hdict(cls, obj, results, translator, hdict_row):
"""Convert hdict row to translator format for hdict.
results - table row entries from subtables of a translator.
translator - is the translator to convert obj.
hdict_row - all the value fields of an hdict populated in a dict.
field_translators = translator[cls.FIELD_TRANSLATORS]
table = translator[cls.TABLE_NAME]
id_col = translator.get(cls.ID_COL)
parent_key = translator.get(cls.PARENT_KEY)
new_row = []
for fieldtranslator in field_translators:
col = fieldtranslator.get(cls.COL,
if col in hdict_row:
if id_col:
h = cls._compute_id(id_col, obj, new_row)
new_row = (h,) + tuple(new_row)
elif parent_key:
h = None
parent_col_name = translator.get(cls.PARENT_COL_NAME,
new_row = (hdict_row[parent_col_name],) + tuple(new_row)
h = None
new_row = tuple(new_row)
results.append((table, new_row))
return results, h
def _populate_translator_data_hdict(cls, translator, obj,
in_list = translator.get(cls.IN_LIST, False)
new_results = [] # New tuples from this HDICT and sub containers.
# FIXME(arosen) refactor code so we don't need this. I don't believe
# we really need to return the hash value here.
last_hash_val = None
if not in_list:
return cls._populate_hdict(translator, obj, parent_row_dict)
for val in obj:
rows, last_hash_val = cls._populate_hdict(translator, val,
return new_results, last_hash_val
def convert_obj(cls, obj, translator, parent_row_dict=None):
"""Convert obj using translator.
Takes an object and a translation descriptor. Returns two items:
(1) a list of tuples where the first element is the name of a table,
and the second element is a tuple to be inserted into the table, and
(2) if the translator specified an id-col, then return the id's value
here. The id is a hash that takes into account all the content of the
list of tuples. The hash can be used as a unique key to identify the
content in obj. Otherwise, return None here.
if obj is None:
return None, None
translation_type = translator[cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE]
if translation_type == cls.HDICT:
return cls._populate_translator_data_hdict(translator, obj,
elif translation_type == cls.VDICT:
return cls._populate_translator_data_vdict(translator, obj,
elif translation_type == cls.LIST:
return cls._populate_translator_data_list(translator, obj,
raise AssertionError("unexpected translator type %s" %
def convert_objs(cls, objects, translator):
"""Convert list of objs using translator.
Takes a list of objects, and translates them using the translator.
Returns a list of tuples, where each tuple is a pair containing a
table name, and a tuple to be inserted into the table.
results = []
if cls.OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN in translator:
obj_list = translator[cls.OBJECTS_EXTRACT_FN](objects)
obj_list = objects
for o in obj_list:
rows, _ = DataSourceDriver.convert_obj(o, translator)
return results
def convert_responses(cls, obj_list, conversion):
results = []
for o in obj_list:
rows, h = DataSourceDriver.convert_response(o, conversion)
return results
def check_params(cls, params, valid_params):
diff = sorted(set(params).difference(valid_params))
if diff:
err = ("Params (%s) are invalid. Valid params: %s" %
(', '.join(diff), str(valid_params)))
raise exception.InvalidParamException(err)
def check_translation_type(cls, params):
if cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE not in params:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
"Param (%s) must be in translator" % cls.TRANSLATION_TYPE)
def request_refresh(self):
raise NotImplementedError('request_refresh() is not implemented.')
def get_status(self):
d = {}
d['last_updated'] = str(self.last_updated_time)
d['last_error'] = str(self.last_error)
d['number_of_updates'] = str(self.number_of_updates)
d['initialized'] = str(self.initialized)
d['subscriptions'] = self.subscription_list()
d['subscribers'] = self.subscriber_list()
return d
def empty_credentials(self):
return {'username': '',
'password': '',
'auth_url': '',
'tenant_name': ''}
class DataSourceDriverEndpoints(data_service.DataServiceEndPoints):
def __init__(self, service):
super(DataSourceDriverEndpoints, self).__init__(service)
def get_row_data(self, context, table_id, source_id, trace):
return self.service.get_row_data(table_id, source_id, trace)
def get_tablename(self, context, table_id, source_id):
return self.service.get_tablename(table_id)
def get_tablenames(self, context, source_id):
return self.service.get_tablenames()
def get_status(self, context, source_id, params):
return self.service.get_status()
def get_datasource_schema(self, context, source_id):
return self.service.get_schema()
# TODO(dse2): move this to ExecutionDriver. Can't do this immediately
# since ExecutionDriver inherits from Object--not DataService.
# Not sure what would happen in terms of inheritance if we were
# to make ExecutionDriver inherit from DataService, since then
# current datasources would inherit from 2 classes, each inheriting from
# DataService. Perhaps it is time to collapse ExecutionDriver
# and DatasourceDriver into 1 class.
def get_actions(self, context, source_id):
return self.service.get_actions()
def get_datasource_info(self, context):
return self.service.get_datasource_info()
def request_refresh(self, context, source_id):
return self.service.request_refresh()
def request_execute(self, context, action, action_args, wait):
return self.service.request_execute(context, action, action_args, wait)
class PushedDataSourceDriver(DataSourceDriver):
"""Push Type DataSource Driver.
