
124 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
# For Python 3
import http.client as httplib
except ImportError:
import httplib
# TODO(thinrichs): move this out of api directory. Could go into
# the file. The HTTP error codes may make these errors
# look like they are only useful for the API, but actually they are
# just encoding the classification of the error using http codes.
# To make this more explicit, we could have 2 dictionaries where
# one maps an error name (readable for programmers) to an error number
# and another dictionary that maps an error name/number to the HTTP
# classification. But then it would be easy for a programmer when
# adding a new error to forget one or the other.
# name of unknown error
UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
# dict mapping error name to (<error id>, <description>, <http error code>)
errors = {}
errors[UNKNOWN] = (
1000, "Unknown error", httplib.BAD_REQUEST)
errors['add_item_id'] = (
1001, "Add item does not support user-chosen ID", httplib.BAD_REQUEST)
errors['rule_syntax'] = (
1002, "Syntax error for rule", httplib.BAD_REQUEST)
errors['multiple_rules'] = (
1003, "Received string representing more than 1 rule", httplib.BAD_REQUEST)
errors['incomplete_simulate_args'] = (
1004, "Simulate requires parameters: query, sequence, action_policy",
errors['simulate_without_policy'] = (
1005, "Simulate must be told which policy evaluate the query on",
errors['sequence_syntax'] = (
1006, "Syntax error in sequence", httplib.BAD_REQUEST)
errors['simulate_error'] = (
1007, "Error in simulate procedure", httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
errors['rule_already_exists'] = (
1008, "Rule already exists", httplib.CONFLICT)
errors['schema_get_item_id'] = (
1009, "Get item for schema does not support user-chosen ID",
errors['policy_name_must_be_provided'] = (
1010, "A name must be provided when creating a policy",
errors['no_policy_update_owner'] = (
1012, "The policy owner_id cannot be updated",
errors['no_policy_update_kind'] = (
1013, "The policy kind cannot be updated",
errors['failed_to_create_policy'] = (
1014, "A new policy could not be created",
errors['policy_id_must_not_be_provided'] = (
1015, "An ID may not be provided when creating a policy",
errors['execute_error'] = (
1016, "Error in execution procedure", httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
errors['service_action_syntax'] = (
1017, "Incorrect action syntax. Requires: <service>:<action>",
errors['execute_action_args_syntax'] = (
1018, "Incorrect argument syntax. "
"Requires: {'positional': [<args>], 'named': {<key>:<value>,}}",
errors['rule_not_permitted'] = (
1019, "Rules not permitted on non persisted policies.",
errors['policy_not_exist'] = (
1020, "The specified policy does not exist.", httplib.NOT_FOUND)
errors['policy_rule_insertion_failure'] = (
1021, "The policy rule could not be inserted.", httplib.BAD_REQUEST)
errors['policy_abbreviation_error'] = (
1022, "The policy abbreviation must be a string and the length of the "
"string must be equal to or less than 5 characters.",
def get(name):
if name not in errors:
name = UNKNOWN
return errors[name][:2]
def get_num(name):
if name not in errors:
name = UNKNOWN
return errors[name][0]
def get_desc(name):
if name not in errors:
name = UNKNOWN
return errors[name][1]
def get_http(name):
if name not in errors:
name = UNKNOWN
return errors[name][2]