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# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Unit test for the marshalling of options"""
from unittest import mock
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.cfg_validator.agent import generator
from congress.tests import base
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestGenerator(base.TestCase):
"""Unit test for the marshalling of options"""
def test_encode(self, mock_list_opts):
"""Test the json encoding of options"""
opt1 = cfg.StrOpt("o1"),
opt2 = cfg.IntOpt("o2", default=10),
opt3 = cfg.StrOpt("o3", default="a"),
mock_list_opts.return_value = [
("ns", [("g1", [opt1, opt2]), ("g2", [opt3])])]
namespace = "ns"
def _mko(nam, typ, kind, defv):
return (
'{"advanced": false, "default": %s, "deprecated_for_removal":'
' false, "deprecated_opts": [], "deprecated_reason": null,'
' "deprecated_since": null, "dest": "%s", "help": null,'
' "kind": "%s", "metavar": null, "mutable": false,'
' "name": "%s", "positional": false, "required": false,'
' "sample_default": null, "secret": false, "short": null,'
' "type": {"type": "%s"}}') % (defv, nam, kind, nam, typ)
ns_string = (
('{"DEFAULT": {"namespaces": [], "object": null}, "g1": '
'{"namespaces": [["ns", [[') +
_mko("o1", "String", "StrOpt", "null") +
'], [' + _mko("o2", "Integer", "IntOpt", 10) +
']]]], "object": null}, "g2": {"namespaces": [["ns", [[' +
_mko("o3", "String", "StrOpt", "\"a\"") + ']]]], "object": null}}')
computed = generator.generate_ns_data(namespace)
ns_string, computed,
"not the expected encoding of namespace")
def _test_encode_specific(self, opt, expected, mock_list_opts=None):
"""Test an option and check an expected string in result"""
mock_list_opts.return_value = [
("ns", [("g", [opt])])]
namespace = "ns"
computed = generator.generate_ns_data(namespace)
self.assertIn(expected, computed)
def test_encode_range(self):
"""Test the json encoding of range option"""
opt = cfg.Opt('o', types.Range(min=123, max=456))
expected = '"type": {"max": 456, "min": 123, "type": "Range"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_list(self):
"""Test the json encoding of list option"""
opt = cfg.ListOpt('opt', types.Boolean)
expected = '"type": {"item_type": {"type": "String"}, "type": "List"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_dict(self):
"""Test the json encoding of dict option"""
opt = cfg.DictOpt('opt')
expected = '"type": {"type": "Dict", "value_type": {"type": "String"}}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_ip(self):
"""Test the json encoding of IP option"""
opt = cfg.IPOpt('opt')
expected = '"type": {"type": "IPAddress"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_uri(self):
"""Test the json encoding of a URI"""
opt = cfg.URIOpt('opt', 100)
expected = '"type": {"max_length": 100, "type": "URI"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_regex(self):
"""Test the json encoding of a string option with regex"""
opt = cfg.StrOpt('opt', regex=r'abcd')
expected = '"type": {"regex": "abcd", "type": "String"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_deprecated(self):
"""Test Deprecated Opt: this is not the way to use it"""
dep = cfg.DeprecatedOpt('o_old', 'g_old')
opt = cfg.Opt('opt', deprecated_opts=[dep])
expected = '"deprecated_opts": [{"group": "g_old", "name": "o_old"}]'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)