Eric K 511ee39152 Use python3 print, division, import
Purpose: To prevent future divergence of py2 and py3 behavior
Note: Changes automatically generated by modernize tool then
manually reviewed.

Partially implements blueprint: support-python3

Change-Id: I88927a174e35efb8371896f4deb8d3e1158aac18
2016-01-20 15:31:02 -08:00

645 lines
23 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from oslo_log import log as logging
import pulp
import six
from congress import exception
from functools import reduce
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LpLang(object):
"""Represent (mostly) linear programs generated from Datalog."""
MIN_THRESHOLD = .00001 # for converting <= to <
class Expression(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **meta):
self.args = args
self.meta = meta
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, LpLang.Expression):
return False
if len(self.args) != len(other.args):
return False
if self.args[0] in ['AND', 'OR']:
return set(self.args) == set(other.args)
comm = ['plus', 'times']
if self.args[0] == 'ARITH' and self.args[1].lower() in comm:
return set(self.args) == set(other.args)
if self.args[0] in ['EQ', 'NOTEQ']:
return ((self.args[1] == other.args[1] and
self.args[2] == other.args[2]) or
(self.args[1] == other.args[2] and
self.args[2] == other.args[1]))
return self.args == other.args
def __str__(self):
return "(" + ", ".join(str(x) for x in self.args) + ")"
def __repr__(self):
args = ", ".join(repr(x) for x in self.args)
meta = str(self.meta)
return "<args=%s, meta=%s>" % (args, meta)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple([hash(x) for x in self.args]))
def operator(self):
return self.args[0]
def arguments(self):
return self.args[1:]
def tuple(self):
return tuple(self.args)
def makeVariable(cls, *args, **meta):
return cls.Expression("VAR", *args, **meta)
def makeBoolVariable(cls, *args, **meta):
meta['type'] = 'bool'
return cls.Expression("VAR", *args, **meta)
def makeIntVariable(cls, *args, **meta):
meta['type'] = 'int'
return cls.Expression("VAR", *args, **meta)
def makeOr(cls, *args, **meta):
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
return cls.Expression("OR", *args, **meta)
def makeAnd(cls, *args, **meta):
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
return cls.Expression("AND", *args, **meta)
def makeEqual(cls, arg1, arg2, **meta):
return cls.Expression("EQ", arg1, arg2, **meta)
def makeNotEqual(cls, arg1, arg2, **meta):
return cls.Expression("NOTEQ", arg1, arg2, **meta)
def makeArith(cls, *args, **meta):
return cls.Expression("ARITH", *args, **meta)
def makeExpr(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, (float, six.integer_types)):
return obj
op = obj[0].upper()
if op == 'VAR':
return cls.makeVariable(*obj[1:])
if op in ['EQ', 'NOTEQ', 'AND', 'OR']:
args = [cls.makeExpr(x) for x in obj[1:]]
if op == 'EQ':
return cls.makeEqual(*args)
if op == 'NOTEQ':
return cls.makeNotEqual(*args)
if op == 'AND':
return cls.makeAnd(*args)
if op == 'OR':
return cls.makeOr(*args)
raise cls.LpConversionFailure('should never happen')
args = [cls.makeExpr(x) for x in obj[1:]]
return cls.makeArith(obj[0], *args)
def isConstant(cls, thing):
return (isinstance(thing, six.string_types) or
isinstance(thing, (float, six.integer_types)))
def isVariable(cls, thing):
return isinstance(thing, cls.Expression) and thing.args[0] == 'VAR'
def isEqual(cls, thing):
return isinstance(thing, cls.Expression) and thing.args[0] == 'EQ'
def isOr(cls, thing):
return isinstance(thing, cls.Expression) and thing.args[0] == 'OR'
def isAnd(cls, thing):
return isinstance(thing, cls.Expression) and thing.args[0] == 'AND'
def isNotEqual(cls, thing):
return isinstance(thing, cls.Expression) and thing.args[0] == 'NOTEQ'
def isArith(cls, thing):
return isinstance(thing, cls.Expression) and thing.args[0] == 'ARITH'
def isBoolArith(cls, thing):
return (cls.isArith(thing) and
thing.args[1].lower() in ['lteq', 'lt', 'gteq', 'gt', 'equal'])
def variables(cls, exp):
if cls.isConstant(exp):
return set()
elif cls.isVariable(exp):
return set([exp])
variables = set()
for arg in exp.arguments():
variables |= cls.variables(arg)
return variables
def __init__(self):
# instance variable so tests can be run in parallel
self.fresh_var_counter = 0 # for creating new variables
def pure_lp(self, exp, bounds):
"""Rewrite EXP to a pure LP problem.
