Masahito Muroi 417ad2ed25 Support lazy tables in openstack drivers
OpenStack datasource drivers support lazy_tables flag.

Implements blueprint: selectable-translator

Change-Id: I0f4dfb386243d99423e63e2fcad2eb64b8ae5498
2016-09-01 23:15:21 +00:00

434 lines
18 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import neutronclient.v2_0.client
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.datasources import constants
from congress.datasources import datasource_driver
from congress.datasources import datasource_utils as ds_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NeutronV2Driver(datasource_driver.PollingDataSourceDriver,
NETWORKS = 'networks'
FIXED_IPS = 'fixed_ips'
SECURITY_GROUP_PORT_BINDINGS = 'security_group_port_bindings'
PORTS = 'ports'
ALLOCATION_POOLS = 'allocation_pools'
DNS_NAMESERVERS = 'dns_nameservers'
HOST_ROUTES = 'host_routes'
SUBNETS = 'subnets'
EXTERNAL_FIXED_IPS = 'external_fixed_ips'
EXTERNAL_GATEWAY_INFOS = 'external_gateway_infos'
ROUTERS = 'routers'
SECURITY_GROUP_RULES = 'security_group_rules'
SECURITY_GROUPS = 'security_groups'
FLOATING_IPS = 'floating_ips'
# This is the most common per-value translator, so define it once here.
value_trans = {'translation-type': 'VALUE'}
floating_ips_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': FLOATING_IPS,
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
({'fieldname': 'id', 'desc': 'The UUID of the floating IP address',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'router_id', 'desc': 'UUID of router',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'tenant_id', 'desc': 'Tenant ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'floating_network_id',
'desc': 'The UUID of the network associated with floating IP',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'fixed_ip_address',
'desc': 'Fixed IP address associated with floating IP address',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'floating_ip_address',
'desc': 'The floating IP address', 'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'port_id', 'desc': 'UUID of port',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'status', 'desc': 'The floating IP status',
'translator': value_trans})}
networks_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': NETWORKS,
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
({'fieldname': 'id', 'desc': 'Network ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'tenant_id', 'desc': 'Tenant ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'name', 'desc': 'Network name',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'status', 'desc': 'Network status',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'admin_state_up',
'desc': 'Administrative state of the network (true/false)',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'shared',
'desc': 'Indicates if network is shared across all tenants',
'translator': value_trans})}
ports_fixed_ips_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': FIXED_IPS,
'parent-key': 'id',
'parent-col-name': 'port_id',
'parent-key-desc': 'UUID of Port',
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
'in-list': True,
({'fieldname': 'ip_address',
'desc': 'The IP addresses for the port',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'subnet_id',
'desc': 'The UUID of the subnet to which the port is attached',
'translator': value_trans})}
ports_security_groups_translator = {
'translation-type': 'LIST',
'parent-key': 'id',
'parent-col-name': 'port_id',
'parent-key-desc': 'UUID of port',
'val-col': 'security_group_id',
'val-col-desc': 'UUID of security group',
'translator': value_trans}
ports_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': PORTS,
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
({'fieldname': 'id', 'desc': 'UUID of port',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'tenant_id', 'desc': 'tenant ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'name', 'desc': 'port name',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'network_id', 'desc': 'UUID of attached network',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'mac_address', 'desc': 'MAC address of the port',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'admin_state_up',
'desc': 'Administrative state of the port',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'status', 'desc': 'Port status',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'device_id',
'desc': 'The UUID of the device that uses this port',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'device_owner',
'desc': 'The UUID of the entity that uses this port',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'fixed_ips',
'desc': 'The IP addresses for the port',
'translator': ports_fixed_ips_translator},
{'fieldname': 'security_groups',
'translator': ports_security_groups_translator})}
subnets_allocation_pools_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': ALLOCATION_POOLS,
'parent-key': 'id',
'parent-col-name': 'subnet_id',
'parent-key-desc': 'UUID of subnet',
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
'in-list': True,
({'fieldname': 'start',
'desc': 'The start address for the allocation pools',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'end',
'desc': 'The end address for the allocation pools',
'translator': value_trans})}
subnets_dns_nameservers_translator = {
'translation-type': 'LIST',
'table-name': DNS_NAMESERVERS,
'parent-key': 'id',
'parent-col-name': 'subnet_id',
'parent-key-desc': 'UUID of subnet',
'val-col': 'dns_nameserver',
'val-col-desc': 'The DNS server',
'translator': value_trans}
subnets_routes_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': HOST_ROUTES,
'parent-key': 'id',
'parent-col-name': 'subnet_id',
'parent-key-desc': 'UUID of subnet',
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
'in-list': True,
({'fieldname': 'destination',
'desc': 'The destination for static route',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'nexthop',
'desc': 'The next hop for the destination',
'translator': value_trans})}
subnets_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': SUBNETS,
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
({'fieldname': 'id', 'desc': 'UUID of subnet',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'tenant_id', 'desc': 'tenant ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'name', 'desc': 'subnet name',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'network_id', 'desc': 'UUID of attached network',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'ip_version',
