
510 lines
20 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import inspect
import muranoclient.client
from muranoclient.common import exceptions as murano_exceptions
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import six
from congress.datasources import datasource_driver
from congress.datasources import datasource_utils
from congress.datasources import murano_classes
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MuranoDriver(datasource_driver.PollingDataSourceDriver,
OBJECTS = "objects"
PARENT_TYPES = "parent_types"
PROPERTIES = "properties"
RELATIONSHIPS = "relationships"
CONNECTED = "connected"
STATES = "states"
ACTIONS = "actions"
UNUSED_PKG_PROPERTIES = ['id', 'owner_id', 'description']
UNUSED_ENV_PROPERTIES = ['id', 'tenant_id']
APPS_TYPE_PREFIXES = ['io.murano.apps', 'io.murano.databases']
def __init__(self, name='', args=None):
super(MuranoDriver, self).__init__(name, args=args)
self.creds = args
session = datasource_utils.get_keystone_session(self.creds)
client_version = "1"
self.murano_client = muranoclient.client.Client(
client_version, session=session, endpoint_type='publicURL',
logger.debug("Successfully created murano_client")
self.action_call_returns = []
def get_datasource_info():
result = {}
result['id'] = 'murano'
result['description'] = ('Datasource driver that interfaces with '
result['config'] = datasource_utils.get_openstack_required_config()
result['secret'] = ['password']
return result
def update_from_datasource(self):
"""Called when it is time to pull new data from this datasource.
Sets self.state[tablename] = <set of tuples of strings/numbers>
for every tablename exported by this datasource.
self.state[self.STATES] = set()
self.state[self.OBJECTS] = set()
self.state[self.PROPERTIES] = set()
self.state[self.PARENT_TYPES] = set()
self.state[self.RELATIONSHIPS] = set()
self.state[self.CONNECTED] = set()
self.state[self.ACTIONS] = dict()
# Workaround for 401 error issue
# Moves _translate_packages above translate_services to
# make use of properties table in translate_services
logger.debug("Murano grabbing packages")
packages = self.murano_client.packages.list()
logger.debug("Murano grabbing environments")
environments = self.murano_client.environments.list()
except murano_exceptions.HTTPException:
def get_schema(cls):
"""Returns a dictionary of table schema.
The dictionary mapping tablenames to the list of column names
for that table. Both tablenames and columnnames are strings.
d = {}
d[cls.OBJECTS] = ('object_id', 'owner_id', 'type')
# parent_types include not only the type of object's immediate
# parent but also all of its ancestors and its own type. The
# additional info helps writing better datalog rules.
d[cls.PARENT_TYPES] = ('id', 'parent_type')
d[cls.PROPERTIES] = ('owner_id', 'name', 'value')
d[cls.RELATIONSHIPS] = ('source_id', 'target_id', 'name')
d[cls.CONNECTED] = ('source_id', 'target_id')
d[cls.STATES] = ('id', 'state')
return d
def _translate_environments(self, environments):
"""Translate the environments into tables.
Assigns self.state[tablename] for all those TABLENAMEs
generated from environments
logger.debug("_translate_environments: %s", environments)
if not environments:
self.state[self.STATES] = set()
if self.OBJECTS not in self.state:
self.state[self.OBJECTS] = set()
if self.PROPERTIES not in self.state:
self.state[self.PROPERTIES] = set()
if self.PARENT_TYPES not in self.state:
self.state[self.PARENT_TYPES] = set()
if self.RELATIONSHIPS not in self.state:
self.state[self.RELATIONSHIPS] = set()
if self.CONNECTED not in self.state:
self.state[self.CONNECTED] = set()
env_type = 'io.murano.Environment'
for env in environments:
(, env.tenant_id, env_type))
self.state[self.STATES].add((, env.status))
parent_types = self._get_parent_types(env_type)
self._add_parent_types(, parent_types)
for key, value in env.to_dict().items():
self._add_properties(, key, value)
def _translate_services(self, environments):
"""Translate the environment services into tables.
Assigns self.state[tablename] for all those TABLENAMEs
generated from services
logger.debug("Murano grabbing environments services")
if not environments:
for env in environments:
services =
def _translate_environment_services(self, services, env_id):
"""Translate the environment services into tables.
