
442 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright 2015 VMware.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import re
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django import template
from django.utils.text import slugify
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from horizon import forms
from horizon import workflows
import six
from congress_dashboard.api import congress
COLUMN_FORMAT = '<datasource>%s<table> <column>' % congress.TABLE_SEPARATOR
COLUMN_PATTERN = r'\s*[\w.]+%s[\w.]+\s+[\w.]+\s*$' % congress.TABLE_SEPARATOR
COLUMN_PATTERN_ERROR = 'Column name must be in "%s" format' % COLUMN_FORMAT
TABLE_FORMAT = '<datasource>%s<table>' % congress.TABLE_SEPARATOR
TABLE_PATTERN = r'\s*[\w.]+%s[\w.]+\s*$' % congress.TABLE_SEPARATOR
TABLE_PATTERN_ERROR = 'Table name must be in "%s" format' % TABLE_FORMAT
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CreateOutputAction(workflows.Action):
policy_name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False)
rule_name = forms.CharField(label=_('Rule Name'), max_length=255,
initial='', required=False)
comment = forms.CharField(label=_('Rule Comment'), initial='',
policy_table = forms.CharField(label=_("Policy Table Name"), initial='',
policy_columns = forms.CharField(
label=_('Policy Table Columns'), initial='',
help_text=_('Name the columns in the output table, one per textbox.'))
failure_url = 'horizon:admin:policies:detail'
def __init__(self, request, context, *args, **kwargs):
super(CreateOutputAction, self).__init__(request, context, *args,
self.fields['policy_name'].initial = context['policy_name']
class Meta(object):
name = _('Output')
class CreateOutput(workflows.Step):
action_class = CreateOutputAction
contributes = ('policy_name', 'rule_name', 'comment', 'policy_table',
template_name = 'admin/policies/rules/_create_output.html'
help_text = _('Information about the rule and the policy table '
'being created.')
def render(self):
# Overriding parent method to add extra template context variables.
step_template = template.loader.get_template(self.template_name)
extra_context = {"form": self.action,
"step": self}
context = template.RequestContext(self.workflow.request, extra_context)
# Data needed to re-create policy column inputs after an error occurs.
policy_columns = self.workflow.request.POST.get('policy_columns', '')
columns_list = policy_columns.split(', ')
context['policy_columns_list'] = columns_list
context['policy_columns_count'] = len(columns_list)
return step_template.render(context)
class CreateConditionsAction(workflows.Action):
mappings = forms.CharField(label=_('Policy table columns:'), initial='')
class Meta(object):
name = _('Conditions')
class CreateConditions(workflows.Step):
action_class = CreateConditionsAction
contributes = ('mappings',)
template_name = 'admin/policies/rules/_create_conditions.html'
help_text = _('Sources from which the output policy table will get its '
'data, plus any constraints.')
def _compare_mapping_columns(self, x, y):
# x = "mapping_column_<int>", y = "mapping_column_<int>"
return cmp(int(x.split('_')[-1]), int(y.split('_')[-1]))
def render(self):
# Overriding parent method to add extra template context variables.
step_template = template.loader.get_template(self.template_name)
extra_context = {"form": self.action,
"step": self}
context = template.RequestContext(self.workflow.request, extra_context)
# Data needed to re-create mapping column inputs after an error occurs.
post = self.workflow.request.POST
mappings = []
policy_columns = post.get('policy_columns')
policy_columns_list = []
# Policy column to data source mappings.
if policy_columns:
policy_columns_list = policy_columns.split(', ')
mapping_columns = []
for param, value in post.items():
if (param.startswith('mapping_column_') and
param != 'mapping_column_0'):
# Mapping columns should be in the same order as the policy columns
# above to which they match.
sorted_mapping_columns = sorted(mapping_columns,
mapping_columns_list = [post.get(c)
for c in sorted_mapping_columns]
mappings = zip(policy_columns_list, mapping_columns_list)