This DataSource Driver is a base class for push type datasource driver.
def __init__(self, name='', args=None):
self.persist_data = False
super(PushedDataSourceDriver, self).__init__(name, args)
# For DSE2. Must go after __init__
if hasattr(self, 'add_rpc_endpoint'):
if args is not None:
self.persist_data = strutils.bool_from_string(
args.get('persist_data', 'False'), strict=True)
if self.persist_data:
if self.ds_id is None:
raise Exception('Push-type datasource driver does not have ID')
self.initialized = True
def request_refresh(self):
# PushedDataSourceDriver doesn't start working by itself.
# So nothing to refresh in the method. If needed, it's
# overrided in a subclass.
# Note (thread-safety): blocking function
def _restore_persisted_data(self):
self.state = {}
# Note (thread-safety): blocking call
data = db_ds_table_data.get_ds_table_data(self.ds_id)
for table in data:
self.state[table['tablename']] = table['tabledata']
# Note (thread-safety): blocking function
def replace_entire_table_data(self, table_id, objs):'update %s table in %s datasource', table_id,
translator = self.get_translator(table_id)
tablename = translator['table-name']
self.prior_state = dict(self.state)
tablename, PushedDataSourceDriver.convert_objs(objs, translator))
LOG.debug('publish a new state %s in %s',
self.state[tablename], tablename)
# Note (thread-safety): blocking call
self.publish(tablename, self.state[tablename])
self.number_of_updates += 1
self.last_updated_time =
# persist in DB
if self.persist_data:
if self.ds_id is not None:
# Note (thread-safety): blocking call
self.ds_id, tablename, self.state[tablename])
raise Exception('Push-type datasource driver does not have ID')
# Note (thread-safety): blocking function
def process_webhook_notification(self, payload):
self.prior_state = dict(self.state)
# call specific webhook handler of driver
updated_tables = self._webhook_handler(payload)
self.number_of_updates += 1
self.last_updated_time =
# persist in DB
if self.persist_data:
for tablename in updated_tables:
if self.ds_id is not None:
# Note (thread-safety): blocking call
self.ds_id, tablename, self.state[tablename])
raise Exception(
'Push-type datasource driver does not have ID')
class PushedDataSourceDriverEndpoints(data_service.DataServiceEndPoints):
def __init__(self, service):
super(PushedDataSourceDriverEndpoints, self).__init__(service)
# Note (thread-safety): blocking function
def replace_entire_table_data(self, context, table_id, source_id, objs):
# Note (thread-safety): blocking call
return self.service.replace_entire_table_data(table_id, objs)
# Note (thread-safety): blocking function
def process_webhook_notification(self, context, payload):
# Note (thread-safety): blocking call
return self.service.process_webhook_notification(payload)
class PollingDataSourceDriver(DataSourceDriver):
def __init__(self, name='', args=None):
if args is None:
args = dict()
if 'poll_time' in args:
poll_time = int(args['poll_time'])
poll_time = 10
self.poll_time = poll_time
self.lazy_tables = args.get('lazy_tables', [])
# a dict for update method
# key: root table name
# value: update method
# ex: {'servers': <pointer for the updating method>}
self.update_methods = {}
self.refresh_request_queue = eventlet.Queue(maxsize=1)
self.worker_greenthread = None
super(PollingDataSourceDriver, self).__init__(name, args=args)
def _init_end_start_poll(self):
"""Mark initializes the success and launch poll loop.
Every instance of this class must call the method at the end of
if self._running:
self.worker_greenthread = eventlet.spawn(self.poll_loop,
self.initialized = True
def add_update_method(self, method, translator):
if translator[self.TABLE_NAME] in self.update_methods:
raise exception.Conflict('A method has already registered for '
'the table %s.' %
self.update_methods[translator[self.TABLE_NAME]] = method
def validate_lazy_tables(self):
"""Check all the lazy_tables is root table name."""
root_table_names = [t[self.TABLE_NAME] for t in self.TRANSLATORS]
invalid_table = [t for t in self.lazy_tables
if t not in root_table_names]
if invalid_table:'Invalid table name in lazy_tables config: %s')
msg = ("Invalid lazy tables: %s. Accepted tables for datasource "
"%s are %s." % (invalid_table,, root_table_names))
raise exception.BadRequest(msg)
def initialize_translators(self):
"""Register translators for polling and define tables.