Assigns self.state[tablename] for all those TABLENAMEs
generated from services
# clean actions for given environment
if self.ACTIONS not in self.state:
self.state[self.ACTIONS] = dict()
env_actions = self.state[self.ACTIONS][env_id] = set()
if not services:
for s in services:
s_dict = s.to_dict()
s_id = s_dict['?']['id']
s_type = s_dict['?']['type']
self.state[self.OBJECTS].add((s_id, env_id, s_type))
for key, value in s_dict.items():
if key in ['instance', '?']:
self._add_properties(s_id, key, value)
self._add_relationships(s_id, key, value)
parent_types = self._get_parent_types(s_type)
self._add_parent_types(s_id, parent_types)
self._add_relationships(env_id, 'services', s_id)
self._translate_service_action(s_dict, env_actions)
if 'instance' not in s_dict:
# populate service instance
si_dict = s.instance
si_id = si_dict['?']['id']
si_type = si_dict['?']['type']
self.state[self.OBJECTS].add((si_id, s_id, si_type))
for key, value in si_dict.items():
if key in ['?']:
self._add_properties(si_id, key, value)
if key not in ['image']:
# there's no murano image object in the environment,
# therefore glance 'image' relationship is irrelevant
# at this point.
self._add_relationships(si_id, key, value)
# There's a relationship between the service and instance
self._add_relationships(s_id, 'instance', si_id)
parent_types = self._get_parent_types(si_type)
self._add_parent_types(si_id, parent_types)
self._translate_service_action(si_dict, env_actions)
def _translate_service_action(self, obj_dict, env_actions):
"""Translates environment's object actions to env_actions structure.
env_actions: [(obj_id, action_id, action_name, enabled)]
:param: obj_dict: object dictionary
:param: env_actions: set of environment actions
obj_id = obj_dict['?']['id']
if '_actions' in obj_dict['?']:
o_actions = obj_dict['?']['_actions']
if not o_actions:
for action_id, action_value in o_actions.items():
action_name = action_value.get('name', '')
enabled = action_value.get('enabled', False)
action = (obj_id, action_id, action_name, enabled)
# TODO(tranldt): support action arguments.
# If action arguments are included in '_actions',
# they can be populated into tables.
def _translate_deployments(self, environments):
"""Translate the environment deployments into tables.
Assigns self.state[tablename] for all those TABLENAMEs
generated from deployments
if not environments:
for env in environments:
deployments = self.murano_client.deployments.list(
def _translate_environment_deployments(self, deployments, env_id):
"""Translate the environment deployments into tables.
Assigns self.state[tablename] for all those TABLENAMEs
generated from deployments
if not deployments:
for d in deployments:
if 'defaultNetworks' not in d.description:
default_networks = d.description['defaultNetworks']
net_id = None
if 'environment' in default_networks:
net_id = default_networks['environment']['?']['id']
net_type = default_networks['environment']['?']['type']
self.state[self.OBJECTS].add((net_id, env_id, net_type))
parent_types = self._get_parent_types(net_type)
self._add_parent_types(net_id, parent_types)
for key, value in default_networks['environment'].items():
if key in ['?']:
self._add_properties(net_id, key, value)
if not net_id:
self._add_relationships(env_id, 'defaultNetworks', net_id)
for key, value in default_networks.items():
if key in ['environment']:
# data from environment already populated
new_key = 'defaultNetworks.' + key
self._add_properties(net_id, new_key, value)
# services from deployment are not of interest because the same
# info is obtained from services API
def _translate_packages(self, packages):
"""Translate the packages into tables.
Assigns self.state[tablename] for all those TABLENAMEs
generated from packages/applications
# packages is a generator type
if not packages:
if self.OBJECTS not in self.state:
self.state[self.OBJECTS] = set()
if self.PROPERTIES not in self.state:
self.state[self.PROPERTIES] = set()
for pkg in packages:
logger.debug("pkg=%s", pkg.to_dict())
pkg_type = pkg.type
if pkg.type == 'Application':
pkg_type = 'io.murano.Application'
self.state[self.OBJECTS].add((, pkg.owner_id, pkg_type))
for key, value in pkg.to_dict().items():
self._add_properties(, key, value)
def _add_properties(self, obj_id, key, value):
"""Add a set of (obj_id, key, value) to properties table.
:param: obj_id: uuid of object
:param: key: property name. For the case value is a list, the
same key is used for multiple values.
:param: value: property value. If value is a dict, the nested
properties will be mapped using dot notation.
if value is None or value == '':
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k, v in value.items():
new_key = key + "." + k
self._add_properties(obj_id, new_key, v)
elif isinstance(value, list):
if len(value) == 0:
for item in value:
(obj_id, key, item))
(obj_id, key, value))
def _add_relationships(self, obj_id, key, value):
"""Add a set of (obj_id, value, key) to relationships table.
:param: obj_id: source uuid
:param: key: relationship name
:param: value: target uuid
if (not isinstance(value, six.string_types) or
not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(value)):
logger.debug("Relationship: source = %s, target = %s, rel_name = %s"
% (obj_id, value, key))
self.state[self.RELATIONSHIPS].add((obj_id, value, key))
def _transitive_closure(self):
"""Computes transitive closure on a directed graph.