context['mappings'] = mappings
# Add one for the hidden template row.
context['mappings_count'] = len(mappings) + 1
# Data needed to re-create join, negation, and alias inputs.
joins = []
negations = []
aliases = []
for param, value in post.items():
if param.startswith('join_left_') and value:
join_num = param.split('_')[-1]
other_value = post.get('join_right_%s' % join_num)
join_op = post.get('join_op_%s' % join_num)
if other_value and join_op is not None:
joins.append((value, join_op, other_value))
elif param.startswith('negation_value_') and value:
negation_num = param.split('_')[-1]
negation_column = post.get('negation_column_%s' %
if negation_column:
negations.append((value, negation_column))
elif param.startswith('alias_column_') and value:
alias_num = param.split('_')[-1]
alias_name = post.get('alias_name_%s' % alias_num)
if alias_name:
aliases.append((value, alias_name))
# Make sure there's at least one empty row.
context['joins'] = joins or [('', '')]
context['joins_count'] = len(joins) or 1
context['negations'] = negations or [('', '')]
context['negations_count'] = len(negations) or 1
context['aliases'] = aliases or [('', '')]
context['aliases_count'] = len(aliases) or 1
# Input validation attributes.
context['column_pattern'] = COLUMN_PATTERN
context['column_pattern_error'] = COLUMN_PATTERN_ERROR
context['table_pattern'] = TABLE_PATTERN
context['table_pattern_error'] = TABLE_PATTERN_ERROR
return step_template.render(context)
def _underscore_slugify(name):
# Slugify given string, except using undesrscores instead of hyphens.
return slugify(name).replace('-', '_')
class CreateRule(workflows.Workflow):
slug = 'create_rule'
name = _('Create Rule')
finalize_button_name = _('Create')
success_message = _('Created rule%(rule_name)s.%(error)s')
failure_message = _('Unable to create rule%(rule_name)s: %(error)s')
default_steps = (CreateOutput, CreateConditions)
wizard = True
def get_success_url(self):
policy_name = self.context.get('policy_name')
return reverse('horizon:admin:policies:detail', args=(policy_name,))
def get_failure_url(self):
policy_name = self.context.get('policy_name')
return reverse('horizon:admin:policies:detail', args=(policy_name,))
def format_status_message(self, message):
rule_name = self.context.get('rule_name')
name_str = ''
if rule_name:
name_str = ' "%s"' % rule_name
rule_id = self.context.get('rule_id')
if rule_id:
name_str = ' %s' % rule_id
return message % {'rule_name': name_str,
'error': self.context.get('error', '')}
def _get_schema_columns(self, request, table):
table_parts = table.split(congress.TABLE_SEPARATOR)
datasource = table_parts[0]
table_name = table_parts[1]
schema = congress.datasource_table_schema_get_by_name(
request, datasource, table_name)
except Exception:
# Maybe it's a policy table, not a service.
schema = congress.policy_table_schema_get(
request, datasource, table_name)
except Exception as e:
# Nope.
LOG.error('Unable to get schema for table "%s", '
'datasource "%s": %s' % (table_name, datasource,
return e.message
return schema['columns']
def handle(self, request, data):
policy_name = data['policy_name']
username = request.user.username
project_name = request.user.tenant_name
# Output data.
rule_name = data.get('rule_name')
comment = data.get('comment')
policy_table = _underscore_slugify(data['policy_table'])
if not data['policy_columns']:
self.context['error'] = 'Missing policy table columns'
return False
policy_columns = data['policy_columns'].split(', ')
# Conditions data.
if not data['mappings']:
self.context['error'] = ('Missing data source column mappings for '
'policy table columns')
return False
mapping_columns = [c.strip() for c in data['mappings'].split(', ')]
if len(policy_columns) != len(mapping_columns):
self.context['error'] = ('Missing data source column mappings for '
'some policy table columns')
return False
# Map columns used in rule's head. Every column in the head must also
# appear in the body.
head_columns = [_underscore_slugify(c).strip() for c in policy_columns]
column_variables = dict(zip(mapping_columns, head_columns))
# All tables needed in the body.
body_tables = set()
negation_tables = set()
# Keep track of the tables from the head that need to be in the body.
for column in mapping_columns:
if re.match(COLUMN_PATTERN, column) is None:
self.context['error'] = '%s: %s' % (COLUMN_PATTERN_ERROR,
return False
table = column.split()[0]
# Make sure columns that are given a significant variable name are
# unique names by adding name_count as a suffix.
name_count = 0
for param, value in request.POST.items():
if param.startswith('join_left_') and value:
if re.match(COLUMN_PATTERN, value) is None:
self.context['error'] = '%s: %s' % (COLUMN_PATTERN_ERROR,
return False
value = value.strip()