'desc': 'The IP version, which is 4 or 6',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'cidr', 'desc': 'The CIDR',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'gateway_ip', 'desc': 'The gateway IP address',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'enable_dhcp', 'desc': 'Is DHCP is enabled or not',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'ipv6_ra_mode', 'desc': 'The IPv6 RA mode',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'ipv6_address_mode',
'desc': 'The IPv6 address mode', 'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'allocation_pools',
'translator': subnets_allocation_pools_translator},
{'fieldname': 'dns_nameservers',
'translator': subnets_dns_nameservers_translator},
{'fieldname': 'host_routes',
'translator': subnets_routes_translator})}
external_fixed_ips_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': EXTERNAL_FIXED_IPS,
'parent-key': 'router_id',
'parent-col-name': 'router_id',
'parent-key-desc': 'UUID of router',
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
'in-list': True,
({'fieldname': 'subnet_id', 'desc': 'UUID of the subnet',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'ip_address', 'desc': 'IP Address',
'translator': value_trans})}
routers_external_gateway_infos_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'parent-key': 'id',
'parent-col-name': 'router_id',
'parent-key-desc': 'UUID of router',
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
({'fieldname': 'network_id', 'desc': 'Network ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'enable_snat',
'desc': 'current Source NAT status for router',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'external_fixed_ips',
'translator': external_fixed_ips_translator})}
routers_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': ROUTERS,
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
({'fieldname': 'id', 'desc': 'uuid of the router',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'tenant_id', 'desc': 'tenant ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'status', 'desc': 'router status',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'admin_state_up',
'desc': 'administrative state of router',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'name', 'desc': 'router name',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'distributed',
'desc': "indicates if it's distributed router ",
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'external_gateway_info',
'translator': routers_external_gateway_infos_translator})}
security_group_rules_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'parent-key': 'id',
'parent-col-name': 'security_group_id',
'parent-key-desc': 'uuid of security group',
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
'in-list': True,
({'fieldname': 'id', 'desc': 'The UUID of the security group rule',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'tenant_id', 'desc': 'tenant ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'remote_group_id',
'desc': 'remote group id to associate with security group rule',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'direction',
'desc': 'Direction in which the security group rule is applied',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'ethertype', 'desc': 'IPv4 or IPv6',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'protocol',
'desc': 'protocol that is matched by the security group rule.',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'port_range_min',
'desc': 'Min port number in the range',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'port_range_max',
'desc': 'Max port number in the range',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'remote_ip_prefix',
'desc': 'Remote IP prefix to be associated',
'translator': value_trans})}
security_group_translator = {
'translation-type': 'HDICT',
'table-name': SECURITY_GROUPS,
'selector-type': 'DICT_SELECTOR',
({'fieldname': 'id', 'desc': 'The UUID for the security group',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'tenant_id', 'desc': 'Tenant ID',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'name', 'desc': 'The security group name',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'description', 'desc': 'security group description',
'translator': value_trans},
{'fieldname': 'security_group_rules',
'translator': security_group_rules_translator})}
TRANSLATORS = [networks_translator, ports_translator, subnets_translator,
routers_translator, security_group_translator,
def __init__(self, name='', args=None):
super(NeutronV2Driver, self).__init__(name, args=args)
self.creds = args
session = ds_utils.get_keystone_session(self.creds)
self.neutron = neutronclient.v2_0.client.Client(session=session)
def get_datasource_info():
result = {}
result['id'] = 'neutronv2'
result['description'] = ('Datasource driver that interfaces with '
'OpenStack Networking aka Neutron.')
result['config'] = ds_utils.get_openstack_required_config()
result['config']['lazy_tables'] = constants.OPTIONAL
result['secret'] = ['password']
return result
def initialize_update_methods(self):
networks_method = lambda: self._translate_networks(
self.add_update_method(networks_method, self.networks_translator)
subnets_method = lambda: self._translate_subnets(
self.add_update_method(subnets_method, self.subnets_translator)
ports_method = lambda: self._translate_ports(self.neutron.list_ports())
self.add_update_method(ports_method, self.ports_translator)
routers_method = lambda: self._translate_routers(
self.add_update_method(routers_method, self.routers_translator)
security_method = lambda: self._translate_security_groups(
floatingips_method = lambda: self._translate_floating_ips(
def _translate_floating_ips(self, obj):
LOG.debug("floating_ips: %s", dict(obj))
row_data = NeutronV2Driver.convert_objs(obj['floatingips'],
return row_data
def _translate_networks(self, obj):
LOG.debug("networks: %s", dict(obj))
row_data = NeutronV2Driver.convert_objs(obj['networks'],
return row_data
def _translate_ports(self, obj):
LOG.debug("ports: %s", obj)
row_data = NeutronV2Driver.convert_objs(obj['ports'],
return row_data
def _translate_subnets(self, obj):
LOG.debug("subnets: %s", obj)
row_data = NeutronV2Driver.convert_objs(obj['subnets'],
return row_data
def _translate_routers(self, obj):
LOG.debug("routers: %s", obj)
row_data = NeutronV2Driver.convert_objs(obj['routers'],
return row_data
def _translate_security_groups(self, obj):
LOG.debug("security_groups: %s", obj)
row_data = NeutronV2Driver.convert_objs(obj['security_groups'],
return row_data
def execute(self, action, action_args):
"""Overwrite ExecutionDriver.execute()."""
# action can be written as a method or an API call.
func = getattr(self, action, None)
if func and self.is_executable(func):
self._execute_api(self.neutron, action, action_args)