This registers a translator and defines tables for subscribers.
When a table name in root translator is specified as a lazy
it skips registering the translator and doesn't define the table.
for translator in self.TRANSLATORS:
if translator[self.TABLE_NAME] not in self.lazy_tables:
LOG.debug('register translator: %s'
% translator[self.TABLE_NAME])
def start(self):
super(PollingDataSourceDriver, self).start()
if not self.worker_greenthread:
self.worker_greenthread = eventlet.spawn(self.poll_loop,
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def stop(self):
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
super(PollingDataSourceDriver, self).stop()
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def stop_polling_thread(self):
if self.worker_greenthread is not None:
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
self.worker_greenthread = None"killed %s polling worker thread",
def get_snapshot(self, table_name):
"""Return a snapshot of table."""
if (table_name in [t[self.TABLE_NAME] for t in self.TRANSLATORS] and
table_name not in self._table_deps):
new_translator = next(t for t in self.TRANSLATORS
if t[self.TABLE_NAME] == table_name)
return super(PollingDataSourceDriver, self).get_snapshot(table_name)
def get_row_data(self, table_id, *args, **kwargs):
if table_id not in self.state and table_id in self.lazy_tables:
raise exception.LazyTable(lazy_table=table_id)
return super(PollingDataSourceDriver, self).get_row_data(table_id,
def get_last_updated_time(self):
return self.last_updated_time
def update_from_datasource(self):
for registered_table in self._table_deps:
LOG.debug('update table %s.' % registered_table)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def poll(self):
"""Periodically called to update new info.
Function called periodically to grab new information, compute
deltas, and publish those deltas.
""""%s:: polling",
self.prior_state = dict(self.state) # copying self.state
self.last_error = None # non-None only when last poll errored
self.update_from_datasource() # sets self.state
tablenames = set(self.state.keys()) | set(self.prior_state.keys())
for tablename in tablenames:
# publishing full table and using differential processing in
# data_service to send
# only deltas. Useful so that if policy engine subscribes
# late (or dies and comes back up), DSE can automatically
# send the full table.
if tablename in self.state:
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
tablename, self.state[tablename], use_snapshot=False)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
self.publish(tablename, set(), use_snapshot=False)
except Exception as e:
self.last_error = e
LOG.exception("Datasource driver raised exception")
self.last_updated_time =
self.number_of_updates += 1"%s:: finished polling",
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def request_refresh(self):
"""Request a refresh of this service's data."""
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
except eventlet.queue.Full:
# if the queue is full, just ignore it, the poller thread will
# get to it eventually
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def block_unless_refresh_requested(self):
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def poll_loop(self, poll_time):
"""Entrypoint for the datasource driver's poller greenthread.
Triggers polling every *poll_time* seconds or after *request_refresh*
is called.
:param poll_time: is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait between
polling rounds.
LOG.debug("start to poll from datasource %s",
while self._running:
if poll_time:
if self.last_updated_time is None:
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
with eventlet.Timeout(poll_time):
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
except eventlet.Timeout:
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
class ExecutionDriver(object):
"""An add-on class for action execution.
This class implements an action execution 'virtual' method execute()
which is called when a driver receives a 'req' message. The handler
for 'req' message is placed under the DatasourceDriver(). Each driver
which uses this class must implement the execute() method to handle
how the action is used: whether defining it as a method and calling it
or passing it as an API call to a service.
def __init__(self):
# a list of action methods which can be used with "execute"
self.executable_methods = {}
self._leader_node_id = None
# defined in DataService class
self.heartbeat_callbacks['check_leader'] = self._check_leader_heartbeat
self.method_structured_args = {}
def _check_leader_heartbeat(self):
"""Vacate leader if heartbeat lost"""
if (self._leader_node_id is not None and
self._leader_node_id != self.node.node_id):
peers = self.node.dse_status()['peers']
if (self._leader_node_id not in peers or
time.time() - peers[self._leader_node_id]['last_hb_time']
LOG.debug('local leader %s vacated due to lost heartbeat',
self._leader_node_id = None
def reqhandler(self, msg):
"""Request handler.
The handler calls execute method.