In other words computes reachability within the graph.
E.g. {(1, 2), (2, 3)} -> {(1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3)}
(1, 3) was added because there is path from 1 to 3 in the graph.
closure = self.state[self.CONNECTED]
while True:
# Attempts to discover new transitive relations
# by joining 2 subsequent relations/edges within the graph.
new_relations = {(x, w) for x, y in closure
for q, w in closure if q == y}
# Creates union with already discovered relations.
closure_until_now = closure | new_relations
# If no new relations were discovered in last cycle
# the computation is finished.
if closure_until_now == closure:
self.state[self.CONNECTED] = closure
closure = closure_until_now
def _add_connected(self, source_id, target_id):
"""Looks up the target_id in objects and add links to connected table.
Adds sets of (source_id, target_id) to connected table along
with its indirections.
:param: source_id: source uuid
:param: target_id: target uuid
for row in self.state[self.OBJECTS]:
if row[1] == target_id:
self.state[self.CONNECTED].add((row[1], row[0]))
self.state[self.CONNECTED].add((source_id, row[0]))
self.state[self.CONNECTED].add((source_id, target_id))
def _translate_connected(self):
"""Translates relationships table into connected table."""
for row in self.state[self.RELATIONSHIPS]:
self._add_connected(row[0], row[1])
def _add_parent_types(self, obj_id, parent_types):
"""Add sets of (obj_id, parent_type) to parent_types table.
:param: obj_id: uuid of object
:param: parent_types: list of parent type string
if parent_types:
for p_type in parent_types:
self.state[self.PARENT_TYPES].add((obj_id, p_type))
def _get_package_type(self, class_name):
"""Determine whether obj_type is an Application or Library.
:param: class_name: <string> service/application class name
e.g. io.murano.apps.linux.Telnet.
:return: - package type (e.g. 'Application') if found.
- None if no package type found.
pkg_type = None
if self.PROPERTIES in self.state:
idx_uuid = 0
idx_value = 2
uuid = None
for row in self.state[self.PROPERTIES]:
if 'class_definitions' in row and class_name in row:
uuid = row[idx_uuid]
if uuid:
for row in self.state[self.PROPERTIES]:
if 'type' in row and uuid == row[idx_uuid]:
pkg_type = row[idx_value]
# If the package is removed after deployed, its properties
# are not known and so above search will fail. In that case
# let's check for class_name prefix as the last resort.
if not pkg_type:
for prefix in self.APPS_TYPE_PREFIXES:
if prefix in class_name:
pkg_type = 'Application'
return pkg_type
def _get_parent_types(self, obj_type):
"""Get class types of all OBJ_TYPE's parents including itself.
Look up the hierarchy of OBJ_TYPE and return types of all its
ancestor including its own type.
:param: obj_type: <string>
class_types = []
p = lambda x: inspect.isclass(x)
g = inspect.getmembers(murano_classes, p)
for name, cls in g:
logger.debug("%s: %s" % (name, cls))
if (cls is murano_classes.IOMuranoApps and
self._get_package_type(obj_type) == 'Application'): = obj_type
if 'get_parent_types' in dir(cls):
class_types = cls.get_parent_types(obj_type)
if class_types:
return class_types
def _call_murano_action(self, environment_id, object_id, action_name):
"""Invokes action of object in Murano environment.
:param: environment_id: uuid
:param: object_id: uuid
:param: action_name: string
# get action id using object_id, env_id and action name
logger.debug("Requested Murano action invoke %s on %s in %s",
action_name, object_id, environment_id)
if (not self.state[self.ACTIONS] or
environment_id not in self.state[self.ACTIONS]):
logger.warning('Datasource "%s" found no actions for '
'environment "%s"',, environment_id)
env_actions = self.state[self.ACTIONS][environment_id]
for env_action in env_actions:
ea_obj_id, ea_action_id, ea_action_name, ea_enabled = env_action
if (object_id == ea_obj_id and action_name == ea_action_name
and ea_enabled):
logger.debug("Invoking Murano action_id = %s, action_name %s",
ea_action_id, ea_action_name)
# TODO(tranldt): support action arguments
task_id =,
logger.debug("Murano action invoked %s - task id %s",
ea_action_id, task_id)
def execute(self, action, action_args):
"""Overwrite ExecutionDriver.execute().""""%s:: executing %s on %s",, action, action_args)
self.action_call_returns = []
positional_args = action_args.get('positional', [])
logger.debug('Processing action execution: action = %s, '
'positional args = %s', action, positional_args)
env_id = positional_args[0]
obj_id = positional_args[1]
action_name = positional_args[2]
self._call_murano_action(env_id, obj_id, action_name)
except Exception as e: