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18 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python
# Copyright (c) 2014 IBM, Corp. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import datetime
import netaddr
import sys
import six
from six.moves import range
from dateutil import parser as datetime_parser
from oslo_config import types
class DatetimeBuiltins(object):
# casting operators (used internally)
def to_timedelta(cls, x):
if isinstance(x, six.string_types):
fields = x.split(":")
num_fields = len(fields)
args = {}
keys = ['seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks']
for i in range(0, len(fields)):
args[keys[i]] = int(fields[num_fields - 1 - i])
return datetime.timedelta(**args)
return datetime.timedelta(seconds=x)
def to_datetime(cls, x):
return datetime_parser.parse(x, ignoretz=True)
# current time
def now(cls):
return"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# extraction and creation of datetimes
def unpack_time(cls, x):
x = cls.to_datetime(x)
return (x.hour, x.minute, x.second)
def unpack_date(cls, x):
x = cls.to_datetime(x)
return (x.year, x.month,
def unpack_datetime(cls, x):
x = cls.to_datetime(x)
return (x.year, x.month,, x.hour, x.minute, x.second)
def pack_time(cls, hour, minute, second):
return "{}:{}:{}".format(hour, minute, second)
def pack_date(cls, year, month, day):
return "{}-{}-{}".format(year, month, day)
def pack_datetime(cls, year, month, day, hour, minute, second):
return "{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}".format(
year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
# extraction/creation convenience function
def extract_date(cls, x):
return str(cls.to_datetime(x).date())
def extract_time(cls, x):
return str(cls.to_datetime(x).time())
# conversion to seconds
def datetime_to_seconds(cls, x):
since1900 = cls.to_datetime(x) - datetime.datetime(year=1900,
return int(since1900.total_seconds())
# native operations on datetime
def datetime_plus(cls, x, y):
return str(cls.to_datetime(x) + cls.to_timedelta(y))
def datetime_minus(cls, x, y):
return str(cls.to_datetime(x) - cls.to_timedelta(y))
def datetime_lessthan(cls, x, y):
return cls.to_datetime(x) < cls.to_datetime(y)
def datetime_lessthanequal(cls, x, y):
return cls.to_datetime(x) <= cls.to_datetime(y)
def datetime_greaterthan(cls, x, y):
return cls.to_datetime(x) > cls.to_datetime(y)
def datetime_greaterthanequal(cls, x, y):
return cls.to_datetime(x) >= cls.to_datetime(y)
def datetime_equal(cls, x, y):
return cls.to_datetime(x) == cls.to_datetime(y)
class NetworkAddressBuiltins(object):
def ips_equal(cls, ip1, ip2):
return netaddr.IPAddress(ip1) == netaddr.IPAddress(ip2)
def ips_lessthan(cls, ip1, ip2):
return netaddr.IPAddress(ip1) < netaddr.IPAddress(ip2)
def ips_lessthan_equal(cls, ip1, ip2):
return netaddr.IPAddress(ip1) <= netaddr.IPAddress(ip2)
def ips_greaterthan(cls, ip1, ip2):
return netaddr.IPAddress(ip1) > netaddr.IPAddress(ip2)
def ips_greaterthan_equal(cls, ip1, ip2):
return netaddr.IPAddress(ip1) >= netaddr.IPAddress(ip2)
def networks_equal(cls, cidr1, cidr2):
return netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr1) == netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr2)
def networks_overlap(cls, cidr1, cidr2):
cidr1_obj = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr1)
cidr2_obj = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr2)
return (cidr1_obj.first <= cidr2_obj.first <= cidr1_obj.last or
cidr1_obj.first <= cidr2_obj.last <= cidr1_obj.last)
def ip_in_network(cls, ip, cidr):
cidr_obj = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr)
ip_obj = netaddr.IPAddress(ip)
return ip_obj in cidr_obj
class OptTypeBuiltins(object):
"""Builtins to validate option values for config validator.
It leverages oslog_config types module to check values.
def validate_int(cls, minv, maxv, value):
"""Check that the value is indeed an integer
Optionnally checks the integer is between given bounds if provided.
:param minv: minimal value or empty string
:param maxv: maximal value or empty string
:param value: value to check
:return: an empty string if ok or an error string.
maxv = None if maxv == '' else maxv
minv = None if minv == '' else minv
types.Integer(min=minv, max=maxv)(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
_, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
return str(err)
return ''
def validate_float(cls, minv, maxv, value):
"""Check that the value is a float
Optionnally checks the float is between given bounds if provided.