:param exp is an Expression of the form
var = (arith11 ^ ... ^ arith1n) | ... | (arithk1 ^ ... ^ arithkn)
where the degenerate cases are permitted as well.
Returns a collection of expressions each of the form:
a1*x1 + ... + an*xn [<=, ==, >=] b.
flat, support = self.flatten(exp, indicator=False)
flats = support
result = []
for flat in flats:
#"flat: %s", flat)
no_and_or = self.remove_and_or(flat)
#" without and/or: %s", no_and_or)
no_indicator = self.indicator_to_pure_lp(no_and_or, bounds)
#" without indicator: %s",
# ";".join(str(x) for x in no_indicator))
return result
def pure_lp_term(self, exp, bounds):
"""Rewrite term exp to a pure LP term.
:param exp is an Expression of the form
(arith11 ^ ... ^ arith1n) | ... | (arithk1 ^ ... ^ arithkn)
where the degenerate cases are permitted as well.
Returns (new-exp, support) where new-exp is a term, and support is
a expressions of the following form.
a1*x1 + ... + an*xn [<=, ==, >=] b.
flat, support = self.flatten(exp, indicator=False)
flat_no_andor = self.remove_and_or_term(flat)
results = []
for s in support:
results.extend(self.pure_lp(s, bounds))
return flat_no_andor, results
def remove_and_or(self, exp):
"""Translate and/or operators into times/plus arithmetic.
:param exp is an Expression that takes one of the following forms.
var [!]= term1 ^ ... ^ termn
var [!]= term1 | ... | termn
var [!]= term1
where termi is an indicator variable.
Returns an expression equivalent to exp but without any ands/ors.
if self.isConstant(exp) or self.isVariable(exp):
return exp
op = exp.operator().lower()
if op in ['and', 'or']:
return self.remove_and_or_term(exp)
newargs = [self.remove_and_or(arg) for arg in exp.arguments()]
constructor = self.operator_to_constructor(exp.operator())
return constructor(*newargs)
def remove_and_or_term(self, exp):
if exp.operator().lower() == 'and':
op = 'times'
op = 'plus'
return self.makeArith(op, *exp.arguments())
def indicator_to_pure_lp(self, exp, bounds):
"""Translate exp into LP constraints without indicator variable.
:param exp is an Expression of the form var = arith
:param bounds is a dictionary from variable to its upper bound
Returns [EXP] if it is of the wrong form. Otherwise, translates
into the form y = x < 0, and then returns two constraints where
upper(x) is the upper bound of the expression x:
-x <= y * upper(x)
x < (1 - y) * upper(x)
Taken from section 7.4 of
# return exp unchanged if exp not of the form <var> = <arith>
# and figure out whether it's <var> = <arith> or <arith> = <var>
if (self.isConstant(exp) or self.isVariable(exp) or
not self.isEqual(exp)):
return [exp]
args = exp.arguments()
lhs = args[0]
rhs = args[1]
if self.isVariable(lhs) and self.isArith(rhs):
var = lhs
arith = rhs
elif self.isVariable(rhs) and self.isArith(lhs):
var = rhs
arith = lhs
return [exp]
# if arithmetic side is not an inequality, not an indicator var
if not self.isBoolArith(arith):
return [exp]
# Do the transformation.
x = self.arith_to_lt_zero(arith).arguments()[1]
y = var" x: %s", x)
upper_x = self.upper_bound(x, bounds) + 1" bounds(x): %s", upper_x)
# -x <= y * upper(x)
c1 = self.makeArith(
self.makeArith('times', -1, x),
self.makeArith('times', y, upper_x))
# x < (1 - y) * upper(x)
c2 = self.makeArith(
self.makeArith('times', self.makeArith('minus', 1, y), upper_x))
return [c1, c2]
def arith_to_lt_zero(self, expr):
"""Returns Arith expression equivalent to expr but of the form A < 0.
:param expr is an Expression
Returns an expression equivalent to expr but of the form A < 0.
if not self.isArith(expr):
raise self.LpConversionFailure(
"arith_to_lt_zero takes Arith expr but received %s", expr)
args = expr.arguments()
op = args[0].lower()
lhs = args[1]
rhs = args[2]
if op == 'lt':
return LpLang.makeArith(
'lt', LpLang.makeArith('minus', lhs, rhs), 0)
elif op == 'lteq':
return LpLang.makeArith(
LpLang.makeArith('minus', lhs, rhs),
elif op == 'gt':
return LpLang.makeArith(
'lt', LpLang.makeArith('minus', rhs, lhs), 0)
elif op == 'gteq':
return LpLang.makeArith(
LpLang.makeArith('minus', rhs, lhs),
raise self.LpConversionFailure(
"unhandled operator %s in %s" % (op, expr))
def upper_bound(self, expr, bounds):
"""Returns number giving an upper bound on the given expr.