# Get operator and other column used in join.
join_num = param.split('_')[-1]
join_op = request.POST.get('join_op_%s' % join_num)
other_value = request.POST.get('join_right_%s' % join_num)
other_value = other_value.strip()
if join_op == '=':
# Check if static value is a number, but keep it as a
# string, to be used later.
column_variables[value] = other_value
except ValueError:
# Pass it along as a quoted string.
column_variables[value] = '"%s"' % other_value
# Join between two columns.
if not other_value:
# Ignore incomplete pairing.
if re.match(COLUMN_PATTERN, other_value) is None:
self.context['error'] = ('%s: %s' %
return False
# Tables used in the join need to be in the body.
value_parts = value.split()
# Arbitrarily name the right column the same as the left.
column_name = value_parts[1]
# Use existing variable name if there is already one for
# either column in this join.
if other_value in column_variables:
column_variables[value] = column_variables[other_value]
elif value in column_variables:
column_variables[other_value] = column_variables[value]
variable = '%s_%s' % (column_name, name_count)
name_count += 1
column_variables[value] = variable
column_variables[other_value] = variable
elif param.startswith('negation_value_') and value:
if re.match(COLUMN_PATTERN, value) is None:
self.context['error'] = '%s: %s' % (COLUMN_PATTERN_ERROR,
return False
value = value.strip()
# Get operator and other column used in negation.
negation_num = param.split('_')[-1]
negation_column = request.POST.get('negation_column_%s' %
if not negation_column:
# Ignore incomplete pairing.
if re.match(COLUMN_PATTERN, negation_column) is None:
self.context['error'] = '%s: %s' % (COLUMN_PATTERN_ERROR,
return False
negation_column = negation_column.strip()
# Tables for columns referenced by the negation table must
# appear in the body.
value_parts = value.split()
# Use existing variable name if there is already one for either
# column in this negation.
if negation_column in column_variables:
column_variables[value] = column_variables[negation_column]
elif value in column_variables:
column_variables[negation_column] = column_variables[value]
# Arbitrarily name the negated table's column the same as
# the value column.
column_name = value_parts[1]
variable = '%s_%s' % (column_name, name_count)
name_count += 1
column_variables[value] = variable
column_variables[negation_column] = variable
LOG.debug('column_variables for rule: %s' % column_variables)
# Form the literals for all the tables needed in the body. Make sure
# column that have no relation to any other columns are given a unique
# variable name, using column_count.
column_count = 0
literals = []
for table in body_tables:
# Replace column names with variable names that join related
# columns together.
columns = self._get_schema_columns(request, table)
if isinstance(columns, six.string_types):
self.context['error'] = columns
return False
literal_columns = []
if columns:
for column in columns:
table_column = '%s %s' % (table, column['name'])
column_variables.get(table_column, 'col_%s' %
column_count += 1
literals.append('%s(%s)' % (table, ', '.join(literal_columns)))
# Just the table name, such as for classification:true.
# Form the negated tables.
for table in negation_tables:
columns = self._get_schema_columns(request, table)
if isinstance(columns, six.string_types):
self.context['error'] = columns
return False
literal_columns = []
num_variables = 0
for column in columns:
table_column = '%s %s' % (table, column['name'])
if table_column in column_variables:
num_variables += 1
literal_columns.append('col_%s' % column_count)
column_count += 1
literal = 'not %s(%s)' % (table, ', '.join(literal_columns))
# Every column in the negated table must appear in a non-negated
# literal in the body. If there are some variables that have not
# been used elsewhere, repeat the literal in its non-negated form.
if num_variables != len(columns) and table not in body_tables:
literals.append(literal.replace('not ', ''))
# All together now.
rule = '%s(%s) %s %s' % (policy_table, ', '.join(head_columns),
congress.RULE_SEPARATOR, ', '.join(literals))'User %s creating policy "%s" rule "%s" in tenant %s: %s' %
(username, policy_name, rule_name, project_name, rule))
params = {
'name': rule_name,
'comment': comment,
'rule': rule,
rule = congress.policy_rule_create(request, policy_name,
body=params)'Created rule %s' % rule['id'])
self.context['rule_id'] = rule['id']
except Exception as e:
LOG.error('Error creating policy "%s" rule "%s": %s' %
(policy_name, rule_name, e.message))
self.context['error'] = e.message
return False
return True