:param minv: minimal value or empty string
:param maxv: maximal value or empty string
:param value: value to check
:return: an empty string if ok or an error string.
maxv = None if maxv == '' else maxv
minv = None if minv == '' else minv
types.Float(min=minv, max=maxv)(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
_, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
return str(err)
return ''
def validate_string(cls, regex, max_length, quotes, ignore_case, value):
"""Check that the value is a string
Optionnally checks the string against typical requirements.
:param regex: a regular expression the value should follow or empty
:param max_length: an integer bound on the size of the string or empty
:param quotes: whether to include quotes or not
:param ignore_case: whether to ignore case or not
:param value: the value to check
:return: an empty string if ok or an error string.
regex = None if regex == '' else regex
types.String(regex=regex, max_length=max_length, quotes=quotes,
except (ValueError, TypeError):
_, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
return str(err)
return ''
# the registry for builtins
_builtin_map = {
'comparison': [
{'func': 'lt(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x < y},
{'func': 'lteq(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x <= y},
{'func': 'equal(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x == y},
{'func': 'gt(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x > y},
{'func': 'gteq(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x >= y},
{'func': 'max(x,y,z)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': lambda x, y: max(x, y)}],
'arithmetic': [
{'func': 'plus(x,y,z)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x + y},
{'func': 'minus(x,y,z)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x - y},
{'func': 'mul(x,y,z)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x * y},
{'func': 'div(x,y,z)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y:
((x // y) if (type(x) == int and type(y) == int) else (x / y))},
{'func': 'float(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 1, 'code': lambda x: float(x)},
{'func': 'int(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 1, 'code': lambda x: int(x)}],
'string': [
{'func': 'concat(x,y,z)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x + y},
{'func': 'len(x, y)', 'num_inputs': 1, 'code': lambda x: len(x)}],
'datetime': [
{'func': 'now(x)', 'num_inputs': 0,
{'func': 'unpack_date(x, year, month, day)', 'num_inputs': 1,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.unpack_date},
{'func': 'unpack_time(x, hours, minutes, seconds)', 'num_inputs': 1,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.unpack_time},
{'func': 'unpack_datetime(x, y, m, d, h, i, s)', 'num_inputs': 1,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.unpack_datetime},
{'func': 'pack_time(hours, minutes, seconds, result)', 'num_inputs': 3,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.pack_time},
{'func': 'pack_date(year, month, day, result)', 'num_inputs': 3,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.pack_date},
{'func': 'pack_datetime(y, m, d, h, i, s, result)', 'num_inputs': 6,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.pack_datetime},
{'func': 'extract_date(x, y)', 'num_inputs': 1,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.extract_date},
{'func': 'extract_time(x, y)', 'num_inputs': 1,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.extract_time},
{'func': 'datetime_to_seconds(x, y)', 'num_inputs': 1,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.datetime_to_seconds},
{'func': 'datetime_plus(x,y,z)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.datetime_plus},
{'func': 'datetime_minus(x,y,z)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.datetime_minus},
{'func': 'datetime_lt(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.datetime_lessthan},
{'func': 'datetime_lteq(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.datetime_lessthanequal},
{'func': 'datetime_gt(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.datetime_greaterthan},
{'func': 'datetime_gteq(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.datetime_greaterthanequal},
{'func': 'datetime_equal(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': DatetimeBuiltins.datetime_equal}],
'netaddr': [
{'func': 'ips_equal(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': NetworkAddressBuiltins.ips_equal},
{'func': 'ips_lt(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': NetworkAddressBuiltins.ips_lessthan},
{'func': 'ips_lteq(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': NetworkAddressBuiltins.ips_lessthan_equal},
{'func': 'ips_gt(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': NetworkAddressBuiltins.ips_greaterthan},
{'func': 'ips_gteq(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': NetworkAddressBuiltins.ips_greaterthan_equal},
{'func': 'networks_equal(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': NetworkAddressBuiltins.networks_equal},
{'func': 'networks_overlap(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': NetworkAddressBuiltins.networks_overlap},
{'func': 'ip_in_network(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': NetworkAddressBuiltins.ip_in_network}],