:param expr is an Expression
:param bounds is a dictionary from tuple versions of variables
to the size of their upper bound.
if self.isConstant(expr):
return expr
if self.isVariable(expr):
t = expr.tuple()
if t not in bounds:
raise self.LpConversionFailure("not bound given for %s" % expr)
return bounds[expr.tuple()]
if not self.isArith(expr):
raise self.LpConversionFailure(
"expression has no bound: %s" % expr)
args = expr.arguments()
op = args[0].lower()
exps = args[1:]
if op == 'times':
f = lambda x, y: x * y
return reduce(f, [self.upper_bound(x, bounds) for x in exps], 1)
if op == 'plus':
f = lambda x, y: x + y
return reduce(f, [self.upper_bound(x, bounds) for x in exps], 0)
if op == 'minus':
return self.upper_bound(exps[0], bounds)
if op == 'div':
raise self.LpConversionFailure("No bound on division %s" % expr)
raise self.LpConversionFailure("Unknown operator for bound: %s" % expr)
def flatten(self, exp, indicator=True):
"""Remove toplevel embedded and/ors by creating new equalities.
:param exp is an Expression of the form
var = (arith11 ^ ... ^ arith1n) | ... | (arithk1 ^ ... ^ arithkn)
where arithij is either a variable or an arithmetic expression
where the degenerate cases are permitted as well.
:param indicator controls whether the method Returns
a single variable (with supporting expressions) or it Returns
an expression that has operator with (flat) arguments
Returns a collection of expressions each of one of the following
var1 = var2 * ... * varn
var1 = var2 + ... + varn
var1 = arith
Returns (new-expression, supporting-expressions)
if self.isConstant(exp) or self.isVariable(exp):
return exp, []
new_args = []
extras = []
new_indicator = not (exp.operator().lower() in ['eq', 'noteq'])
for e in exp.arguments():
newe, extra = self.flatten(e, indicator=new_indicator)
constructor = self.operator_to_constructor(exp.operator())
new_exp = constructor(*new_args)
if indicator:
indic, extra = self.create_intermediate(new_exp)
return indic, extra + extras
return new_exp, extras
def operator_to_constructor(self, operator):
"""Given the operator, return the corresponding constructor."""
op = operator.lower()
if op == 'eq':
return self.makeEqual
if op == 'noteq':
return self.makeNotEqual
if op == 'var':
return self.makeVariable
if op == 'and':
return self.makeAnd
if op == 'or':
return self.makeOr
if op == 'arith':
return self.makeArith
raise self.LpConversionFailure("Unknown operator: %s" % operator)
def create_intermediate(self, exp):
"""Given expression, create var = expr and return (var, var=expr)."""
if self.isBoolArith(exp) or self.isAnd(exp) or self.isOr(exp):
var = self.freshVar(type='bool')
var = self.freshVar()
equality = self.makeEqual(var, exp)
return var, [equality]
def freshVar(self, **meta):
var = self.makeVariable('internal', self.fresh_var_counter, **meta)
self.fresh_var_counter += 1
return var
class LpConversionFailure(exception.CongressException):
class PulpLpLang(LpLang):
"""Algorithms for translating LpLang into PuLP library problems."""
def __init__(self):
# instance variable so tests can be run in parallel
super(PulpLpLang, self).__init__()
self.value_counter = 0
def problem(self, optimization, constraints, bounds):
"""Return PuLP problem for given optimization and constraints.
:param optimization is an LpLang.Expression that is either a sum
or product to minimize.
:param constraints is a collection of LpLang.Expression that
each evaluate to true/false (typically equalities)
:param bounds is a dictionary mapping LpLang.Expression variable
tuples to their upper bounds.
Returns a pulp.LpProblem.
# translate constraints to pure LP
optimization, hard = self.pure_lp_term(optimization, bounds)
for c in constraints:
hard.extend(self.pure_lp(c, bounds))"* Converted DatalogLP to PureLP *")"optimization: %s", optimization)"constraints: \n%s", "\n".join(str(x) for x in hard))
# translate optimization and constraints into PuLP equivalents
variables = {}
values = {}
optimization = self.pulpify(optimization, variables, values)
hard = [self.pulpify(c, variables, values) for c in hard]
# add them to the problem.
prob = pulp.LpProblem("VM re-assignment", pulp.LpMinimize)
prob += optimization
for c in hard:
prob += c
# invert values
return prob, {value: key for key, value in values.items()}
def pulpify(self, expr, variables, values):
"""Return PuLP version of expr.