"""'%s:: reqhandler: %s',, msg)
action = msg.header.get('dataindex')
action_args = msg.body
# e.g. action_args = {u'positional': [u'p_arg1', u'p_arg2'],
# u'named': {u'name1': u'n_arg1'}}
self.execute(action, action_args)
except Exception as e:
def add_executable_client_methods(self, client, api_prefix, exclude=None):
"""Inspect client to get supported builtin methods
param client: the datasource driver client
param api_prefix: the filter used to filter methods
if exclude is None:
exclude = []
builtin = ds_utils.inspect_methods(client, api_prefix)
for method in builtin:
if method['name'] not in exclude:
self.add_executable_method(method['name'], method['args'],
def add_executable_method(self, method_name, method_args, method_desc=""):
"""Add executable method information.
:param method_name: The name of the method to add
:param method_args: List of arguments and description of the method,
e.g. [{'name': 'arg1', 'description': 'arg1'},
{'name': 'arg2', 'description': 'arg2'}]
:param method_desc: Description of the method
if method_name not in self.executable_methods:
self.executable_methods[method_name] = [method_args, method_desc]
def is_executable(self, method):
return True if method.__name__ in self.executable_methods else False
def _get_method(self, client, method_name):
method = reduce(getattr, method_name.split('.'), client)
return method
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function (potentially)
def _execute_api(self, client, action, action_args):
positional_args = action_args.get('positional', [])
named_args = action_args.get('named', {})
LOG.debug('Processing action execution: action = %s, '
'positional args = %s, named args = %s',
action, positional_args, named_args)
method = self._get_method(client, action)
except Exception as e:
raise exception.CongressException(
"driver %s tries to execute %s on arguments %s but "
"the method isn't accepted as an executable method."
% (, action, action_args))
# if some arguments are structures, load json/yaml string into struct
structured_args = self.method_structured_args.get(action)
if structured_args is not None:
positional_args = copy.deepcopy(positional_args)
named_args = copy.deepcopy(named_args)
# compute which positional args to load str->struct.
if 'positional' not in structured_args:
if inspect.ismethod(method):
method_args = inspect.getargspec(method).args[1:]
else: # function or staticmethod without special 1st arg
method_args = inspect.getargspec(method).args
structured_positional_args = []
for (index, arg) in enumerate(method_args):
if arg in structured_args['named']:
structured_args['positional'] = frozenset(
# load selected named args
for arg_name in named_args:
if arg_name in structured_args['named']:
named_args[arg_name] = yaml.safe_load(
# load selected positional args
for (index, arg) in enumerate(positional_args):
if index in structured_args['positional']:
positional_args[index] = yaml.safe_load(arg)
except yaml.parser.ParserError as e:
raise exception.CongressException(
"driver %s tries to execute %s on arguments %s but "
"loading of JSON/YAML in designated arguments failed due to "
"invalid format."
% (, action, action_args))
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call (potentially)
return method(*positional_args, **named_args)
except Exception as e:
raise exception.CongressException(
"driver %s tries to execute %s on arguments %s but "
"the method raised an exception."
% (, action, action_args))
def get_actions(self):
"""Return all supported actions of a datasource driver.
Action should be a service API or a user-defined function.
This method should return a dict for all supported actions,
together with optional descriptions for each action and its
required/supported arguments. E.g.::
{'results': [{'name': 'execute1',
'args': [{"name": 'arg1', "description": "None"},
{"name": 'arg2', "description": "None"}],
'description': 'execute function 1'}]
actions = []
# order by name so that use can find out actions easily
method_names = sorted(self.executable_methods.keys())
for method in method_names:
actions.append({'name': method,
'args': self.executable_methods[method][0],
'description': self.executable_methods[method][1]})
return {'results': actions}
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def request_execute(self, context, action, action_args, wait):
"""Accept execution requests and execute requests from leader"""
node_id = context.get('node_id', None)
th = None
if self._leader_node_id == node_id:
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
th = eventlet.spawn(self.execute, action, action_args)
elif node_id is not None:
if self._leader_node_id is None:
self._leader_node_id = node_id
LOG.debug('New local leader %s selected', self._leader_node_id)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
th = eventlet.spawn(self.execute, action, action_args)
if wait and th:
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function (in some subclasses)
def execute(self, action, action_args):
"""This method must be implemented by each driver.
Action can be a service API or a user-defined function
:param action: a user-defined function or a service API call
:param action_args: in format of::
{'positional': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
'named': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}}
raise NotImplementedError(
'driver %s has no "execute" method but was asked to '
'execute %s on arguments %s' % (, action, action_args)
def _convert_args(self, positional_args):
"""Convert positional args to optional/named args.
:param: <list> positional_args: items are assumed being
ordered as ['key1', 'value1', 'key2', 'value2',].
:return <dict>: {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
if len(positional_args) % 2 != 0:
raise exception.InvalidParamException(
'%s must be in pairs to convert to optional/named args'
% positional_args)
named_args = {}
for key, val in zip(*[iter(positional_args)] * 2):
named_args.update({key: val})
return named_args