'type': [
{'func': 'validate_int(max, min, value, result)',
'num_inputs': 3, 'code': OptTypeBuiltins.validate_int},
{'func': 'validate_float(max, min, value, result)',
'num_inputs': 3, 'code': OptTypeBuiltins.validate_float},
{'func': 'validate_string(regex, max_length, quotes, ignore_case,'
' value, result)',
'num_inputs': 5, 'code': OptTypeBuiltins.validate_string}],
class CongressBuiltinPred(object):
def __init__(self, name, arglist, num_inputs, code):
self.predname = name
self.predargs = arglist
self.num_inputs = num_inputs
self.code = code
self.num_outputs = len(arglist) - num_inputs
def string_to_pred(self, predstring):
self.predname = predstring.split('(')[0]
self.predargs = predstring.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',')
except Exception:
print("Unexpected error in parsing predicate string")
def __str__(self):
return self.predname + '(' + ",".join(self.predargs) + ')'
class CongressBuiltinCategoryMap(object):
def __init__(self, start_builtin_map):
self.categorydict = dict()
self.preddict = dict()
for key, value in start_builtin_map.items():
self.categorydict[key] = []
for predtriple in value:
pred = self.dict_predtriple_to_pred(predtriple)
self.sync_with_predlist(pred.predname, pred, key, 'add')
def mapequal(self, othercbc):
if self.categorydict == othercbc.categorydict:
return True
return False
def dict_predtriple_to_pred(self, predtriple):
ncode = predtriple['code']
ninputs = predtriple['num_inputs']
nfunc = predtriple['func']
nfunc_pred = nfunc.split("(")[0]
nfunc_arglist = nfunc.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",")
pred = CongressBuiltinPred(nfunc_pred, nfunc_arglist, ninputs, ncode)
return pred
def add_map(self, newmap):
for key, value in newmap.items():
if key not in self.categorydict:
self.categorydict[key] = []
for predtriple in value:
pred = self.dict_predtriple_to_pred(predtriple)
if not self.builtin_is_registered(pred):
self.sync_with_predlist(pred.predname, pred, key, 'add')
def delete_map(self, newmap):
for key, value in newmap.items():
for predtriple in value:
predtotest = self.dict_predtriple_to_pred(predtriple)
for pred in self.categorydict[key]:
if pred.predname == predtotest.predname:
if pred.num_inputs == predtotest.num_inputs:
pred, key, 'del')
if self.categorydict[key] == []:
del self.categorydict[key]
def sync_with_predlist(self, predname, pred, category, operation):
if operation == 'add':
self.preddict[predname] = [pred, category]
if operation == 'del':
if predname in self.preddict:
del self.preddict[predname]
def delete_builtin(self, category, name, inputs):
if category not in self.categorydict:
self.categorydict[category] = []
for pred in self.categorydict[category]:
if pred.num_inputs == inputs and pred.predname == name:
self.sync_with_predlist(name, pred, category, 'del')
def get_category_name(self, predname, predinputs):
if predname in self.preddict:
if self.preddict[predname][0].num_inputs == predinputs:
return self.preddict[predname][1]
return None
def exists_category(self, category):
return category in self.categorydict
def insert_category(self, category):
self.categorydict[category] = []
def delete_category(self, category):
if category in self.categorydict:
categorypreds = self.categorydict[category]
for pred in categorypreds:
self.sync_with_predlist(pred.predname, pred, category, 'del')
del self.categorydict[category]
def insert_to_category(self, category, pred):
if category in self.categorydict:
self.sync_with_predlist(pred.predname, pred, category, 'add')
assert("Category does not exist")
def delete_from_category(self, category, pred):
if category in self.categorydict:
self.sync_with_predlist(pred.predname, pred, category, 'del')
assert("Category does not exist")
def delete_all_in_category(self, category):
if category in self.categorydict:
categorypreds = self.categorydict[category]
for pred in categorypreds:
self.sync_with_predlist(pred.predname, pred, category, 'del')
self.categorydict[category] = []
assert("Category does not exist")
def builtin_is_registered(self, predtotest):
"""Given a CongressBuiltinPred, check if it has been registered."""
pname = predtotest.predname
if pname in self.preddict:
if self.preddict[pname][0].num_inputs == predtotest.num_inputs:
return True
return False
def is_builtin(self, table, arity=None):
"""Given a Tablename and arity, check if it is a builtin."""
# Note: for now we grandfather in old builtin tablenames but will
# deprecate those tablenames in favor of builtin:tablename
if ((table.service == BUILTIN_NAMESPACE and
table.table in self.preddict) or
table.table in self.preddict): # grandfather
if not arity:
return True
if len(self.preddict[table.table][0].predargs) == arity:
return True
return False
def builtin(self, table):
"""Return a CongressBuiltinPred for given Tablename or None."""
if not isinstance(table, six.string_types):
table = table.table
if table in self.preddict:
return self.preddict[table][0]
return None
def list_available_builtins(self):
"""Print out the list of builtins, by category."""
for key, value in self.categorydict.items():
predlist = self.categorydict[key]
for pred in predlist:
# a Singleton that serves as the entry point for builtin functionality
builtin_registry = CongressBuiltinCategoryMap(_builtin_map)