:param expr is an Expression of one of the following forms.
arith = arith
arith <= arith
arith >= arith
:param vars is a dictionary from Expression variables to PuLP variables
Returns a PuLP representation of expr.
#"pulpify(%s, %s)", expr, variables)
if self.isConstant(expr):
return expr
elif self.isVariable(expr):
return self._pulpify_variable(expr, variables, values)
elif self.isArith(expr):
args = expr.arguments()
op = args[0]
args = [self.pulpify(arg, variables, values) for arg in args[1:]]
if op == 'times':
return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, args)
elif op == 'plus':
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, args)
elif op == 'div':
return reduce(lambda x, y: x / y, args)
elif op == 'minus':
return reduce(lambda x, y: x - y, args)
elif op == 'lteq':
return (args[0] <= args[1])
elif op == 'gteq':
return (args[0] >= args[1])
elif op == 'gt': # pulp makes MIN_THRESHOLD 1
return (args[0] >= args[1] + self.MIN_THRESHOLD)
elif op == 'lt': # pulp makes MIN_THRESHOLD 1
return (args[0] + self.MIN_THRESHOLD <= args[1])
raise self.LpConversionFailure(
"Found unsupported operator %s in %s" % (op, expr))
args = [self.pulpify(arg, variables, values)
for arg in expr.arguments()]
op = expr.operator().lower()
if op == 'eq':
return (args[0] == args[1])
elif op == 'noteq':
return (args[0] != args[1])
raise self.LpConversionFailure(
"Found unsupported operator: %s" % expr)
def _new_value(self, old, values):
"""Create a new value for old and store values[old] = new."""
if old in values:
return values[old]
new = self.value_counter
self.value_counter += 1
values[old] = new
return new
def _pulpify_variable(self, expr, variables, values):
"""Translate DatalogLp variable expr into PuLP variable.
:param expr is an instance of Expression
:param variables is a dictionary from Expressions to pulp variables
:param values is a 1-1 dictionary from strings/floats to integers
representing a mapping of non-integer arguments to variable
names to their integer equivalents.
# pulp mangles variable names that contain certain characters.
# Replace actual args with integers when constructing
# variable names. Includes integers since we don't want to
# have namespace collision problems.
oldargs = expr.arguments()
args = [oldargs[0]]
for arg in oldargs[1:]:
newarg = self._new_value(arg, values)
# name
name = "_".join([str(x) for x in args])
# type
typ = expr.meta.get('type', None)
if typ == 'bool':
cat = pulp.LpBinary
elif typ == 'int':
cat = pulp.LpInteger
cat = pulp.LpContinuous
# set bounds
lowbound = expr.meta.get('lowbound', None)
upbound = expr.meta.get('upbound', None)
var = pulp.LpVariable(
name=name, cat=cat, lowBound=lowbound, upBound=upbound)
# merge with existing variable, if any
if expr in variables:
newvar = self._resolve_var_conflicts(variables[expr], var)
oldvar = variables[expr] =
oldvar.lowBound = newvar.lowBound
oldvar.upBound = newvar.upBound
variables[expr] = var
return variables[expr]
def _resolve_var_conflicts(self, var1, var2):
"""Returns variable that combines information from var1 and var2.
:param meta1 is a pulp.LpVariable
:param meta2 is a pulp.LpVariable
Returns new pulp.LpVariable representing the conjunction of constraints
from var1 and var2.
Raises LpConversionFailure if the names of var1 and var2 differ.
def type_lessthan(x, y):
return ((x == pulp.LpBinary and y == pulp.LpInteger) or
(x == pulp.LpBinary and y == pulp.LpContinuous) or
(x == pulp.LpInteger and y == pulp.LpContinuous))
if !=
raise self.LpConversionFailure(
"Can't resolve variable name conflict: %s and %s" % (
var1, var2))
name =
if type_lessthan(,
cat =
cat =
if var1.lowBound is None:
lowbound = var2.lowBound
elif var2.lowBound is None:
lowbound = var1.lowBound
lowbound = max(var1.lowBound, var2.lowBound)
if var1.upBound is None:
upbound = var2.upBound
elif var2.upBound is None:
upbound = var1.upBound
upbound = min(var1.upBound, var2.upBound)
return pulp.LpVariable(
name=name, lowBound=lowbound, upBound=upbound, cat=cat)