Anusha Ramineni ecc0ad6839 Fix py3 failures and enable py3 dsvm job
This commit makes sure congress is py35 complaint.

Change-Id: Ie8c4a244a60a56cac5b1e1430648f51546f51d62
2017-11-23 08:22:07 +00:00

246 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
import six
from congress.api import base
from congress.api import error_codes
from congress.api import webservice
from congress import exception
from congress.library_service import library_service
class PolicyModel(base.APIModel):
"""Model for handling API requests about Policies."""
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def get_items(self, params, context=None):
"""Get items in model.
:param: params: A dict-like object containing parameters
from the request query string and body.
:param: context: Key-values providing frame of reference of request
:returns: A dict containing at least a 'results' key whose value is
a list of items in the model. Additional keys set in the
dict will also be rendered for the user.
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
return {"results": self.invoke_rpc(base.ENGINE_SERVICE_ID,
except exception.CongressException as e:
raise webservice.DataModelException.create(e)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def get_item(self, id_, params, context=None):
"""Retrieve item with id id\_ from model.
:param: id\_: The ID of the item to retrieve
:param: params: A dict-like object containing parameters
from the request query string and body.
:param: context: Key-values providing frame of reference of request
:returns: The matching item or None if id\_ does not exist.
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
return self.invoke_rpc(base.ENGINE_SERVICE_ID,
{'id_': id_})
except exception.CongressException as e:
raise webservice.DataModelException.create(e)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def add_item(self, item, params, id_=None, context=None):
"""Add item to model.
:param: item: The item to add to the model
:param: params: A dict-like object containing parameters
from the request query string and body.
:param: id\_: The ID of the item, or None if an ID should be generated
:param: context: Key-values providing frame of reference of request
:returns: Tuple of (ID, newly_created_item)
:raises KeyError: ID already exists.
:raises DataModelException: Addition cannot be performed.
:raises BadRequest: library_policy parameter and request body both
# case 1: parameter gives library policy UUID
if 'library_policy' in params:
if item:
raise exception.BadRequest(
'Policy creation request with `library_policy` parameter '
'must not have non-empty body.')
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
library_policy_object = self.invoke_rpc(
'get_policy', {'id_': params['library_policy']})
policy_metadata = self.invoke_rpc(
{'policy_rules_obj': library_policy_object})
except exception.CongressException as e:
raise webservice.DataModelException.create(e)
return (policy_metadata['id'], policy_metadata)
# case 2: item contains rules
if 'rules' in item:
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
policy_metadata = self.invoke_rpc(
{'policy_rules_obj': item})
except exception.CongressException as e:
raise webservice.DataModelException.create(e)
return (policy_metadata['id'], policy_metadata)
# case 3: item does not contain rules
self._check_create_policy(id_, item)
name = item['name']
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
policy_metadata = self.invoke_rpc(
base.ENGINE_SERVICE_ID, 'persistent_create_policy',
{'name': name,
'abbr': item.get('abbreviation'),
'kind': item.get('kind'),
'desc': item.get('description')})
except exception.CongressException as e:
raise webservice.DataModelException.create(e)
return (policy_metadata['id'], policy_metadata)
def _check_create_policy(self, id_, item):
if id_ is not None:
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('policy_id_must_not_be_provided')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc)
if 'name' not in item:
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('policy_name_must_be_provided')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc)
abbr = item.get('abbreviation')
if abbr:
# the length of abbreviation column is 5 chars in policy DB table,
# check it in API layer and raise exception if it's too long.
if not isinstance(abbr, six.string_types) or len(abbr) > 5:
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('policy_abbreviation_error')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def delete_item(self, id_, params, context=None):
"""Remove item from model.
:param: id\_: The ID or name of the item to be removed
:param: params:
:param: context: Key-values providing frame of reference of request
:returns: The removed item.
:raises KeyError: Item with specified id\_ not present.
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
return self.invoke_rpc(base.ENGINE_SERVICE_ID,
{'name_or_id': id_})
def _get_boolean_param(self, key, params):
if key not in params:
return False
value = params[key]
return value.lower() == "true" or value == "1"
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def simulate_action(self, params, context=None, request=None):
"""Simulate the effects of executing a sequence of updates.
:returns: the result of a query.
# grab string arguments
theory = context.get('policy_id') or params.get('policy')
if theory is None:
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('simulate_without_policy')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc)
body = json.loads(request.body)
query = body.get('query')
sequence = body.get('sequence')
actions = body.get('action_policy')
delta = self._get_boolean_param('delta', params)
trace = self._get_boolean_param('trace', params)
if query is None or sequence is None or actions is None:
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('incomplete_simulate_args')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc)
args = {'query': query, 'theory': theory, 'sequence': sequence,
'action_theory': actions, 'delta': delta,
'trace': trace, 'as_list': True}
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
result = self.invoke_rpc(base.ENGINE_SERVICE_ID, 'simulate',
args, timeout=self.dse_long_timeout)
except exception.PolicyException as e:
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('simulate_error')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc + "::" + str(e))
# always return dict
if trace:
return {'result': result[0],
'trace': result[1]}
return {'result': result}
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def execute_action(self, params, context=None, request=None):
"""Execute the action."""
body = json.loads(request.body)
# e.g. name = 'nova:disconnectNetwork'
items = re.split(':', body.get('name'))
if len(items) != 2:
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('service_action_syntax')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc)
service = items[0].strip()
action = items[1].strip()
action_args = body.get('args', {})
if (not isinstance(action_args, dict)):
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('execute_action_args_syntax')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc)
args = {'service_name': service,
'action': action,
'action_args': action_args}
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
self.invoke_rpc(base.ENGINE_SERVICE_ID, 'execute_action', args)
except exception.PolicyException as e:
(num, desc) = error_codes.get('execute_error')
raise webservice.DataModelException(num, desc + "::" + str(e))
return {}